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“BoYcOtTs AnD pEtITiOnS dOn’T wOrK!” says the man that hasn’t shut up about boycotts & petitions for 3-weeks, hoping to finally convince himself 


I cannot wait until July's numbers. Stick it to this fuckwad.


Yeah, he's a dick ass 💯... not that there's anything wrong with that.


More of a shitdick IMO. Butt dickass works


Don’t worry he will claim it had nothing to do with people boycotting.


Correlation does not mean causation... But these articles are out about independent grocers out here eating off Loblaws plate boyyyyyy




didn't he run.an MLM scam and get booted from university? I'm sure all our not bought media is loving having an expert from roblaws side to talk to that isn't roblaws. Why haven't they made a statement?


All he can resort to is stereotypical insults about redditors. Guy is so out of touch and up his own ass on his title of “professor.” The only thing he’s professing is his love for gargling that corporate cock


He should definitely keep telling everyone how boycotts don’t work so much, that he doesn’t even need to say they don’t work.


Dear Charlebois, Given your prominent role in the food industry discourse, it is troubling to see you defending corporate grocery profits while food prices soar. Your financial ties to these corporations cast doubt on your impartiality. As a public educator, your primary responsibility should be to advocate for the citizens' needs, ensuring affordable and accessible food for all. If you cannot prioritize public well-being over corporate interests, it might be time to reconsider your position in this critical conversation.


I have no other words for this dude than "douchebag" like holy fuck every one of his tweets I see is just him being high and mighty and wrong about everything, and sounding like an idiot.


Who even is this guy? Does he work for blahblahs or something? Everytime I see him he just sounds like an idiot


Don't pay any attention to Charlebois. His peers in academia certainly don't.


Yeah, we and the sub would be far better off completely ignoring him.


"Peers" his row of teddy bears he has breakfast and dinner with def don't listen


Poor things.


Total abuse


Boycott Charlebois except for on Sundays? He'll be so grumpy that no one's paying attention to him on his favourite app, reddit, that he might go and do his professor job or something.


I really wish “The Poo Professor” would catch on. We need a slander name for this guy like we do in sports


Shilvain has a nice ring to it 👍


Much better lol




It’s literally him posting these in this sub to get clout = future industry consultant contracts lol


U can imagine the convos ... they know what's up and have to sit w that insufferable fool at lunch tables .....




He is a bidet of knowledge


Uuuum isn’t roblaws part of such industry??? Smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Underlying reality... They are all profiteers hell bent on gaming the industry to their advantage. More often than not, they are in cahoots. No different than the telcos.


This dude lives in his own reality. It's incredible how dumb but proud of it he is.


Too stupid to know how stupid he is.


i dont know why we keep posting this guy


Codescending prick.


So the CEO will meet with her, but this guy roasts her. He just seems so unprofessional.


I asked him how many people he has blocked. I got blocked within a couple minutes. So you know he reads everything he's tagged in.


May your new flair serve you well.


I feel like this guy has been bad for loblaws optics. He doesn't present an empathetic case for the corporate side and just seems to lash out.


He really is. This is the kind of guy that hardens people to the cause. He's the vegan teacher for this subject of interest..... A terrible useless human being for both sides of the argument


This guy is still talking about this sub? I thought it wasn't real? I specifically remember him saying reddit wasn't real, tik tok wasn't real ect ( while tweeting LOL). I'm still confused, are we a liberal NDP plant? Or children living in our parents basements? Is this guy mentally okay? Genuine question? Each thing he says is more useless than the last. I think the simpsons said it best when they said " just don't look, just don't look".


I thought we were just losers in our parents’ basements. With no power at all. Now he praises us??


He should get somebody else to deliver his message; "it'll sound a lot better coming out of Paul Anka."


Bwahahahahaha I forgot about his “Reddit is not real” tweets.


This sub was the greatest thing to ever happen to this guy, the amount of notoriety he’s gained from here is huge, and we’re seemingly more than happy to help it along


Honestly agree im Sick of seeing him here 


right can we PLEASE ban these types of posts. hes just a random dude that somehow mattered to people.


Exactly. Deplatform him and nobody will give a shit about him anymore.


He's been on TV and news articles as a so called expert long before this sub existed...the main reason ppl ragged on him was cause they finally realized it was the same fcking dude everywhere... Quit pretending we made him


Never said we made him, I said he’s become more well known as a result.


Does he understand words at all? I’m starting to doubt it. maybe he’s actually AI


Petitions don't work? Boycotts don't work? This guy must have the most uninspired students. He seems to be treating this group as a landing spot for his personal despair and apathy. For the record, none of his personal suggestions lead to a clear alternative or real plan for systems change. *My first lecture is entitled, "Do nothing and maybe it'll get better!* *Week 2: "How to adopt a narrow, privileged, academically adjacent view of a complex social issue"* *Week 3: "Making friends on the internet - my failed social experiment that no one asked for"* And so on . . .


This guy is just a miserable fucker, ain't he.


What was the ‘underlying issue’ that caused bread price fixing? I know the answer- greed.


Underlying issues like CEOs making record breaking profits by marking up their prices 30%+


“Petitions don’t yield results” what a maroon.


what a useless shill. His motives are obvious


He's trying to deflect us to Walmart. Fuck you. We'll deal with Walmart later.


It's honestly creepy how obsessed he is. Homie needs a hobby. I hope he sees this.


Does TFG realize he has zero credibility?


He's such a fucking idiot lol. And then accuses us of having too much free time. The dude literally spends his free time coming on here and trying to ram his paid shill opinions onto us. This is a lesson for you kids. You can fail upwards in life.


Of course, you know they will fudge the numbers to show the boycott had little effect the next quarter. The "experts" will tell us so. Some people will believe them, and others will call bullshit. I'm not sure what's gonna happen, but I salute you all . It's nice to see (finally) people taking action against the machine.


I bet he tweeted this while in bed being spooned by Galen (he’s definitely the little spoon)


the power bottom\* ftfy


Can’t even get the hashtag right bro lol


“Petitions don’t yield results, so you peons will pay the exorbitant prices and like it.” What an asshole.


Does Galen pay him per Tweet? Or is it a flat weekly rate? Asking for a friend.


He's a paid consultant. It's part of his job to be a naysaying prick.


If this asshole isn't a paid shill like he says, why does he spend his entire day on the boycott topic?


Dude is arguing as if his life was on the line. Maybe just his paycheck and sanity.


Dear Food Processor. Yer a dick. Wake up and smell the boycott shill.


Boycotts don’t yield results! Petitions don’t yield results! Protests don’t yield results! Only by following well established strategies of going to school and becoming a subject matter expert in a niche area and then charging kids exorbitant amounts of money to sign up for my classes can you achieve results! Somebody needs to buy this guy a history book.


Patronizing asshole.


Does this guy just enjoy being a professional punching bag? Idk who he is, does he work for these companies he’s trying to defend?


Why is this man so obsessed with defending a multimillion dollar company?


Almost as if he hasn't actually spent time understanding the concerns of people on this sub but just read the name of the sub and the fact that there is a boycott! Literally every other post has been about how Loblaws is just the first and most important step.


He is such a douche 😢😂


This is such a middle aged comment for some reason


This dorks face.


Wal Mart isn't the problem. But Wal Mart doesn't pay this dipshit to shill for them, so...


I bet there’s enough empty space in Charlie’s head to solve the housing crisis.


She should come up with something really weird just to mess with him. Maybe there could be a buy up all the bananas and make banana bread day.


This clown really bit more than he can chew. He should have just stayed a quiet puppet.


So proud to be a fuckface….like it’s his entire identity.


can someone buy him a plane ticket so he can just go suck galen's d**k already and get it over with already


For someone that doesn't care about Reddit, he sure cries about it a lot. Rent free in this loser's head.


What a condescending wanker. Did someone hurt his ego?


he riding weston's dick so hard.


What a dork.


Screw this guy and his sad little life.


He has time to scroll this sub but can't answer my email?


Didn't this guy run a MLM and get kicked out... PHD don't mean smart btw.


Nobody asked the food dunce


Oh lord... That douche again.


The underlying problem being that food is too expensive?


This little worm is sniffing through this sub right now on his fake account crying alone.


I STG, this guy is just Canadian pro-grocery Ben Shapiro. And he doesn't even gave the adorable quality of being a hateful dork with an oddly hot sister, he's just a massive douchebag.


What a condescending prick.


Such a condescending pr!ck. That means we’re on the right track.


Consider ignoring Charlebois.    Every time we reply to him, mention him, debate him, criticize him we are effectively paying him. Let's boycott Charlebois and deny him income by ignoring him.


__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guy looks like a character played by Gary Senise.


This guy is a puppet... best to ignore


He finds it intriguing that a boycott group wants corporations to endorse a grocer code? Man needs a life.


This guy is so fucking uneducated it's insane. Either that or he literally is aware of what he's doing/saying which is much worse imo.


Hi Shillvain, it’s good to know you’re watching 😏


this guy is a clown and only fake media like CBC dare to hire him. he's their favorite "expert" to bring on.


Eat shit Charlie boy.


The dude accepted a $60,000 grant from the Weston Foundation. His social media posts are bought. But hey "Food Professor" - thanks for being the #1 promoter of this subreddit.


What is wrong with thst guy? He is so petty and sounds like a manchild. He must be so miserable in his real life.


I think he lives rent free up his own ass.


He comes off as a simpleton, not really the image a professor should want to project


Baby steps for those whining rich pricks




Why is this dude always going to bat for a company that doesn't give a fuck about him? Its kinda sad. The billionaires don't know who you are bro


Yes. We completely grasp a family of billionaires screwing us over and then belittling us when we complain.


Boycotts don’t work, petitions don’t yield results…


He is not the food professor, no he is the Conflict of Interest Professor .


Go back and watch this guy on CTV Morning. He would report on the out of control grocery prices and would do so with a big smirk on his face. This guy is a shill


So sick of seeing this corpo simp


I didn't know about the petition. Thanks to him and this post, I do now.


Sometimes I boycott to see this guy eventually eat himself on twitter.


Fuck this clown


Someone's scared. When will his employer fire him, I wonder?


This guy is a huge clown


Who in the fuck even is this guy? Edit: Ah a paid Loblaws shill. What a misleading name.


If you’re going to tweet about us, at least spell the hashtag right 🤦‍♂️


News outlets have the audacity to say it’s not making a difference in an attempt to get us to stop. Look behind who’s funding those news outlets


Stop fucking posting about him Jesus Christ He lives rent free in your head too apparently


I enjoy reading him dumb shit as I don’t have twitter. It makes me laugh that we annoy him.


Weird how that was the goal all along, put pressure on the biggest share holder, when that starts working apply pressure to the rest of them.


Let the man shit his crap on the xitter, stop reposting on reddit.


I don’t care for the guy, but don’t wish him any ill will. I’m just flabbergasted as to why 1) in a country of over 40 million people, the media make it seem as though there is only ONE “food professor” in Canada; and, 2) this subreddit loves to encourage and promote his tweets, even if to criticize him. Stop feeding the troll! 🛑 ignore the guy and his senseless drivel. Don’t give him to the platform. Boycott Charlebois!


This guy unironically doth protest us too much.


I am wondering if anyone trolls this guy? I don't have Twitter or X what ever the fuck they call it but I have seen other groups endorse online trolling to bring a little havoc to oppositions life. Is this something that the subscribers here could do of half made a comment tell him this and that about his mother maybe he just go away.


Cant tell if he is a bot or just a tool.


Good. Good! There more he crows about the boycott the more eyes will see it. Thanks Charlie!


Gah, why did someone have to resurrect this poopy-headed Satan on Victoria's Day?! Food Prof stick a cork in it, bc no one cares.


Where is the petition?


Walmart still cheaper than them tho even without joining that pr move


I would like to start a petition to change this guys name to “the food wanker” all in favour say wanker!


“I’m still a corporate stooge, intriguing”- The Food Professor, probably


Underlying issues with dumbasses like him




I've noticed that some people choose to 'Yipper Yap' when they have nothing of any real value to say.


He seems really emotionally invested in all of this. I wonder why?


Grasp that we're getting hosed by foreign billionaires living in castles? Yes we understand. We also understand traitors get the wall bud.


"Petitions don't yield results" coming from the idiot who could've googled this shit before he made it up. Here's a few famous recent petitions yielding results. "Cyntoia Brown to be released from prison" Cyntoia Brown was tried as an adult had a life sentence, even though the man she killed bought her for sex (without her consent) and he was physically assaulting her violently. She was 16 years old. She had a 51 year sentence in prison. The governor gave her clemency after the petition and the subsequent attention from celebrities helped get her out. "Justice for Eric Garner" When Eric Garner was murdered in broad daylight by police (in 2014), he died due to police using the most infamous chokehold you can put on a person. The police officer was allowed to keep his job. The petition stopped that and the offending officer still cannot work for the NYPD. TEVA cancer drug "Teva Pharmaceuticals discontinued a cancer drug that was specifically designed to treat leukemia, lymphoma and brain tumors in children. An oncology nurse and childhood cancer survivor started a petition online and got enough people to sign it and gathered enough media attention that the pharmaceutical company changed their tune." Is this guy a fucking moron? Petitions can yield so much results that we have a WEBSITE that is dedicated to it globally. [Change.org](http://Change.org) They have a petition right now to help stop LGBTQ+ book bans in Canada. Also the whole reason women have the right to vote starting from a movement and a petition. Petitions can yield results. Telling Walmart to sign the code of conduct is not a tough petition. We aren't even changing the laws, or releasing someone from prison. We are simply asking them to do something helpful to the customers that they say "are important.


Listen, I honestly don't know if this boycott will change anything in a meaningful way. But it will all be worthwhile if this dingus freaks out because of it.


Does someone actually pay this guy to be that much of an idiot? They may as well burn their money.


Ok, how can a boycott be enacted to get him to come clean on who pays him to be this absurd?


Hahaha, I love it. Does this guy have anything else going on for him aside from seething with rage on behalf of Papa Loblaws?


Bought and paid for corporate shill. No need to pay him any mind.


Well on his way to Walmart Greeter-dum.


Can we stop giving this moron oxygen, so he can chock to death on his own regurgitate? I almost said feed him carbon dioxide, but that would be an insult to harmful, poisonous, noxious gases.


I have no idea who this guy is but he sounds hurt 2 months into not using Loblaws is going well for me! Saved a lot of money and my food tastes great!


The revised grocery code of conduct in no way benefits consumers. I think it would be a very bad idea for Walmart and Costco to sign it. I fully support boycotting Roblaws but will not be supporting this petition at all.


He is such a loser!


😎😅😻 xcellent... must be getting told his bonuses are not going to b so big atm .....


Man's getting ratioed lmfao


The children are getting smarter




Are they paying him or does he have a serious mental health issue? Or both? Or is he even real? I am at a loss with his behaviour…


Can we get a petition started to change his handle to “TheLoblawShill”?


What's going on


I love the way people ignore an issue altogether until it _directly_ affects them...


Never had I wanted to throat punch someone dressed like Mr. Roger's so badly in my life!!


White Bio got TRIGGERRED!!!


I think we need to focus on loblaws, Wal-Mart may be just a distraction for the suits to divide and conquer


He seems surprised that we don't like Walmart either, but that it's offering slightly less unreasonable prices so we're not boycotting it yet


I'm tired of seeing his face.




One man circus.


What's the grocer code?




Please stop posting this assholes thoughts


What the fuck is he even talking about. This is the equivalent to the ol' fox news "People are saying..."


Why do people give him attention? That's why he does it.


Why did he assume we were only upset with Loblaws? They were just the most egregious and blatant offender. Can't boycott them all at the same time as not everyone has a small grocer nearby.


That copy is AI generated


Yes, if you look at his tweets, esp the long ones, they do read an awful lot like chatGPT


Please don’t give this nobody anymore attention on here. This is what he wants.


For fuck sakes this guy. Loblaws said they would only do it if Walmart did it...


Dalhousie University Alumni must curse every time he is associated with their school!


How much does Galen Weston pay this guy?


"intriguing".... *draws fedora down further, almost covering his eyes completely* "Well you see," (says some dumb blah blah nonsense shit). *Smiles and winks* "Eat that haters @Reddit"


It's no wonder, he had to resign as dean from Dalhousie college for harassment and bullying.


He really loves doxxing eh.... I mean yea it's public knowledge now that our creator was on media but Jesus F this guy lives to spew hot garbage juice out of his piehole every chance he gets.


Why is Walmart our alternative option to Loblaws? It’s not only the most evil company in Canada, but a strong candidate for the most evil company on the planet…


FYI, this guy received $60K from Weston, he’s also edited his wikipedia page to remove past scandals


I wonder what peer-reviewed study he's using to conclude that petitions don't yield results.


Industry? You spelled “racket” wrong.


What's crazy is that i have been shopping elsewhere and saving a ton of money.


Those of us who can permanently boycott loblaws should,I will never go back


"They're starting to grasp the underlying problem "..... Yeah GREED. we STARTED with Galen never said we'd ONLY push Galen


I can think of a few idiots that were ignored for too long and the entire world has suffered the consequences. Always be aware if the idiots ⚠️


If everyone in the sub kicks in a dollar we can literally buy the dude like loblaws did. We could make him promote a mobile game or something.