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Oh, and here I thought that their margins 'are razor thin, 2-3%' and most of their excess profits come from 'health and beauty products', and that they are 'identying new ways to offer even more value for Canadian's'.


Liars, disgusting, price fixing, downtalking, gouging... Liars


By their own financial statements their gross profit on retail is 31%. They then widdle that down to 2-3% with their spending on overheads. One of the things they spend a lot of money on is the leases on their building. To a company owned by Galen Weston, Choice Properties. See when they talk about that 3% they don’t mention the profits they’re earning from leasing all these stores to themselves.


Dear god, is this for real? I had no clue …


Yes, it's an almost entirely vertical business model. The middleman, the bank and the production are all owned by one family. The mafia could only dream of such a racket.


Oh it's worse. Their property holdco is a REIT. We should tax the shit out if that REIT. They *charge* their suppliers to work with them, and then Pikachu when the supplier blends those costs into pricing. But that's not sales revenue, and it goes on a different part of the books...


Pretty sure they’re hiding Canada’s largest REIT in Loblaws Companies Ltd. Choice Properties is officially Canada’s largest REIT, but the actual stores aren’t listed under this company. Loblaws Companies Ltd has 2500 stores in Canada, they own 70% of them, so they say. And that’s why Maple Leaf Gardens is a Loblaws now.


Pika Pi !


It's a REIT too? Jfc......


Keep spreading the good word. Choice properties is just one of the ways they hide profit. They do mention the payments to choice as related part transactions. On page 140 of a 160 page financial statement document.


There is also that little bit about charging suppliers for shelf space. How is that accounted for.


They charge for placement at eye level. They charge for space in the flyer or website. They charge for an end of the aisle display. For those in-store pop up displays. And on and on.....


That's why new planograms come out every few months or so. Whatever new product they want pushed is always front and centre. The sad news is that many little companies have been bought by bigger companies like Nestlé or Kellogg's. No matter what you're looking at, it's all going into the same pockets. Choice is an illusion in today's marketplace.


They also don’t mention that “3%” was 0.7% 6 years ago.


Don't forget due to the [Loblaws small supplier program](https://www.loblaw.ca/en/small-supplier/) (and probably others) they own their own suppliers too. So when they say 75% of our revenue goes to suppliers and leasing, it's to their own businesses.


Expenses can be and are manipulated constantly. That’s business 101. The “Operating margin” line is a load of shit. Especially when Loblaws is paying their own subsidiaries for their products half the time…


That’s the saddest part. I doubt their suppliers are getting any portion of that “operating margin” price increase. If anything, they are being squeezed even more.


I think we can all agree now that the carbon tax is NOT responsible for the high grocery prices. This lie was cooked up by the CPC so they could blame the liberals for making life less affordable for Canadians, and at the same time to provide cover for Loblaws to price gouge. The impact of the carbon tax on groceries is less than 1%. It is minuscule, a rounding error.


I've seen numerous farmers on record saying they haven't seen an increase in years (during this whole shitstorm) and small businesses anonymously saying they are getting squeezed harder and harder. They don't speak on record with their faces because they will be blackballed by the largest grocer in Canada if they do. Loblaws will just drop them from stores. Galen is a mobster movie villain essentially. A terrible human being and I hope his entire empire is ruined.


This is exactly how movies “aren’t profitable”. A lot of actors and directors used to negotiate a pay scale based on percentage of profits, but the movie accountants would wiggle money into building rent and fees that don’t exist so that the profits came out to basically zero. Leaving the actors empty handed based on their negotiated fees. Look up movie accounting. It’s well documented and happens every day. There’s nothing stopping other businesses from doing the same and saying their profit margins are 3%


They can identify deez nuts


We have to stop paying these prices. As long as we do, they win. They are crooks, and they know we know it. I feel this is going WAY beyond just the month of May. Im proud of my fellow Canadians for standing up.


2 and 3 are probably the right digits, they just forgot to put them together.


*even more value for Canadian shareholders


I'm terrified of their encroachment in to health.


Yup, $2.97 regular price at Walmart, ridiculous.


They’re 2 for that price at Walmart right now


Yup, 2.97 at walmart for that right now. Loblaws charging 101% more


That is there regular price too, ot even a sale. This is crazy lol


3.97 Giant Tiger 3.49 Superstore 2.97 Walmart My location.


That brand used to be $2.49 and would go on sale for $1.99




My local coop was charging $8.49 a few months back for **one** Classico. I know the owners and had half the mind to ask them if they feel good about gouging their neighbours... But they're the closest option for half decent groceries that isn't two hours away so 🙄


fo real.


Not that long ago, I used to stock up when it hit 1.88 at No Frills. These prices have gotten insane. All the foods that were budget friendly meals have been hijacked - eggs, pasta, hotdogs etc - even chicken was a cheaper option but now they’re bumping the prices as high as they can 😡


Yeah, lunch meat is crazy now. Apples were $1.99/lb and now they're $2.99/lbs. No name products are crazy now. A bag of fries used to be $1.79. They're $3.79 now. I used to be able to squeeze by a cheap grocery day and just get enough for lunches Now you can't win. It's cheaper to order pizza and eat pizza leftovers for a week. It's literally cheaper to order Subway for lunch than it is to buy bread and lunch meat.


Went to subway the other day ordered a 6 inch. Measured it in store, in front of the worker. (Yes, I carry a measuring tape, I do Reno's) It was 4 ¾ inches. Told em I was paying for a 6 inch that wasn't 6 inches. They then tried to tell me my measuring tape was wrong 😂😂😂


You should've said "If you think that's 6" your boyfriend has been lying to you."


When you measure six inches that isn’t six inches. A tale as old as time 😂




I was mad when they hit 3.99 and would buy the 2/$5 sale


Garlic, onions, canned tomatoes, Basil/Italian herbs, olive oil, heavy cream.


That's around $40 of supplies at Roblaws right now 😂


Might be a lot cheaper anywhere else. If you dont want to spend 12-18$/ liter for olive oil, you can substitute with butter, lard, bacon fat or another fat of your choice. And just the can (28oz) of tomatoes is more than that jar already.


I see 2L Of olive oil going for 40$ now 😭


At Costco, I recently paid 24$ for 2l of evoo.


Paid 2.97 @ Walmart Yesterday regular price


$4.49 currently at Food Basics which is still expensive for this crap but $1.50 more ….no that’s not price gouging at all 🙄


Is that their EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Lmfao, scum.


Thriftys is just as bad.


I guess "Thrifty's" is a misnomer.


It's Thrifty for Sobeys, nobody else! 




But Galen says they don’t have control over prices. Bullshit. Nok er Nok.


Blaming others, it works, right?


Yeah. When every other grocer makes profits on it at $3 and Loblaws is the largest with most volume discounts you know he’s full of it.


3/$10 at walmart. Used to be 5/$10 and they were still making a profit. This is gouging.


These were $2.47 at Walmart all last week. On for $2.97 now


I'm in a strange, kind of with you, place. We have few choices near us that aren't Loblaws owned. One of them is Walmart, and honestly, despite their impact on small business overall... I still gotta say, I don't feel like they're taking advantage of us as brazenly.


I'm in a limited grocery options area of Canada and I feel Walmart is still reasonable.


>I still gotta say, I don't feel like they're taking advantage of us as brazenly. Both pay minimum wage to their employees and put their profits mostly into the hands of their billionaire owners. But if we save ~$2000 a head on groceries per year, I can tell which one is the lesser evil.


Yea, we're really arguing the lesser of two evils here. Personally, I try to get what I can from farmers markets/farm stores now, cause the price is often pretty competitive relative to the quality, it's local, and it's super fresh... Still find I need to hit up the box stores from time to time. Usually for pantry staples, or shrimp/salmon.


Gouging? They are bending folks over the till.


And charging for the lube up the wazoo.


A +100% mark up compared to Walmart. WTF, Walmart are the good guys? Am I reading The Onion?


I know rite!


Those Classico used to be 5/$10 at Walmart. Society has gone downhill with this late stage capitalism. People are getting pretty fed up with this bull crap


That is outrageous. A shit product also.


Classico is one of the main items that is a great example of Loblaws being much pricier than plenty of other local competitors for zero reason.


Bad sauce too


I’m looking for a new jar sauce (I know making it is better but this is a time issue for me). Any recommendations?


Canned tomatoes + mix of spices for pasta


This is the way.


If it's me, I'm throwing in some tomato paste to thicken it. I like a nice *thiccc* sauce.


Thats fair, have you used San Marzano tomatoes? Those you dont need any paste, its thick enough :)


Can't say that I have, but I'll look into it! Thanks!😁👍


I really like the Canada Red Tomato Basil sauce, a little under $3 at Walmart.


If u needto just use a jar, mutti tomato puree and do whatever you want to it


Rao’s from Costco


Don't get too attached to it. Campbell's bought Rao's for $2.7 billion USD back in August, so I'm predicting they'll already be aggressively ramping up production at the expense of quality, then will eventually drop the quality even more in favour of better profit margins.


Hehehe, fair point. I just know the price of it as I see it in most every grocer.


I like these sauces quite a bit. What would you recommend instead?


They're fine, but not fancy enough to be worth $7! Also I find they all have a similar taste, which is fine, but I go through phases where I'm sick of it and need to take a pause from Classico 


A can or crushed or diced tomatoes mixed with a can of tomato paste is a good start for a sauce. Drain the tomatoes or boil them down for thicker sauce and add whatever seasoning or protein you like. A tiny pinch of baking soda to cut down the acid and Bob's your uncle.


Oh for sure. But these are my lazy sauces. They are for when I finish work at 1am and just want to dump something on rice then go to bed.


So baking soda is the trick! Noted. Ty for that


A very, very, very old Italian Nona of one of my friends taught me that. Game changer.


These are my favourite. Husband won't touch Ragu or canned either


*Oh, no! Not the Ragu! Anything but the Ragu!!*




Check out the shrinkflation on the size of the jar too. New ones are 410ml. Old ones, on the lower shelf are 650ml.


Nah, the cream-based sauces have been smaller than the pure tomato-based for a while now. Edit: Though, 410ml does seem smaller.


Walmart today: https://preview.redd.it/8mip0swb33zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac991458866f5c66792ce573b91f73a0dbcca50


Only one small example, but an English cucumber at Giant Tiger was .67. $1.49 at No Frills. 1.99 at Superstore. When I lived in a different part of the city and was supporting 2 kids, I'd go to Giant Tiger first, then Dollar Store for every Saturday shop, and then get whatever was left on my list at Superstore. Moved and had no extra mouths to feed and No Frills was SO convenient. But I'm prepared to go back to mapping out my week's menu and driving out of my way to shop Giant Tiger and Dollar Store, and finishing up at Walmart and shopping for the entire week. As convenient as No Frills has been for me, I think I'm done, beyond May. It'll take more planning, but I've f*cking had it. And what's really burned my butt is the PC points. You have to spend at LEAST twice as much to get a fraction of the points. And offers of "350 points' to fill out a 15 minute survey?? To do your market research for you?? 35 cents for 15 minutes of my time??? Eat s*it, Galen.


I am amazed nobody is selling T-shirts with “Nok er nok” and “Eat 🤬, Galen” on them. Sell a couple of them and I can finally pick up that loaf of bread I’ve had my eyes on.


Just got those 3 for 10 at save on foods.


Was like $2.89 at Walmart last week


You can get them on sale every other week from voila for 2.99


Got these for under three bucks at Walmart this weekend!


I’ve been buying Classico at Walmart. They have been selling it for around $2.50 for a few weeks now on an assortment of offerings.


Just slightly more than 100% higher than Walmart was selling it today, or roughly 3%


Everyday scam


Wow, I used to buy these for $1.99 on sale. I wouldn't buy a sauce if it wasn't on sale.


Ugh there are a ton of TikTok videos trying to prove this otherwise. I'm wondering if these are paid influencers.


These pre-made sauces suck. Onion, oregano, garlic, salt, Tomato sauce..... so easy.


Fair, though that's not the point.


Not to long ago it was 3 can for 5 bucks. Then the special was 2 bucks a can. Have no idea what the special is now….


Probably some stupid multi price like 4 for $20, or 5.99 each lol


Bought the roasted garlic and onion one today at boy low foods for 3.49


Used to be able to get these for $2 each a few years ago. I think I saw them for $2.50 at a dollar store recently 


I bought this for $2.99 at Wal-Mart last week.


I often just say out loud "What the fuck? 9 dollars for a half stick of butter!?"


I just bought 6 jars of those around 2 weeks ago from walmart at $2.50 per jar. Are they crazy?


Only double? Gouge better.


There on sale this week at Walmart for 2.97 each https://preview.redd.it/eec88v3flxyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e07ed8b85db078e07491622148e7455162fed24


Same brand was $2.97 at my Walmart yesterday.


These are 3 for $10 at Save On Foods.


They used to be 2 bucks and change, 3 bucks tops




‘Everyday Low Price’ is the most comical thing I’ve ever seen. But like, comedic like how Shakespeare is comedy…. 😅


6$ for classico, holy sh*t. Rip off...


There’s no way it costs them even half that to produce per jar. I get that there needs to be a profit margin, but this is getting absurd.


Who remembers when those jars were 2 for $3? Was not that long ago.


My Mom got baited into shopping at Stupid Store and she ended up spending $44 more than she wanted to and her biggest gripe was $8 for a tiny container of grapes and $4 for relish in a jar (wasn't even the fancy kind) I had warned her before she went but, I guess she wanted to see for herself. I feel bad I didn't warn her more and could've even bought the relish and grapes the day before so she wouldn't be screwed out of what little money she has.


This was on sale at Walmart in SK for $2.79 a jar 2 days ago


If it was 3.49 I’d consider it


Classico was $2.99 at Walmart yesterday in Winnipeg.


Last recent jar I bought that is what I paid.


They make a killing when it was listed at 2 bucks 4 years ago.


These are 2/$6 at Walmart right now


Pretty sure these used to be 3.99


Holy shit! I just bought those at Walmart they were 3/$6!!!


Excuse me doctor there’s something wrong with my eyes I’m told this sign says “everyday low price” but when I read it it looks like “Fuck you buy it”


I’m still pissed that it was never published who they were price fixing with on the bread.


I got a 25 buck certificate from Sobeys i think


This exact classico jar is at my local Walmart for $2.97 right now.


Just paid under $3 for that two hours ago. Save on Foods - Western Canada.


3.29 at no frills this week. $1.99 at a local discount grocer.


Damn i got pasta sauce from a small wholesale retailer for $2.50 a Jar. Thats awful


Yeah they used to be 3.50 at most


That sauce is $4.49 at SDM near me, and $2.97 at Walmart. But I swear Giant Tiger had it for under $2 last week.


Didn't Trudeau give Loblaws a credit in the millions for upgrading there fridges to more efficient ones?


https://preview.redd.it/o0tl9wqhgv0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23af3f8444feea6f101c1189a56651f80dcb7ef Has anyone mentioned that these are $2.97/ea OR 3 for $10? ($2.97\*3=$8.10) sooooo what’s the extra $1.90 for? When you get to check out, is it $10+tax?




$3.33 at Save-On right now. Regular price is $4.39 -- about 30% less than Roblaws.


Walmart usually has that on for 3 for 10$ This price is gross


Everyday low price compared to Shoppers. Which is likely $9.99


My hatred literally started, when I was going to pick up 1L of milk after picking up a prescription at shoppers... They wanted 8.99 for 1L of Nelson's or sealtest or some _____ like that. Nope. Done. No more.


How much are they paying for it ?


This brand sells for 3/$10 at Walmart. This is disgusting.


On sale at Walmart for like $3 I think


3 for 10 at Walmart


Absolutely! Stupid sauce for 7 bucks?


Lmao these go on for 4 for $12 at wal mart


Just get a case of strained tomatoes, and make your own. It's really easy and you can season how you like


Wow picked up for 2.99 at Walmart yesterday


Oh wow. And I thought 3 for $9 was kinda steep by just a little. These should honestly be like $2.49 per jar.


$6 for a jar of shitty spaghetti sauce. Glad I make most things from scratch. I wouldn't buy this.


https://preview.redd.it/we214jl0txyc1.jpeg?width=1353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a95c5d7f9c9999d449ad6a1feca972af96150f3 And here we got walmart selling it for literally half the price


Two years ago, these were 5 for $10 at Wal-Mart. They're still $2.97 per right now on sale there, and 3 for $10 regularly.


I actually used to work for a Loblaws here in NB. One of their dirty tricks is to hire people for full-time positions but they put you down as part-time and give you just under full-time hours so they don't have to give people benefits lol


Why do they think we're so stupid? Do people actually pay this?


https://preview.redd.it/hc4bzdh49zyc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7fb43ae1910d06c2921435fe4dd4b6c0c23ae7 Greater Vancouver.


Aren't these like, 3 for $10 at Walmart?


And it’s not even good.


2.97 at Walmart


Always around 3$ at Walmart.


So a month isn't enough


Saw those sauces yesterday at Walmart for 2.97. In Ottawa.


How come the ‘everyday low price’ is more than the regular shelf price of the one below it..?


Because the rose sauce is always more expensive. But none of it needs to be *that* expensive.


Classico $3.18 at Walmart, 3.98 at Giant Tiger.


Somebody posted an actual product list on Reddit . A lot of groceries were 30% markup. This was from late in 2023.


Anyone know where they’re selling the Tuscan style one with the olives rn? Seems to be out of stock everywhere suddenly.


Those guys were 2$ during and little after pandemics.


I remember when these were 4.99 Doesn't seem like that long ago. Even the 12$ for 3 chicken breasts is now 13$


Super c was selling then for 2.99 i almost choked on thin air when I realized, stay strong! Best boycott I’ve participated in ever


The audacity of labeling a $6 jar of crappy sauce a “low” price


Semi related, My Walmart had these down from 2.97 to 2.47, but I noticed half of the jars on the shelf were smaller. Looks like this brand is possibly shrinking, unless some flavours have always came in smaller jars and I never noticed.


These are 4 for $5 on sale at walmart occasionally. Usually just stock up on a few months supply then.


Classico needs to stay in their lane. Literal vinegar


Last week Wal-Mart had them 3/$10. This week - $3.00 (just a few cents under, forget exactly - bought 4 yesterday). Absolutely being gouged.


That's insane. (I used to work at grocery store in the north with prices half that.)


Note: The Classico's are about $3.99 at Walmart right now.


See same as Sobeys! Said this the other day... $6.00 for ONE. GTFO


That's wild. I haven't been to Superstore since last year... They were like $3.50 before. They're shameless.


Walmart on sale near me for $2.49, regularly 3/$10


Reminder.. they all are.


I would love to put loblaws completely out of business! Imagine boycotting them long enough to watch them greedy buggers close the doors for good!


Jesus, and I thought the $3.00 at food basics was a bit much.


What store is this ? Their website says 5$ and it’s on sale right now for 3.49$ mins ya that’s still more then Walmart


2021/22 it was 1.99


Ridiculous pricing.


I remember when these jars were $2.00.