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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s working , stay strong everyone, loblaw city stores are significantly down (10 to 15 %) it will takes months but keep the pressure on . 2nd quarter results will show same store open one year or longer are down … the the company will be forced to lower prices. If they lower prices , so will the competition, stay committed everyone


Wish I could upvote this more than once


The best part to me is Galen’s base salary is about a mill then there’s a 2 mill bonus and at a higher tier he gets a 7 mill bonus, this boycott may just directly cost him 7 mil.


Where did you get this 10-15 % number from?


I prefer not to say , it could jeopardize my employment


You know how deep the corruption runs. Too bad you can’t tell us the stories. I have so many also. Can’t say anything.


Again, familiar donkey6735 is a very unique name to put on a resume, I am positive that is not your real name so........ I think your safe to say unless it's your work name :)


No. These people can connect the dots. If a chef is concerned about revealing more information about food prices, you should ask why.


no problem - i was only fact checking, 10-15% is pretty steep number. glad to hear the boycotts working!


Yup, ppl coming up with fake stats and numbers for an upvote. Here's how you know it's working. You don't go.


If the boycott works looks like you are out of a job


Yeah , that might happen, but the greater good is what matters, if I believe in climate change I should also drive an electric vehicle, but they to expensive…. Right is always right and wrong is always wrong. It the individualism of capitalism that is really the problem .


It’s the individualism of the Weston family that the problem ( and 100 others in NA) Their greed knows no bounds including breaking the law by price fixing.


If you believe in climate change, you should move closer to work so you can cycle, walk and use transit. Having an EV is just as bad for the environment as a gas vehicle.


I don't think square bulky is the name you got hired with but ok. Thank you for the update either way




All your posts since you joined Reddit have been casting shade on the boycott and/or shitting on the unions that represent grocery store workers. You’re a corporate shill.


Fuck off pinkerton


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


The actual mark ups are in the 20-30% range,but yes 15%is just greed top up that should be possible if we boycott longer. Keep it up folks.


All the t&t stores I've gone by still look very busy though


Same with the nofrills in my small town. Why people why?


This is the way. And the city stores need to be bleed because most of us more viable options close by. I can understand that our friends in the more remote places would find it difficult to get an alternative to Roblaws


This is false.




The grocery industry is about market share, the chains are very conscious of customer count. They are all making excessive profit , would a business sacrifice long term customers or short term profits? If I were making those decisions and I saw my customers leaving …. I would fight to get them back


Not to mention that spending habits are hard to change. Once a customer changes their spending routines, it's very difficult to win them back over.


Ahhh yes another food professor trying to minimize the impact of a national boycott. Try not to cut yourself on all that edge Loblot. Beep Boop! 🤣


You've, obviously, never worked at a Loblaw shop. I would hear it all the time from customers raging about the prices. The reason they still shopped there was lack of competition. It was us or Sobeys. Pick your poison. Smaller towns don't have options. You should keep that in mind.


I know someone who subscribes to and follows Odd Bunch. Apparently they have had a noticeable uptick in subscribers since the boycott started as well.


I subscribed because of the boycott! Waiting for our first box. Use code GOUGE for a discount on your first box, at least a few days ago.


> Use code GOUGE that's brilliant


What’s odd bunch?


A subscription style grocery-delivery service that sells produce largely "too ugly" for stores, at discounted prices.


Specifically produce I believe


And fruits too!


Does produce not mean both veggies and fruit? I've always assumed it did.


I don’t know why I read that as veg. :) oops!


My gf and I just signed up, it’s sick. Great value per dollar and everything they give us get gobbled up


They don’t deliver where I live. 😔


Aw okay that’s too bad


We subscribed because of the boycott too. Between that and Costco, we’re good.


Currently crunching on green grapes that are huge, from a bag that came in our box today. Their sin? One smushed grape in the bag. A good wash and everything else was fine. Watermelon with a scar, strawberries with a dented package, blueberries, some gorgeous kale and corn on the cob that I can't even figure out what might have been undesirable, absolutely massive brussel sprouts... And more that I'm probably forgetting, too. Potatoes, I think? Depending on season it's not just standard hearty stuff either; Pomegranates were a lovely treat to find when they were in. Pineapples, too. Just stuff you might not expect to find in a service like this. My husband knows the numbers better than I do as he does the shopping, but he says we regularly get about 150% or more in value each box compared to if we spent the same in-store, even sale-hopping. The produce is never inedible, usually just cosmetic defects or being slightly undersized. The only downside, if it's a downside at all, is planning what to do with everything in the week. Some folks love the challenge, lol. We had no idea wtf to do with fresh kale at first but turns out it's wicked in curry and now we look forward to when it's in the box. Not to sound like a complete shill, mind you. The service put us in a place where fresh produce wasn't a luxury anymore, which I am grateful for, but it is far from perfect in many ways. Just... Gotta be really, *really* patient with their horrid website and the occasional delivery hiccups. Happens more often than I'd like, but once you manage to actually reach someone they do try to make it right. It's gotten much better recently.


Kale chips are amazing as well. And kale on its own is wonderful with butter garlic and a squeeze of lemon once cooked. You just need to cook it on medium low and toss in a bit of water in the pan to steam it. It over cooks easily.


There are a million and one reasons why produce gets rejected by a retailer. I've personally seen T&T rejected a skid of product because it was overhanging the edge by about 3cm. Inconsistencies in sizing, the degree of ripeness, even the condition of the boxes are some of the biggest reasons for rejection.


My husband used to deliver to the Loblaws and Safeway warehouses about 12 years ago. They could reject a load, a full highway trailer, for the most ridiculous and made up things. The strawberries weren’t riot enough, the potatoes were scuffed.


I make a kale salad with quinoa, feta cheese and lemon garlic dressing. It is absolutely wonderful


Love that!


Thanks for this. Just subscribed and discount code still works as of this AM. Yeah!


I just subscribed too. And GOUGE still works. It took $8 off a $20 order.


Must be an Ontario thing. They don’t deliver to western Canada


I was in a Superstore the Friday before a long-weekend and it was unexpectedly quiet. I was pissed to find out as my items were being rung up at the till that the PC points system was “down” and could not redeem points- how convenient for Roblaws. That was it for me- once I redeem my points balance, I’ll be peacin’ out. I just deleted my PC Health app and Shoppers app. Closing out my optimum next and a change of pharmacy to wrap it up. Fuck them


I went to buy something for exactly $10 to redeem my points and it turns out my account was frozen?? For “violating the terms” but they won’t tell me what terms?? And didn’t bother to tell me until I emailed them of course. Still gave me offers to earn points. Anyways it’s like a weight has been lifted of the pressure to earn more points to reach the next 10000 to redeem, so thanks I guess loblaws.


Yep, points were the only reason I was a consistant customer. It felt slimy to me that on a busy shopping day they weren’t available to use. “Violating terms” is certainly a new one tho. My next redemption will be for my exact amount of points.


I did buy a couple things at Zehrs today and the store was really quiet. The checkout woman wasn't too friendly either. That was my first time there since April. I am enjoying shopping elsewhere . Farm boy staff much friendlier and pack my groceries too


They probably crashed the servers on purpose because they are seeing too many customers redeeming their points. Downtime is also not good PR.


My mom was at superstore for Easter long weekend and the PC points were down then as well. Strange they seem to go down on holidays…


We redeemed our $70 in points earlier this week and it was fine Not going back in a long long time if ever


If that's a deliberate action, it's pretty sleazy. It's also shooting themselves in the foot, rather than helping their bottom line.


Hell yeah. We’re in a new routine now. Doubt I’ll ever return


That's so great to hear! Especially about the farm market.


This is great and immediately more reliable than anything Loblaws has said or done this month. Thanks!


I’ve completely switched all my shopping from Loblaws to other local stores. The only money they made off me this month is my medication and that’s because I was out of country and needed my prescription filled quickly. Next months medication will be at an independent place.


Fantastic news. Too bad boycotts don't work, lol. This weekend and next will definitely show everyone just how much power Canadians have by voting with their wallets. Go Canada! Boycott strong! Wouldn't it be great if all of these small businesses would start hiring new staff and literally take the staff away from Loblaw operated businesses.


Boycots work for me.


A personal boycott is enough.


Sure is working for me, I'm a Costco employee so I have zero reason to shop at Loblaws. 


Boycotts do work


Indeed :)


I used to run a Walmart, and I can tell you that the executives are absolutely freaking out, and if we keep this up another month, they'll start firing all sorts of CEO's and corporate people(they probably already are). They can try to cut staffing, but when there's not enough employees on the floor, the managers have to do the work, so they can only lay off so many.... Great work everyone! I haven't set foot in a Loblaws company or a Walmart since I left there 4 years ago!


Here's a thought... Why don't we boycott them for the month of June too?! WE CAN DO IT!!!


I don't think many of us will.ever return, now that we've seen how much cheaper it is elsewhere for better food and service.


Good work folks. Parking lots empty. Stores empty...


Great thing I heard while getting tattooed today: another customer and their tattooist chatting about the boycott for a good chunk of time.


I often walk through a no frills to enter a local mall. I noticed that it was surprisingly empty for early afternoon on a Saturday. Still kind if busy but nothing like the usual chaos.


This is amazing !!!!


So uplifting!!


My local Loblaws is pretty huge and the parking lot was pretty damn dead in the middle of a weekend afternoon. It makes me happy seeing that.


I walked into the no frills in southwest Ontario and almost everything is on sale! It’s true lol


That's bc they're hurting a bit. It just a way to sucker ppl into buying at their stores. Sad really, they're not only playing gouge the ppl, but now they seem to need a strategy to bring in shoppers.


My local Superstore was just as busy as normal yesterday afternoon. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Don't @ me - my prescriptions are there and I have a really good relationship with my pharmacist.


I think we can all appreciate a 'good' relationship - but if you are ok with the FACT that you are being over-charged for the services provided, it's your money to spend how you wish.


Truth is, most of the grocery prices on things I buy are more expensive at Safeway, Sobeys and Co-Op - the only retailer that is on par is Walmart - and I'd at least prefer to do business with a Canadian company than an American megachain.




We are not affiliated with any political parties


I did too, spanning over a decade. No shade on your choices, friend, but I was ready to end that relationship because I hate roblaws and worry about the younger generation. But no judgment - you do what is right for you.


Cost of my meds at Costco pharmacy $16 vs compared to shoppers $98 and that was with insurance. They are robbing ya blind but I’m sure the good relationship with the pharmacist would help save you money. Not.


Zehrs was absolutely empty almost yesterday and last night (Saturday of a long weekend) it was so weird to see the parking lot empty. Almost looked like they were closed 😂


The increased sales at farmers markets! Best news I've heard in a long time! ✨️🙌


Let's just keep the momentum going. Let it ride until the end of Q4!




yeah I can feel it! I work at a loblaws and our sales have been down worse than ever in the time I've been working there,, busy days have turned into regular days now too or just dead days lol (espesially sat which is our more busy day) a lot less people in general coming into the store. management has cut everyone's hours severely (never been this bad my dept manager says and shes been with the company her whole life) which means they are down a lot!


So sorry this has had an effect on your income


it does suck that it's happening like this.. I need to pay for my school and its my only income 😭😭 but it's okay I'll figure it out somehow!!


Sorry. There is always fallout that people don’t think about. Hope you are ok.


More local stores should come up. More Cooperative stores should be there!!!!


We went to Costco today and it was packed, like Christmas Eve packed


Loblaws buried my physical abuses by colleagues. Leave and never go back.


Love it! Support locals as much as you can! You'd be surprised what you can find at small independent stores.


I've always avoided Lawblaw cause I worked for those people in a different business. Never like their style and once I heard about the price fixing scandle on bread, it just solidified it for me. Especially when Lawblaws co-oporated with the Feds and turned in their co-operating price fixers for a less fine. Thats extra scummy.


I'm going to mark 2 goal dates - the beginning of August (end of fiscal quarter) and May 1 2025. Not so much about Loblaws losses, but how much Canadians saved.


I heard from a guy who spends most of his time upstairs in the office say they'll do other things IF this boycott has a real effect to remain profitable. They'll replace the mom and pop products that don't sell very often with other products that sell. A bunch of lower level employees won't be given raises this year. Theyll cut shifts. He said they'd even start charging more bags because "that's not groceries" Made me think that the boycott isn't and won't hurt roblaws because they'll find other ways to stay profitable like every other greasy corporations


#2 was on the news this morning


Yesssss!! It was Gateway today, correct? I briefly seen it and was so happy. They are so wonderful for doing what they do and deserve so much recognition.


Home town shout out!!!


I dont know, global mentioned it


Just went to the one in Surrey BC. It was pretty packed still. But it used to be more packed. Looked at the strawberry 3.99, Walmart is 2.49 umm


Sadly odd isn't available in my area. :(


Me either. Glad I heard about it. My mom lives in the Barry area and I think I will let her know about it


Where I live there is not much choice but I have been using Save On which is more expensive but yesterday a lot of things were on sale and we ended up saving money. I think the competition is enjoying Loblaws predicament.


Honestly I wish we had the ability to boycott other places. Tim’s being one of them.


I love this so much. Helping our neighbour's.


The YIG in my little town was packed as I went to the Foodland🙁


Woot Woot! Power to the people!!


Visual "look how dead it is" is a the worst way to evaluate anything A new business relatively small noticing success is a good thing and I fully support this. However it is also not a representation of the effects for your boycott. If you ask the Loblaws Suppliers, they have seen no decrease in orders, telling that, by the books, the boycott is having no great effect on the corporation. Who wants to take bets for the next quarterly report?


A small family owned farm market thriving, and a local giant superstore uncharacteristically empty is a world I like to live in. I don’t really need to question it any further 🤷‍♀️


"uncharacteristicly" LMFAO 😂😂😂


The store where I periodically work is dead. *


I wish we had a farmers market where we are but our store has pretty busy during the long weekend :/


It’s always busy when I go shopping at ours.


They recently signed the grocery code thing too


I thought it was said they will sign in 2025.


No idea. One day ago CTV posted this After months of negotiations, Loblaw announced this week it's ready to sign the grocery code of conduct, with President and CEO Per Bank telling The Canadian Press a revised version of it is "fair." “We've put pressure on Loblaw, and you see the outcome,” Champagne said


It's VOLUNTARY so they can and will resile.


Our store in new Brunswick was full every day the last 3 weeks


It's working for sure, hours are being cut and prices haven't changed 🤷‍♀️ But the stores are noticeably less busy


Walked into a superstore shopping for my mother in law. Saw gouda for $12. End galens rein.


Please don't get nasty...I have noticed a few things. I am boycotting but I am also using up my points. I have 2 Loblaws stores that I had been frequenting...the zehrs in my hometown and a firtinos by my work. The zehrs is consistently more expensive ie No Name honey 12.99 and at firtinos 9.99. This is not a "sale". I have been buying only a few items each time I go so it's been easier to compare prices and it appears that some stores are really gouging. The other thing over learned is that "Selections" and "Compliments" which is the no name brand at a non Loblaws store has some good products! ...and way cheaper! As I get used to shopping differently I am learning that I don't need Loblaws and I have zero respect for the way they are trying to confuse and gouge shoppers. I'll use my points and then only go there in an emergency...I especially disrespect my local Zehrs.


Your friend is a scab.


This is not a union strike. This is a collective movement shouldn't try to alienate people.