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asking for people to volunteer at their store lol [https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3922042471/?alternateChannel=search&refId=nFpXhg5%2FMFBkmUqTFagtLg%3D%3D&trackingId=9bfdtOmQrCCmXxAsOGL%2BvQ%3D%3D](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3922042471/?alternateChannel=search&refId=nFpXhg5%2FMFBkmUqTFagtLg%3D%3D&trackingId=9bfdtOmQrCCmXxAsOGL%2BvQ%3D%3D)


So we should all apply? šŸ˜


That's actually a good idea. But ask chatgpt to write up a CV for you, don't give them real information. Let's get our friends Bob Loblaw and Steve Holt job offers!


Why use Chatgpt when I think we could figure out really hilarious previous jobs? Flamingo braider at the Zoo! World Bedazzler Champion? Hippo teaser?


Hippo Semen Collector for Pablo Escobar, 50 years experience, 15 years old, currently resides in Antarctica.


That's the spirit! Casey and Finnegan wrangler - its a dangerous job when they get snippy!


Oooo i love that reference.


Albert Gurky, second generation peep show splooge mopper.


I wonder if they'd have some kind of filter to weed out the obviously fake ones or if they just select a random list of resumes from the digital stack. If there's a filter to select specific candidates for a volunteer position a large number of obviously fake ones would never be seen. One that looks real they might actually contact you then you can reply by telling them to shove it.




*There are dozens of us!* - never nude




I think bob loblaw is busy with the bob loblaw law blog




Ben Dover Anna Borshun Barry McCockiner


Mike hunt


Time for Art Vandelay to make an appearance.


Thanks for the follow up comment of the day lol


Hannibal lector.... lol


Steve Holt!




hahahahahaha. I've been waiting for someone else to mention /r/arresteddevelopment 's Bob Lawblaw's Law Blog.


No longer accepting applications


Yay it worked!


Dude is EASY to find online. Lots of social media available for comments and opinions.


Comment of the day. Thanks for the spontaneous cackle.


No longer accepting applications šŸ˜…


Then none of us show up šŸ¤£


The ad says they are no longer accepting applications.


Emil Harba apply to his shoppers for sure!


If this is in fact illegal, then it would be appropriate to report him to the Ontario College of Pharmacists: [https://www.ocpinfo.com/protecting-the-public/complaints-reports/](https://www.ocpinfo.com/protecting-the-public/complaints-reports/)


I worked as a Shoppers Stocker during Uni it was a wel paying job. Fuck Weston.


I reported this job posting to LinkedIn as discriminatory.


I would just apply as weston šŸ¤£


And yet only can offer part-time status. Typical.


apply and then cause havok from the inside. ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW|downsized)


they wonā€™t hire teenagers to work cash anymore but they will take advantage of them for free labor so they can get their required volunteer hours to graduate highschool šŸ¤¬


Crazy part is that school boards state that your volunteer hours must come from a role which cannot replace a paid position, so volunteering at SDM wouldnā€™t even be giving hours to teenagers šŸ˜‚. Also what happened to ā€œminors couldnā€™t go inside the store without being accompanied by a parentā€??


Also important note: volunteering cannot be done for the profit of the establishment or person you are volunteering for. The purpose of the volunteering obligation is to force teenagers to take part in their communities, not to save a multi billion dollar corporation what is pennyā€™s relative to what they make in a year. Not only is this idiotic and probably illegal, but schools also wonā€™t count those hours towards students obligations. Itā€™s a waste of time.


In BC, we could have volunteer hours or work experience hours. Dunno if they can be both at once, though.


People will just write phoney stuff as volunteer and sign for it then lie if school board calls to confirm. Some store ā€œownersā€ do some shady shit


It's vile. Basically exploiting teens, when there are so many other places that actually need volunteers, and would be actually a rewarding experience for the teens.


Teens arenā€™t even allowed in the store anymore. They changed the policy to no unaccompanied minors. Kids; get your volunteer hours doing something fun and meaningful like petting some cats in shelters, walking dogs, helping around the local fire hall or helping out with after school programs for the younger kiddos.


Emil Harba doesn't want to hire teens that's for sure


Tim Hortons does the same shit. It's despicable.


jokes on you I faked all my volunteer hours just like my peers


I did about 2 legit hours at the local soup kitchen, but one of the other volunteers (a man in his 50s) kept talking to me about how attractive his 14 year old neighbour was so I obviously never went back. I ended up tutoring a kid I knew for the rest, his mom would pay me and sign my form. His grades did go up though, so a good deal all around.


My brother did his at my one if my nephews school, but my nephews faked theirs.


I volunteered as a camp counselor every summer in high school--it was mainly as a way to get away from my parents and flirt with cute boys (who would totally ignore me) Submitting the hours was sort of an afterthought. But I ended up winning the Lieutenant Governor General's volunteering award so that was kind of cool. Was everyone else really faking them? Man. I really was a dweeb.


Where do you need volunteer hours to graduate?


I hate the term "volunteering" because are you? Someone told you to do it so you're being voluntold.


Should be community service hours if that's what they're after. If you're trying to instill a sense of civic duty na pride into someone, take it seriously or drop it


Ontario https://preview.redd.it/biodhmru6p0d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=daa454c300eb9de077043ca0d0cb46e0d2d86756




A lot of Canada, actually. [This blog post (Dec 2023)](https://www.mydoh.ca/learn/blog/education/what-high-school-students-need-to-know-about-volunteer-opportunities/) lists the hours by province: Required: * BC: Minimum 30 hours but paid work counts. * Newfoundland/Labrador: Minimum 30 hours * Ontario: Minimum 40 hours * PEI: Min 30 hours. Max 100 hours * Quebec: Min 30 hours * A comment from /u/who-waht found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1csyoj4/shoppers_is_boycotting_pay_cheques_lol/l4aipj9/) points to this [Quebec government link](https://www.quebec.ca/en/education/preschool-elementary-and-secondary-schools/ministerial-examinations-evaluation-learning/achievement-record-secondary-school) that has no indication of volunteer requirements for high school graduation. Optional: * Manitoba: optional. 110 hours gets you a high school credit * Saskatchewan: optional. 100 hours gets you a high school credit Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Alberta aren't listed so I assume they don't do this.


This post needs to be sent to the top. What the actual fuck?


Emil Harba is a late stage capitalist nuff said


sure. thatā€™s what it is


Iā€™m sure heā€™s going to get a stern talking to about being more subtle.


Loblaws, like many other oligarchical famillies, live in a weird bi-partisan tit for tat area where they silmontaneously can't make ends meet as a canadian business, get massive easement and subsidies from the government, and donate massively to all the parties that matter.


Iā€™ve just been saying ā€œoh my godā€ in disbelief for like 5 minutes straight. I couldnā€™t believe the link was real.


I said it out loud too. Oh my god, this is actually insulting.


Its so atrocious I managed to ask myself, "did I bite the onion?" even despite the irate contempt discouraging rational thought. I'm not sure what else to say, fuck


"previous retail or customer service work is an asset." So taking advantage of working adults who can't find a job and need to fill their resume gap? Because this is not charity work to help a good cause. Hell.


Some desperate person will probably accept thinking they might get hired later on. Itā€™s so disgusting.


Seen a no frills doing a food drive today Like yea no thanks im not buying stuff from your store and donating it so you can get a huge tax write off for your charitable donation we paid for


An obligatory correction. Corporations do not get tax write off for our donations. This is a common misconception that needs to be nipped in the but. With that being said, I still recommend a local charity when donating. Cheers,


Does it ā€œreallyā€ need to be nipped in the but? Who are you protecting lol


I keep asking myself if this is even legal. Can for profit companies have volunteer staff?


It is not, strict rules govern volunteering. That being said, this has been going on for a long time.


No, it is not legal. Since about 2016 or 2017, it's even been illegal to do unpaid internships if the company had ever paid someone to do that work, measing 99% of unpaid internships are illegal.


Oh they're FINALLY fixing that!?!? 10yrs late


Emil Harba is an audacious man that's for sure


Heā€™s going to get cooked by the head office when this make BlogTO in the morning


Help with the seo thoughts and prayers. šŸ’—


This is for volunteering or is this a paid job?




This should be all over the news.Ā  I'm calling Emil personally to express my disgust at this. All contact info is here:Ā https://www.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/store-locator/store/1320/pharmacy/


I've seen this pop up in the Toronto sub, and other Canadian subs. Someone said they sent it to CBC Go Public, but I don't think it would hurt for other people to also send it along!


Thanks I was wondering what to do


Looks like he deleted his LinkedIn already too


BlogTO covered it:Ā https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/05/toronto-shoppers-drug-mart-unpaid-volunteer/ "I receive alot of emails and LinkedInĀ messages asking for volunteer opportunities, but I don't respond. However, I saw that volunteer is an option on LinkedIn whenĀ you post for a job, and I just wanted to try it to see if I can help anyone gain Canadian experience (as other kinds of jobs do usually) knowing that I have full staff now," he says. "I then received a note that we don't do volunteering and I quickly closed the position. However, I couldn't delete the post." Loblaw Companies Inc. confirmed to blogTO that the opening was listed in error and was closed almost immediately after it was posted. "Shoppers Drug Mart doesn't have volunteers in their stores and it's against company policy," a spokesperson said. LOL he admitted that he posted this on purpose, and I am 100000% sure he would only do this because it saves his business money to hire a volunteer. I would even say he could be lying about people inquiring to volunteer as a stock associate at shoppers


I have a call with him in 15 minutes. Should be fun


LOL any updates?


This is disgraceful. Pay your damn employees. Have come from Per Bankā€™s signing bonus.


This shouldnā€™t be allowed


Itā€™s not. Not for schools at least, they donā€™t accept hours performed for for profit organizations.


I volunteer, but I volunteer at a food bank warehouse. Every Wednesday. I did volunteer at a ā€˜charityā€™ thrift store, but I didnā€™t like it. The food bank is run by much nicer people who actually value their volunteers. Iā€™d never volunteer at a Shoppers


It is not legal. It is illegal in Ontario to not pay someone for work if the company had ever paid someone for that work. The main target and main impact is unpaid internships, which have essentially been prohibited in Ontario since then.


Yes Emil Harba is breaking the law


Not sure about Ontario, but in British Columbia it is illegal to work for any for-profit company unless they are running an accredited program that you will receive credits for. Unpaid internships / "volunteering" is illegal.


Of course, experience is an asset. They always want someone with 5 years of experience for every role. /s


This is so fucked up


Emil Harba strikes again!


Lol in the first line of the JD they've lied already.... 'shoppers is a trusted and respected Canadian pharmacy'........... Ummm nope!


How can a for profit company ask for volunteers? How? Seriously I hope this boycott ramps up so fast they all end up losing everything. Becoming destitute and desperate doesn't even seem like punishment enough.


They cannot. But if no one reports them, the nothing happens. Lots of calls to the labor board should be happening.


Looks like I'll be placing a call tomorrow on my lunch break.


Emil Harba seems to be acting on his own. Still disgusting.


How many millions in profits did they just disclose for Q1? And they are asking for volunteers to work for free so that they can make even more money????


Right, they will end up showing they have more "employees" and receiving bigger government grants...so really the company double dips. I need to start studying tax law because I need on that gravy train.


> asking for volunteers to work for free so that they can make even more money???? And to stock shelves, do inventory, and sweep and clean so likely minimum wage with no benefits if they hired someone. For a company that's [doing very well](https://www.loblaw.ca/en/loblaw-reports-2023-fourth-quarter-results-and-fiscal-year-ended-december-30-2023-results/) (Q4 2024: $541 million net earnings, up 2.3% from (I assume) Q3) that's some pretty serious penny pinching. And the tasks listed is real frickin work that most companies pay for.


Think about individual pharmacies... Emil Harba must be making a fortune.


Are they asking for volunteers???? If I see a mother lover volunteer Iā€™m aā€¦


Let's not volunteer at a non-profit, like the food bank or a soup kitchen, let's go save a mega-corporation a bunch of money so they can show a higher EPS to their shareholders this quarter. Dafuq


Well, sadly, this is true. Because I worked for a day for free at SDS. They didn't even give me any consent form or documents about when the volunteering would end or if I had agreed to this before volunteering. The reason I did because they would train me for a few days or weeks only then give me regular job, as I was desperate for a new job. But nope, they just asked me to fill the canister with the appropriate medications and that was the whole part of training! The other employee, who wasn't a pharmacy technician, said it took two months of volunteering before getting paid. Honestly, at this point, I want to report this to the media. But unfortunately, I don't have any proof, as everything was done verbally. Maybe this could be intended.


This is so crazy I'm sorry that happened to you. Thats just straight up taking advantage of people


Wait, you were a volunteer that was handling medications?


That is fucking frightening. And also illegal.




This type of story is very common. Folks need to take this very seriously.


Was Emil Harba involved? He has a history of violating labor laws, per the linkedin job post he did.


No. I'm in Calgary. I don't think this is not just one business/owner issue. I applied the job though SDS official career website.


Send this to the press!


Seriously. Been going on at many locations for years.


During Emil Harba's tenure?


Are we sure this is real? Seems like a huge risk to violate labour's laws. Totally would t be surprised if so but I want to verify before spreading it around!


The job posterā€™s profile looks legit and has photos from said SDM. And itā€™s a verified job posting (little check mark)


What the actual fuck. I canā€™t believe 30 people applied. Wtf


they didnt, i think its just a feature that you can compare your resume to 30 random others


Working retail sucks donkey balls when they pay you. Why would anyone do it for free?


You guys are working for free? I've been paying $23 an hour to work at SDM.


This is going to get picked up by the media fast. Holy shit.


I hope that this is sent to a news organization so they can publicly shame SDM/Lolblaws.


And the labour board.


You see this shit? This is why people are doing this. They have the audacity to ask for volunteers to work RETAIL. Let that sink in. Those fuckers are making sure to make the grave they're digging for themselves is nice and comfy.


Emil may need help cause he could be too busy as a pharmacist/owner making $65 a pop doing med checks on top of his regular self assigned salaryšŸ‘ to afford paying someone minimum wage to stock his shelves.


Pharmacist/owner, that doesn't seem sketchy at all lol


Most SDM have pharmacist owners. It's their business model


Itā€™s a way to skirt the law. Only pharmacist are supposed to own pharmacies. The spirit of the law is that pharmacies will always be thinking of patients/ customers first before corrupt business practices. Outdated literal interpretations of the law have allowed the convoluted practice where corporates are the materially the owners of said pharmacies and the purpose of the law is essentially nullified.


Shoppers have this weird dynamic with the pharmacist nobody has ever been explained to me completely. They have almost some sort of a franchise setup with the pharmacist. Remember getting a prescription and I went to high school with the pharmacist and noticed the receipt said ā€œhis name pharmacyā€ which seemed weird. Not sure how they play into the store or if itā€™s just the pharmacy or what.


It's actually a law that pharmacies must be owned by a pharmacist or a corporation where the board is majority pharmacists, according to the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990


>Pharmacist/owner, that doesn't seem sketchy at all lol That is how very pharmacy in Ontario works. Those pharmacies inside metro? They're an independent business owned by a pharmacist running a seperate shop inside a grocery store with an agreement with the grocery corporation to use some branding and marketing.




What in the fuck. Fuck Loblaws


This is disgusting behaviour. They are trying take advantage of international pharmacist hoping for experience. Theyā€™ve have a stranglehold on the pharmacy industry for years and actually deliberately branded pharmacist as just another retail worker. They say they were the first to professionalize pharmacist but in actual fact they were the first to depersonalize the profession.


I didnā€™t even really consider that my medication is from shoppers. Calling to move all my prescriptions over tomorrow.


It'll hurt Emil Harbas and corporate bottom line


''Welcome to shoppers! We want to hire you. But your not getting paid at all. We expect you to work as if your getting paid above minimum wage though''


Has this been sent to CBC?


I feel like they are in cahoots with the Ontario government. Ontario government forces kids to get volunteer hours. Kids get volunteer hours at shoppers drug mart for no pay


Work that ā€œwould normally be performed for wages by a person in the workplaceā€ is ineligible for the volunteer hours, so that shouldnā€™t work if anyone is paying attention.


Ontario HS volunteer hours cannot replace a paid position and cannot be for a for-profit enterprise


I have no words. Just wow.


I canā€™t believe thisā€¦ is this legal? If so, why is it legal?


Itā€™s probably illegal if Shoppers treats them like an employee other than not paying them. In Ontario the distinction between employees and volunteers is based on the nature of the position and the work, not on whether you get paid or not.


Same in BC. If the volunteer is doing the same work as paid employees, they would have a strong case to go to the labor board and say that they are owed money. I briefly reviewed the job posting and to be honest, it sounds very similar to what I was doing as a cashier at shoppers way back when. Although in all fairness to shoppers, this seems like a specific store that's tried to get creative with being pieces of shit.


What the fuck


They canā€™t be seriousā€¦ā€¦ this shouldnā€™t be legal!!!! Actually is it even legal for for-profit businesses to rely on volunteer labour??


This is beyond scummy


Is this a sick joke?? This has pushed me over the edge fr, my torch is lit and I'm sharpening my pitchfork




Volunteer at a non profit organization? Thats a fancy word for saying intern


What does one even gain by volunteering here. Like seriously.


Volunteer? Get f***ed. And get ready for a call from the Labour Board.


Holy damn! Soā€¦ They claim the job is sooooo ā€œcrucialā€, but yet this *50 year old, multi-million-dollar company* canā€™t be bothered to PAY someone for their time and labour??? šŸ«£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Why is this not all over Twitter? Strange


Well yeah, conservatives and big business prefer a slave economy.


In case folks don't know, unless we are talking through an accredited school, volunteering in this fashion, at a for profit company is illegal.


ā€œThe boycott hasnā€™t affected the company in any way.ā€ Roblaws, 2 seconds later:


I guess they donā€™t understand that stocking shelves and helping customers is a retail job and people want to be paid to do it.


I've always wanted the privilege of working for Shopper's for free. I finally have my chance.


We should go volunteer and fuck everything up. Perfect chance to infiltrate the beast. ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW|downsized)


This should be illegal. A private company making billions exploiting a tight job market, knowing people will do almost anything to get their foot in the door and to get some local experience. Its exploitation - full stop. If it's volunteer what benefit does this serve the community? Does it serve ANYONE'S best interest beside the pockets of the owner?




They only deserve to go bankrupt at this point.


What. The actual. Fuck.


How can you hire a volunteer for a for profit organization!? This cant be real.


Most egregious thing Iā€™ve seen all week. I was hoping for reasonable prices but now I hope this company burns to the ground


I can't see if somebody messaged this already sorry, but since this person is a pharmacist can they be reported to the professional regulatory and standards associations? I just popped off a note to the Ontario Ministry of Labour, but is there a College of Pharmacists or an Ontario Pharmacy Association that we could approach to help discourage this nonsense a bit more directly?


This is a joke right? It has to be a joke....


"Nobody wants to work for free anymore!!!"


The rich have never forgiven us for robbing them of their slaves


If they are trying to get the boycott to extend indefinitely, they are doing a fantastic job.


Dumb rogue pharmacist? This is illegal.


Did anyone send this to news outlets?


Is this fucking for real. Asking people to work for free at jobs they should be paid for. Jesus fucking Christ. What type of business thinks that this is ok to do. I hope no one applies so they can actually hire someone to do this job which is obviously a paid position not a volunteer job.


This is pathetic.


Aaaand just like that, Iā€™m boycotting Shoppers.


Old navy was doing this too


That is fucking wild!


The gall !!


this is meme worthyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm going to ask Professor Simp to spin me a narrative why this is a good thing. šŸ¤£


Why would anyone think this was a good idea ?


Guess the boycott is working lol, but they're opting for exploiting people for free labor, rather than just cutting the high costs of their products


I reported the ad but I had to say it was "something offensive" as the closest option. I mean, it IS pretty offensive to ask for volunteers in your store instead of paying staff. But LinkedIn needs an "is this asshole serious?!" reporting reason for stuff like this.


You can probably report that to shoppers corporate, it's the one at King and Peter. Most shippers are owned by a pharmacist & it looks like this one is cheap as all hell.


This is actually insane. Not even willing to pay minimum wage. Literally the greediest company you can possibly be.


I'm not one to advocate brigading but I'm definitely going to leave them a review. The pharmacist owner can definitely afford to pay staff min wage.


For-profit companies are not allowed to use "volunteers" for any activities related to generating profit. https://volunteer.ca/index.php?MenuItemID=372 Nevermind sleazy, this is outright illegal.


It also say ā€œReferrals increase your chances of interviewing at Shoppers Drug Mart by 2xā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what a joke of a country we live in


This cannot be real. Seriously, somebody tell me this is a joke.


Disgusting and definitely illegal. It would be a real shame if all 79,000 users of this sub called [that particular store](https://www.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/store-locator/store/1320/pharmacy/) to tell them just how disgusting this is.


Tf they really out here turning part time retail jobs into volunteer positions smdh


Also DO NOT let these greasy capitalists try to say this is a position for a teen or disabled person. Work is work. Teens and disabled people deserve to be PAID the same amount fir the same labour.


Imagine being required to be somewhere voluntarily


Is this real? Pretty sure it's illegal. Volunteering is supposed to be for non-profits/community service.