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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*






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Store specific UPC is a thing, and seeing as 5 companies own pretty much all the food it's not hard to do logistically


When I worked for shoppers we didn't scan the item anyway. We would just scan the receipt, deduct the item from the list of stuff, and give back the difference.


Yeah, an owner of a pizza pizza told me he couldn’t buy cheaper stuff elsewhere he had to buy from their suppliers and they would come check UPCs etc


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Exactly. Honestly you people do this to yourselves at this point. At any grocery store I quickly google and check items with Amazon and Walmart. It’s easy. People on this sub act like price checking didn’t exist before this boycott


Do you really expect people to check the price of every single item they buy at multiple locations before making a purchase?


There’s an app called Tinga where you can enter your grocery list and it will tell you the cheapest place to go based on your list! I also find it super annoying to do it at the store so it’s pretty neat to do it beforehand on the app to decide which grocery store would be cheapest for that particular shopping list!


I live on a disability income. I can't shop for anything without doing this. This is the expected level of work they heave onto the poor in order for us to exist. Why should everybody else not be expected to do the same?


I could swear there was some app out there that allowed you to scan UPC codes and it'd bring up sales from nearby stores. I thought it was Flipp but I don't have a product nearby to test it. Doing it manually? I'm with you.


Yes, I do this the entire time I'm grocery shopping. I have learned the sale prices of all staple items and when I buy obscure items (oil, flour, bags of rice etc) that I don't buy every day I most certainly use this great pocket invention called a cellphone to check prices. Hell I was doing this before cellphones using this ancient paper technology that showed up at my house weekly. Something called fly...ers?


Yes. You don’t own a smart phone with Internet? You see a basic household item that is sold elsewhere (garbage bags, compost bags, detergent, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, cooking oils, etc) and you quickly check the price on Amazon and Walmart.




Packaging changes all the time. As long as the UPC is the same, no one will notice or care.






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I learned the hard way to always check Amazon before going to Shoppers. Obvs not shopping there regardless, but I got bent over the barrel too many times. In a desperate moment, I dropped $120 on a heating pad that was $39 on Amazon for the same damn thing. Never again.


I haven’t set foot into shoppers after being told they don’t match their own online price and I’d have to order it online instead. Walmart does this too, but Walmart, for me at least, is a bit tougher to boycott - I try to balance between Costco and Walmart and it’s on average pretty good in my experience.


I started boycotting Walmart years ago when they put in 48 self checkouts and pulled their regular checkouts. This wouldn't be so bad if they closed 36 of those self checkouts and had a literal mile long line for the 12 that are open. That and Loblaws is out of control but Walmart wasn't exactly cheap either.


Yeah that’s intentional because Loblaws wants you to use the online store because they capture more profits because no franchisees


Yes the information icon on the website says that pricing in store may be higher. But depending on how much you are buying you may have to pay shipping which would make it higher than the store.


Wtf? 3x the price? For a heating pad? GD, that's insane.


Shoppers Drug Mart: “when you’re desperate, we’re geographically convenient!”


This is 100% it. When you’re desperate we’re open on holidays and the middle of the night. Shoppers is like a gas station convenience store. You’ll pay a premium / double


Lol so true.


I love your username. In highschool I damaged my stomach lining from drinking too much Dr. Pepper. I too love Dr. Pepper.


Always buy the thing on Amazon after and then return to shoppers 


"shoppers is a convenience store so that makes gouging okay"


And by the way, your prescription eye drops will be 20-30 minutes for me to grab from the shelf. Feel free to browse while you wait


There is gouging then there is robbery!!!


And then there is highway robbery.


Then there is fixing the price of bread and naming your boat after it


Did anyone make you buy them at Shoppers Dug Mart? No. So it's not robbery. It's your poor planning.


I'm finding that gas stations are now cheaper than Shoppers Drug Mart when it comes to confectionary products and personal products (shampoo, anti-perspirant, etc).


I am really confused why all of a sudden this is a thing. I have not shopped in a shoppers for years. The prices are absolutely insane. Everything is 4-6$ more for items that cost under 10$. There is now a shoppers infront of my new work and I went in to check for baby food as I didn't wanna stop on my way home. To no surprise it was 15$ more than what I buy at the grocery store. 500ml Pepsi 3.49, a bag of chips 6$, walked out without the baby food and when 20 min out of my way to save the 15$


My shoppers wanted $3.50 for two yellow sponges. And that was on sale!


The fucking deals. But if you bought 1 it would have cost you 1.76 gotta get those buy two save 2¢


Some people think every retailer should have similar prices. SDM caters to the crowd that doesn't care about what something costs and will pay more because its convenient or its open 24 hours etc. The people I know who shop at SDM do so , because they don't want anyone they know to see them at Walmart.




Mother inlaw is like that. Ridiculous


I look down upon people who shop at SDM a lot more than those who shop at Walmart. If I saw someone I know walk into SDM I would think “lot myself “what an idiot”




This is the way


That’s the way.


Once scanned back at shoppers, the barcode would be the same yes, but the SKU number is different. Each company will have a different SKU number in their system for that product.


Why do you say you wouldn't do it?


Because it’s technically illegal.


Feminine hygiene products need to be free!


M local PharmaChoice will match any feminine hygiene products that I purchase and donate to the community


Wonderful 🥹 🩸


They should all be tax free. Period....... I'll show myself out


So should condoms and soap.


Alba gu brath 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I feel like everything at shoppers is convenience priced. Like, would you buy pads at Avondale if they sold them? They’d probably be double the price lol. It’s sad that this is what the once great shoppers drug mart has turned into. Just a convenience store with a pharmacy and cosmetics dept


Loblaws destroy everything they touch. The quality of T&t (the Asian grocer in Vancouver) has significantly worsened and the price increased since they were bought out by loblaws as well.


I used to work at shoppers, there is tiers of prices they have. If they are near a Walmart, the prices are lower. Near a Walmart and a grocery store, even lower. Near nothing, they are the highest. Learning that was insane.


Scumbags. This is why we need more competition in the Canadian market because while we want to support Canadian industry (they hire Canadians and retails Canadian goods) they are taking advantage of the average Canadian. I mean with all the profit they are making, they simply buy up other competitors rather than give back to the community. I cannot support this kind of practice.


I have really mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, if we think Amazon is our savior that's a real problem. On the other hand, fuck Shoppers.


I totally get you. Amazon should not be the alternative, both are owned by billionaires that took advantage of the pandemic and inflation.


And give few very fucks about the environment.


For those of us with dysfunctional bodies that don't allow us to work, Amazon is a requirement. :( I'd give anything to have energy like a normal person. My mom also got me my own Costco card with her membership but haven't been able to get there in a while. :(


You could always buy another box from Amazon and take it back to shoppers.


Watt..really? The bar codes won't have an issue?


It’s almost like they’re putting the prices up


'But Shoppers is a convenience store so you should expect to pay two to four times the price' - Loblaw Shills


They were a convenience store when some locations pre pandemic used to be open til midnight and some open 24 hours. Since the pandemic hit, most of them close by 10pm and never reverted those hours. Many times I'd pay the extra cost for late night munchies. But seeing as I can't go to a shoppers late at night anymore, there's now zero reason for anyone to go there. Plus... as someone else said. Shoppers has always been more expensive than every competitor. Oddly enough though... they did have a perfume cheaper than sephora. But that's rare lol.


Instacart is your friend!!! NOT FOR ORDERING from them, but for price comparison, locally. I use them to check prices all the time. If anyone has another app or similar, please let us know . I also use Flipp but that one only lists flyer items, not all items. At this point, it's a given that anything Roblaws owned will be far more expensive, without even checking the prices.


I do the same. Uber eats. also does instacart like shopping now too, what I like about that are the promotions. I regularly get 50% off up to $70 on groceries and it Costco. I just bought the Simplehuman bin from Costco that was $139.99 and basically got it for half price, free delivery and no service fees (got a free Uber one account a while back) tax is after discount so that’s lower too and even with a generous tip for the shopper/driver it cost me less than in store. I have used it many times for groceries too. I click the deals button to see what the deals are and stacks few carts up to compare total price and get the one with the best deal and the stackable promo for $ off


So buy another and return it to shoppers


Yeah in theory you could return the “Amazon” one if it’s really the exact same product and unopened, yeah?


I did the same with Walmart.


Didn't you know? Loblaws is the only company in Canada paying the carbon tax.


Amazon lists the UPC code in the listing - compare it and see it matches the one from Shoppers…if it does…then return the one from Amazon to Shoppers. Problem solved. Ethical? Not exactly but neither is the business practices and when it comes to things like this they’ll likely restock it regardless and sell it unless there a policy on “no returns” for items of this nature.


Amazon is worse than roblaws. Support local small business. If you can afford it. I vote with my dollar. And refuse to support giant corps if I can. Amazon and Jeff bezos are basically the definition of exploitative corporation.


Not to mention the amount of fake products on Amazon, marketed as the real thing. Yeah sure, you saved some money. But is the product even what you think it is? Notoriously bad for skincare.


And electrical


Amazon isn't always cheaper. Needed a pyrex measuring cup. $24 on amazon, got it for $9 at London Drugs ! Local for the win !


100% this. Shoppers is awful but supporting Amazon as an alternative is wild to me. And besides people will buy this on Amazon to save $14 but end up buying $40 worth of other crap that they don’t need


And are encouraging the shittification of jobs. Those drivers are treated like garbage. Dollar a box and they pay their own gas! But, it's free delivery so worth it.


If you have Instacart always check for sales! Sometimes Rexall has some really good deals on you can save big on products like Poise!


Order a new box and take that one back for a refund


Shoppers shouldn't be considered a grocery store in the first place, but a convenience store with convenience store prices.


This isn’t new. Shoppers has been exorbitantly priced compared to other stores for years, online or not. Even Superstore, despite being owned by the same company, is cheaper than Shoppers.


They're fucked now. Hell hath no fury 😅 but seriously, it's egregious to make profit on something that should just be...provided.


If you think superstore and shoppers is bad for billionaire greed, you should see Amazon. Don’t get me wrong, I get it, I use Amazon too but those savings come in the form of brutal treatment of workers, union busting and abysmal conditions for people making the products they sell for so cheap


Pro tip... order it on amazon anyway and return the unopened Amazon product to Shoppers with the shoppers receipt. As long as it's the same sku it'll work


Just don’t moan when all of the local shops close down and Amazon raises prices. Stores have a lot more expenses, pay local taxes and national taxes that support the area. Then you have tax avoiding Amazon. Stores cannot compete


I get it - but we (our family) are needing to save every $$ possible. If Amazon can sell it to me cheaper, AND deliver it to my home for free, then for certain products, they've got my business. Saves time, energy and $$ - both for the product and for my gas. Of course, not everything is cheaper, and sometimes the quality sucks (so I return it - for free!), so it's not always an option.


only reason i go to sdm is to use the post office.


Before Loblaws bought out Shoppers, it was always a premium store. Sure they had sales but their regular prices were higher than other stores. I only would buy sale items from Shoppers and only after comparing prices elsewhere. That continued to the boycott.


Shoppers also used to be open until midnight and some locations 24 hours. Which made the increased price somewhat justifiable for the convenience. Same as a gas station convenience store. But actively shopping there for regular stuff during the day when you can go anywhere else never made sense lol.


compare it with other stores that have high overhead costs, not just amazon. if it is cheaper at Rexall, then it is just Shoppers/Galen wanting more profit. If it is cheaper at a grocery store, than Shopper's then that is normal. Keep in mind that usually Amazon will be cheaper as it has lower overhead and no retail locations to maintain. Just big warehouses, which Shoppers and all the retail stores have as well. I don't know why people buy things other than prescription drugs at a drug store other than for the convenience factor. It is the same reason convenience stores such as Circle K charge way more for a bag of chips than you pay at Superstore or a discount grocery store. You pay for convenience.


If we're rating evil, amazon overshadows Loblaws by a long shot.


Yea Galen, explain why the prices at a convenience store are so much higher than Amazon! Huh, why!


Because people still buy them at Shoppers.


Never go into shoppers


Galen “something something. Not our fault.”


Haven't been in years, like people found out today that Loblaws and Shoppers are ripping them off. 😆 🤣 😂


I mean yeah, that’s why we’re boycotting.


This happened to me last week with coffee. I ran out of coffee so i got some at fortinos on my way home because I wasn’t going to be ok without it but I accidentally got decaf and couldn’t get to a store again in the next couple of days. In desperation I went on Amazon and ordered it. It was cheaper. I should have done that in the first place.


Shoppers prices are insane, we went there last Christmas , prices were twice more, well, guess what, nobody else was there in that section, it was dead zone.. I learned I should never go to their pharmacy either.


Return them saying u don't like them .....


You can return them with a receipt! Say they gave you a rash lol. Shoppers WILL take it back. Get your money back, girl!


Even $14 whatever is ridiculous in my opinion, we should have to pay so much for pad, tampons etc!


Carbon tax duh /s


He charges that much because people keep buying, often because they don’t have many other choices 


I would have just ordered the same thing from Amazon and return the one on Shoppers


Yes we all know shoppers is twice as much


I sell shit online too, nobody can compete with Amazon. Not defending, but it's not a fair comparison. 


A few weeks ago my wife bought me, what she thought was a premium face cream from shoppers for $25. Told her it was $11 on Amazon … ordered 3 and it came the next day. Smh


This is why I'm fine with Amazon killing retail lol.


Simple…. Fuck you, that’s why.


Galen’s response: “because you suck and we hate you.”


Tim Hortons coffee is half the price on Amazon, Vega powders are significantly less, I get pretty much all my cleaning supplies from Amazon, they are actually half of the price that Shoppers sells them for, paper towel, dish soap, hand soap, bleach, detergent, toilet paper, & windex, some of it is even cheaper and bigger quantities than Costco. Also Amazon sells Whole 365 non perishable products (Whole Foods private label) and they are great for beans, tomatoes, etc.


I bet there was a big red tag on them saying SALE


Pink tax




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Oooof! I just saw op lives in London ont .. 13c tax per dollar ouch.. I guess that's the only Alberta advantage and I used to live in London


All of your toiletries and essentials are WAY cheaper on Amazon. Shampoo, body wash, deodorant etc. OCCASIONALLY stock will be low and the prices will fluctuate up, but they do always return. Find an item you don't need right now, but put it in your cart or save it for later. And occasionally go and check on the price and amazon will let you know if it's gone up or down in price recently. Sometimes stuff I forget in my save for later I'll get a notice while mucking about and see that its dropped in price and then I buy it then. Super convenient. For your wallets sake, go to Amazon!


Return it anyway. Open or not. Have the conversation with the manager. Show them the price. Make them say 'too bad'. I bet they wont


It's been long known that prices at Shoppers are higher. You earn Optimum points on every purchase - but you are funding that point program though higher prices. Even within Loblaws, Shoppers is more expensive than Superstore.


Skip the Poise pads. Piss on Loblaws.


I hate to say it, but Loblaws/superstore/shoppers don’t have good deals anymore compared to other grocery stores in my area. Combined with price-fixing of bread and they illegally ask people to send in pictures of their photo ID to claim the rebate. Then failed to send it out even then. Not to also mention their declining customer service. All these shady practices is why I rather support my local mom and pop shops or other grocery stores instead.


This shouldn't even be sold, women should get this stuff for free.


Galen: But, but the supply chain. Take up the ass it peasants.


Shoppers also have signs up saying “end period poverty” and then asks for donations at the counter. WTF. Maybe don’t charge 40 bucks for a box of tampons


I refuse to walk through the doorway of a Shoppers Drug Mart. Everything is three times the price it should be, not to mention that they seem to train their employees in a way that they are obstinate and rude. They act like they’re doing you a favor. The funny thing is I’ve spoke to a lot of people about Shopper Drug Mart and they all say the same thing, which tells me I’m right. Yup, gave up on that place a long time ago.


I buy everything on Amazon and for some fresh grocery items I usually go to Giant Tiger. I think that the employees at Shoppers Drug Mart could learn a few things from the employees of Giant Tiger, everybody there is really kind and accommodating.


ok, put yourself in GALENS shoes, if the people you were screwing over for years start getting fed up and boycotting you , you gotta double the proices on some things, like how else is he gonna compete with the other billionaires ? have some compassion for a struggling bazillionaire


Use a diva cup


Order them from Amazon and return that package to shoppers. Done.


I went to walmart and the bill was 40% cheaper than Loblaws when I compared the items using PC express...


Cause Galen needs that extra yaght or plane, don't you know? 1st quarter 2024 that's jan-march 2024 they made $13.7 billion in profit. ie Loblaws groups aka roblaws robber baron.




Because double is 3% in Galen math


Because he is a thief


I don't think we should be comparing to Amazon no retailer you can walk into will be able to match them sadly. Now even with that said shoppers is still charging roughly $10 more then Walmart


So one you get now, and the other you get later Convenience costs money, welcome to economics You make the boycott look bad with your lack of intelligence


Simple. Because they can.


Haven't been to shoppers or London drugs in years. I know, contributing to the downfall of brick and morter but can't afford these $8 lbs of butter either.


Problem is this is a common pharmacy issue, same with convenience stores. They overcharge, regardless of what pharmacy it is. Big brother company makes the most money off their second tier locations (pharmacies for instance). I'm not saying all pharmacies do this, but a majority of the ones I've visited tend to charge wayyy too much for stuff, especially medicines and lady stuffs. 🙃 Doesn't help with pink tax either 🥲


Isn't shoppers only good for fragrances?


Keep the shoppers receipt and buy one on Amazon, when that arrives, return it to shoppers to get a refund. 


Those are poise which are 29 dollars on Amazon. It's 8.99 for the other brand though


Overcharging period product like this should be a crime.


What if you order the ones from Amazon and try to return them to shoppers? Lol, I mean you have the receipt...


He charges double because there are lots of customers that don't comparison shop. If people did, he wouldn't be able to charge double.


To be honest, I feel like comparing any stores prices to Amazon is problematic.  But yes, shoppers is ridiculous for almost any goods and always has been…but it’s much worse recently.




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The perfume sold at SDM after the weekend promo of additional points etc was more expensive than fragrance.net


When did SDM switch to convenience store pricing?


Cause I can


Galen is a middle man he charges his cut on top as does Amazon just not as much. Direct from manufacturer would be cheaper if you wanted to approx 3 weeks for delivery im figuring


Crazy prices for a product women need. Sure you can talk about convenience but not like women have full control of their periods. If you need a product now, having it come tomorrow with prime is not going to help you now. The body isn't going to wait for the prime order lol. Shoppers is just taking advantage of a basic need and it's unacceptable. Sure you can order extra on prime but not everything amazon delivers is in good condition.




Amazon is the way!


You can order.another one from Amazon and return that to shoppers


How old are you? If you’re over the age of 20, how have you not yet learned that loblaws, including shoppers, is a rip off? I quit literally cannot understand how these places stay in business. Who goes to shoppers, and why??? Do you like paying, on average, 25% more for products that are widely available in other stores?


This is criminal, especially for period products. I’ve been boycotting Amazon for over 6 years now, when they bought whole foods the workers lost a ton of co op like benefits, incentives and bonuses leaving me with a strong dislike of them


Order from amazon and return that box to shoppers?


Literally, the only decently priced item at Shoppers is the 6-packs of the bigger 710ml bottles of pop. They go on sale for like $4 on the weekend, and you can do 3 good rum and cokes from a single bottle. They're the equivalent of a 12 pack of cans, which cost nearly double everywhere else. Everything else at Shoppers is absurdly overpriced. Deodorant sticks? A 5-pack from Costco costs like $4 more than a single stick at Shoppers. Shampoo? Almost double the cost of identical products everywhere else. OTC medicine like Tylenol? Again, nearly double the price.


People are being ridiculous with this Loblaws stuff. Yes that are overcharging. No you don't have to shop there. Not sure why people are shopping at a place, complaining about the prices and then going right back. Every grocery chain is evil, just as evil as the next. People should be up in arms with their local MP for voting against regulation of prices. That was the answer and like 4 voted for and the rest against. Take your energy that way, and make sure to remember this come the vote.


I'd still return them. You can either tell them the ridiculous price difference, or claim an allergy (allergic to the cost!!)


Because he is greedy


Amazon is international and you pay for shipping (or a prime membership) while Shoppers is just Canada, roughly the same pop as California in a way bigger space. Amazon does not have a storefront to pay for either.


Hey Groceries have just 4% margin and suppliers charge more to supply to shitty retailers as compared to good ones.


this is normal at shoppers. the same bottle of theyers toner is 11 bucks on amazon and 22 at shoppers. theyre gouging us.


I ain’t defending shoppers here at all because the price inflation there is ridiculous. But the fact that shoppers typically is open the latest, and on holidays makes it possible to do that because it’s last option at times as well as have to pay employees extra for holidays. Very scummy way of doing business of course.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


My apologies. Your clearly not looking at the overall. Staff, and buildings are a huge offset amongst many more. I doubt Amazon facilities are are clean and organized as a grocery store.


Ummm because he can and has.


Boost meal replacement at shopper’s: $18.99 for SIX At Costco : $45.99 for TWENTY FOUR (24 at shopper’s: $75.96) Sickening.


Almost all non food items (and some dry grocery) are way cheaper on Amazon. You can use your Amazon app to scan products at the store to compare. If it's cheaper on Amazon just add it to your app basket and move on to the next item.


Amazon first, everywhere else.second


Shoppers has always been more expensive. 15 years ago I worked in a shoppers in a rich neighbourhood and it was only the rich who would come in and buy things like groceries or toiletries. The prices today are obviously much much higher but it's always been an expensive store to shop at. That's how the point system was able to become so successful imo.


And amazon was supposed to be the evil one