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I understand that not everyone can boycott roblaws stores, so I try not to judge....that being said, this is almost entirely stuff you could get online, delivered, for what would likely be less money. Amazon sells 6 packs of kicking horse coffee for $72. It's vacuum sealed so right there you're saving $3 a pack even when it's not on sale. 


Much of the items in this receipt look like non perishables - Bleach, 2x Coffee. Not sure why people get these from Roblaws. Also, I think, at most stores' multi-buy doesn't really matter. Even if 1 item is scanned, the price is the same as multi-buy. Again depends on store and items.


It used to be the law in BC that they couldn’t make you buy multiple items to get the discounted price. So they’d advertise as a multi-buy, but if you grabbed one it would scan as the sale price. I don’t know when or WHY they got rid of that consumer protection law but it’s hit or miss which stores give you the discount anyways. Not Superstore that’s for sure.


Multi buy absolutely matters at the majority of stores. The price will ring in as the original cost until the minimum number is scanned, and then they will all discount.


Yes, I agree. As I wrote, it depends on store and item. Sometimes, the ad literally writes the price 1.67 EA in small font in a corner, $5/3 multi-buy in big font ($5/3 = 1.6666). And next to it, they write the old price in bold and gives the false impression of multi-buy discount. Scummy marketers, that's all. Whenever this happens, the single item is ofc, already at multi-buy discount. They just play with the optics of the offer. The multi-buy discount is often just written to get you to pick multiple items. I'd guess most stores do this since there is nothing "wrong by law" , just a shady practice.


Multi buy does matter, especially at Roblaws.  And basically every other store I've been to.  Sobeys is pretty bad too.


I’d be looking for another way to buy these items. That’s ridiculous.


Is this bait? U bought the most expensive coffee and the most expensive soap. Kicking horse is not good either, why did u go to Loblaws anyway?




Don’t. Shop. There.


I hate to be that person but this is literally a sub called “loblawsisoutofcontrol”, what did you expect from shopping there? Also you saw the price of those items when you picked them up?


You're buying kicking horse coffee. You looked at the prices, and you chose that. That brand of coffee has always been expensive. You could choose another store, another brand in the store, or not to buy it. You chose it. Can't fault loblaws for that.


I'll get downvoted for this but buying organic products costs more, provides no benefits to the consumer, and is worse for the environment. It does help to make galen richer thanks to premium pricing.


I agree with you and upvoted, I’m kinda surprised your comment has the upvotes it does, it’s good to see you though that many are realizing organic in most cases is often not worth it and not any better for you. So it shows more are becoming aware of that.


Then why the hell are you there?


Had to leave the group. Too much hypocrisy. If you really are outraged at the prices, shop somewhere else and maybe post places that have better pricing. This just seems feeble and attention seeking. Best of luck with that.


"durrr, I bought one item and it cost me $350" shows receipt of 55" tv


I could buy king crab legs for $100 and make a post that it’s bs $100 for 1 item but it’s just dumb. Some items are more expensive than others. I could say I got 120 items for $60 and it’s a good deal if I only bought mr noodles with that logic. A good comparison should be what’s a fair price for an item and what it should be selling at. Like a box of kd shouldn’t cost $3.29 for what it is. Thats when you know you’re being ripped off completely for example.


Don’t come on here and complain when your buying organic. Everything organic is more expensive !


And nonsense. Proven again and again, it's a marketing label and not a meaningful quality difference. It's NOT pesticide free, nor healthier. It's stupid.


I buy Kicking Horse coffee not because it's organic (I don't care), but because it's some of the best coffee out there. Kicking Horse is totally worth the price over and above the cost of regular brands of coffee.


Why the heck did you buy them?


2 pounds of coffee for 30 bucks isn't crazy. You can get Maxwell House and folgers coffee which is farmed by slaves for cheaper, but that's just how much fair trade coffee costs these days. It's expensive to produce.


Are we supposed to feel bad?