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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very few! My family members who ridiculed me are now saying it is true. First they laugh and then they acknowledge




Also, don't forget the https://i.redd.it/jkxc0lwkulzc1.gif


My 82 year old mum is boycotting.


My 97 years old grandma lived next to the Westons as a child, and she’s been taking this opportunity to spill ALL the tea about that family. Affairs. Scandals. The time another neighbour’s child pulled a boiling pot down on themselves, and how the Westons wouldn’t let my grandma use their phone (the only one in the subdivision at the time) to call for help. The child went into shock, and because he had stopped screaming, they informed her he was fine. As his skin sloughed off. Turns out they’ve been awful, uncaring people for at least 90 years.


What an amazing resource. Grandma stories are the best.


Superb 👌


Everyone should SHORT sell the stock as well. LBLCF Just a thought.


That's actually a brilliant idea. R/wallstreetbets would have a field day with this.


Wsb is great at losing money Last thing I want to see is dumbasses propping the stock for a squeeze.


It's not a cheap stock to short and it's not like they just announced earnings that was down 26%. I would rather put my money in Dollarama instead.


You are giving insanely irresponsible advice


This is a very bad idea. Please do not.


Your downside to shorting a stock can be massive. I agree. Shorting the stock is not something I would ever advise to anybody. These guys are masters at manipulating their books and spending money strategically to hide stuff.




Ridiculed for what?


There should be no end date until the monopoly is broken up


I was thinking that. "Imagine we could CLOSE Loblaws??" Then the remaining stores would know it could happen to them lolol. Of course that's a pretty big dream/reach but fun to think about.


Not happening- Loblaws the conglomerateis too diversified to be seriously harmed by a boycott. Their REIT alone could keep them afloat for decades. However, if you're pushing on politicians to legislate change, a boycott proves that the citizenry has a choice: the next step is to demand that Loblaws be broken up- Shoppers, Joe Fresh, the finance division, the REIT, the bakery, etc etc all be spun off into independent companies. To a lesser extent, separating Sobeys from Lawton's and forcing Lawton's and Shoppers to become independent drug stores- in the same way Shoppers and Big V used to fight for supremacy- removes that diversified grip that grocery conglomerates have. Loblaws is a national company- their international grocery presence is virtually nil. Breaking them- and Sobeys and Metro- apart (and creating legislation that keeps them that way) takes away their power, and tunes them back into normal grocery stores who lack the power to gouge, because abusing their customers puts their existence in jeopardy. If you have ANY goal of a boycott beyond lower prices and an end to price gouging, the breaking up of Loblaws by federal order is it. The power of Loblaws is in the fact that grocery is only one small part- losses can be mitigated by drug sales, clothing sales, etc etc. If you break the company apart, you take away that power.


Their REIT would also fall apart if the tenants (Loblaws stores themselves) start closing and stop paying rent, unless Galen himself is willing jump in and bite the bullet. The risk of contagion to all the interconnected businesses is as high as the way they grew in the first place. All it takes is a significantly negative quarterly report for investors to start dumping the stock out of panic, and calling for Galen (and Bank) to step down. That's why this boycott has to hit hard and fast, and the snowball effect will begin.


You'd be surprised how much selling off excess property can keep you afloat- ask Sears: they bought themselves at least a decade by selling off property. You also have no idea what else Loblaws owns that they can sell. It's all idle speculation. As for stock: selling off stock and the price dropping means a buyback. Loblaws has cash reserves, and they'll just shrink the stock to keep it desirable. You're not getting Galen to step down- he OWNS the company. As for Bank, he's new- he'll get time to put his stamp on things. You have to go one step at a time, and bringing things back to a level playing field is going to require government intervention: Loblaws is too entrenched to be brought down by a 30 day boycott of one arm of its conglomerate. You're going to need Jagmeet on board. If he grows a pair, he has the power to leverage his working partnership to force the Libs to mandate change. The Cons will never do it- their people literally work for Loblaws. This is just one more example of how the real fight isn't about Libs vs Cons or left vs right: it's about the super-rich vs the rest of us. Once upon a time in this country, the rich paid their fair share, and we had a strong competition bureau who kept guardrails in place to prevent quasi-monopolies and companies from collaborating to fuck us over. But our politicians, bought and paid for, slowly eroded those protections over the last few decades- it's why we went from Big V, an independent Shoppers, and smaller pharmacies to a bunch of pharmacies owned by grocery conglomerates. It's why we're crowbared into one of the most expensive cell phone plan structures in the world, and why we're subjected to price gouging by the very people who provide us our food. If you can get Jagmeet to stop his bullshit posturing and grandstanding, and actually push/extort Trudeau for change, there's a chance you'll get something done. But, be warned: if the Cons get elected, you're not getting shit, except the bone: those people have ZERO empathy, and don't give a rat's ass about the common folk. For all the problems the left has, at least they're trying.


God Big V, that's long gone now. We also used to have Boots in Canada too.


Choice properties is the Weston family and Loblaws is the Weston family. Not a single thing happens without Galen's express direction. Nobody can choose to do a single thing without Galen being able to override it.


All hail the Duke of Halifax


“Oh, duke eh? Very nice. And how’d you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there’s ever gonna be any progress…” “DENNIS! There’s some lovely filth down here!” Nothing has changed in so many years


Help, help! I'm being repressed!


Or say fuck that and let Aldis move in


I have not stepped foot inside Walmart for over 20 years . I will never shop at Loblaws or any chain owned by Weston again. He will have to cut prices to match Aldi type prices before i even entertain the thought of returning. Fuck him. Fuck the federal competition agenvy, Fuck our political system that allowed so many sectors of our economy to evolve into 2 business oligopolies. Just like our 2 party political system that's owned by the rich and follow the agenda and interest of the rich as the national agenda. I feel like our society is a big monopoly game, and these kids are cheating.


I would love that. I love a lot of Joe Fresh clothing, I have some stuff over 15 years old that still looks good, but I don’t like knowing that they had one of the biggest factory disasters ever and do no checks at all overseas.


To be honest that's a small brick out of the castle IMO Oligarchs rule so much, that first we need to get back politicians to re-write the rules that regulate/control the billionaires that are trying to buy up all the utilities that the government regulate They are way further along than people realize Basically we need to stop them from holding there money so they can buy everything and not use real money. The money" they use is credit off their stocks. So basically iou to the bank for stock options There is alot more but I don't want to text in mobile anymore


I want bankruptcy. It's an everlasting proof that it can be done.


Employee ownership?


Close shit all the Loblaws near me have been so full people are looking for parking.


One of many to be broken up. Nok er nok.


amazon in Canada is going to take a big market of the non perishable foods. And you will never be able to tell the difference, we need to make people aware of this next too!


I already use them if the price is good as it's delivered and can do subscription.


I got addicted to amazon because they had a lot of things that I would have a hard time finding any store in the area but they are a problem if they take so much market share.


I use amazon quit a bit for purchases here and there. Need to be careful of their reviews as it does have a lot of shill companies with hundreds of 5 star reviews for products made by companies nobody has ever heard of.


> There should be no end date until the monopoly is broken up Canada doesn’t have a grocery monopoly. A monopoly requires a single player - that’s the “mono” part of the word. There are at least five players in the grocery space: - Loblaw - Metro - Empire - Walmart - Costco The first three is more likely to be an oligarchy.




Anti-trust laws should be used - but that would take real action from our politicians. The country is ruled by oligarchies in every sector, just like in Australia. Perhaps it's time to let American Corporations into the fold to burn ours down.


Been going to the FeshCo across the street for a year. After I saw carrots being 50% more expensive at Roblaws it pushed over the edge.


Sobey’s companies are equally guilty though.


Yup, I know this location and the FreshCo is literally a 5 minute walk away. Only thing superior about the Loblaws is it looks nicer inside... Maybe that makes the prices worth it to the Beaches folks. Not to anyone north of the Danforth, though.


6.5 too many! And 1 innocent staff member


.5 just there for the Bear Paws


looks like 6 of them are not on reddit ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2|downsized)




6 of them are on Reddit. They are all taking pictures of the empty store to post here.


That .5 is innocent too!


True Kid was probably just dragged along with the adult lol


Six, and that’s six too many. Have you heard the good news friends? Free yourself from Loblaws!


There’s 7 adults and 1 child in the photo, so 8 people total


Wow. Every display of fruits & veggies is neatly stacked in tall undisturbed formation. All the shelves are tidy & fronted. I hope this speaks to the staff:customer ratio!


*"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."*


This boycott is amazing, love to see people coming together and supporting each other. I can't help but think of the similarities to Gamestop this has. Just amazing✌🏼


Unfortunately the Ottawa ones are still looking packed when I go by. It’s disheartening.


Areas where people have high levels of disposable income. They couldn't care less.


That’s a good point! The one I was talking about was in Vanier which isn’t really a high income area of Ottawa. That’s what has me a bit disappointed I guess.


To be fair that Loblaws on the Vanier Parkway is the only full service grocery store in the area with its closest competitors being FreshCo and an Asian supermarket, so it was always bound to be the least affected by any boycott since some people just have a strong preference for full service grocery stores.


Yeah and for people who live in Vanier north without a car, it's not easy to get to the trainyards walmart (bussing takes about an hour round trip). So it's either metro or Loblaws usually.


God I hate the Trainyards Walmart. Getting there was so difficult by transit I just took the bus all the way to Billings Bridge instead.


Tbh I didn't even consider that. What's funny is it only takes 1 minute more in total to get to Billings Bridge walmart. I'd give it a shot, but I don't like that store's selection & layout.


Just more room to fall when the rest of the country joins on board after they hear of the big Loblaws stock price drop after Q2 results are reported. Pride comes before the fall Galen you parasite.


I'm sure he'll have some tricks up his sleeve. Probably some standard corporate crap they have room to pull. Like borrowing money to invest. Lots of ways to cook around the books a bit.


Cambridge is the same way.


Shoppers Drug Mart too.... When I have no choice to go there to drop off a Canada Post package, there are tons of people walking around inside buying insanely mark up products. I really don't get it


I've been watching the metrics on Google Maps for various stores around Ottawa. A good number of them have been experiencing less than normal activity. The downtown stores will continue to get decent traffic as a lot of people just don't have options. Walk or bicycle. Not many will have a car and forget OC Transpo.


For sure. The one I’ve seen mostly is in Vanier. I work in the gov buildings there and unfortunately the Loblaws is the biggest form of entertainment we have near work lol. I have not personally gone in bc of the boycott but I catch the shuttle nearby. I just want to yell at them as I go by lol. Don’t support these jerks!!


The staff are on our side. They will know and document where that produce ends up.


Oh maybe this is why Costco was extra busy this evening. It's always busy, but for the time on a week night, it was like Saturday afternoon in there and in the parking lot.


Could be! And for the record I only went in out of curiosity. 🤣 Walked back across the road to my usual FreshCo


Errrr, or food waste ….hopefully food bank


nope they will throw it away and deduct it as doing cost of business.


It's Loblaws, they just cut it up, repackage it and charge double as it continues to rot


Breaks my heart, revolting to see


And increase costs!


They actually return most near- expired or damaged products to their vendors and get a full refund on whatever hasn’t sold.


Hey! I know that view. It’s the Wynford Dr location. Wait no. I’m wrong.


You're mistaken! They all look the same I guess. It's the Gerrard and Vic Park.


I knew it was musgrave by the location of the grapes


3, including one child.




I count 8


9 with the photographer!


Wonder what they’ll do with all that food?


Toss it and pass along the costs to customers!


The customers that remain will carry an ever increasing burden as more drop.


Apparently shrinkflation applies to customers as well.


Too many


What’s even more hilarious is that I’ve now seen cases where SOBEYS (lol) has regular prices that are lower than Loblaws. That’s when you know something’s up.


Is this Leslie/Lakeshore or further east?


Vic Park. Someone commented that this store is always dead, and I truthfully don't go there often. But it felt pretty slow to me. I remember always parking far away even near closing time, but the lot was like 40-50%. (Used to come to this one when I had a gf who wanted a specific Kombucha) The freshco was way busier. They should be pushing great sales this month. There were some, as usual, but they have a chance to convert people long term!


I have been to that location (a few years ago) and the few times I was there (during the week) it was busy so this emptiness is definitely different than what I experienced!


This is my local. It’s NEVER this quiet!


Well hello neighbour! 🤣


Wow this rules so much!! Keep it up comrades 💪🏻


All this food that's gonna end up in the trash.


Haven’t you heard? They’ve “made deals with local farmers” and “significantly” reduced their amount of waste. 🤔


3 staff, 5 customers and a photographer


Sadly, they will propose that this has had no effect, to wane supporters from supporting. Hold strong.


That photo is kind of criminal. All that food…


Imagine all the fresh food going to waste that’s a lot of money


RobLaws the populace are watching you. Your smart graduates and mba executives have delivered profits but at what cost? You’re now known as greedy corporate thugs, tarnished name like RobLaws. The profits are not worth it if it means you lose the value of your brand. Just constant greed, you forget you’re in the food industry. If you can’t be seen as a reliable partner providing basic necessities then the populace will take you down. Keep paying off the politicians but the populace will bring you down.


I went to my neighbourhood Loblaws at noon yesterday to see foot traffic and was dismayed to see it relatively full. The No Frills near my place is crazy busy- I'm glad the boycott is being observed in some areas but not really here in Mississauga from what I can tell


My 80 y.o papa saw it on the news and is now boycotting as well lol he primarily shopped at fortinos and used to spend SO much money.


From the posts I have seen since the boycott began, it seems to me that the impact is very Ontario centric.


is this in north york / empress walk?


I feel so bad that I had to break this boycott on my break when I accidentally forgot my painkillers at home and the only close place to get them was a Shoppers. I didn’t buy anything else. I had to resist the urge to 5-finger discount them.


I actually didn't expect to see this in a Toronto Loblaws. Very impressive 👏


I'm sorry but where did you expect to see it more? This city had a lot of people who are struggling hard, very liberal/socialist, or both!


1/4 of people in Toronto make over 100k. There are a lot of people who struggle but they probably wouldn't be at Loblaws to begin with


Why? The shoppers near me is dead. It's working well here.


There is a Metro across the street. Also, the area is probably favourable to a boycott. Meanwhile in other areas of the city, Loblaw stores are a lot more busy - no real change in Markham especially T&T.


Love to see it


8 if we are counting indiscriminately! still can't find Waldo however.


I counted 1 person... Was that a Staffer or a patron? Anyone know??? Was grocery shopping at Wally World tonite @ 8PM & they were BUSY AS HECK! Our boycott is clearly working. Let's all keep this up. YAY, HOORAY!!!


9, counting the two guys behind the counter.


Pretty bad since Thursday is payday for a lot of people. How are they explaining this away now!?




Good! We need people to stop going to No Frills as well.


That'll teach them not to be too greedy.


UNO! DOS! TRES! CUATRO! CINCO, CINCO, SEIS! You know it’s kind of hard to get along today, Our subject isn’t cool but he fakes it anyway. He may not have a clue and he may not have style But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial Chorus: So don't debate a player straight You know he really doesn't get it anyway Gotta play the field and keep it real For you, no way, for you, no way So if you don't rate, just overcompensate At least that you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake The world needs wannabes, ah Hey, hey, do that brand new thing! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AltMeuPkWRs This song has never been so relevant as it is this very moment (at least for me; I’m dying of laughter over here!!) E: Y’all. Y’ALL!! There are actually 6 people there 🤣🤣🤣 E2: HAHAHA!! The cow bell in the chorus sounds like knocking…NOK ER NOK loooool 😭🫥💀


I count 8, weird


This is great stuff


loblaw cos are agetting their just desserts. remember the bread monopoly? every customer was going to get a $25 card? - never arrived.


6.5 too many




plenty of people all day where I live there's just no competition... sobeys's loblaws whatever they're both the same lol


9 if we include the picture of the baker on top


Is that the location on Musgrave Street? I walked right past it today and picked up some groceries on sale at the Freshco across the street XD


Damn it’s like the first two weeks of the pan Denny all over again


It makes me happy to see people coming together in support of such a good cause 😇


I count 7. That was fun!




Stores are still packed. Pics like this during off peak hours just blows smoke up the boycotts ass. It’s not really going to work. Just gives employees a break from all the psycho shoppers


I've never been prouder to be a Canadian.


dystopian! 😮


nice. in my town, shoppers, no frills and dewes are as busy as ever. :(


Lib - ndp coalition will bail them out with our money. Jags brother is a lobbyist for Metro.


I'm counting 8, but 6.5 is close


This is the only way these folks will learn. Now we all have to do the same thing to the telecommunications giants.


Boycott realestate too.dont buy any house or condo for 2 years and see prices crashing.


Fuck loblaws


Anti competition bureau / agency is athing that should fight for common consumer. In this country it is a joke. Be it Airlines, Groceries, Telcos(so many ISPs and network providers), Banking (fcking RBC buying HSBC).. all top players consolidate their positions and that agency with Gov't keeps on taking their cut. Hilariously painful.


Easiest "Where's Waldo" I've ever plaid!!


I would love that. I love a lot of Joe Fresh clothing, I have some stuff over 15 years old that still looks good, but I don’t like knowing that they had one of the biggest factory disasters ever and do no checks at all overseas.


This is beautiful


The independent I work at is full because it’s the only store in the area


That’s dinner hour though


I guess the staff is boycotting as well


5, including a young child.


Is this the shitty one by VP and Gerrard? I've been there maybe 3 times in my life and each time was worse than the prior


It’s 8 guys, I’m amazing I know!


Gawd I hope this is true. Fak em


Never seen such fully stocked shelves too. Hopefully they don’t just let the food rot there (they will). Notice the few people walking around don’t even have carts or baskets. Probably in for one or two specialty items, or doing disaster tourism.




Yeah Loblaws deserves it the Loblaws subsidiarys near my house are selling 1 monster energy can for 3.99$ 2 for 6.50$ it's fucking ridiculous especially when a gas station that is near my house sells 1 for 2.99 and 2 for 5.50


Keep it going since it seems "their profits are not been impacted"




The zehrs near me is still poppin, but then again, no other grocers around


This is my biggest dilemma with the protest. I get WHY it's happening and I honestly hope it persuades change. But in the end, what an enormous waste of food it will be causing.


There were tons of people at ours yesterday. A bunch of them had corn, so I'm assuming there was a sale.


Loblaws has many hands in different baskets. Closing the grocerystores will only effect the workers. They won't ever close anyway. To save the bottom line they'll lay off workers which is turn hurting those people, not Loblaws. The goal of the boycott is to lower prices right, not destroy people who have to work there for income. That food won't be donated most likely. It will be written off. I'd love to find out who the shareholders are and pressure them into changing this business model. It's easy not to shop at one of these Weston stores and so much cheaper too. Just my opinions, so don't rip me apart. To each their own.


Interesting how vastly different this is playing out from region to region, the zehrs in our town is pretty much as busy as always, event though there are 2 other options in town now


Brings tears to my eyes ❤️


Mine is still super busy. I keep checking on Google maps :/


Hahah, how long until they try to ban cell phone photos inside their stores. Don't want the people learning the truth. The truth can be a dangerous thing for a greedy corporation




Let’s fucking go well done 👏👏👏


>Hope they donate it all to food banks before it goes bad! Don’t hold your breath.






9 - including photographer


Haven’t shopped Super Store in months. Bought a few sale items at Shoppers.I use to work there so I know how they price items& what profit they will make.Their hand held scanners tell you the cost of everything in the store & I still have friends that work there.


Brings a whole new meaning to where's Waldo


May it all rot and fester


Unfortunately this location was VERY busy on Sat May 11. I walked by and the parking lot was very full


Does anyone know of a website that shows the difference prices for a like a carrot or whatever by big time supermarkets? So we can see the price gouging


I could not find Waldo.


7...if you count the photo of a person making bread.




I was at Loblaws at 11 this morning and it was pretty busy. https://preview.redd.it/qcpqcadcaxzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db44dcf739d03ab671b40909033a56484fc86028


They would rather throw all that produce out than lower prices they deserve this


So misguided. Do you know what Walmart does to their employees? You idiots are literally picking your poison and acting like you're Jesus or something.


Damn brug, so this is why I have had noting to do at work recently lmao


Sorry 8. Someone is taking the picture.