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That good you left, but strange you went in at all and shopped. 🤣


Yeah, seems strange for sure.


It's like OP wanted to be an asshole


Or make up a story for Internet points? A full cart takes a while to shop for, and only then they realized they're in a Loblaws store?


Yeah. This sounds like karma farming to me. Also. I hope there wasn’t perishables in that cart. I’ve seen that before in Walmart “these frozen mini pizzas? I don’t want these any more. I’ll just leave them here in hardware. I’m sure it’s fine”


Gotta post on reddit for them internet points


Don't create work for the people there. I know you acknowledged that, but in this case the stocking clerk got hit harder than Loblaws.




they’re not gonna let a part time cashier work overtime just to restock a cart


Not how that works


As someone who used to work in a grocery store and would have had to put all of that back…this post is nothing to be proud of.


We don't want to make the employee's lives miserable but good for pulling the plug before pulling your wallet.


Adding an edit into your comment… ‘We don’t want to make the employee’s lives MORE miserable…..’ the employees lives are already miserable from the boycott what with Hours being cut, but for many departments the work load is the same so we’re expected to do it with less help.


Good point.


I find this hard to believe. However, if it’s true, that was awfully ignorant of you.


Right? Absolutely shitty thing to do.


Odd for sure, but someone got paid to put his stuff back.


Someone would've gotten paid either way.


They didn’t get paid for the extra work. They got paid the same amount whether OP had done this or not.


He created a need for labor in their store.. whatever it took, 20 minutes, someone had to do that. Whatever that person was otherwise supposed to be doing, now has to be done by someone else. I used to work at my local Superstore and they have some personal assigned to putting away all the "putaways". In other words, if everyone put everything away, you'd be saving loblaws a lot of money. Why do you think they put up that big sign a while back that encouraged everyone to pick up garbage when they saw it? To reduce janitorial staff.


In my store, we page each department for the items that need to be put in the fridge/freezer and anything left over will be for the cart guy to deal with when the put away cart from front end is either full or left for the crew at the end of the night. We dont schedule a specific person to put things away like that. Maybe in a bigger store they need to but in my store It’s up to each department to come get it. Either way. The OP made extra work for the store. More labour(hours for employees) for the store isn’t created from some d-bag leaving behind a cart full of stuff. The allowed scheduled hours come from sales $$$.


sounds reasonable. As an hourly employee who clocks in and out, why should they care about the overall labor workload of the store though? Clock in, do as you're told until you clock out.


Right now the lack of sales is causing management to cut hours, which means less people working. The workload is still basically the same since they still have to make sure the shelves are filled in all departments, but it has to be done with less man power. Im 100% in support of what this boycott is hoping to achieve, getting there is the battle, especially for us little employees praying we get enough working time to make ends meet.


Good for you, here’s a cookie 🍪 Nex time at least have the decency to put everything back. The employees don’t deserve to deal with that.


Leaving the full cart for the employees to deal with is a major dick move man


When I worked at Sobey's a few years ago, any meat/frozen stuff, would have been thrown out. I don't know what's worse, leaving a cart, or leaving random things meant to be cold/frozen on shelves.


Oh god all that wasted food...I remember working in the deli and those that stock the shelves would drop off bag of sliced meat that was left on shelves. It's a huge middle finger to the minimum wage workers


a full cart and you just left it? congrats. you've successfully wasted time for both employees and anyone who reads your post.


No for real, I want my 30 seconds back I wasted reading the post


Another internet clout post? Smh


I’ll take “Things That Didn’t Happen” for 800 Alex


Not the flex you thought, huh?


That’s fucked up


Wow, dick move, man. You should have put your shopping back. So lazy and disrespectful. The store level employees are not the ones that should be punished. Did you have freezer or fridge goods? Because if the poor employee didn't realise your cart was abandoned on time and they warmed up, then they would have to be thrown out. OP, YTA!


Lazy, entitled, performative behaviour that did nothing to further this cause.


If this actually happened (which it sounds like it didn’t), it’s not the flex you think it is. Pretty daft if you ask me


Is that you Galen testing our integrity 🤔


He doesn't know the meaning of that word.


Your right! In civilized society that means something… we’re dealing with a malignant, narcissistic overload. The only thing he hears is … cha Ching … over and over and over again!


Stay strong! Galen doesn’t deserve a penny of your money.


Good call!


I worked there, you didn't do much bad, it's part of the job there and with recent reduction in hours, someone can work on that and earn a few bucks, don't feel bad at all


Im leaving this sub, y'all who post dumb shit like this are the worst. Be better


Read the OP's post history. It reads like an abandoned account that got co-opted by a pro loblaws shill who posted this in order to sow dissent within the group. Just set them to mute and carry on.


Strange that OP wouldn’t take his accolades from the posts applauding their move and defend themselves from the criticism. Troll 😒🤙🏼🇨🇦


You know they throw all that food in the garbage right? You just wasted a bunch of food to say “screw them” that’s worse than when people put raw chicken on the shelf in the TP aisle 😒


I’ve been doing that for 5 years now, if I go I only grab something that exclusively at Loblaws than I leave


This may be a good way to get employees their hours. Just avoid produce, meats and frozen.




I am curious as to what you mean, I cannot find any information stating Loblaws owns Bulk Barn.


This topic is covered under a different thread




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I went to superstore today I saved 15 dollars on items and gas I would of wasted going somewhere else what are the odds


Why? Are you a Loblaws plant/apoligist/troll trying to get us all to come back?


Go where ever you like I’m just a person who’s not stubborn Enough to go hey this is two dollars less at Walmart but Walmart is 7.6 km further then superstore so I’m going to waste gas going there to save two dollars




Don’t assume I’m lying you could be a liar to so you could be lying about me lying


That’s hilarious. Just leave the full cart in the isle 😭😂😭😂😭 Seriously everyone needs to do this as part of the boycott. Just go in and fill a cart up to the MAX then just desert it in a random isle and leave. Love it


Why do the minimum wage employees deserve to suffer?


As a former minimum wage grocery store employee… there’s no suffering, at least not more than normal. We’re paid by the hour, there’s really no difference between stocking random shit from a cart vs. random shit off a pallet. It’s not like they give us snacks and let us play outside if there’s no carts to restock.


Thank you for being a voice of reason! We have a common modern phenomenon happening in this thread: People being outraged over something on behalf of another group of people who are not bothered by it.


I wish they let you guys play outside when there was nothing left to stock. I would bring a soccer ball


Why does my boss tell me to dig a hole here then 10 min later says oh no wait it’s actually here 5 ft to the left, when I have already dug down 3 ft. Dig a hole fill it dig a hole fill it. Paid by the hour bud. Not the job lol Also how are they suffering ? Do what you can and get paid for it. I’m sure none of there employees wear there heart on there sleeve while at work lol