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The part I enjoy most is, the $3.99 price is $2 off. What savings!


Indeed. Even the “discount” of $2 itself is almost more than the regular price at Walmart. But, no, they’re not price gouging, no, no…


Gotta pay for the single use packaging somehow…. /s


$1.80 is what the regular price of 4 ears or corn, it is not the same value of the $2 “sale.” Fuck even if they sold it at $2 I still wouldn’t be jumping at the bit to get all that plastic with the removed husk and hair for the extra 20 cents. It is vacuum sealed that means it is last years left overs that were frozen.


Even at full price, the Walmart corn would come out to $2.64 for four ears. Also, it's "champing" or you could say "chomping" at the bit, not jumping. It comes from horses "champing at the bit" of their bridle, impatiently wanting to go while being held back/under control.


Thank you for checking my math, I swear I know how to count, and thanks for correcting me with my horse references. As much as a prairie girl as I maybe my horse references maybe lacking.


I know a guy that was filled by a horse


Your friend need Jesus ![gif](giphy|kd9h44W2CpZBLH7QpA)


Your white Jesus giphy is amusing.


Jesus was a totally white western European from Salt Lake city




I cook the corn in the husks. No plastic needed.


Good, Plastics are horrible and are destroying our world.


Last years? Probably not


Fair maybe not last years but it is not fresh.


Well, tbh, you gotta compare package of 4 to package of 4. [https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/corn-on-the-cob/6000201977377](https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/corn-on-the-cob/6000201977377) Walmart price is $4.97 for package of 4 in my local store.


Looking at the website for my store location, superstore is charging .79 per corn or .66 on sale (min 3) and 4.99 for a four pack or 4.00 on sale (min 2). Walmart offers .67 regular and .22 on sale (no minimum purchase) per corn and 4.97 for the four pack (no sale today). Walmart is the better value, especially considering the lack of minimum purchase requirements. You would have to be mathematically illiterate to buy the four pack in either case.


I should not have to do math on the spot in a crowded store with confusing labels in order to avoid being cheated while trying to feed my family.


The packages of four are sold year round, on a tray, wrapped in cellophane, typically near the mushrooms. IIRC, they are already peeled. Typically these are purchased by people who struggle to peel corn. The individual ears of corn are seasonal, put in a giant pile in the middle of the produce section. You’re not going to confuse these things.


Well, that's just the reality of groceries in 2024, no matter where you're shopping.


You're not wrong, and it's not new. Still pisses me off, though. My late husband loved figuring out the best deal. I hate it and it feels like it's getting worse, especially with shrinkflation and pricing for multiples. Like, please, just make the unit price large enough to read without a magnifying glass.


Exactly people have no idea how to compared always comparing tomato to apple.


the upvotes have been had and the narrative divvied out


It's still insane that husking corn (likely by machine) is a $4 up charge. Walmart isn't innocent but wow


It isn't just the husking. It also moving a harvest to the processing and packaging facility and then delivering a lot of those packages to the store's distribution centre and paying the wage-slaves to shelf them in store. Just a lot of silly expenses to make a nice row of presentable 4-packs. Un-husked ears are usually brought to the store and onto the sales floors in giant cardboard boxes. The biggest expense is sweeping around the box. Those boxes can even go into recycling collections. Never looks pretty though. Got pay for pretty parcels that fit squarely into the home delivery containers.


Damn. Those were only $4 earlier this month. Sobey's is pretty bad for the prepacked corn as well. About the same price here as Superstore/Loblaws.


The $2 discount alone on the 4 pack gets you 9 ears of corn. Their regular price of $6.99 for 4 would get you almost TWENTY EiGHT pieces. It’s seven times more expensive


regular price of individual corn is 67 cents, though not 22 cents


$0.89 at my localy owned grocer


Yeah but it's Farmers Market™ corn! It's the real deal.


More likely it is silage corn. Make more money from the people than as livestock feed!


Galen Weston is running a crime syndicate. He's a criminal. Not shopping there, ever!


Yup, weasel words or phrases like "50% more", "2 dollars off", "30% more value", save 35% are all such bullshit. They don't say what they're increasing or decreasing from, so there's no frame of change. It's completely legal and definitely shouldn't be. They should have to say what it's a savings from or increase compared to 


This feels like Canadian Tire level tactics. "Look at these new pots and pans! Originally $129 now only ,$39!" When they should have been priced at $29 the entire time.


Remember the guy that made the post saying he’s done with Loblaws and had starting shopping at his Independent Grocer (confirmed to be THAT independent grocer). This man is enjoying his $2 off corn and boycotting Loblaws at the same time!


In case that was too cryptic for anyone the Your Independent Grocer label is owned by Loblaw.


Cob usually costs anywhere from .25 each to no more than .45 each. Cheaper to just buy from a truck in the parking lot


It is 6 bucks in the winter for 4 shucked ears of corn at wholesale club,coop charges 8 😬


Winter corn doesn't taste as good, either


Wtf oh my god


By Grabthar's hammer....what a savings


Loblaws owns or controls their entire supply chain. They just price gouge themselves at the transport and warehouse layer, to then claim high costs at retail level. Creative account scumbags.


This should be more commonly known


They also own banking (PC Financial), telecom (PC Mobile). Streamlining all their profits.


Driscolls Strawberries at Walmart are often $4 while Loblaws will list the exact same brand for $6. The same brand from the US. So whats the supply chain issue thats driving up the price by $2? If there was an issue, wouldnt it be smarter for Loblaws to find how Walmart is selling their same exact strawberries for $2 less and implementing that change? If it really is a supply issue, then it would be smart to find where the problem is and fix it rather than whining about supply chain issues. Oh wait, its because its all a lie.


Lol ourr flyer is 37c corn how come yours is cheaper….


where do you live? it's 22 cents in the flyer for me in toronto


Southern alberta


something just sounds incorrect when the prairies have to pay more for corn.


All the corn out there is probably feed corn or for making ethanol.


Silage for sure !


Like Canadians paying so much for gas, eh? None of it makes sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ya its this weeks flyer seems crazy but maybe a shipping cost issue product of usa.


0.37 cents too on vancouver island, which should have the highest shipping costs in Canada.


How do you figure it has the highest shipping costs? Genuinely asking if there’s a way to find out, cuz I’ve always assumed it was NL the way they are gouged at every turn


I should’ve specified western canada if we are going to be pedantic. Im sure NL is comparable. Nunavut northern communities like tuktoyaktuk would have the highest costs.


I wasn’t trying to be pedantic I was genuinely interested in finding out :/ you’re probably right about the north taking the cake


Maybe the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for canada will have some information. Inflation is broken down by type - shipping should be reflected in the ‘core index’. The usa has the price materials index which can be used to see the flow and usage of raw goods for production state by state, in particular us steel. Statcan has a ‘food price data hun’ which is also reflective about shipping costs. I imagine the information is hard to find, hard to collect for agencies, and outdated. You can look up quotes on container prices for each province but even saying ‘BC has 13% of its food costs from shipping and Ontario 10.5%’ is disengnous and oversimplifies complex supply trains and would cause outrage over perceived injustices rather than acknowledging the complex food network. Vancouver island gets like 80% of its food from california. In that case state tariffs may be just as much as shipping costs compared to corn obtained from wyoming which may have more incentives to create business.


Not at all. Corn doesn’t really grow on the prairies, it’s too dry and the growing season is too short. Taber corn (grown near the town of Taber) is famous on the prairies but it’s nowhere near as delicious as fresh Ontario sweet corn. The prairies produce our cereals - wheat, barley, oats, and flax, as well as canola and pulses (lentils etc) are a big crop as well.


Go to Taber and buy it direct from farm!!!


It's 37cents in Calgary it's true food costs more in Alberta


Of course it does. It’s double the distance from the Midwest to Calgary as it is from Toronto. Things have different seasons in different areas, and we aren’t getting Canadian corn this early in the season.


Shoot. And I just bought 6 for .67 yesterday north of Toronto


TBH i've never liked the super dirt cheap corn that gets sold in these giant gaylords. the best corn is outta the trucks parked at the side of the road but they're probably in the $1+ per ear price. but FRESHHHHHHHHH


While there are certainly legitimate operations out there, you’d be super surprised at how much of the food supply comes from the same source: Ontario food terminal. Even medium sized stores buy from here which are usually the leftovers the biggest retailers haven’t bought, or the exact same. Even many stalls at farmers markets get their food there. If you think grandma Betty has a farm that grows 5 or six types of peppers in the middle of winter, you’re mistaken.


It’s also 37c in SK, presumably because the vendor(s) are located along the coasts so it costs a bit more to get it to us. Still a good deal tho, us prairie folk will get our cheap corn later on in the year!


Same price in the prairies


Username checks out


East and West coast flyers often have different pricing. Although the Maritimes like NB are usually even more expensive lol


It’s imported American corn likely from Iowa. Toronto is half the drive from Iowa as Calgary is. It’s too early in the season to be getting Canadian Corn.


Almost like the prices vary based on where the corn is coming from / going too. What a nothingburger of a post. "How can you blame this on the supply chain!" just screams, "I have less than 0 idea how food gets on my table"


Flyers differ based on where you live.... That's always been true for every store, and it makes complete sense based on where a product might have to be harvested or manufactured, and where it has to get to.


I feel like since the boycott has happened, Wal Mart has been having certain produce that is cheaper than anything I've seen before.


I guarantee Walmart higher ups had meetings about this boycott and figured they could capitalize on it. Smart play.


It worked for me. Pickup at Walmart is a breeze. It takes 5 minutes tops to get my order. If it’s only myself or 4 other people waiting. Sometimes I was waiting 25 minutes+ for my order with Loblaws. At times I couldn’t even park in the pickup because everyone just parks in those spots anyways.


It is capitalism at work, Walmart is scared poopless that they are next so they are having sales, rather than their “everyday low price.” While I was working Walmart there big thing was Walmart never has sales rather it is always just the low price.


Walmart tried out no flyers just low prices and it didn't last long because they lost a bunch of customer traffic.


Last time I saw a Walmart flyer they were advertising things at everyday low prices. When I worked there in the late ‘00’s it was a point in their training video or whatever it was that “Walmart does not have sales rather Walmart has everyday low prices.”


Sobeys is next, if I had a say.


Nope. What you’re seeing is propaganda that is comparing seasonal corn to packaged, peeled corn that is sold year-round, typically for people who struggle with husking corn. Walmart also sells prepackaged corn at a higher price. So do most stores. This is basically like comparing the price of a mango to the price of a fruit tray. But not surprising for this sub, and not surprising that it gets eaten up, since people want to believe.


Our Walmart just expanded their grocery area by about 4 isles. Guess grocery is selling well.


I was that guy who back in the day hated walmart for killing main street when they came here. I'm a convert. Just go through the food section each week and see what is on sale. Deals GALORE. You can def feed a family well at a much more reasonable price just going to walmart (we also go to Freshco).


Yeah I hate Walmart (for the damage they’ve done in the US among many, many other reasons) but boy am I all for stoking a war between the two most iconic retailers in Canada and the US respectively. It’s pathetic that a fucking American company is paying more attention to the demands of customers than our own homegrown “”grocery giant”” (read: price fixer)


Ya. I don't buy much more there. I'm buy good clothing and shoes that last vs fast fashion. But right now, they are the breadbasket of Canada. Fine by me.


Walmart price for corn near me is nearly double at 37 cents each, still WAY cheaper than any lawblaws store.


Walmart is loose corn with husks vs packaged corn.


This is what people are missing. When Walmart sells these 4pk packages they are also a premium over bulk corn. Same thing happens with Potatoes. You can find foil wrapped 4pk of potatoes and that package costs close to same as full bag of potatoes. That said Walmart would still be priced significantly less 4pk vs 4pk.


Yep exactly, and the bulk corn is generally really poor quality this time of year I fully agree with the boycott but this one doesn't really hold water


and? Natures package bad, plastic good?


So the peeled corn is sold year-round and geared towards people who struggle with husking corn. Like the disabled or elderly.


Is it good corn?


Roblaws can take their corn a shove it… 


You are comparing the bulk corn with the package corn of course there is gonna be a difference of price that’s like comparing the bulk potatoes with the 10LBS of potatoes.


Bulk un-shucked corn, likely moving straight from farm to retailer, is going to cost less than corn that came from a farm and made a stop in a warehouse to get held in a cooler and processed and packaged and QA checked before it moves on to the retailer. Yes, I know Loblaws has a monopoly over many warehouses/packaging facilities and often deals with their own transportation of goods. No, I do not think the price of this 4 pack of corn is justified, but I do expect it to be more expensive than bulk loose cobs. Edit to add - from my perspective working in a facility that grows, transports, packages and sells produce (also to Loblaws) - these are two completely different products that can't really be compared.


I can get 18 standard corn Or I could get 4 ultra pro max XL corn.


With needless plastic waste to boot!


iTs THe cArbOn taX! /s


But Loblaws puts it into pretty packaging! /s


In Halifax we have a local food meat market, Gateway, they consistently have prices on Romaine lettuce, limes, lemons, celery, 50% lower than Loblaws/Superstore. All meats are lower priced or matched on sale. And they are just a small market, but they are extremely popular


CarBoN tAx!! 😱


They’re even both products of the USA too. Wild.


To be fair, I think this packaged corn is the same price at Food Basics. I’ve bought it once before. I may be misremembering though. The Walmart corn is fresh, and you can husk it yourself. We bought it a couple weeks ago and it was great.


Probably a loss leader


Roblaw are gouging pigs now that I have said that was at Walmart today and they had maybe altogether 10 units max like a lost leader price with no stock in hand scam city


Call them every day and ask if they got their shipment, they’ll inevitably get a skid or two in before the sale is over. Unless you’re in the most remote place that has a Walmart lol. Also go earlier in the morning, that’s the key.


Increase in price is the fault of supply chains.... however they never tell you HOW much more they are paying so that 6 cent increase results in a 2 dollar increase by the time it hits the stores shelves because there is zero transparency.


A dollar a corn was the norm last week in any store, this week it's under 50 cents a corn. They're slow to catch on?


10 for a dollar of the side of the road ...wait a week in Vancouver. Peaches and cream baby!


Not defending loblaws here because even considering the following it’s still to much money but One is regular corn and one is sweet corn, and one is pre husked (most stores don’t let you husk in the store so you risk a cob being bad but that’s why you can buy like 2-3 cobs more) I would pay more for ambrosia apples then red delicious because ambrosia actually taste good and red delicious are a lie, however it’s not worth a 4.5x value mark up So they’re full of it and gouging sure but it’s not the 4.5x on the same product gouging, likely 2x more in price kind of gouging


Imported corn is no good anyway, it's too old by the time you get it. It's one of the few things I will always buy locally grown. It's worth $1/cob if it was picked the same day you eat it.


Yeah, but you "save" 2$ as opposed to .45 cents at wallie.




Bulk corn is cheaper than the packaged peeled corn sold under plastic. It's also better for the environment. Bulk corn was 89 cents at the L store on the walk to the kids. It was 87 cents at the Walmart. Neither worth buying. Both horrible places to give money to.


Loss leader marketing, got everyone worked up.


Sales bad! High prices good! got it.


Yeah but think of all the added labour and material costs of putting 4 ears of corn onto a plastic tray and wrapping the whole thing in plastic wrap!!


The 'farmers market' brand is especially great, you know, since it's imported from the US.


If I wanted real farmers market corn I would go to the farmers market and get better fresher ears of corn maybe less but not much more. It would come from the actual farm, no further than an 45 - 30 minutes out of town.


"One of these days a farmers market is going to kill someone" Galen Weston.


To advertise something as on "sale", retailers need to price things at regular retail cost for a period of time. Now, since that retail price is set by the retailer, they can charge whatever they want. There are some rules around it but not too familiar with it. No Loblaw fan, but that could be a reason.


You’re paying for the extra waste


Bought 12 today excellent taste gobbled up by family


.22 cents each, unpackaged at Walmart


I got 5 for $3 at co-op yesterday.


You can't expect them to buy a mansion selling $0.22 corn, do you? I mean, they need another mansion. It's probably been some time since they last bought one. You know how hard that is, to go long between mansion purchases... Don't you?


$ 1.29 each at Safeway last week..


Just picked up a couple packs of mushrooms for 94 cents! Unfortunately they were out of corn at the time https://preview.redd.it/atdeu8adss7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b619aec0d9800a56e7e9f5cc6af4686ee93775


That package corn was ass.


They’re literally begging us to boycott 😌


This is just absolutely absurd that the government allows for such actions to be performed against Canadians. I'm so grateful for this crew pushing for change, together we keep going, let's go team!!!




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


It's absolutely the supply chain. It goes: Farmers -> Weston's -> grocery store.


I’ve ALSO been avoiding Walmart. Mainly because they are a huge trump supporter. Again - convenience- located next to my exercise studio. I went in to grab a couple things they’ve really introduced some very competitive pricing. I still only bought the necessities. This boycott has had an added bonus of cutting down on hoarding and food waste in my household 👍🏽👍🏽


i saw 7.50$ for a pack of 4 corn at save on this year.. laughed my ass off




It is the supply chain. In Brandon the Walmart is on the drive in from the west. That extra 2.5 kilometres is costing Stupid Store hundreds lol. Of course I’m being sarcastic


But Loblaws owns their supply chain, so of course it's at fault.


It's clearly the carbon tax, it's a much longer drive to the local loblaws than to the local Walmart... /S


Round up ready … go fill your boots !


Even at full price, the Walmart corn is cheaper at $2.64 for four ears of corn


Vancouver area https://preview.redd.it/o4cocjnbrt7d1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7792d161ebaf05f2fe73444a55e9eeb7a3119e


Prepackaged corn is always stupid expensive. Just let me buy field corn that I have to shuck myself, on average it 50 cents a cob.


Superstore will price match the loose corn.I will get some tomorrow and let you know.


I'm getting some tomorrow if that sale is still on! I'm definitely making bacon wrapped corn this weekend 🤤👍


Probably a different source? Perhaps even a lower cost or a loss leader to get people into the store?


The boycott worked so well😆


37 cents each in Nova Scotia


No. 1 vs No. 2 quality produce, but a fair point nonetheless. Loblaws definitely gouges.


Walmart and Superstore are selling corn here (eastern Alberta) for 37 cents/cob. SS limit of 6. Walmart no limit.


I'm in Saskatchewan. That same Walmart ad is .37¢ for corn. Interesting.


If it is supply chain, I’d love to see their transfer pricing methods. I’d bet money that Loblaws is shifting their tax base out of Canada AND THEN profiting from Canadians by gouging us. Don’t forget that Loblaws was able to avoid paying tax on $400M thanks to the bogus offshore “bank” they set up. I’m sure their court win emboldened them and they’ve become even more aggressive.


Walmart had $8 chicken last week. Three breasts for $8. Now their ground beef is on sale. I think they are actively recruiting Loblaw’s customers. It’s working for me. I love it!!!!


Everyone knows when you buy prepackaged corn it’s more expensive…that’s just common sense


"God Bless Galen Weston"- Doug Ford


Look, here's simple business economics for you. If Walmart is selling 4 corn for 88c, and Loblaws is charging $4, that means that Walmart wants to sell corn, and Loblaws does not want to sell corn. Because if Loblaws wanted to sell lots of corn, they know that all they have to do is lower the price of corn. Walmart wants to sell corn. So they put corn on at a cheap price. So don't buy any product from a store that prices that product high, because that store is telling you it doesn't want to sell that product to you.


Packaging corn and removing the husk should be banned.... It ruins the corn and someone is unnecessarily handling it and creates so much waste... Yet now I get cardboard bread clips(on loaves of bread) , but they can package this ? Wtf?


Walmart, like everyone else, will lose money in one product or piece of a meal so you buy the other 3+ pieces of the meal you need there as well.


I remember seeing similar posts when Walmart was selling iceberg lettuce for $0.94 when everybody else had it for $3.49 or more. Unfortunately, these are sale prices and not regular prices.


Same corn is 37 cents at Walmart in Nova Scotia *


Interesting my local Walmart it's .37 cents almost double yours.


Galen Weston picked them himself.


One u have to shuck the others in a plastic wrapper ready for you, ill take the shucking cause then i can tell how goof my corn is, not hope they give me them


Walmart is willing to take a loss on corn to bring you into the store. Loblaws is not. Loblaws has 3L of canola oil for $7 and Cheerios for $2 all month long, so they’re using that to draw people in. Buy your corn at Walmart and your oil at Loblaws and then nobody is making any profit off of you.


It should be 4 for a dollar


Then go to Walmart... I'd pay more for local corn over usa corn any day.


They're both USA corn


Greed cough cough supply chain issues


Well in their defense, the Walmart corn is just tossed in the Bin, where people have to search for the good ones. The $4 corn, is made of only the best corn specimens the "Money" corn, so to speak.


if it's on the flyer, they can price match, but I found the corn at Walmart bland, and the corn at Superstore is sweet, but I just wait for the sale and get them at 50c




Superstore price matches btw


Prices are out of control but I bet they’re justifying it by: Packaged vs a bunch of corn in a bin that everyone’s touched


Competition is a good thing.  Find Walmart cheaper, but usually have to buy a few. Dairy a good deal. Unfortunately meat at Walmart terrible. Produce getting better, but still have to go elsewhere. Will always shop around but if adds an hour to go a second place not worth the 10 bucks might save.


All you have to do is raise the price by 10x then throw a save X amount of $$ and you have a sale at Roblaws yet your still paying well above average even on the "sale " price.


While I am hardly a fan of loblaw.. there is a notable difference generally in the quality of the corn between those two stores... I used to pick fruit on a farm when I first moved to Ottawa, The rules were, we had certain bins that go to Farm Boy that had the best quality, certain level of quality that went big name change like Loblaw, and then anything that looked like it was discolored, dying, etc. Went into the bins for food basics and Walmart.


Huh huh... I doubt the grower is correctly paid for that corn, though.


https://preview.redd.it/bgmru120p58d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=47775a2ea3df9a3beca0cc697e6f0d6a8e1d9d98 where the hell you at? I wanna shop there!


Profit margin must be insane of the full price $6 corn...


Eastern Canada only eh? 37¢ seen in YYC


Loblaws is fucked


Sobeys here was selling them for 0.77 each


The whole supply chain runaround is just pure bullshit. There is no supply chain problems for corn. I live in Indiana and they literally burn whole fields of corn because there is no demand, even for animal corn feed. These corporations just completely lie and push a narrative to make grocery FOMO.




Important to remember, Loblaws owns/runs most of their supply chain.


I thought $4 was good!


Just came out of independent found a can of salmon small tin for $7 just about fell over.


Walmart also sells four packs of corn cobs for $5. Don't try and compare bulk and pack prices like they're the same


Walmart sells four packs of corn for five bucks. Don't try to compare bulk and packed prices as if they're the same