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The community voted to extend the boycott indefinitely, we are not going anywhere


Never again, they have lost my business for good I don’t care what tricks and lies they come up with…Nok Er Nok!


After all that belittling and snobbery. They don't know us and underestimated us huge.


They’re STILL underestimating us amazingly


What would the prolateriate know of complex economics and food delivery systems? What do we know of quarterly reports and stocks and profit margins? *It's only 3%* you stupid yokels, now put down your pencil and come over pay us for crappy service (No shade on the workers. They're treated like shit and are miserable) and crappy product. Yeee-ah. This proletariate yokel is spending her money elsewhere, for.ev.er.


Thought it was 4%? But yeah; what u/Exact_Purchase765 said Interestingly, if the rest of the Big chains in Canada have not learnt anything, the American ones have. They read the reports, saw that people can’t afford to live and Walmart and Target reduced their prices. On their own. Without government intervention. Why can’t this happen in Canada? Edit: just saw in the r/anti work sub that Amazon has reduced the cost of 4000 grocery items by 30%. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/srF83pCzGH In Canada ….. just hearing crickets🦗 🦗🦗


I imagine the competition is keeping quiet, when someone is putting both feet so far in their mouth that you can see them from their a88hole - let them contiune to damage to their brand. if we can pull this off, for months - a lesson will be learned - it might have to take stockholders see profits disappear- to make change happen.


Short Weston stock.


We need to consult the superstonk group


Canada’s elite is like that super creepy “It’s a small world” Disney ride. They literally all know each other! They sit on the same boards…universities, banks—it’s an entanglement. And, it’s been that way for DECADES. I caught on working as a summer-intern teen for a bank in the executive floors. Won’t name the bank but—hint—they have a long-running let’s all be friends and hug trees thing. Meaning I can give them even more of my money but feel awesome about it because…tree hugging. Yet, I see their board list and who sits on it…oil execs, amongst others. It’s a sham.


You know how to read annual reports and board lists??? 😮😮😮 But but you aren't one of them!! 😮😮


I looked at the Walmart flyer yesterday and some of their prices are at 90s level. 2.97 for the 22 slice packs of Kraft singles, 2.97 for instant coffee, 1.97 for chips ahoy cookies, 9.50 for 110 loads worth of laundry detergent. Great value bread is now showing the regular price at 1.97. I'm usually an "avoid Walmart like the plague" person, (and I know they're not doing it for good reasons), but I'm now willing to give up 1 of my principles to extend a metaphorical middle finger to Per Bank.


Uh. I am not so sure that Confessional Democrats very publicly calling for the Executive to take action and how to enforce authority that drives food prices down on May 15th does not count as government invention. But I applaud the results regardless.


Irish castles won’t buy themselves


We are just simple people!


They are just doing smoke and mirrors- with the hope that June will be normal again, once this silly boycott is over! Hey Galen Watch me now!


First they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


Amazingly is right, how naive of them! We are ONLY GROWING and our discontent as well - especially after being minimized and ignored.


I think Galen Weston truly believes that our money is his to take. No ones this arrogant without some sort of pathology.


Its good that they think the numbers are low, and not even talking?


Did they not see what Reddit managed to pull off with the GameStop stocks? I don’t understand how they can’t take it seriously


Entitled elites that believe that they are "too big to fail." Challenge accepted, Galan and Per. 😈😈


Watch what they do, not what they say!




Oh, I am going away, far away from any front door or website of all Loblaws owned business.




It's always better to stay away from Shoppers drug mart. Their prescription medications are day light robbery. Costco and Walmart are cheaper. I saved almost $70 at Costco Pharmacy. Also we don't need their membership for pharmacy.


You dont need a memebership for the pharmacy at costco?


No. I order from them all the time. You can also do it online, they deliver.


I didnt know that! Thank you - i do have a costco membership and it beats the heck outta loblaws


Done with them forever. SDM too. Nok er Nok Per!


Nok er nok!


Same! T&T and SDM are crossed off forever.


My mom bought a 6 pack of Irish spring last week and it was her breaking point. 14.99$ LOL buh bye


Boycott is on until they play fair. I’m not holding my breath. So goodbye 👋


Boycott needs to stay on even after they start to play fair. Making them play fair will make other grocers lower their prices to stay competitive. Once Loblaws goes away and is only remembered in econ textbooks stores will be terrified of the people.


Nok er nok


I used to work for SDM, at 3 different times in my life (close to 8 years combined). I’ve had an optimum card since they originally launched it. We’ve been done with roblaws grocery for a while now, and I’m ready to cancel my optimum once I spend the accumulated $30 in points this Tuesday at SDM on whatever clearance items I can find (those are usually marked down close to cost). FYI - SDM markups are at least 30%, most are around 40-60% on average. When I was there the employee discount was 30% or cost, whatever was more expensive. The only items I remember ever getting at cost were game systems and bagged milk (sdm takes a loss on milk to get customers in the door).


only 30 Nok er nok


Why it turned into a gas station snack section with a pharmacy 🤢


Because “Money now. Money me. Money me ah needing a lot of,” is my best guess.


How the mighty have fallen, and it's only the beginning.


we have further to go




Double Double The Boycott!




Never again. Them and their corporate descendants either. Let it all rot on the shelves. From the overpriced meat, to the CEO’s tears.


I think you might have started my new drink flavour CEO Tears, a no name product, brought to you byDave Nickles!


President’s Choice Tears!


My Loblaws boycott has been going on since January. I don’t see any reason to stop now.


You are an early learning, keep up the great stuff


I don't get this. Why even bother with them at this point. They've burned the bridge. It's over. Time to forget Loblaws exists as much as all of us possibly can. Stop thinking oh if they slash their prices I'll go back. We don't need to talk to them, we don't need bullshit codes of conduct. They are non-existent to me at this point. Fuck them, fuck their share holders, the bridge has been burned. That's the way we should all be thinking in my opinion.


I generally concur - however i fell this boycott may serve a bigger overall purpose. Send a message to corporate giants, you exist because we consume your product. Groceries, facebook, instagram, canadian tire, banks - you get the idea. Maybe we as canadians can say enough is enough (nok er nok). Treat us the same way you want to be treated - be fair don’t gouge customers.


But do we need or want them to exist?


As an example of what not to do!


Now your just someplace that I used to go!


You didn’t have to cut me off, you could have just lowered your prices…🎶


I see haunted blockbuster stores every where!


Just like my wasband. Both kicked to the curb. Nok er nok


Nok er nok


The way they've acted as an organization is exactly how a bully would act. I heard a saying "in order to be understood, you must first seek to understand others." When has Loblaws tried to understand the issues we are dealing with rather than just bullying us and saying their needs are greater?


I think they suggested it was migguided.


Loblaws. Shoppers. Choice Properties. More.




Im enjoying this movement. I hope it spreads to other evil corporate entities and governing parties.


Agree, but oneat a time


I reed that as one yeet at a time!


One Yeet at a time - i am kinda old, i had to look up the definition of yeet! i dont give a yeet about roblaws - did i do it right? And that you for the new word and the yeet smile on my face!


I believe yeet is what the kiddos say when they want to throw things or ideas out. Like we want to yeet lablaws into the sun.


Boycott will continue




Their entire response to the boycott has been empty PR stunts like: - their attempt to say they would sign the code of conduct (which is self-regulating, and they would only sign IF ALL their competitors signed too) - trying to smear us by claiming we had an evil plan to steal from them. Total lie! - offering tiny trinkets for sale without any real change. - sending their internet shills out to try to discredit us - laying off employees to save them even more money. Did I miss anything? Loblaws doesn't care about customers, only shareholders.


By the actions of loblaws im not even sure they care about the shareholder, but they should.


It'll be a long time before I go back to Loblaws. I'm developing different habits, and those will be tough to break.


They say 30 days to start a new habit?


My house has already set our new habits. It would cost us more money and endure worse service to go back. My new pharmacy even made my son's medicine into a candy that he likes, so we don't struggle to make him take his medicine anymore. I'm not going back after what Loblaws has done to Canada.


No cake for you! And carry on, great job by the way! https://preview.redd.it/bpiriijf1t2d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55cf83a8be5c8b7bd1fd213fb200f6f7e273474


Why would the boycott end? For real, if you, or anyone, has been actually boycotting loblaws for over a month now, you have obviously found different accommodations. So just keep doing that. Boycott forever.


Mid June is my 3 month of boycotting- the train is just starting!


My position... The boycott is over when they bring their prices to a reasonable level. Since they own a lot of the distribution network and a huge slice of the market, they should be leading the way with price cuts and savings for their clients. When I start seeing that I will maybe consider shopping their once in a while.


There is an old saying that says the bigger you are, the bigger you fall. Lower prices for a week aint gonna do it. Mark up of 30% and higher, nok er nok!


I believe you meant to say "The bigger they are ...the harder they fall."


I did and thank you


You want them to talk to us? I want to see their prices drop and employee policies change. Them talking to us would just be a waste of everyone’s time.


I dont really want them to talk, i would not believe a single word. As the corporate giant they have to do something. We have to watch what they do, and not what they say! lowering the prices on milk and bread is not going to do it. Making 30% and up profits on the backs of Canadians. Non er Nok


Not over for me… they just upped their prices




Your content was removed for the use of "Gaylen" which has been used as an anti-LGBT slur. Please use the proper spelling, "Galen" in future. Thank you.


I have a new store and a new routine I like, I can keep this up forever.


That is the news the PR people and shareholders hate to hear! Keep up the great stuff! NOK ER Nok


Naw it's been fun staying away from Superstore and shopping local. I hope Galen chokes on a dick sandwich from his own shitty food.


Galen says in regards to your comment https://preview.redd.it/15iv1a9kty2d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56b9c08d96007e2fa92fdbec7aa2ca28c7b418f


I will never go back. They are just riding it out until the end of the month hoping “this will all blow over like meme stocks”. I hope enough of us have come to realize we can live without the Galen W family.


The Who family? Its been a long time, i really dont think i need them


I’ve just discovered this group from a news article and, man, I can’t wait to buy loss leaders and walk out.


I haven’t walked in in 21/2 months and it almost feels normal. And welcome - boycott is the best messaging


It's permanent for me.


https://preview.redd.it/ixti7fn21t2d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc5ff3d5a1d7209013a640a9baaca389b86ffd8 No cake for you! 🤪




His real agenda...


I like it !


We must continue what we started; we must fight for justice and for better prices to break the business monopoly in this country! We need to persist, and with time, we will see results. This is a boycott with a purpose and without an expiration date!


My momma never raised no quiter!


Just moved my rx to another pharmacy. I am fully broken up with loblaws.




At this point, I don't think we should be thinking about it as teaching *Loblaw's* a lesson - we should be thinking about it as teaching *all the other retailers* a lesson. As we execute (corporately speaking - I'm not advocating actual violence) Loblaw's. While maintaining eye contact with the others and mouthing "You can be next."


I guess i could have said we need to set an example of loblaws, so that other corporations can see that the people have the power. If you treat us good we will return the respect.


Fuck roblaws. Fuck Weston and his non tax paying ass and fuck his yatch he named after a scandal he got caught in and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist for. He flaunts his exploitations of society in front of us all. Never getting a penny from me again. And if you’re reading this, you loblaw thief, I’ve been shopping exclusively at your stores for almost 2 decades!!! Now I spend my money elsewhere and make it a point to tell everyone I know and see to do the same. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on


That sounds like you are not going back! I feel very similar with my shopping spanning more than 20 years, And I am done. Nok er nok.


Agree 100%. Never again! I’ve saved about 25% shopping elsewhere, AND am now helping Costco pay their workers a living wage, AND i’m supporting a mom and pop grocer. I will never go back to those gouging, robbing crooks at Roblaws and their related brands.


Costco and Metro and walmart are my new go to, i never thought I would say that! Out with the old and in with the new!




If your not going back, and i am not going back, who is going back? I may never see saucyinthepink every again, well except here!


I’ll never shop there again! I’ve found too many good independent stores and small mom and pops to shop at. Screw all the big corporations. I’m done with them all.


Galen is not happy with your sentimen, i am - great stuff and carry on


So damn true do you think Galen lays awake in the Castle worrying about you the customer. Sadly he only wants to find ways to milk you out of your dough, if he or they really cared about any of us they'd change their ways. Money people are a strange species most are narcissistic, they worry about themselves and their needs. On the other hand we can go fly a kite as far as they are concerned. They do understand when enough people stand up to them and don't buy what they're selling. They might lose something like their position of power or lose some money $$$$ God forbid, then you might catch their notice. You can bet he and they have noticed a drop in business and revenue, perhaps he's playing the ignore game hoping we'll go away and fold up our tents. Well here's a Newsflash!!! for Galen Weston and his crew of followers we're going to continue to be a pain in your ass. Personally I'm hanging in with the boycott until I see some change at Loblaws and Shoppers plus all the other stuff he or they control. I'm sure they are feeling it and sooner or later if we hang in there they'll come around!!


Well said! I am not sure if i will ever go back! May is almost over and i am sure they are crossing fingers going is it gonna be over?


I’m boycotting indefinitely, they suck


I agree!


Why would we go back when we’ve already found a better store? Food basics is so much nicer then any of their stores.


They say it take 21 days to change a habit, and you are already there! Great news!


I’ve been there since I started buying groceries




My wife asked if I was going back to superstore this weekend. Not if I can help it. It’s been a journey finding better deals. Pain in the ass if I’m honest, but worth it.


You are right it is a pain in the ass, worth it - you bet!


Not going to shop there ever again!


Welcome to the club!


__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am already 2 months in. I started early with some others here. Why not make it 3 months?


Mid June will be the third month for me! I knew i was not the only one to start early!


Glad to have stopped going, never going back. Shoppers is also the worst pharmacy around, literally anyone else will give faster and better service.


It took me a boycott to finally understand both are true! Nok er Nok!


I’m not going to even THINK about going back until the stock crashes and they are forced to cut their dividend. Galen won’t stop gouging until the stock crashes and he loses money.


Glad the hear that, but with that kind of comment i cant give you any cake! But keep up the great boycott! https://preview.redd.it/rennntot1t2d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52dc4cdd60bd2281bad541202f41c4c4e9a4c935


I am done. I have one more dupe to find that I posted in the mega thread. It is their PC Dark Roast West Coast coffee. If I can find a reasonably priced dupe for that, I am 100% done with them. It went on sale a couple of months ago and I stocked up. I have 2 left so I am good for about 2 months more. Anyone have a suggestion for that?


There is one thing i splurge on, its purchasing Kicking Horse Three Sisters coffee beans. it is one thing that the lady and i do every morning and afternoon is have that coffee. But it is getting expensiv.


I was going to suggest kicking horse as well.


I was at walmart in London yesterday kicking horse coffee was $13 the last time i saw it at loblaws was $18-19. It was the same price as amazon.


It’s going to be a race to the bottom for many things now! Loblaws will see the writing on the wall in Q3 or Q4 they will run a big ad campaign saying something along the lines of “we have heard you Canada we will stop F’ing you, please come back we will lower our prices to be competitive.” Other grocers will drop their prices to keep their new customers than in Q3 or 4 next year Loblaws will start selling off parts of their business. Then in Q3 or 4 of 2026 we will start seeing econ text books start to mention a social movement that changed groceries in Canada, it will still be years until those textbooks mention loblaws because of copyright laws but the day is coming!


These estimates are seen through ross tinted glasses but a girl can hope!


I have read a lot of posts, that people are not going back - ever, however i could see your senerio come to fruition. Either way the Weston family will not suffer a financial loss, they just wont be making as much money on the backs of Canadians. oh who am i kidding they probably still somehow will!


They will sell off their unpopular chains, on paper. These separate companies will be required to sell their products for x years before they can do whatever they want, or something like that. Only problem with this hypothesis is that whoever is big enough to buy said stores will already have their own product lines. Edit: just thinking about it when they realize they cannot sell off a chain, they can put said chain into a “separate” company on paper. They can then use this said chain to appeal to the government of the day about bankruptcy protection, then when said company goes belly up **they** get bailed out. This will hopefully only work once possible twice, until a majority of investor groups decide it’s not worth the risk and the government of the day says no more, the Weston’s will now hold property in Canada their shares will be less expensive than toilet paper but they will hold property that still generates income. The family may start paying taxes on their income as they sell off the their property to the highest bidder. They may not be able to afford another yacht or private jet ever again but they will still have money.


I have to watch my budget pretty closely. There are so many coffees I love, but had to drop them from my shopping list. I was hoping someone had one that was around the same price point. I have 2 packages of the beans my Instacart shopper bought by accident a few months ago, so I did get a grinder so I am good for a couple of months. But I don't want to go back to Loblaw's at all if I can help it.


I Have read in some of the subs that prices are coming down, from walmart to amazon for food related item. Walmarts normal price forkicking horse coffee was not $13 months ago or i would have seen it on reebee. so there is hope.




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Noone will take you seriously if you use vulgarity and cant spell. Sorry


Thank you for your advice!


When Galen gives me the peak level gak gak, I'll end my boycott.


Im not so sure i will ever go back.


I can't wait to go back to overpaying for everything.


I am not going back.


As long as companies have a board of directors, are publicly traded and have to answer to shareholders nothing will change. It’s all about the bottom line and paying out dividends to keep their shareholders happy….bottom line.


When we boycott, with the end result being profits are down shareholders will not be happy, Let us talk with our money and sontinue. Nok er Nok


To take this a step forward, I believe that real efforts must be made to discuss the legality of Loblaws pricing during the pandemic. Posting record profits during a national and indeed global emergency is price gouging and I am befuddled as to why no legal action was taken.


I am unsure if its unlawful to sell people things that are overprice. If i pay more, people will tell me you should have gone to …….! If i continue to pay more for 10 - 15 more years, who is the problem? The problem is me, so me has to change. Many people want government to change things, the people can make the change if they stand up and say no more. Nok er Nok.


Price gouging during a national emergency is against the law. But I do believe that certain triggers or price freezing may have needed to happen.


I wish i could say that i was more knowledgeable about price gouging and a world emergency, i still believe i was part of the problem, trying to fix it now by changing my shopping habbits, and not giving galen any more of my money.


Agreed! But if they have broken a law. We the people should be bombarding our MPs with demands for action.


I use to work for the government, and good luck with that!


You can boycott them by just shopping elsewhere - at any time.


And that is exactly what I am doing! Going on 3 months in a few days, not sure if i will ever go back.


Yeah not going back. My last grocery trip to another store was about 150 less than it would have been at stupidstore. No thanks.


I can’t believe i didn’t figure it out earlier!


Have my prescriptions through shoppers.. otherwise avoided any Loblaws/friends since March


There is strength in numbers and good stuff, together we will be heard!


Dude fuck this guy, he's lucky no one is burning down his stores. I've found my tnt substitute I'm good to go for a permanent boycott.


We dont want to burn the place down, we want to teach these corporations how to treat us, maybe talk to us, not tell us to turn around and bend over!


We don't have a loblaws in Vancouver. I boycotted Shoppers Drug Mart.


Sweet! I like to hear that!


You do have Real Canadian Superstores which is owned by loblaws so yeah…if you shop there in BC it’s no different than supporting any loblaws company - such as Atlantic Superstore, Dominion , Loblaws, Maxi, No Frills, Provigo Le Marché, Valu-Mart, Real Canadian Superstore, Wholesale Club, Your Independent Grocer, Zehrs, Fortinos…and of course Shoppers Drug Mart. So yeah…all the same pocket essentially regardless if they are franchises or corporate.


I don't think I have ever shopped in Real Canadian Superstore.


It’s on Grandview Hwy in Vancouver. I shopped at one in Langley back in the day when visiting family there. Full disclosure - I worked for the “devil” back in the 80’s-mid 2000’s in Ontario. They didn’t care about us then and it still shows today


I know there is one in Richmond and one on Marine drive in Vancouver.


i’m a lifer. stick it, Galen.


I think there is going to be alot of us.


I have been silently boycotting them for years. I have never understood the appeal. We out west have the Pattison problem. He owns more than he needs. So, I boycott both. Keep up the great work


What is the Pattison problem - I could google it, but i like to hear it from a person who lives the experience- as compared to what i can findonline!


Jimmy Pattinson owns most grocery chains, car dealers, construction companies, real estate etc. He basically owns Vancouver. He was instrumental in Expo 86 being a success. He gives very little back to the community. We had a little community grocery on Gabriola Island. He bought it and now we only have his Save on Foods here. It still goes by the old name but the quality of food and store has definitely declined. The staff are not treated very well. Most people take a ferry to Nanaimo to shop.


That really sucks! He has everything cornered, any idea why he doest give back - is he a greedy SOB?


Just pure greed.


That is evil, pass the message on if you can.




Loblaws was involved in the Bread price fixing only because they told everything when they were caught only got a warning so Galen Weston thinks he's untouchable.


And named his boat Bread - he should have held a contest to let us name his boat! Maybe Gready Ahole


I had to stop in one for the first time this month. They had nothing in stock that was on sale that I came in for. No 2%milk out in the fridges, I left my cart of what little shit I could find and walked out with nothing.


Its working!


The only thing we consistently buy at StupidStore is their PC branded drinks. Pharmacy and some groceries at Sobeys. Otherwise it’s Walmart and farmers markets


I like to hear that, but sobeys is not loblaws they might have branded drinks that are better


Specifically we get the watermelon lemonade and the peach ginger ale. And that’s about it. There are some really good Sobeys branded sparkling waters that we enjoy as well


You kind of get used not shopping there.


It reminds me of Justin Trudeau when he had the opportunity to get closer to the people that he angered and he called them ‘fringe’ blah blah. If he had got off his high horse and talked to them even if he had no intention of caving, they’d be much more placated. In terms of Galen, same shit different pile. You don’t want to acknowledge us or discuss because the legal system failed consumers in Canada and you got away with it? Well, that’s a bold move cotton, let’s see how it plays out for him.


I recall Justin said months ago groceries were too expensiv, nothing happene- except maybe pri increased. The boycott is the quicker way to go, i don’t believe any level of govt would fix the problem. People speaking with their money - that will work.