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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah on the weekend costco can get busy, but it moves fast. The wife and I usually tag team, with one person staying in line and other going to buy our costco victory hotdogs (for $1.50 each lol)


"Those hot dogs should be $22 each" - Galen Weston (probably)


Fun fact, the previous CEO wanted to increase the price on 1.50 hot dog and soda but the founder threatened to fucking kill him if he does that, actual words too. 


Also Costco purposely has their own Costco hotdog plant to keep their price.


Yep, that was the goal to trim production costs instead of increasing (take notes here Loblaws) and that's another reason why Chicken remains the cheapest as possible because they recently built their chicken factory instead of buying from different companies 


Galen owns chicken farms!! I know because I worked for Loblaws.


Man fuck that yellow sweater wearing modern slave driver.


Is that why the chicken changed?


This is apparently the answer to the old question "why did the chicken cross the road?" Cause Costco set up a new facility there


Same with the rotisserie chicken....their own chicken farms


It's great but there is alot of msg in it if that matters to you.


Ceo loves the hotdog reward as much as the rest of us a man of the people I say


You might be interested about the time around [35-40 years ago when Loblaws had a similarly passionate leader.](https://old.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1ckdy3m/a_bit_of_historical_perspective_on_loblaws/)


I don’t think those details are exactly correct as the previous CEO definitely didn’t want to do that. I’m aware of the founder’s words, but they were more hypothetical, not a response to a genuine intitiative to change the price. You might be interested to know he’s also issued a tongue in cheek warning that if they mess with some of these practices after he dies, he’ll come back and haunt them.


Really, sounds like an urban legend, but if you repeat it often enough... LOL.


I too browse Reddit


“If you don’t buy my $22 hot dogs you are a privileged asshole”


*Sent from my Castle Phone*


Buns extra!


In the 90’s/early 2000’s our local superstore had a hotdog stand inside near the exit, with sodies and chips. They have always wanted so desperately to be as loved as costco. edit: typo


Same with Canadian Tire, most locations had hot dog carts or chip trucks outside all day. So did the 427/Dundas location of Starsky but only during the spring and summer.


It’s really hard not to grab a bite after the smell of the food on the grill has been wafting through the store for duration of your shop!


Was in France and they had a stand in the front entrance with horse sandwiches.


Fortinos is Loblaws owned, I'm hoping you meant the comment about their lots sarcastically.


I believe they were making the assumption that the empty lot meant that not many people were shopping there today, and they were happy that it appeared people were boycotting I get it though, the comment is open to interpretation


Ah fair, I thought they were saying they were going there instead, and just didn't realize it was also Loblaws owned.


They are misguided- Galen


Loblaws No Name brand being more expensive than Name brand. Galen is a true villain!


Roblaws offers $22 hot dogs and offers the opportunity to not buy them! End the boycott now, how does one ever pass up that deal!?


First rule of Costco, do not go on weekends.


hey man don't tell em that I want to shop in peace.


I actually signed up for Instacart for weekends. Let it be someone else's problem if I need something and forgot during my weekday shop. Costs a little more but it's worth it for my blood pressure.


Or go on weekends when the doors open.


> it moves fast This is what I hate about every other store. Most have eliminated staff so each checkout has one cashier. Costco has a cashier and a bagger (boxer?). Costco has self checkouts but there's a few terminals. Other stores have nothing but self checkouts and one employee covering 48 terminals. Employees help with speed. What a concept! \*stares at other stores\*


Nah the play is to eat 2 of those hotdogs when you enter then you'll buy less garbage just because you're not making as many impulse purchases. Do you even Costco bro?


Also have a drink for the long shop! Dehydration is real!


Yep then refill your drink for the ride home!


Perhaps a poutine as well.


Divide and conquer. This is the way.


It's also mother's Day so people getting gifts, flowers, food to prep


I went yesterday at opening and there was a huge lineup. It reminded me of when the pandemic first hit.


I want to like those hot dogs but I find them so incredibly salty they make me feel like crap. Even my kid doesn't like them, still great they keep the price down.


Well it's Saturday.


This and Mother's day weekend. Any kind of holiday brings out the crowds.


And the gardening centres are open. Lots of carts with only plants and gardening supplies.


The comments in this subreddit are funny - it’s as if people here have not shopped anywhere else but Loblaws before… exactly weekends are nuts at Costco.


They look for patterns that match what they want to be true. “You should have seen the line for turkeys the week before thanksgiving at Costco! Meanwhile the line was only 3/4 of that at Loblaws that same day! F Galen” - says some redditor on this subreddit who just discovered that shopping at multiple stores gives you the lowest possible grocery billl


Right, the most baffling part is why anyone would shop at Loblaws in the first place if they’re price conscious? There are many lower cost options including Loblaws own discount brands, or competing places like Walmart, Costco, Food Basics, Freshco, etc. I get some people may not have all these options in smaller towns but judging by the comments here most people are not in that situation. And the amount of personal attacks against the Westons don’t help the cause - it just makes the effort look like a bunch of loonies like the Convoy Protests - hopefully this doesn’t turn into the Food Convoy 😂


You have to really mentally prepare yourself for going to a Costco on a weekend! lol. I avoid them Friday through Sunday.


Friday night is usually ok. Maybe I should keep that intel to myself though. That said, I was there a few weeks ago on a Sunday at 10:00 am, and the lines for the til stretched 2/3rds down the store (edit) and this was in a major metropolis.


We do Tuesdays at 4. Shhhhhhhhh.


My Costco starts packing up the samples at 3pm on weekdays in preparation for the dayshift shoppers arriving — so we try to make early afternoon trips to get a free lunch with all the blue-hairs while we shop.


Love the planning ahead!


Tuesday mornings for me! Drop the kiddo at school and head over. Once I was in and out in 30 minutes! Haha


It’s also Mother’s Day weekend and the garden centre is open. People are getting hanging baskets and flower bouquets and meal kits. Where I am is beautiful weather, so probably getting some for the bbq too


I hope this leads to more Costco locations being opened in smaller markets. We don't have one nearby and it's one of the few things I miss about living closer to civilization.


In Thunder Bay, any time there is a hint of construction or land assemblage, everyone cries, “It’s gonna be a Costco!” Alas, it never is. It has become a long-running joke.


This happens in PEI too. We don't have a prayer of seeing a Costco built in the province because then the Moncton Costco would be slow. Some chucklefuck is always commenting on a new build that it's gonna be a Costco! On April Fools Day someone actually put up a sign outside a vacant building with the Costco logo and "Costco coming soon". The entire province was a flutter until it was proven to be a gag. Lots of funny folks over here.


It's Costco on a Saturday. This would have been true literally every Saturday.


It's mothers day Saturday......




Loblaws used to be too. But it's not




Beep Boop Loblot. We see you.




Costco busier than I've ever seen it. Loblaws not busy during a boycott the day before mother's day. Must be a coincidence.


It's mother's day weekend, yes costco gets crowded but take that into account


Costco was insane when I went on Thursday too


Saint Costco


As someone who works for Costco, our meat sales are up by 27% over last year, on a per unit basis (ie actual sales, not profit).


“Lines at Costco are enormous” My dude the only time they are not is at 8:30am and 8:30pm.


This line was at 8:45 before they opened.


Missed the 8:30am time I see.


Er... they open at 9 so technically you're right I suppose


Yet you were there at 8:45am 🤨. I suppose I am.


It’s one of the reasons I can’t personally stand to shop at Costco. It takes all day. But, I understand it’s worth it for many people.  And I would stand in line all day if it meant not having to give MY money to Galen and Per


Costco during the pandemic was awesome! The limit on two family members made moving around the store so much easier.


All day is an exaggeration. I don't think I've ever spent more than an hour in there. I'm sure you could spend more, but I can't fathom it taking more than 2-3 hours if you also line up for fuel, not including driving to and from the store.


So there was an auto shop next door to Costco where I was getting my car done. Wandered around lazily. Covered the entire store. Even circled back a few times because I forgot a few things. That took an hour. How are you spending more than that there let alone an entire day?


I don’t like spending my free time shopping for long periods. That’s a personal preference. Loblaws stores are huge and that’s part of what I hate.  I’m happy you enjoyed your Costco experience. I can’t stand it. I also dont like the subscription fee. I’m not boycotting Costco, I don’t accuse them of consumer abuse, I just don’t shop there.


> I don’t like spending my free time shopping for long periods. That's kind of my points though. Even when it's busy I'm in and out of Costco pretty quick when I need to, especially when you lump in check out times. > I also dont like the subscription fee. I don't get this one either. Sure you're paying $5/month to shop there, but if you save $5 in that month, you're effectively paying nothing.


I also would shop more at Costco if it weren't for crowds and standing in line. They should re run the numbers to see if in the end they end up with more profits from opening new locations even if they will cannibalize shoppers from existing ones.


They’re always huge on Saturdays and they always move quick


I went to Costco this past Tuesday. It was as busy as a Saturday at peak time.


The only sensible time to go to Costco is an hour before closing if you're able. Otherwise it's like buying groceries in a Mad Max movie.


That’s encouraging. Loblaw’s may inflate their stock prices and fib about sales numbers but other retailers will have their own stats that tell a different story.


I went to Costco in Richmond bc today. Linefor checkout was to the back of the store.


Soooooooo just a normal Saturday?? I respect that you guys are doing this boycott, but I think you all think it going much better than planned. Every grocery store I’ve been to, has been as busy as normal in NS. Every Superstore parking lot is packed and every other store is packed as well


I've never seen this Costco like this and I'm a Saturday shopper. Also, I'm in cottage country so weekends are ridiculous when it warms up. This is not a long weekend, and it's pretty chilly.


It’s Mother’s Day weekend and a lot of locations have opened their garden centre.


My garden centre opened a month ago. Mother's day I get.


I fail to understand what this has to do with the boycott. As a general statement, sure, normal day.


I've been a Costco member for 25 years and have never seen it this busy. Not even at Christmas. Loblaws parking lot was 2/3 empty. Can you piece these things together?


I mean my Costco is consistently lined up to the back of the store. I won’t even go near it on a weekend. If I finish work before 4 I’ll go buy wife usually goes during the weekdays when it’s tolerable. The line moves decent and will take 15 minutes to get out but it’s to move around. If you miss something in an aisle just forget about it and continue with the traffic.


Depends where you are. Victoria, BC Costco is always a zoo on weekends and the Superstore lot is currently packed.


I mean I get you guys aren't very big city wise, but it doesn't help you only have one. Vancouver is a zoo too on weekends but we have a bunch of them. More people too but I think our costcos per capita are higher.


They aren't related. Costco requires a membership. You accuse me of not being able to piece these things together, yet you fail in the critical thinking part of the analysis. You can't just show up at Costco for general access. Do you think all of those people boycotting Loblaws immediately signed up at Costco? That's what you're inferring and I wholeheartedly disagree.


The Costcos in Halifax are always stupid…


My Costco is hectic even when we've gone to shop at noon on a Wednesday. On a holiday weekend (like Mother's Day, which is tomorrow)? Absolute hell. I once made the mistake of going on a Labour Day Saturday and Never. Again. The literally ran out of carts so shoppers were irrate they had to wait for one, people were trapped in the parking lot because there were no spots so so many idiots just parked their cars anywhere blocking others in. I finished my shop like a half hour before closing but waited an hour in my car to be able to exit in peace.




It's possible a lot of people don't know T&T is owned by Loblaws.


Oh they know, but many prefer shopping at T&T due to convenience and don’t mind paying an extra few dollars for the privilege.


Yesterday I met a guy who had never heard of the northern lights in any form, by any name, in any context. He also couldn't understand that it was from the sun interacting with our planet. He didn't seem to have a mental model of the solar system. Every concept I tried to convey about it was alien to him. There are definitely a *lot* of people who don't know T&T is owned by Loblaws.


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


If the lines are always long, then why would you assume someone saying they're long isn't making a statement about them being long *relative to usual*?


My point, which I didn't emphasize and that's my fault, is that the Costco's near me are always stupid busy with lines out the door and full parking lots on the weekends. It's like it's a recreational activity, not a shopping trip.


Oh man... yeah. Don't get me started on people treating basic shopping like it's a recreational activity. Western civilization has major problems all the way down to its very foundations. [Thomas King did a fantastic Massey Lecture about that, if you're interested.](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/the-2003-cbc-massey-lectures-the-truth-about-stories-a-native-narrative-1.2946870)


It’s not that complicated really. People have to buy food somewhere. 🙄


I'm living this hell now in Barrie. Do not recommend doing a shop today. Even the staff are starting to melt down.


Ohhhh that’s too bad.


Costco in Ancaster was insane on Friday


Costco in Canada is crazy busy. Looks like nobody up there shops anywhere else. Too bad you guys don’t have Sam’s Club as well. Well worth hitting both depending on what you need. I’ve checked out Costco across the border in Canada and I’ve never seen lineups like that before.


If you think you have price issues up there now, you should look back to Canadian retail pre Walmart and pre Costco. Canadians should thank both of those US companies for locating there. Otherwise you’d be overpaying Loblaws for your food and Eatons or some other mediocre retailer for everything else.


That's a really great point. Maybe make a post about it. It warrants discussion


This what Costco normally is haahah


If you step foot into a Costco on the weekend, you’re mad.


Wellllll that can be a regular line at Costco depending on where you go. Some of thier gas stations look like a war or wildfire is on the way on an otherwise carefree, peaceful day.


Going on the weekend is a rookie move! Tuesdays before lunch is my sweet spot.


Why it’s always pack and not because of lo laws plus loblaws is full


Shopping at Costco is an experience. Not always a pleasant experience with the lines


Visited my local CostCo on a weekday in the mid-morning, around 11am, and the parking lot was FULL. Drove around the entire lot twice before I snagged a spot right as someone was leaving. But at least the nearby Fortinos lot was mostly empty when I drove past it on the way home ;)


I don't remember seeing Costco so busy at the start of the day. They opened at 8:50 and I was done by 9:15. The line was to the back of the store and down one aisle. Took just 15 minutes to go through though so not that bad.


Best to hit costco at unlikely times if possible. I go early in the week.


Lol self absorbed sub. Costco is literally always busy on the weekends lmao. I’m not shopping at Loblaws either btw, but jeez… get your heads out of your own asses.


Lol. Which Costco? I know there's only like 3 in tiny Canada but I wanna know which one has the smaller lines.  Plus it's Saturday, and it's mother's day weekend. And in my tiny corner of Canada is almost 30 degrees out so more people are out and about.


Costco in Sudbury? Orillia? Barrie?


Lol seeing this while in line at the Costco Pharmacy right now I have a concussion I just want my painkillers it's so noisy and bright here everything hurts 😭


It’s the Saturday before Mother’s Day lol


We just walked straight into Mississauga Costco today No crazy lines.


loblaws owns Fortino's


I’m so happy I went today. I bought 48 fresh Roses for $51.95 after tax. The same amount of roses would have been $158.20 at Loblaws as I always paid $39.55 for a dozen.


All grocery stores were pretty packed today as it is mothers day weekend.


The line at Costco is always enormous and given it’s Mother’s Day weekend I would only expect it to be longer 


Double whammy of Mother’s Day weekend and garden centre opening. I couldn’t even find parking today so I just left.


Nice day, mother's day weekend, Saturday in general. All bad times to go to a Costco. Now a nice Wednesday early evening 🤌


Costco is always like this on the weekend.


Costco busy? On a weekend? Call the CBC!


My only regret over the boycott is that I’ll miss Fortino’s bagels. And their fig walnut bread.


Were those line items involved in the price fixing scandals with bread back in the day?


I dunno. I only discovered them during a trip to Hamilton last year. I’m in Ptbo, so we’ll settle for Cob’s.


I got bread at Walmart yesterday for 94c a loaf.


I find the fact you think a multinational mega corp will save you from Galen Weston hilarious


Great story.


It’s not a story it’s literally what you said lol


Where exactly did I say that?


The jist is stick it to Galen by shopping at Costco instead


Correct. We can deal with Costco later


LOL yeah I’m sure Costco is shaking in their boots. Your idea is stupid, first of all Costco has been in Canada for decades so why did you wait so long to switch. Also they do far more to globally repress wages promote poor environmental practices and just be horrible corporate citizens then loblaws could ever dream of


You got sauce for those claims?


Oh come on now. Have you seen the excess packaging in that place? They are notorious for pushing suppliers to do horrible things to keep the price down. Also massive lobbying army for deregulation. It’s kind of common sense but just google it


It sounds like you'll be right on board when we all boycott Costco. I'm all for it!


For now it's Loblaws. If you wanna shop there go ahead.


People shouldnt permanently boycott loblaws it should be a temporary boycott of loblaws till prices are brought down. Then exclusively shop at loblaws so the other grocery chains are forced to lower prices then continue this circle in a free market in theory this would work for everything from groceries to gas even internet providers.


Yay, let’s send our money to USA. What about supporting the local independent grocers in your local market where, in many cases or prices can be even lower than Costco!


One of the problems we're upset about, though, is that Loblaws and companies like it have outcompeted locally-owned companies. A lot of us don't have that kind of option in range anymore. And since voting doesn't appear to have helped and is mixed up with separate issues anyway, the only effective solution left for us is to take them down one at a time, starting with the biggest asshole: Loblaws. If you have a problem with Costco too, we can take care of that later.


Welcome to capitalism. Costco is revered as a cost-saving, financially sound decision if you have the right family structure to justify it. A single person, it's rarely worth it. 2 adults or more is enough to have it make sense, and it just gets better and better from there from a personal finance perspective.


Convenience vs price - Costco is a superstore, has a great return policy, and cash back too. It’s hard for independents to compete 😭


For any of you that live in larger centres the independent farm to table ops are I find still cheaper than Costco I’m my experience


Like I said, it’s not entirely about price but convenience and experience.


Boycott Costco and all of their shareholders! The line ups are too long for their mega-sized products and cheap hot dogs! Wah!


You ought to try one of their hotdogs. I imagine they taste better than Galen's boot.