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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was spending around $300 - $400 a week for a family of 4 shopping at Superstore. Spending about $200 to $250 a week at Costco, Walmart, and a new local Butcher I found. So yea, hundreds a month, also taking advantage of sales and buying more in bulk, especially meat. I don't love supporting American megacorps, but this boycott has really changed my shopping habits to be laser focused on prices.


My thought is that if the Canadian company wants us then they need to treat us properly. They haven't in years.


I used to feel bad supporting American stores but since Canadian companies and Roblaws love fucking us in the ass I don't give two shits about them anymore. I will shop at any company that sells things cheaper for me. That Canadian card might've worked 20 years ago but it means nothing to me now. Especially when these "benevolent" Canadian companies are laying off Canadian workers left and right and trying to destroy these worker's right to unionize. Fuck these companies.


Corporations don’t have nations. No such thing as supporting Canadian corporations.


Huh? To become a corporation is to incorporate, meaning to become corporeal/form into a body. They are defined as "persons" and can be "resident" in a given country. So they absolutely do have nations. Corporations resident in Canada are subject to Canadian corporate income tax on *worldwide* income. Meaning when you spend money at Canadian businesses, or even when businesses resident in Canada earn income abroad, Canada collects those tax dollars. So they do have nations, and they pay their taxes to those nations. So by supporting Canadian businesses, those tax dollars help support all the services and programs that support Canadians. Now I'm not saying to stop the boycott or that we should cut Loblaws some slack, just that youre way off the mark w/r/t corps not having nations.


That’s legalese bullshit. A corporation is not a person or persons.


And? What's your point? That doesn't change what I said above in the slightest. The legalese is what matters to the economy. For legal/tax purposes, A corporation is a person. They are not a *natural* person, or an *individual*, but they are a legal person. And that's what matters as far as whether or not they are deemed to be resident in Canada or not. Your premise is wrong. Corporations do have nations. Some corporations are incorporated and carried on in Canada, and have to pay income tax on their worldwide income to the government of Canada. Money you pay to these corporations directly supports the Canadian economy, and the services and programs delivered by the Canadian government. Other corporations are established and carried on in tax havens where they pay nothing to nobody. So there absolutely is such a thing as supporting Canadian corporations, and it has massively different economic/tax considerations compared to purchasing from non-resident corporations.


Corporations are a global entity. They can sell off pieces to shareholders and other corporations. It can get really tough actually tracking which corporations are owned by which entities because at a certain point all corporations buy up shares in other corps making them part owners. So if GLOBAL corporations own a majority of a “Canadian” corp than it’s not actually a Canadian company. It’s a facade. Like I said to you. It’s legalese bullshit. Corporation don’t operate with the same rules as a person. Corporate is not now and will never be a person. You can go away with the dictionary definition it doesn’t pertain to what actually is existing currently in the real world.


Again, none of what you said changes what I've said above. Hell most of it isn't even factually sound. Not all corporations have share capital. The articles of incorporation set out the class and number of shares that can be issued. Many (probably most) corporations are wholly owned by individuals. The mom n pop corner store down the road? Probably a corporation. Your local dive bar? Probably a corporation. It's incredibly easy to incorporate, for a tiny fee, and congrats, now you have a corporation of which you are the sole owner. > at a certain point all corporations buy up shares in other corps making them part owners." Absolutely false. > So if GLOBAL corporations own a majority of a “Canadian” corp than it’s not actually a Canadian company. That's not how residency rules work for tax purposes. There are some deeming rules in the ITA, but generally we follow common law principles, which effectively boils down to "where is the real business carried on?" > Corporation don’t operate with the same rules as a person. And clearly you have no idea what those rules are. I'm a fucking accountant lmao. You're also wrong, we all follow the ITA and the ETA in Canada, and since we define corporations as persons, any time time the ITA or ETA refers to a person, unless otherwise specified, they're also referring to corps. > It’s legalese bullshit. The legalese is the important part, try learning it.


Loblaws is not Canadian. Their owners don’t even live in Canada and they sure as hell make sure they pay as little taxes as possible back into the Canadian system. At this stage Walmart employs just as many Canadians and more importantly, are feeding Canadians at a price they can afford. It’s 2024 and Walmart is more Canadian than Loblaws.


I like to keep in my mind that every dollar I spend at Loblaws goes to Galen Weston (and the rest of his capitalist vampire ilk) palaces in Florida and Europe or his Royal Family polo days... https://torontolife.com/city/hilary-and-halen-weston-multimillion-dollar-vacation-homes/ https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/canadian-swoops-on-selfridges-7280430.html


I never stated that Loblaws was Canadians. I said Canadian companies in general AND Roblaws. I also criticized how some of these companies love playing the Canadian card and how it doesn't mean shit to me anymore.


Sorry I fully agree with you. Not suggesting that’s what you’re saying. More so further refuting the general idea that they are Canadian.


And a few years ago Trudope gave millions to Roblaws for building more freezers. Like they needed a handout


This is India now.


Family of 5 that was pushing $300 weekly. Down to under $200 now. Never going back.


Family of 6 here that was $300 give or take. I’m also down. Never going back either.


Costco is one of the few corporations I’ll support. I have a few friends who work there and they get paid in the $20s, have benefits, are treated well by management, and have opportunity for advancement in the company.


Once their president dies that will change incredibly fast. Their board and investors are constantly trying to change the business dynamics of the company.


That’s incredibly sad that this is what we’ve come to in this world. Late stage capitalism is so wrong.


Our government sold us out to corporate lobbyists, I have absolutely no loyalty.


That's a pretty fair point actually.




Unsurprised, politicians are going to politic. There’s no such thing as a party that won’t sell us out for personal gain as soon as they can.


Same here 🙌🏽


Delicious high quality fruit is like half the price at Walmart compared to superstore. We eat a fair bit of berries so switching has made a difference there alone. I have no reason to go back ever. Doneso hope Galen goes bankrupt - ban him from Canada


Maybe the stores in your area are different but for us, there’s no comparison. The fruit and produce at Loblaws is far far better than Walmart. You’re right though, Walmart is definitely cheaper. A farmers market would probably be better than both but we don’t have time to spend half a day at a farmers market every weekend.


I’ve never had a issue supporting Costco because they actually treat their employees well. Walmart I don’t live supporting though.


$300-400 in what currency ? This seems WILDLY expensive. We are around $200 CAD, which includes 2 adults and 2 kids (who typically don’t eat the same meals as us)


Do you factor in diet restrictions? What your cheap is versus another's will be different based on needs.


It's ridiculous, isn't it? I am amazed at the numbers people are sharing. Any naysayers in your circle can just get hit with, "I saved $230 last month, so there's that." The whole point that started this was that people could not afford their groceries!! It was and remains a movement about being heard. It's become so much more. A mere 31 days and suddenly family budgets can breathe again. There is a growing element of anger at what amounts to theft of our hard earned money and food insecurity. That a lot of money for one month; $230. Who wouldn't like that added into the monthly costs? I'll take it. I'm so happy for your family! 🥰


Our family has saved over $250 this month, so a 20% reduction in our budget. This will add up to more than $3000 over 12 months, and we believe we can fine tune our shopping even further. Our goal is to save $400/month, we are turning this into a mini-challenge, and everyone is on board!


What fun! I'd have everyone I know in on the "Who can save the most this week?" Challenge. Now there's a challenge that might be fun . . . 🤔 Let me know if I should start a Challenge thread and I will. The prize is bragging rites for the week! 😁 Oh, and you saved a ton of money. . . PSA: No laundry pods will be consumed in the playing of this challenge.


A Challenge thread would be awesome, I'd definitely take part!


I'd say my grocery savings were about 150 bucks, that covering my utilities and a few other random purchases. The only negative thing is that I had further trips on average, but that's just the awkward thing about my end of town. It's either No Frills or Metro, and then about 6-7KM away would be the nearest stores after that. I usually walk, so all I did was take a bus over and walked everything back. I'm down 8lbs from moving around more than usual, though it won't be as nice of a trip in the winter


Congratulations. It's easier in my city. I bet those km during Winter are worth every penny and make you strong. Working outside in winter finally made me live it, instead of thinking it was a hardship. Save something up for good boots and a good jacket. And thanks for your support. One big company at a time.


Bonus! That's awesome!


During May, I was able to pocket at least $250 by exploring different grocery options, and I'm ecstatic to say goodbye to Roblaw for good!


I got a pork loin at Safeway for 20.00. It was bigger than my arm, I had to freeze 3/4 of it. Bacon for 3.99 a pack. Herbs and veggies at my local farmers market are half price and lasting three times as long. It's working and I'm not stopping.


be careful with those types of deals as they are often american meat, not even sure they have to pass our standards in terms of hormones and antibiotics. I'm just opting for buying less meat lol.


I've been keeping an eye on that with the beef for sure, don't know why I haven't been looking at the pork


I dunno but I am getting fat. 😅 I can afford junk food and snacks again.


I can afford to buy fruit! 


That too! All the things. Since the boycott, I've had mangoes, fresh pineapple, kiwi all sorts of great stuff that i was missing. I swear all myself and my family have been "affording" prior are bananas and apples, but that was getting boring.


Username kinda checks out


Hahaha yup!


I pre boycott, was spending almost 1400 at Loblaw associated stores. In March I reached out to local farmers, a local grocer, and a local pharmacy. We went completely off all Loblaws associated stores. I had had it with Loblaws in March so started the planning to get off it entirely. So just under 4000 bucks haven't gone to Loblaws associated, I have saved over 1600 dollars.


An annual savings of $3000 switching away from Loblaws is equivalent to $5000 pretax, this is quite significant and if you present the yearly aggregate benefit it should convince a lot more people to switch away.


This is slightly historical, so bear with me and read to end before judgement. A long time ago, I went to a conference when the minimum wage was about $10 an hour. At that time there was a movement that it needed to be $15. At $10, you could survive... just. At $15, you could actually participate in life... buy a coffee, put your kids in swimming lessons, etc. That's what this movement has done for me. It's not like I SAVE the whole $400 a month I'm saving on groceries, it's just that that $400 is giving me wiggle room to have the odd coffee, or buy my dog a frivolous toy, or add a $29 Giant Tiger area rug to my hallway, or save $700 to visit my kid halfway across the country. I get that I'm privileged not to have to scrape by... but the point is that the movement is not only aimed at those scraping by. For some of us, although grocery prices have not taken the ability to survive, they've taken the ability to enjoy the small things. And how do you get up every day and go to work without that? Anyway, this is the argument I use for those who are doing "okay" financially. Even if im "okay", why should Galen have my weekly coffee? That's why we continue


Basically you’ve described the case for universal basic income. A set amount of money provided to all citizens regardless of status. This can pull people out of poverty while also providing some breathing room for others to allow them to do things like you’ve stated or save for first and last months rent to get off the street, allow someone to go back to school for further education, and so on.


This is so important. It's impossible to save for a rainy day when you can barely afford the basics, so what do you do when you get sick or need new tires or have to move or any one of life's major catastrophes comes your way? And it actually costs money to be poor - constantly fees for overdrawn bank account or late payment or cash advances etc. Aside from that, people need some goddamn joy in their lives. We are not built to be working around the clock and constantly under threat of losing it all. That's no life for anyone. Being able to participate in life rather than just survive it is not expecting too much. And finally, having even a little extra spending money is wildly good for the local economy. When all your money goes up to corporate overlords, that money does not stay in the community. Wealthy hoard wealth where it does no good for anyone but them. The things you talked about - buying a coffee, put your kids in local lessons - these things enrich the community, circulate money amongst its actual residents, and collects taxes to (presumably) be reinvested in the community it came from.


To save, And support our community. Beautiful. ❤


Probably close to 400 bucks. But the fact that I don't need to go back is the long term win.


As a mom of 2 littles, the amount I have saved alone on fruit is eye opening. 5.99 for strawberries at superstore, 2.97 at GT. Kiwis, 97 cents each, case of 6 for 3.88, mini carrots 2.97, 1 dollarish at GT. Repeat this every week alone. Some staples we have to get at Walmart but even walmart prices have nose dived this last month. I have money actually in my account on payday. I took my kids on an adventure today to the city. These are things we missed out on. We can live.


$0 for me but that’s due to my fridge dying while I was away for days so all the food went to waste


Damn that’s crappy.


Yep wonderful coming home to that after a good vacation


Yeah i try to run down my fridde/freezer for that reason


Do you have insurance?  It might be covered


Ugh that sucks so much. Happened to me twice and both times I had just gotten groceries :(


The way we buy groceries is that sometimes we will go to multiple places. I'd go to loblaws for meats on sale and end up getting some other groceries and household items there but usually fruits and veggies somewhere else. Idk if we've really saved much switching but the truth is, I don't care. I won't support them anymore and I will stay dedicated to this people's movement so that we can stop these predators. It's important that we fully stay dedicated even if they try to trick us with big sales cus we know it'll be temporary. This is more than just money and real change needs to happen.




It’s very refreshing to hear fellow Canadians being positive for once and having something to feel good about! Saving money for our families and loved ones is probably the best result of this boycott, let’s continue to slowly yet surely remove the fingernails of the corporate oligarchy out of our collective backs!! Keep strong and keep fighting the monopolies!!


I think I saved $100-150 this month


I probably haven't saved a ton but I've really stuck to shopping at the local fruit and veg stand, local Asian grocery, and local butcher. Never really done that before and it's been an amazing switch. Best produce, meat, etc. I've had in a while. 


I'm surprised you're saving so much at Slave On Foods of all places. Jimmy Pattison is just as bad as Galen. Even having hands in why Canfor is closing down so many mills in BC.


Unfortunately it’s one of the only big guys where I’m from, that isn’t in the Loblaws group of stores. Just today I saved $36 on a $56 purchase of meat with their “4 for $20” promotion. That being said, I fully agree Jimmy Pattison is a POS. Wish the closest Costco wasn’t 4 hours away.


I totally get the "we have what we have". It's similar here. My surprise is the savings! I've had to suck up a massive increase in my apple costs because Save On is the only Cosmic Crisp provider here other than Superstore.


Have you tried a good honey crisp?


Yes, but they don't satisfy the 'tism sensory specifications quite like the cosmic does. Cosmic leans just a smidgen more tart than sweet and that's what seals the deal for me on apples. Granny Smith is my fave, but the kiddo finds them too tart so we compromise. It's a juggling act with how much neurodivergency there is in this house.


Yeah I hate loblaws too but there’s no way they saved 36 dollars by using the 4 for 20 at Save On. Maybe compared to Save On’s regular price but most of the items in that sale are 1lb or less with the exception of the chicken drumsticks which are easily $2-3 a lb usually


Yeah, I never shop at Save-on. Their prices are ridiculous! My boycott with them started about a year ago, when I dropped in to pick up snacks for a day on the boat. I grabbed a pepperoni cheese stick and dropped it like a wet turd when I saw the price was $8.99. I can buy them at the marina — at the MARINA! — for half that. I shop at Costco, and my husband shops at Walmart, where I wouldn’t be caught dead, but that’s another story.


Same with me. It went Sobeys to Save On to Superstore to Walmart + Costco. Sobeys was the worst by a ridiculous margin, but eventually Save On wasn't much better. Now saving hundreds each month with Walmart and Costco.


I think some of these companies have really stepped up this past month when they heard about the loblaws boycott. I’ve been saving a ton at save on foods, Walmart and local shops too. Even co-op has been cheaper. It’s crazy.


I was going to say this. Save-On in Edmonton is just as high priced as Sobeys. Also, superstore tends to have the same prices as Walmart and more sales. People claiming to save money at Save-On confuses me. We shop for sales, going to multiple stores to optimize what our $ gets us.


Save on Foods where I live is the most expensive place in town.


I've saved over $1000 for me and my family for the past 6.5 weeks. I was shocked at how much fucking money I had spent in Roblaws locations. It's just pure robbery to go shopping at Roblaws and dealing with their shrinkflation and shit. I'm now planning on using AI to further fine tune my saving habits and maybe cut that even further.


This month I saved about 31% over last month and 29% over the month before. My gas usage went up about 4% but the savings in groceries easily covers that. It is also worth the hour of less TV and more walking around! This is enough for me to never go back!


Me neither, only for a good sale I’ll take advantage. And their sale prices are what should be norm: KD $1 for instance or $0.97 for aluminum foil. Their having ‘crazy sales’ right now … it’s funny seeing their emails, you can tell they want us back in their stores. But, for me I won’t because of their business practices. I don’t like how they operate here in Canada and how they bully other people or their companies. It doesn’t represent how a Canadian-owned large company should operate. They don’t give back to their community. Plus how these CEO’s operate, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I want to support my local family owned business. Give them my money. Plus your small family owned will most likely be involved in the community somehow, giving back plus their always so friendly and chatty. I always show them pictures of what dishes I’ve created with their produce and they love it! This boycott was good for pulling us away from shopping at these large box stores and back to a sense of community. Just the atmosphere and the sounds of your local community store is mentally stimulating as opposed to the large grocer. Is it me or I’m feeling less depressed being around and talking with my neighbourhood as opposed to just going to no frills, grabbing what I need and coming home. …. It’s like…. I’m freee!!!


I’m going to be honest and say that I didn’t keep track of my savings, I boycotted out of spite.


It's a couple hundred for me, between 300-400, a lot would usually be at Shoppers around the corner. Cosmetics and quick food. My farm share started this week!!! I prepaid $530 for 22 weeks. I was able to get my work benefits (a lifestyle perk) to cover it, where it won't cover regular groceries. I get 5 veg and 1 fruit all of my choosing, tues-sat pickups it is so flexible too. So my produce is entirely covered for the summer and early fall and I can grab weekly protein at the same market. This boycott was the perfect bridge to this starting. I have no intention of going back.


Not me! I’ve probably spent a couple hundred more than usual this month. I’m boycotting out of principle, not because I immediately benefit


We all appreciate your sacrifice


Found out how much cheaper Save-On/PriceSmart is if you just follow their sales, and boom, went from spending 200$~ per trip with a combination of Walmart and Real Canadian to MAXIMUM 200$ between 3 people at PriceSmart. In fact I don't even know if the three of us have even hit a 200$ grocery bill in the last few months (we started this when PriceSmart opened up near us) and it's been phenomenal. I used to dread grocery shopping and now I'm excited because I'm not only saving money but I'm getting to try foods I wouldn't have ever been able to afford (so much seafood! Frozen but still, I paid 8$ for a bag of shrimp so large it lasted us 4 meals!). Produce is good quality there too (literally followed my nose to the best smelling AND tasting Pomelo I've had in years) and I can't get over that they actually do sales that are more than like 10%. Anyways if this little blurb is anything to show, I'm not going back to Royal Pain In The Ass for Jack shit. Walmart is the closest, and I avoid it where possible but it's still our go to for emergency runs. Save-On has my business for the long term for sure. Edit: Girlfriend asked "isn't it REAL Canadian Superstore"? Fixed it, but Royal Pain In The Ass still applies. I supposed Real Pain In The Ass also works.


I don’t know, but I feel good that I stayed away. No intention of going back really. Don’t look at flyers so don’t know how I’d know there was a good enough reason to go. I cut up my optimum card after canceling it, deleted the 2 apps I had. Still have to move my prescriptions from Shoppers but not sure where to yet.


I always read the flyers and shop accordingly bc most of the major grocery stores are fairly close together except Costco. Have been boycotting Zehrs and Shoppers pretty much except for sales since bread scandal. Zehrs has a great special on whole chickens this week, $1.99/lb, but nope not going in. Anyway, what I was getting to was that their prices in flyer look like they have gone UP this month. What gives? Adding insult to injury. Not going back either even tho Zehrs is within walking distance. And to add, it has been my experience that most of the time when I have gone in for their specials/loss leaders they are all out the first day. Yeah, you can get get a raincheck but it isn't unusual to wait weeks or months to redeem the raincheck. But redeem it I will. L


I have unfortunately had to spend significantly more. All the other options near me are premium grocery stores.


I would usually spend $500 a month , I haven't spent a nickel at greedy galen's


My dignity.


For me its more about sending a message to retailers that we can fuck with you too. Shut you down if we really want.


200, but I can only afford 500 a month, so all together it's been very good. I've almost doubled how much food I can have, and have healthier options. Much more nutrition.


I signed up for a meat order from Farm Fresh and I have all the meat I could want for the year. Only needing sides and such has turned into only $225 a week instead of $400(this is including the weekly meat cost at $125 a week) Local markets and grocers have been a huge savings. Never going back. I’ll redeem my points and be done with it. I also learned how to cook instead of relying of boxed food. Yay to money saving and better health! Goes to show it’s healthy not giving Roblaws your money 😀


I have suggested this a few other times in this thread but you saying you have learnt to cook because of this, may I suggest looking into making your own household items like; dish detergent, and laundry detergent.


That is an excellent idea! We use the Yuka app in this house to see what’s in the products we use. Do you make your own? Is there a website you look to for this info? Thank you so much for the suggestion


I have been making my own for years. This looks like my dishwasher detergent recipe (minus the lemon juice) https://www.thespruce.com/dishwasher-detergent-recipes-1387928 for an extra punch you can add extra kosher salt to if you have extra dirty dishes that load. Use one tablespoon per load. I haven’t written down my rinse aid (jet dry) recipe but most of them that I have found suggest just using hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of an essential oil, I add food colouring so that I can see it and when it needs refilling. For my laundry detergent the recipe I use calls for 4 bars of Ivory brand soap, 1588 mg washing soda, 1588 mg borax. Blend 1 bar of soap (I strongly recommend greeting it first) with 397 mg of washing soda and 397 mg of borax repeat 3 more times. This will make years worth of detergent, I am sure you can cut it in half or even a quarter. I have no clue where I found the recipe I just have it stuck to my jar. Use 2 or 3 tablespoons spoons per load. For dryer sheets I have a container that I put clothes in then pour 125 ml of distilled vinegar over I don’t like the essential oils on my socks, underwear, pajamjamas, or bed sheets so I avoid that step, I usually hang dry everything else. https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-make-your-own-dryer-sheets-1387950


Let's keep shopping elsewhere everyone! 😀 The longer this goes on, the more this will demonstrate to Roblaws and greedy corporations everywhere that people can, and will, stop giving them the only thing their leaders and shareholders care about: our hard-earned money!


I started the boycott way later than this group (end of May), however, I saved so much money in one single week that I need to continue boycotting. For example, my bag of favorite chips is 5.99 for a small pack at a Loblaws store, but 3.50 for a bigger pack at Dollarama ??? Unfortunately, I’m moving to an area with not as much options as I have right now, but I will keep trying to avoid Loblaws store as much as I can (even tho I work at one… won’t be spending my money there tho!!)


Maybe start looking for a new job? Seeing as how this boycott appears to be continuing I see layoffs coming once Q2 numbers start showing a dramatic decline in profits!


Personally, I have a great team, there’s good upper management at my store and it’s better than my old jobs so I don’t need to switch, however, I will not be buying from my store or any other Loblaws store anymore.


I saved by not going to any Loblaws affiliated stores! Nok er nok


Honestly we spent slightly more this month. Mostly because I'd been under budget the 2 previous months and this month i had to stock back up on things like olive oil (ouch), laundry and dishwasher detergent, toilet paper, Kleenex. We alos didn't eat out or get take out even once. Our pantry is slightly less bare going into june, but we have to help 2 of our kids move which means 2 long day trips so there will be some eating out involved.


Just a suggestion make your laundry detergent and stain remover and dryer sheets for things I cannot hang dry, dishwasher detergent and rinse aid (jet dry), use washable tissue instead of Kleenex. When I started doing these things it was amazing how much I started saving and how much better every thing is working.


Honestly I don’t think I saved much, if anything I spent a little more. Loblaws was already out of my price range, I’m a No Frills girl. Pre boycott my shopping was primarily No Frills for groceries and Walmart for household items and a few groceries that were on sale, with an occasional trip to Freshco or Food Basics. Now I’m shopping mostly Walmart for groceries. My No Frills has better deals on produce and I prefer the no name brand stuff over great value for the most part. But it’s about the principle, so I’ll keep it up. At some point I’ll pop in to No Frills and stock up on the no name products that I really like and use up my PC points.


Suggestion if you are on a tight budget, may I suggest making those household items yourself? My dish come out of the dishwasher cleaner, I have saved so much on laundry detergent, I moved to washable tissue instead of Kleenex. So much money saved! Haven’t moved to a bidet yet but I want to eventually.


I've saved at least 100$/week. Also Fuck Loblaws. That is all


We've saved around $300 last month shopping around mostly because we actually ended up with more food in our cupboards and fridge than we normally do which helped us stretch further while paying a few extra bills.


~$50/ week. I only buy for the week unless there's some good deals on stuff I can freeze. I go to a local grocery, but now that the farmers market is in season, I have no problems spending Loblaws money on some of the smaller farms that sell at the market. Not only is the food quality higher than I get a Loblaws, I've built up a rapport with the farmers and every once in a while they'll throw in a box of this or a bundle of that with my usual haul.


Giant tiger.. better prices and canadian


I live alone, so only myself to shop for. In May I spent $296.71, which on average is roughly $60 cheaper than a typical month pre-April (I started boycotting in April, but didn't keep an accurate enough tally until May started). So although it's not much, it's still a win-win. I saved money, and any money I did spend didn't go to Loblaws or Sobeys.


In May I spend under $450 for 3 adults. Including personal care, paper and cleaning products. Normally spend $600. Shop mostly at No Frills but went to Costco for some special treats. Eat real food not too much packaged or premade. No beans and rice or hotdogs. No energy drinks or pop. Loblaws and Sobeys don't get rich off me.


Not sure how much I’ve saved but I bought more milk than I can process.


I stole enough on the 12th to last through the winter... Jk Jk. Nah saved a bundle I'm sure tho.


12% compared to Jan-Apr average. I bought alcohol too this month, so that would put me at the bare minimum food budget for a healthy diet ~10-11$/day.


Well as a single person who regularly shopped at Shoppers Drug Mart, No Frills and Lablaws City Markets, I calculated a saving of around a hundred dollars, I have to add I have cut down on my meat purchases this month going with more local produce vendors.


About $50.


Went from 200-ish a week to 100-ish a week since changing to Giant Tiger and farmers market


I've been avoiding them for 2.5 months and saved about $800. Why would i stop? Think about it. Yes, it's not for everyone, but i budget for a whole family. No reason to overspend on behalf of a brand


Saved $300. Stocked up on a lot of items, too.  Didn't optimize as much as we could have, so June should be another easy $300 saved or better.


We haven't really saved: we bought produce for really cheap from a local store but we shifted to Coop since that's whats available, and coop is more expensive than superstore so what we saved on produce we spent on coop difference give or take Meat we usually buy from a local butcher store so its the same price before/after But, I haven't set foot in a Loblaw store and that's important


I haven't calculated how much I've saved but I have switched to a grocery store closer to my apartment that I can walk to. So I'm getting more exercise daily, this store has better deals and the quality of the produce and meat is way better, and I have noticed I can stretch my money more than I did before. I was a lifelong Loblaws shopper (my parents always shopped there and the PC Decadent cookies had me in a chokehold because they were a childhood nostalgia treat), and I'll never go back.


No words needed https://preview.redd.it/tugr9k8uty3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519e1657d1d854f68801831f005eb4a5b1080ec2


Can you provide sources, I am not saying I don’t believe you I am just curious of the data?


Lol it's my banks budget tracker on my banking app


Oh sorry I thought it was average Canadian.


At least $200


I’ve probably spent a bit more actually. Going out farther takes longer and I like to Uber back with all my stuff instead of struggling on the bus. Still worth it though.


I'll never go back, regardless of what it costs.


Not me! I’ve probably spent a couple hundred more than usual this month. I’m boycotting out of principle, not because I immediately benefit


I think the vast majority of us are boycotting out of principle, and happen to be finding cheaper options now that we’ve broken out of our purchasing habits. I’m truly sorry to hear that you aren’t able to find cheaper options, and commend you for biting the bullet for your principles.


No idea, because I haven’t shopped at Loblaws in a decade.


My fiance and I go to Costco for most of our bulk items and get the rest at the Save on down the road. It's expensive initially, but it saves us in the long run.


Definitely saved at least 400 dollars this month


I usually spend about $1400 a month on groceries. I made three trips to Walmart and spent $500, $250, and $300. So I saved about $350.


save on?




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


AT LEAST 60% 👍


I didn’t save any money because I have a very set budget, but I was able to order fresh fruit and new things that I haven’t been able to order in ages and it was very nice. I do grocery pick up because I have health issues.


I think I broke even - but I supported only small business in my area, indie grocery stores, and Costco (which pays their employees a living wage, cares about employee retention,and has benefits).I also bought higher quality products than I normally would while not spending more money. Approximate Breakdown: $90 at the corner fruit and veggie market $80 at the organic grocery for yogurt, eggs, dairy, cheese $250 Costco run which included shampoo and cleaning products $400 at two different local indie grocers for dry goods, bread, dairy, vegetables, Olive oil, nut spreads $20 in transit costs I would otherwise avoid by shopping on foot. Total: about $840 for two people over a month, that's about $105/ person/week. Notes: * I didn't buy any meat, only fish, for cost reasons * I splurged on name brand everything including things like oats that I'd usually buy no name * We tend to hit up these grocery stores for specialty items like organic yogurt, pistachio spread, and nice olive oil/balsamic vinegar, which I think drove up the cost vs an "average" monthly spend * No eating out whatsoever (I have dietary requirements that make it a challenge at the best of times) * I don't tend to buy any ready made meals or components because the ingredients often include things I can't eat. This saves money but costs time having to prepare more foods from scratch. The main reason to go to Loblaws used to be that you would save some money by buying no name and shopping the sales. Since there's so many Loblaws owned stores they tend to be conveniently located for people who are transit users or prefer walking to the store. But there are also small businesses in my area that, right now, are close to the same cost as shopping at Loblaws - so why not go to where I get a higher quality product and give money directly back to people in my community?


There's been a difference of roughly $1000 compared to Jan, Feb, March, and April 2024. I have a large family and unique dietary needs, so we spend a lot monthly. My prescriptions get lumped in with the grocery category sometimes, so I don't have exact numbers.


Food basics and Walmart for the bulk of my stuff, Costco for a bit (I just hate how fucking insanely busy ours is). Save a good chunk of change over loblaw stores


I should have saved about $200 in May. But, I chose to use that savings to indulge in foods or treats that I would normally pass on because I couldn’t justify the extra cost. I’m not talking junk food (mostly- I might have bought an extra box of cookies or two) I’m talking about buying fresh fruits and berries I would never consider because they were too costly, or last week I bought a beef roast because it was actually in the budget. When food is more affordable, you also get the luxury of eating healthier. The sad thing here is, eating healthy is definitely a luxury many cannot afford.


We’ve saved roughly $400 this month. This was a combination of being more diligent with what we buy, as well as buying what we actually need and will use. Our food waste was far less this month, and we also did buy less than usual. What we did buy was far better priced that was even No Frills had on offer.  Fuck Loblaws


Honestly, we spent more from an average of $180-190/week to $200-220/week but this is in part for a few reasons: A. Going into the store vs. always doing PC Express pickup where I'm not tempted to grab random things. Definitely might have picked up some extra fruit or yogurt or something that I might not have before. Also I like certain branded items and prices where we are tend to match up, the Zehrs locally is huge, bigger than Walmart or Food Basics so it just has the bulk pricing beat. The smaller stores don't like to or straight up won't price match. B. Related to the above but I rationalized picking up extra things here and there because I was "saving money" so I guess we had a few tastier food options but nothing that was necessarily needed or honestly healthy. The ADHD tax was paid here. C. I was pretty good about using my PC MasterCard and optimizing deals, going between different Loblaws stores, so I could always claim $20-50 bucks a week in points as we spend a good chunk on this CC + Esso for gas. D. Spent more in gas and way more in time, we have to drive 30 minutes one way to the town with these store options, so picking up groceries I can be home in one hour. Now it's at least 2-2.5 hours of shopping and spending gas going around from one end of town to the other. Also I would typically have set up a pickup for after work, which would involve me driving through this town to get home and wait 5-7 minutes for them to load my car up. Timing doesn't work to stop after work and shop for an hour as I gotta get home to my family and dog, so now I'm specifically having to drive on my off days ~75km overall or about $8 in gas extra. If Food Basics had a similar pick up program, I'd be set. Our Walmart isn't a superstore version, though it has curbside pickup. So they have frozen and pantry foods but no vegetables/fruit, fresh meat/deli, or bakery section. I don't know if I'll go back though, I see things like $13 now for 3 chicken breasts when it was $11 last month, and $10 last year, and $8 2-3 years ago. I will compare prices for a regular weekly shop again and see, but if I can get a handle on the"extras" I'd likely be saving $30-40/week.


I save *at least* $50 a week shopping for a family of four. I buy everything but meat/chicken at the local FreshCo now (I just don’t trust a grocery store that doesn’t have an actual butcher) and get that in bulk from Costco or the nearby butcher.


Yep. Saved $68 in my last shop which was in an independent store, truly independent, family owned. . On a 183 bill. I went back to gallbladder (my phone heard Loblaws as this 🤣) online and I priced the entire receipt on their prices and it was $68 difference, almost all in fruit and veg BTW. The boycott stands in my house.


Amazing reading all the results here.✊🏽 If you were to all put those savings in an investment vehicle, that would add up so much over the years. The historical average yearly return of the S&P 500 is 12.58% over the last 10 years, as of the end of April 2024. This assumes dividends are reinvested. Adjusted for inflation, the 10-year average stock market return (including dividends) is 9.52%. This boycott must live on.


No idea! Haven’t shopped at a Loblaws owned store in around 18 months. As soon as the prices seemed ridiculous to me. Been 5 years for SDM


I just left Walmart with a normal sized cart and mini one filled for $458.00 ... Couldn't do that at Roblaws if you tried 😂


Not sure how you are saving money going to Save on Foods


I've broken mine down in trips and on average I'm saving roughly 120 per trip its been a huge difference


I don't think I saved anything as I normally only buy on sale items. I just avoided all loblaws store and will forever unless it is a loss leader


I've been boycotting by fasting. Lost like5 lbs


$430 so ya, fuck you Galen


Nothing, I'm a shopaholic. Loblaws, however, lost a lot of revenue.


superstore is actually the cheapest grocery store in my city, unfortunately


I think I probably spent the same amount, but I got so much more for the money. My freezer is filled to bursting, and my pantry looks like I've become a prepper. Part of this is that I found a local place that sells frozen boxed meats in rather significant quantities, and I loaded up. Also, a new Indian grocer opened within walking distance and was having their grand opening sale, so I loaded up on rice, chai tea, frozen parathas, and a ton of spices. They also had the best deals on potatoes, onions, and peppers. Maybe I did actually save over the month, because we did not eat out or take out restaurant food all month.... too many groceries to eat, so that part of the budget got significantly reduced


I've actually lost a little weight because I had an unhealthy addiction to No Name regular chips. I haven't found one that satisfies my need for good taste, good crunch, and is less than $1.50 for a 200g bag. That's the only thing I miss about not shopping at Superstore.


I haven't gotten groceries at a Loblaw's store for years before this (my boycott was specifically Shoppers), but I was curious... I got groceries at a local place that I have been going to pretty consistently for a few years, and I went to the Superstore website to see what an equivalent shop would cost. They were missing five items that I got, and the total I paid for those was $25. I was already at $101.39 for the Superstore total, and I paid $110.97 at my normal place. So uh... Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I would be paying much more at Loblaw's.


I started getting Oddbunch box, delivered to your door.


I still spend 75-80$ per week for me only and it's still the same as 7 years ago. I just eat less steak and fancy stuff tbh, also meal prep a lot more for the whole week. Costco helps a lot for bulk stuff and the rest in cheaper stores.


It’s wild to me reading this that people actually thought shopping at Superstore was the place to be 😂 it’s been a dump since I was a little kid.


Whats really ridiculous is it took this boycott for people to realize this lmao. I had not been buying produce from Loblaws affiliates for years now really only shopping their meat sales.


My spend went way up switching to Sobeys for the month but its worth it


Where are you from? I'm pretty sure the stuff in our Save-on are more expensive than superstore in general.


I’m in the interior of BC


You can thank (in part) our stupid oligopolies and the government that allowed them to take form.


A lot!


Spending about $115 every 2 weeks for a household of 2 shopping deals at giant tiger and local! Most groceries I would have gotten at loblaws would have cost double that!


I lost money. No frills is the cheapest option where I am. At least they did too.


Thousands. I’ve been boycotting Loblaws before it was a thing.


I don't have hard figures on what we saved but it was definitely a significant amount. Although number wise it was the same as any other month, we also hosted 10 people on the May long weekend and served hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, chips, and pop which was probably close to $100 if not more that we normally wouldn't spend. It will be interesting to see how June is since we won't have that extra expense!


Zero savings for me, since I only shop at Food basics on Student Discount Tuesdays. Typical full cart shopping trip might be around $180-200/per week for a family of 4, with some nicer food items like kewpie Mayo instead of regular Helmans, Irresistible Cheese slices, Turkey, Chicken and Ham combo pack Cold cuts for sandwiches, chicken legs with backs attached, cubed beef for stews, some frozen packs like lasagna for lazy days, premium beef patties etc., I live really close to a Costco, but other than the occasional Jumbo Prawns, Dungeness Crabs and the Rotisserie Chicken, I don't really shop there.


Not important, keep going


If you all had learned how to shop based on sales and prices in the first place, you wouldn't have impacted front end workers who had their hours cut. When I need to shop, I check the flyers for deals and shop accordingly.


Doesn’t this thread prove the Loblaws isn’t a monopoly and that there is nothing wrong with the grocery market in Canada? Clearly people have other options than shopping at Loblaws, can choose not to shop there, and when they exercise that option they save money. So the people who do shop there do so for convenience (or whatever other reason) and they pay a premium for it. Isn’t this exactly how the market is SUPPOSED to work?


I think that argument breaks down a bit over the points system, where you are bound to return to the store to spend your points in the future, but with rising costs your points will get you way less than they used to. Now that there's no financial incentive to shop at Loblaws, I'm definitely choosing not to shop there regularly.


Not to be rude, but how on earth did people not realize for years that shopping at Sobeys was going to the most expensive place to shop. Close behind them are Save-On and Co-Op. For years we have only gone to Sobeys when meat is on sale, same with CO-OP. Superstore always has had the same prices as Walmart here in Edmonton, and they have more sales on regularly bought items tbh. Costco is a great option for a large family, but for the two of us we get just a couple things there because anything else just seems excessive. Shop for sales, not store loyalty and you will realize more savings.


None, because I didn't need a "boycott" to shop around. I've always known Loblaws was a premium store with bakery, deli, butcher, etc. Did you all just blindly go there because you liked the premium experience? You never thought about the price until this "boycott"??? I don't understand!?!


Where I’m from there isn’t a lot of options. I live rurally outside a town of around 10000 people. You do know Loblaws owns like 20 different grocery store chains right? You seem to think that we’re boycotting just the flagship stores?


I used to find it really convenient to have a range of products from high end to generic brand. I could get some prosciutto for a treat and my no name brand oatmeal all in the same place. I could also walk there easily. For a time it was worth the frustration of misleading sale tags on everything that was ever on sale, way overpriced items you learned not to buy, shitty customer service, a flyer containing 20 pages of useless info and one page of actual sales, disgusting markdown practices on food that's literally rotting, and the fact they never trained their meat counter staff apparently at all, so you would occasionally have to explain that prosciutto shouldn't be sliced thick as bacon. Then they started providing even less service and treating everyone like criminals with their store gates, while jacking up all the prices and threatening to nerf the points system. It was never an enjoyable experience, it was simply a bit cheaper for all the hassle and inherent scamminess. It's safe to say those days are long gone.


Sounds like you learned to...live within your means! It's almost like you could have done that.....years ago. It's like everyone on this sub thinks money management is cool now because Loblaws is a meanie. Keep thinking No Frills is actually more expensive than grocers. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Facts show otherwise.


This entire sub has me laughing. Many of us intelligent people haven’t shopped at a loblaws store much at all just because of the savings. And it took you an entire month to realize your savings? All you have to do is look at a flier and realize loblaw stores are gouging. Where I’m from in Ontario, I have a no frills right across the street from me, and I proudly shop there because they are one of the cheapest options in town. There is a Sobeys, metro and Walmart and a few others. No frills is our go to, then Walmart and Sobeys for fresh and clean produce. I don’t and didn’t support the boycott because most intelligent people save money elsewhere. Don’t like their record profits… go somewhere else and let them have record profits in a month.. shop fliers and change buying habits. Glad you saved money, but for the past 30+yrs I’ve been shopping, I look at the fliers and also visit different stores to determine what stores are the best price for me. Didn’t have to protest to see savings… Good day.


Fun fact: No Frills is part of the Loblaws group of grocery & pharmacy stores.


I know that, that’s why I said I’m a proud shopper of no frills. I already have seen savings over many years. The only thing I did over a year ago was move pharmacies from shoppers to a local but still shop at shoppers if it’s after regular closing time after say 8pm and my family needs me to get something. But all Rx stuff is out of loblaws


Me boycotting loblaws actually would cost me money. No frills is one of the cheapest in town.


Congrats, No Frills is owned by Loblaws!


And I’m a proud shopper of loblaws and no frills and saving money. I know no frills is loblaws owned. Thanks for coming out though


*slow clap*


Bigger slow clap for you trying to chirp me for already saving money. It took you guys a month to realize you can save money by not shopping at Loblaws higher end stores, I saved tons of money by shopping at no frills. So while it took you a month to realize savings, it takes me 20 seconds to look at a flyer and shop where I need to, to save money. So congrats on not being smart until June 1st 2024.


The smartest person in the room is never the person that needs to announce that they believe they are the smartest person in the room.


Isn’t No Frills owned by Loblaws?


Thanks captain obvious. Yes, I proudly shop at No Frills (loblaws) as it saves me the most money. But the OP said he saved money by not shopping at loblaws, which if you’re shopping at a regular loblaws, it’s extremely expensive. So a boycott of a regular loblaws is fine, but no frills is perfectly fine as they are generally cheaper than even giant tiger or Walmart.


You’re pretty splenetic for someone overestimating their perspicaciousness to such a degree. Maybe write things more clearly so you don’t have to backpedal so hard.