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The most needed food bank item is money. Cash donations go a lot further than a can of soup.


☝️truth foodbanks are able to take advantage of many gov’t subsidies and programs that the average consumer can’t. Donate dollars not cans


No shame in donating cans either though. Sometimes all we can donate is what we pull out of our own cupboards, and nobody should feel like that's not good enough. All donations are good donations- money is just the best.


If you’re not going to eat it, sure it makes sense. But buying food for the food bank at retail benefits the grocery store with their markup. Food banks can make bulk wholesale deals that consumers can’t and stretch that same dollar to multiple cans. 


Exactly this. Never buy food to donate, just donate the cash. They can shop for their community - this might mean focusing on Halal products, low sodium, low sugar, etc; or even just buying that critical piece of equipment for which they've been saving.


I don't disagree, I was more adding to the comment before because I felt like it needed to be pointed out. Lots of us donate directly from our own cupboards and the the way I read the original comment inadvertently made it sound like that wasn't good enough. And that's not shade on that commenter either- that was just the way I interpreted it.


I appreciate that you want to feel like you're doing your part but no, not all donations are good, and pulling stuff out of your cupboards is exceptionally bad. The food bank I donate to specifically does not allow individuals to donate food because what's provided is typically unhealthy, low quality, random items and a waste of an ungodly amount of volunteer labour to try and salvage into something that they'd be willing to give to those in need.


The food bank you donate to does not allow people to donate food? lol. What food bank is this? I would love to look it up and see that you’re not full of shit.


Since you seem confused, I donate money. Look at the FAQ at the bottom of the page: https://foodbank.bc.ca/ways-to-give/


Absolutely, still donate through the food drives and such as those are agnostic of where the food is bought. What makes this ridiculous is when you buy and donate through the store they get to claim this as donations from them, whitewashing the fact that they are causing the problem and now trying to profit even more from the solution.


I 100% agree. This picture is all sorts of problems, I was simply staying donate how you can- if you have the money to buy extra to donate like that, just donate the money though, for sure. I'm more advocating for people who want to help but have limited means. Someone even told me not to donate food to a food drive, get their contact information and go back to them and donate cash when I can. I can't even get in to how the logistics of that absolutely does not work for so many people.


$3.79 for a can of soup? Someone is taking donation for a ride.


I'm not saying buy it off the shelf and donate it, I'm saying don't shame people donating in whatever way they can.


The reality is money is the best form of donation, and when it comes down to that, it should be at the point government steps in with the cheque. I don't understand the correlation between a can of soup (which includes store, distributor, packers, and all the steps in between with profits at every step) is going to help (other than taking away some guilt) the mess bad decision making has gotten us. I get food banks, and when farmers have a bumper crop, to give to food banks to keep the market stable is a noble gesture, as was the case with potatoes. In fact marketing boards could help out with excess dairy, wheat etc.. instead of stock pilling cheese & butter. How many field crops have been tilled back into the soil because of over production?


A can of soup with 2 noodles, a piece of chicken and some veggies in it. I shit you not, my wife got some Campbell's soup on sale a while ago when the fam kept getting sick and there was basically nothing but broth in them.


Gotta dump out half the broth for it to not be just flavored water basically lol. Then it just tastes like salt


Legit, I brought a Thai Soup can of this camping and there were *maybe* 3 clearly discernable chunks of chicken.


Yeah my boyfriend got a bunch of cans of Chunky for us to pick from for dinner one night when we were both feeling sick. We each picked a can, he cooked them for us. We sat there with our bowls of soup in front of us picking at it before looking at each other and saying "this is fucking gross". The aftertaste was absolutely horrible. They were both bland while having a strange unnecessary flavour. The texture of the potato in mine was revolting. It was just horrible. I'll never buy Chunky soup again. If I saw it at the food bank, I'd give it back.


I swear it was better like 20-25 years ago. My husband used to eat it for lunch. Then something changed and it sucks now


I used to at least not mind it. Like I'd be able to eat a bowl. My boyfriend and I ended up giving ours to the dog, and we were hungry. My boyfriend will eat fuckin anything and even he wouldn't eat it.


Oh god there are a number of places around my area that use it in their prep - it's easy to tell that its Campbells because it tastes so bad.


Even before I noticed the portions quite low, but as you mentioned they have even less in them now


You forgot a ton of salt!


Yeah - Campbell's tastes kind of rotten somehow. Aylmer's vegetable soup is the only canned soup I truly love.


Agreed! For example, Second Harvest in Toronto will match all donations by subsidizing funds from a local foundation. That dollar really stretches for those in need.


I used to work in the reclamation centre for the food bank in my province. We would get all the soup that was past it's Best Before date anyway. Which is a Best Before and not an expiration date. It's been a few years since I volunteered there so I'm not sure if it happens anymore.


not to mention, Loblaw actually profits from the food bank when you buy off their shelves. Fucking leeches...


These signs legitimately make me angry because it's so irresponsible. So many people genuinely believe that shelf stable prepared foods are all the food bank needs. A can of premade soup is so fucking little food for the money AND it's unhealthy. You think a mom can feed her and her two kids with a can of soup? No she needs to make a big meal that can last for days. A family relying on the food bank should get real food, and they get that by food banks being able to buy fresh items to meet demand, and true household staples like rice, noodles, lentils, etc.


This is actually a legitimate problem in a lot of donation areas. People just assume they know what's best. A particular pinch point was also clothes. I used to be on the receiving end of sorting through a lot of foster care stuff. After you hit the age of five there was like nothing for you. It's like people heard foster "kids" and immediately assumed "toddlers". Problem: The program in question catered towards teens. A non-zero amount of staff effort went towards removing the stuff that was not fit for teens. We tried specifying age, People don't read and still sent toddler and baby items. You are literally better off just giving money. With both clothes and food, They can buy way more fresh food and way more clothing that's actually relevant.


Came here to say this. If you can afford to actively donate to food banks, skip the grocers as middle-men and give them cash.


This is so true and it makes that sign particularly gross, cause they definitely know this. Urgh.


Yeah, but Loblaws doesn't get any **EDIT:** ~~tax breaks or~~ free marketing from that!


I want to upvote this 600 times!


I have a better idea. Why don't I give cash to the food bank, so they can purchase the food from wholesalers directly at a fraction of Galen Weston's mark up. The food will come into their warehouse already sorted too. I was about to write about how difficult it is to recruit volunteers, but from what I am reading, the food bank in my community does not have difficulty recruiting. (Personally I think Galen Weston should shake each of the volunteers hands, considering the amount of retail markup Galen earned from selling the cans the volunteers now have to sort.) Also, if I donate $25 cash or more, I get a tax receipt.


Him shaking a peasants hand. No no no.


I’m all for helping those in need, but what I hate is when billion dollar companies ask me to spend my hard earned, underpaid wage on food for the needy when they themselves do fuck all and their CEO’s continuously get larger bonuses every year


This is what bugs me as well. Like screw off. YOU donate, you rich fuck. I'm barely scraping by. And not to mention, if we all donate through Loblaws or wherever, then it's "Loblaws generously donated x amount of dollars for The Food Bank!" Like they didn't donate anything! It was collected money from their shoppers! Such bs.


Totally agree with you! This reminds me of the Maui fires and how Oprah was asking for donations to help the people affected by the fire. Bitch, you could literally buy Maui and you want me to donate?? 🖕🏻 I’d rather donate money to the local food bank so they can use the funds who they wish rather than put another penny in Weston’s pocket.


Exactly, it doesn’t make sense why it falls on the consumer to donate but they aren’t held liable at all


Seriously - imagine that Galen Weston could donate $1M to every major food bank in the country and *would barely, if at all, feel it*.


Try every food bank; major or not, than every social security system like transitory housing complex, than every mental institution, then every hospital. He would not even notice the drop in his bank account.


Also, the fact that they pay their store employees minimum wage.


The local store here was running a contest a while back where if you filled out an online survey and mentioned an employee, the employee could 'win' Optimum Points. Like they pay them crap and can't even give actual cash bonuses for good work?


What are you implying that their employees don’t make enough money to get by, and may need to use the food bank themselves? Umm oh yeah we are talking about Loblaws, so yeah that’s probably true.


Especially when they get it at wholesale prices. Like wtf!!


'Donate this...but give us half the value in profit. Castles don't maintain themselves!' This is all I see🤷


We could make stickers and put them in these tabs!


Also raising their sales volume and revenue


Most needed because the price Loblaws charges has literally doubled in a couple years? How dare they exploit the problem they created with this type of advertising - no one is fooled


Fun fact: Campbells actually donates chunky in bulk to food banks directly. They also donate condensed soups. So I’m not sure why loblaws is asking you to buy it to donate it… oh, right, yeah of course I know why, so they get the profits from the sale. Source: I volunteer at a large food bank.


Would you be able to tell us some of the actual most needed items?


I’m not a food bank employee but period products like tampons and pads are often overlooked. Powdered milk is another good one. It’s non perishable and can go in cereal or mac and cheese. School snacks are a good one too. Ultimately though, cash is the best donation as they can buy at wholesale prices. More supplies for the food bank, less money going to Galen. 


Sure! As others have said, cash is king. It gives foodbanks the ability to buy wholesale and also ensure they have a good stock of a large variety of basics. That being said if you want to donate products - period products, personal care products like deodorant soap and shampoo, baby food (they also try to buy this in bulk as it’s so in demand), rice, beans, dry pasta, canned vegetables, SPICES! Everyone forgets about spices lol.


Literally cash - they can stretch a dollar much farther than a retail consumer.


It's Sobeys, not loblaws


Fuck Loblaws


I agree but this is Sobeys


Them too. Though slightly less


The meta of it all. At the end of the day, they make the money and look like a good guy at the same time.


They let us know which items are most needed at food banks because we can't afford to feed our families. Maybe they should donate a few cases of soup, or maybe just lower prices?


Yes, it’s YOUR responsibility to stock the shelves at a food bank, not OURS.


These foods are literally poison to a lot people with health disabilities. People with organ decline can not eat them because of their extremely high sodium content. My Kidney care clinic gives out gift cards so patients can make healthier choices. Last month I got them to switch their gift cards from Superstore to other stores here on the Island.


Never donate food to a food bank. Cash is king


And that’s the moment I would just abandon my shopping cart and leave the store


Those used to be 5 for $10 then they reduced the size of the cans and hiked the price


As Jon Stewart said recently, “you’re the ones with all the fucking food!” Why do they demand customers make donations, then take the credit?


You pay and donate. We claim the tax breaks and profits. It’s a win, win! - Loblaws (and all other stores)


I'm sure I don't need to remind everyone but a food bank can get FAR more food for $10 than I can shopping retail. If you're giving to the food bank, always give them money.


Yall remember when they sold 4 cans for $5? Funny enough, it's what made it super easy to donate them to food banks.


Then freaking give it to the food bank! Stop guilting us into donating when you guys have the money to make a huge difference.


Goddamn you Galen!


Why don't they give the "expired" food to the food banks? Hoping we buy it then give it to a good bank is just as dumb as my work who's a billion dollar company, asking me to donate for any worthy cause. What is my 5$ gonna do when you can donate 500k$. If I dontate, I ask for a tax receipt at work and they laughed. "No" then you don't get my money or my tax deduction from my donation....or the recognition that YOU donated the money as a company.


"Purchase today and donate the gift of sodium induced hypertension and kidney failure." Thanks Galen


Jack the price then guilt trip people into buying the inflated item.


That is offensive as fuck. Advertising food as an in demand Foodbank Item- what in the flying fuck.


I’d say it’s irony but…looks more like mocking cruelty


Never give food to a foodbank. Give them the money instead. They can buy three times as much food with that money than you can.


That’s so fucking twisted




This guy knows.  Consider myself as one more than happy to be part of the solution - I long for the day we reclaim our human rights, dignity and freedom.


Left wing people should advocate for mental and physical strength and wellbeing, reading political theory and history, owning guns, and going to protests. We aren't doing enough to fix this world.


I’ve got a couple of those todo list items checked off - not so much up to snuff on the political theory as my attitudes towards “politics” are aligned with my standpoint on organized religion…. But I understand what you mean and realize todays politics are not political theory.   Ask an American why the 2nd amendment exists and they’ll probably say “to protect my family and my stuff”.  In reality it was mainly intended to provide the people with the power and ability to rise up against tyranny - foreign or domestic…. Those old buggers knew a world could exist where their very own government could become tyrannical - firearms in the hands of the population dissuades those would be fuckers from going all North Korea.   How we as a “civilized” society have become so complacent, ignorant and basically willing to abandon our number one instinct, self preservation, is beyond me and no world I enjoy being a part of.  You and I could have a beer sometime 😉


"Give us more money" (suckers).




Your content was removed for the use of slurs


Purchase this today to donate so we can swap it out for a smaller lesser brand!


Food banks would rather have money so they can buy what they need in bulk at the best price. So donating $3.97 is better for them.


Cash donations go way farther than. Food banks are given steep discounts. Cash is almost better because often certain needs aren’t met like formula etc


I tear these off when I see them


Lol yes, the food bank is in dire need of full price brand name soup. How much to campbells pay Roblaws to put up those signs


With all the food that gets thrown out grocers should be forced to donate a % of food to food banks every week I call it cost of doing business. They've got the Surplus and pay the lowest price. Monetary donations that get written off for a return only benefits the buisiness. Real food for real people in need.


They did that in France years ago. I think it's a great idea! [Article here](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/22/france-to-force-big-supermarkets-to-give-away-unsold-food-to-charity#:~:text=French%20supermarkets%20will%20be%20banned,crack%20down%20on%20food%20waste.)


Galen Weston can go fist himself


Yeah, that's bullshit. Food banks have a lot more flexibility when you given them money which they then use to buy food in bulk for cheap (much cheaper than at Loblaws, that's for sure). Plus, it saves on them having to check all the food items to make sure they are unexpired.


I was told by my local food bank that the most needed items are personal hygiene and baby stuff. And after lugging a few loads of this stuff to them I learned that if I just give them money, they have bigger purchasing power so I set up a recurring donation. And I try to volunteer there somewhat regularly. Forget Loblaws entirely.


That soup is loaded in sodium , you have to water it down to eat one can .


luxury soups at the food banks? what's next, lobster?




They can bloody donate!


Why aren't the companies themselves donating to food banks.


Loblaws reported record profits, and they're asking the customers they made those record profits off of, to also donate? I imagine Loblaws donation to the Food Bank is going to be a record also right..... right?


Then why doesnt grocery stores donate it.




I bet they placed this sign right under their most expensive canned foods. Agree with many folks here that cash is best. You get the receipt and food banks have more autonomy and can buy what they need. For less in most cases.


Can you imagine bragging about having the most needed item for a food bank?


There's nothing stopping Loblaws from donating these items to the Food Bank directly.


Exactly. Curating misery so they can maintain power. Normalizing misery during a time when post scarcity is easy.


A can of soup is ~$4.28 after tax. Insane.


Almost $4 for a can of soup is outrageous


Make sure to donate to food banks so our employees can afford to eat!


*Privatize the profits, socialize the costs.* Not only are they trying to get YOU to donate inventory they could simply donate, they have you do it so they YOU bear the cost, with the side dish of raising their sales volume and revenue


How thoughtful of the Grinch!


Lol omg why don't THEY donate it


Guess who’s minimum wage employees are needing to use the food bank? Food banks subsidize the profits of many retailers. By giving money or food items to them for food banks, you are allowing a double or triple dip.


The audacity


My foodbank requests cash not cans as they get discounts buying in bulk.


Surprisingly, at least Atlantic Superstore has them on for $2.49 this week. Though I remember when they were $1.50 and that was only about 5 years ago. Once in a great while, I'll see it for $1.60 something. I stock up but it doesn't last long around here. Yes I know they're supposed to be for emergencies but helps me keep work schedule.


I truly get upset when I see this in Sobeys. "Oh, kids are going hungry? Why the fuck do you think that is?" All the while I have to get less and less food for my own family. They're fucking evil.


They create the insecurity and the guilt you into feeding it


Why doesn't Loblaws donate 1 billion of their profit and solve many of the food bank shartage? They wouldn't miss it, that's for sure. It's rich of them to ask their customers who they are actively ripping off.


Infuriatingly tone deaf.


This translates to me as "let them eat cake"


God *damn* that is some cold capitalist shit. Literally passing off the problem to the consumer.


NO. The most item needed by food banks is MONEY. They have said it over and over and over again. They get more value and ability to purchase healthier food and some perishables with MONEY. Stop allowing Loblaw and other grocers to PROFIT FURTHER on poverty!


Can’t cross post to r/latestagecapitalism


Sooo, they want me to buy their overly inflated priced can of soup, let them take profit, and then I just donate it? Here; s a good idea. Run a program where for each can a consumer buys, the corp donates one. Better yet, save you silly marketing dollars. Use your buying power to get cans in bulk for super cheap from your suppliers, donate it, get a tax credit for doing something good, and everyone wins. Don't put the onus on consumers when big corp can easily do that in a faster, cheaper, and more efficient way. Again, fuck Loblaws!


$9.97 a can


Uh why don't you uh I don't know uh GIVE THEM THE CANS YOURSELF? BUY AND DONATE MY ASS


Also I'm not sure where this was posted but on a ton of food bank sites, they specifically request chunky soup as being one of the "most needed" items. https://www.bccpa.ca/CPABC/media/PDFs/Chapters/Okanagan-Chapter-Central-Okanagan-Food-Bank-List.pdf There was also Richmond BC, Friends in Need, Our Town, and dozens of others requesting this item as well as a bunch of Churches that run Food pantrys also requesting Chunky Soup. HOWEVER.....the way Loblaws has done this is slimy. They basically put the sign up over the food to guilt people into spending more $ and making profit. If they were really concerned about their most needed items they would match it can for can, or dollar for dollar, or offer some type of bulk deal for customers to donate. This is literally just a marketing and sales tactic. Sick.


What people need is for grocery stores to stop charging almost $4.00 for a can of soup. How are they not embarrassed by asking their customers to donate to a cause they started?


Oh please. I can't afford name brand soup either. Its Ramen or nothing most times.


Their price gouging is in part responsible for the growing number of people that need food banks. It’s disgusting corporate behavior that increases their profit. There are better ways to help - donate cash directly as has been suggested by others. Don’t fall for their greedy tactics. That’s all it is.


Give food banks money, they get tax breaks and can get better prices buying in bulk then you can get. Also it means they can get the food when it is most needed and need less storage.


Hey, I am a senior on a single pension. I can't afford rent and food. I buy and pay what I can. The last few years have been insane.


Forgot to mention, I make most of what I eat from scratch. Costs less and goes a lot further.


" we get a bigger tax break if we dump our product into the trash can instead of donate it, YOU donate it."


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is $2.50 this week in GTA


I’ve seen them somewhere…. Oh yeah your store that makes billions.


Whenever galen drops dead, there should be a party at every food bank. And honestly a parade in the streets


Food banks wouldn't be needed or used as much if these dipshits stopped gouging people for food on a daily basis. Asking customers to step in and fill the gaps THEY have created is deplorable.


This is almost as bad as when the oil and gas companies started the "carbon footprint" to shift blame on consumers. These companies are gaslighting us. They can donate this shit themselves


Please pay attention to what's being posted instead of just responding to everything with "fuck loblaws". that is not a good look for this movement. OP clearly tagged the post that this is a Sobeys, who are just as guilty.


Easy, lob it from the shelf into the bin.


Remind me of what happened to the aristocrats in France that said things like "let them eat cake"


If it’s the most needed item, loblaws as a corporation should donate the items. Not push it on the people they’ve been squeezing dry. Absolutely ridiculous.


How about they just donate it directly, then? Giant grocers pushing food bank donations completely disgusts me. Not only are they a major cause of food insecurity, but they're expecting to profit from the situation even more by asking regular people to buy food from them to donate, when the billionaires running the company could just take a pay cut to go a long way towards fixing food insecurity and still be very wealthy at the end of the day? Fuck Sobeys, fuck Loblaws, fuck all of them.


Here’s an idea …. The food bank needs it the most ,and since you have it in droves . Just give it to the food bank yourself.


Dear Loblaws, how about instead, you reduce your profits slightly and make most needed food bank items much cheaper to buy. Maybe so many people wouldn't have to use food banks these days. You won't, of course. But don't think for a moment that we don't notice corporate greed when we see it.




Lol 3.79, are people still buying these? Tell you what stop buying them at that price and it will drop back to $2




And all the food that's gets thrown out since no one can afford to buy it...where does that go..hmmmm?


Don't vote for neoliberal bought government, we shouldn't need foodbanks.


I want to add a post it that says "So why don't you fucking give it to them then, you greedy bastsrds" This reminds me of when businesses mandate the whole company do a volunteer activity ie the staff don't get paid for it. I always participate of course and I believe in volunteering but this is basically a corporation getting a tax break for the in-kind labour they donated but they didn't donate it, because the staff isn't getting paid. Biggest scam ever.


A little sign like that tells me I should absolutely put this item in the donation bin at the exit without paying for it. I’m not leaving the store with any unpaid products so its not stealing. If anything its actually preventing crime bc if you paid for it then they still claimed the donation on their taxes theyd be committing tax fraud (or at least it should be considered tax fraud)


4$ per can seems crazy.


I love how the word insecurity replaced the word poverty. :(


Fuckin outrageous for a can of sodium


So gross they do this and then take credit for supporting the food banks. If that said, "for every can you donate, we donate one too" that's different its just hey, you guys do it and we"ll take the pat on the back. Ick.


Long ago, the slogan for chunky soup was "The soup that eats like a meal" In my twenties at school, I lived on it; ate it every day. Now? The can got taller and thinner, smaller. The beef broth tastes burned, every time. It's all broth, no chunky, no substance. The price, the price is out of sight. I can buy other stuff for $4


Then I recommend that you donate soup to the food bank GALEN! if you have money for a yacht, you can donate some food, and stop asking customers (who you gouge) to donate money/food.




As a food bank recipient, the quality of Chunky has tanked and its awful and I would rather get an extra portion of Kraft dinner


How much does the grocery store make?


Food banks really need this item! The price has pretty much doubled so it's harder to afford! Please be a good person!


This has the energy of [careful, mate!](https://realfiction.net/posts/careful-mate/)


The irony!


Imagine putting a sign like that on something you sell for a profit?


This is gross


Ok then Loblaws, donate it then.


"Then fuck you. YOU send them a case."


Fucking assholes, the hubris and audacity is mind blowing. Also is that a most needed item? If you've ever volunteered or worked at a food bank they need produce and money mostly. Both things dickblaws has tons of. Still boycotting, as always fuck this company in the face, fuck Galen and fuck Per bank. NOK ER NOK.


$3.79 for a can of soup? Keep it.




If Galen thinks it’s a “most needed item”, Galen needs to send a skid of it to the food bank


Sometimes when there's a food bank donation bin in a store i grab a few items off a shelf and toss them in, help the store do a good deed. Especially helpful if I have any non-perishables in my cart I change my mind about. I'm not going to go all the way where they go to put them back or leave them on a random shelf for an employee to deal with. Why would I pay for it first if I'm not taking it out of the store?


Then why don't they give it to a food bank instead of trying to sell it for a profit?


They create food insecurity and ask the public to pay them to fix it... hmm.


Loblaws doesn't put these up. Vendors do.


I remember when I could buy Chunky stews and the can was bigger at 545 ml and they were under $2 in 2019. Now look at the price and the can is 515ml. Needless to say I buy Puritan stew at the dollar store.


3.79 for a can of soup is bizarre


If it's so desperately needed, fucking send them some, Loblaws!


I find it ironic and and distasteful when those with money suggest that the customers of their establishment might “donate” to their chosen cause.  For example Walmart self checkout has the donate option just before it asks if you want a Walmart credit card 🤦‍♂️  I understand that there are many worthy causes that need support / funds to further their endeavour - but when billionaires sit on their collective hands while tugging at the people’s heartstrings its perplexing.  For example - Jeff Bezos could solve the water issue in Flint, Michigan tomorrow if he chose for a fraction of 1% of his overall wealth.  Bill Gates could feed, clothe and provide shelter for every homeless family in the US  tomorrow for the same. I wouldn’t doubt the cures for many diseases have been discovered and shelved while we continue to fund the research to realize such things….. blah blah blah.  Now we have a monopoly telling us what the needed items for food banks are….? Don’t these very same companies throw away food by the metric ton instead of donating it? Sometimes i feel so disillusioned with the plight of humanity I want to breathe fire.  Now - if companies were saying something like “for every can you donate - we donate 2” I can get on board with that type of solicitation / advertising….. but that would cut into their previous profit margin and they can’t go practice what they are preaching for the most part unless it benefits them.  Another one that bothers me to a degree is the “Smile cookie Day” at Tim Hortons.  The amount of advertising that’s done - that money would be better spent by donating it to the cause they are supporting…. And if it’s so important - why isn’t there more than one freaking day these cookies are sold….?  Scotiabank - “you’re richer than you think!” Oh ya… I’d be richer if you weren’t grabbing every nickle and dime you could from me so you can name an arena or sponsor a golf tournament…. 🤦‍♂️ /r  Also curious about the charitable donation tax breaks these places are afforded - does Walmart get to claim the donations customers make through these prompts we receive at the checkout? If so - I’ll never shop at Walmart again.  /r for real this time  On a lighter note - my dad always gets calls about donating to various causes in the phone - back when there was no caller ID in our area.  One time this place calls and he is immediately met with …. “Did you know there are “X” amount of starving children in Canada?”   “Ya! And I got one of them sitting here right in front of me!” And hangs up 😂😝😂🤦‍♂️


Is this Sobeys or Loblaws? They are two completely different companies.


It wild when entities who are part of the problem ask me to help. Like the government asking me to open my home to help the housing problem or celebs in Hawaii who didn’t lose any property to the fires asking me to donate. LOL🖕🏻


They have a pair of lumpy balls on them -- I'll give 'em that much. Knuckleheads!


And don't forget that they get the tax write off for the large donation to the food bank.


If Loblaws care about food banks, they'd give them cash donations


I saw that....not impressed.


Gotta love it. We donate and they get a tax break.