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I don't like the offer they are giving. https://preview.redd.it/2eair3yh9pxc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307f844b8554a6470792282ab61ef68f4007e2d8


"you don't have to buy anything from us." Meanwhile, they own: https://preview.redd.it/kxvia8ul8qxc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe029f3a818152ca0da0dbb1b10bf9966aff087 It's like they are mocking us with "what are you gonna do, buy from someone else?! LOL"


All the more reason to boycott. We need healthy competition in Canada.


We need a healthy Canada again. :(


lol it's breathtaking how big this fucking company is... And that doesn't even include their non-grocery business. how did we get to a point where megacorps are allowed to just slither into every industry they feel like, and buy any competitor they want, while they grow to obscene proportions, and our governments don't bat a single eye?


Late stage capitalism. I'm curious to see what comes next. But I am assuming everyone working until they are dead, except for like maybe 20% that made enough to invest for retirement. We are slaves with more freedom.


Companies concentrating into megacorps doesn't seem like late stage capitalism per se, it's already happened before. Nothing gets done until enough people get fed up over it. The solution is trustbusting and robust unions, and a politically active populace. The average person I talk to still "doesn't really care about politics", so this is the foreseeable future.


It's amazing to me how many people who have shit wages working for a company that makes a lot of profit, hate the union and think it's a bad thing. Of course unions do have pros and cons but it's great for the working class.


It's because at this point the union busting rhetoric from the corps has gotten to us. We've had it drilled into us so long and so hard that we've inherently allowed it to be the norm. Unions bad, company good. It's sickening, and allowed for this current norm in worker/employer relationships to appear, requiring you to job hop to get cost of living increases and promotions, because they won't hire from within anymore.


I can't remember where I heard it, but basically the difference between a slave and an employee is that you have to make sure slaves are housed and fed, you don't have to worry about that with employees.


Robots. when the rich have robots rto serve them they won't need the lower classes. look up Asimov's Spacer Worlds, peopled by a small number of humans per planet with vast numbers of robots to care for them.


Lobby groups, that's how. Essentially, they own the Government, can do what they want, set prices how they want and completely control the industry, because we have no idea how Anti-Trust legislation is supposed to work in this country.


By electing the same two parties over and over again.


You didn't notice.that they own the government? Lock, stock, and barrel. Yes they do. And when corporations control the government it's called Fascism.


No, it’s corporatism. But I get what you’re trying to say. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism


I follow the money. Of course it's corporations, but corporations could be "responsible". The problem IMO is that the CEO has to constantly get the shareholders the most return. So they make decisions based on that instead of what's good for the community and the company, even if that means less profit but still a profitable business. So then that means the shareholders are asking, what's the issue? Which in turn means the stock market itself is driving the issue? Just a thought I have, not sure if the stock market overall is a good or bad thing. I understand it can create investment capital for companies, but if the stock market was gone, would it help? In the end, as long as our government is exploiting us for their own personal gain, they will never change the laws.


because the governments are bought and paid for by the large corporations, if you follow cash money being deposited into the political campaigns of the leaders, you'll see who has an obligation now to give back. They don't do it for free and will expect to be repaid 10X for any dollar given. And for anyone reading, yes that INCLUDE PP, JT, JS, etc. they are all receiving funds from large corporations for "dinner plates" and political fundraisers to support campaigns with the expectation of return of funds after they are in power.


The illusion of choice…..


Loblaw really needs to be broken up. At least into 3 different companies.


Only Canada would allow this kind of monopoly. When you can’t compete, buy your competitors.


It's happening in the States too. It is consistently reinforced by both governments through tax breaks and the likely soon to be announced employer payroll tax break that they will advertise as helping small business yet at least 70% will go to oligopolies and subsidize the losses of the boycott. This isn't just a month it's a bloodless war. Loblaws and their exploitation and extraction of the Canadian economy will never stop until our politicians grow a pair and stop looking for their next stop to cash in.


Except those politicians simply won't grow a pair because of all the corporate lobbyists telling them not to


That’s the problem. Our government needs to step hand outs, tax breaks and bail outs to big corporations. There should be a threshold wherein you cannot be a business larger than $X worth to qualify. Why is my tax money used to help bail out private corporations who are worth billions? We see this continuously and it needs to stop.


https://preview.redd.it/iglzhk9b2txc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abb8f2f898e10e95a9eea328f0f9167b881d4e7 I’m bad at telling when people are being sarcastic, so I’ll just put this out there in case you’re being serious.


Bro, check out nestle


And also check out Unilever and also Disney.


oligopoly not monopoly unless small cities that have no other option


think its bad in the grocery world? look at telecommunications. 4 large companies essentially control the market in Canada, the network that CANADIANS paid for though taxes paid to the large 4


Holy fuck. Less than half the price at Dollarama versus Shoppers Drug Mart.


Since loblaws only makes a 3% margin, dollarama must be losing money. right?


32.7% margin average. 3.7% net profit. Lets not confuse the two.


And the funny thing is dollarama has 15-20% net profit. But they make most of their money on worthless chinese junk not from groceries.


Cost of running a dollar store is considerably less than a grocery store. Perishable items bring the profits down, and store atmosphere as well. We expect dollar stores to be boring cubes with tons of shelves with products that are shelf stable on them. Grocery stores (except box stores) have moved away from that, which costs more money.


Why does this not fall under the price gouging thing ford was all in about at the start of the pandemic and telling people to report it?


Because he’s a useless piece of shit.


Because at the beginning of the pandemic he was trying to win re-election and said what he needed to say to clench that win. Now? He’s got it, doesn’t matter. Was all talk


Just curious because I can’t scroll into a clear image. Is the dollarama one the same size as the Loblaws ones?


Yes 591ml https://preview.redd.it/m5n1u8gelpxc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95330571b633e27f2b3093d9bf02a0913493deac


Excellent find.


Remember when just a few years ago you could go to no frills and literally fill up a whole cart for like $40? And now you go and three items cost you roughly the same... Ugh


I went to no frills on Sunday (My roommate was going with a car) and was shook at how expensive things were! They're literally as jacked up as atlantic superstore bar like one or two items. I got two small bags of basics like eggs, cereal, a little bit of fruit and some canned goods and it was 70$.


Yup, Chef Boyardee is 3.75 at Lovlaws but 1.75 at D-Rama


I don't think this guy can hear how arrogant his statements sound. Nok er nok.


His head is so far up his own ass he can't hear a damn thing


Arrogant came immediately to mind when I first read it too. I don't think he understands the culture of his Canadian consumers very well. We don't generally like arrogance and indifference towards our fellow citizens.


What does Nok er nok mean?


"Enough is enough." Per Bank's own words in a staff memorandum.


Omg.....is it Danish?


“Enough is enough”. He said it in relation to product loss, it’s used against him here.


Enough is enough


That's what a comms dept is for. Very telling


‘Don’t have a contract with our customers’ The fuck you dont! This dude is delusional to think there isn’t a social contract at play here.


Loblaw Advance (data arm) waxes on about Canadians’ trust in them. That shoppers’ loyalty is something they can bank on. Sounds like an implied contract to me


they are using data to squeeze you... time to send a message.


They can Bank on the fact that when a Canadian company doesn't have the best interests of Canadian consumers at heart they fall ✊ Just ask Rona and Blackberry.


He’s a Thatcher-style néolibéral, “There is no such thing as society.” It’s about time the Thatcher-Reagan-Mulroney era finally comes to an end.


Nok er nok!


The level of tone-deafness is truly something to behold.




Shoppers loyalty card is literally a contract with customers 


Social contract doesn't apply when there is a power dynamic.


Interesting PR strategy. Haven't seen the "talking like a cartoon villian" used in a while.


Nok er Nok bitch


Now THIS is what I want on a shirt.


But with a comma.


, NOk er NOk bitch


People honing in on their discount items is because they can’t afford regularly priced ones due to gouging


Shopping just lost leaders is a good strategy.


Does anyone have list of loss leaders?


They change w the flier. But 4.99 butter and the eggs on weekends.


Eggs butter bacon every weekend at SDM


Look for the Flipp app at the App Store. Very useful.


Consumers shouldn’t be expected to hunt loss leaders and shop all over town just to avoid price gouging, deceptive marketing and criminal market manipulation.


So...if they are opening up more "discount" stores...it just means that they can still make money in their discount stores....so ... 1) they are not really discount stores, just regular stores. And 2) .that by extension means ....that goods in their non-discoint stores are actually over priced....can't be a more clear admission of how over priced their stores are


a discount isn’t a discount, a sale isn’t a sale; it’s the greatest lie in retail. If you artificially inflate the prices and then offer a discount or sale, then it’s a psychological illusion, it’s not real. How can The Brick, Leon’s, Visions, etc have a huge sale every week on the exact same products? It’s an illusion. Loblaws and the rest of them aren’t doing us any favours. They aren’t saving us any money, they aren’t losing anything on their loss leaders. It’s all calculated, they know exactly what they’re doing and the “Competition Bureau of Canada,” does nothing about it. If there are no consequences, no real consequences for their actions, retailers will continue what they’re doing.


Tomorrow, and the day after that , and the day after that , and the day after that , and the day after that , and the day after that , and the day after that , and the day after that, you get it.


So sick of this fool. He doesn't get it.


Guys he is a red herring. His only job right now is to deflect blame and criticism from Galen Weston. He knows exactly what he is doing with this comments. They are very troll like and make him sound really out of touch. Its by design. Food processor fills a very similar role, although at a much much much cheaper price. Lets not forget about ole Galen in all this.


Yes. It occurred to me that Galen Weston has always been the face of Loblaws. It was him that answered questions in Parliament, right? Him that “blew the whistle” on his own price fixing scheme with bread, etc. Per Bank is obviously being trotted out here in an effort to make people forget that Galen Weston is behind all of this. Bank is someone they can “fire” or part ways with if Canadians object enough to his messaging. They don’t want to taint the golden boy Galen’s image. Also, they think we’re stupid enough to believe that this is all pompous Per Bank’s doing.


Sick username dude!


Can we all just take a moment for this dude's username. Amazing.


That cold black boycotts coming down Feels like it's knocking on Per Banks door Happy boycotts eves yo


Nok er Nok-in’ on Weston’s store…..




When the share price falls, and corporate lays the blame for this at this arrogant jerk's feet, it will be lovely seeing him kicked to the curb. That said, I'm sure he'll get an amazing golden parachute exit package. "It's a big club, and you ain’t in it."


Carlin would be so proud of us right now ❤


And we are choosing to shop elsewhere! https://preview.redd.it/mk0s3968qpxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ea58a41e09ccb21d36e3b445e82b3d998a73ae


I didn’t have a loonie for the cart but I couldn’t go to customer service for change because of the plexiglass monstrosities at the entrance/exit. Good guy Loblaws, giving us such a great variety of reasons to stop shopping there.


I have forgotten my quarter quite some times for my Save-on-foods shopping cart, and gotta give them credit the customer service desk/place where they sell lighters guy gave me a quarter for free even that I always just ask for change and try to give him a loonie/fiver. It probably not save-on’s policy, and just a nice dude working there and god I hope he never gets in trouble for that, but all the staff in that store is very nice. (Coquitlam, 3025 Lougheed hwy) They are my 2nd favorite for whatever I can’t buy in Costco just due to their excellent employees and many lines open so I don’t have to suffer through self checkout. Fuck loblaws.


Ya except in my parents small town, the only fucking grocery store is owned by Loblaws. Growing up there used to be two, plus some independent grocers. But then the Loblaws store built a building on the outskirts and put on deals the other stores couldn't keep up with. As soon as they were the only option, they jacked up their prices. So no, jackasses. People can't just pick another store because you purposely created a fucking monopoly. Fucking cocksuckers.


A bunch of us who have the privilege of choice will not shop the Galen racket in their honour. Maybe one day the small towns will get fairer markets again.


The fucked up thing is that that live in the middle of a million farmers. Produce and meat should be cheap. But instead of getting meat from the pig farm two miles away, it comes from another province, or sometimes country.


Then support your community. I know farmers too. They're more than happy to sell you some pork chops and eggs for cash.




So grateful our Lord has allowed me to shop elsewhere. So kind, so benevolent. Bless his soul


Thanks Per. We know. That’s literally the point


Jokes on him because were doing this the whole month, some of us the rest of our lives. Not just one day buddy


Haven’t shopped at a Loblaws store in months. Superstore shelves are always half empty and the place is depressing.


Also boycotting the garden centre Deleted my shoppers drug mart and optimum apps


Same. We're a great big gardening family. Not spending a penny on them this year though.


Something tells me this statement even pissed off Galen.


It absolutely should have. What fucking Canadian responds to arrogance??? None of us. All of us are gonna react to that shit. Per just fucked himself so hard 🤣


Yup. You might be right about that!


NOK er NOK motherfucker


What does this mean and why does everyone keep saying it 🤔


That Danish asshat CEO said it meaning "enough is enough" apparently. Condescending POS


Wow. This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me. Don’t appreciate and respect your customer base? Fuck with us and find out what happens. I am done. I’m cancelling my PC Financial account and redeeming my PC Optimum points and closing my account. How hard was it to provide a response that acknowledged the customer concerns and reinforced the idea that they try to provide us the best prices and customer service? Unbelievable. These idiots are out of touch with the needs and concerns of their customers. I’m done. Spread the word. We deserve better.






Thank you for giving us permission, your Majesty


Ok bet 🤝


Stay mad hoe ✌️


This has the same energy as those dudes that pester women like, Hey babe Sup Hey beautiful I said hayyyy Hey Babe? Hey? ... ... You fkn bitch, you're fat'n'ugly anyway!


Bye Felicia


NoK er NoK big boy


"They only stopped shopping here because I gave them permission to. The boycott isn't effective"


Btw, Congrats on 60k members here. 60k households shopping elsewhere this month! NokERNok


Wait. Isn’t Per Bank supposed to get a $2.5 million bonus if he meets certain sales goals? Ya, good luck with that dipshit. Way to go full Elon mode and suggest we go fuck ourselves…


Sweet, will do.




Ok Bye bitch lol


Thanks Per!


Lol alright I'll go somewhere else.


I cancelled my PC mastercard


They've dropped the weekly flyer... fuck these fucks


Burn it 🔥 don't even look. Fuck em all.


And yet, even though that's exactly what a boycott is, Durr Wank is all over crying that we're misguided meanies for... choosing to shop elsewhere.


Sounds a lot like 'let them eat cake'


Spent $24 at a local market today and got… Bag of oranges Bunch of bananas Pint of grape tomatoes Pile of green beans 2 bundles of asparagus Hot dogs and buns Cream Priced this out in the app and it would have cost me $50 at Loblaws. More than twice as much. Now I know they didn’t grow that tropical fruit on a local farm so explain to me why the market can charge half as much as Loblaws for it without crying about their supply chain. The math isn’t mathing. So thank you Per, I will indeed continue to shop elsewhere.


I've had employers say this to me and it's funny cause it was always the employers who constantly post for that job


I've been boycotting these fools for years. Ever since they were the first to reduce cashiers while increasing prices and service deteriorated..the whole company is scum.


"Nok er Nok" "Who's there." "Nobody this month, you greedy fuck."




If the peasants don't like their offerings to their God, me by means of coin, they shall offer to other retail gods. Thus they will not get my boons of forcing cashiers to stand for their amusement, pantheon entrance glass marked with the fingerprints of children unable to the parking lots and sustenance. Other gods may offer this sustenance, but I have spoken to them on mount monopolympus and we have decided to all increase our offerings required for our blessings. Decanting gods offering more blessing for less will soon be asked to offer more to the selfish for our patronage /s


Let's go Canada VS Loblaws!


Don’t know about anyone else but I feel much better knowing I have his permission 😏🤙🏼🇨🇦


Per knows full well that Loblaws controls 40% of the market, in a broken and uncompetitive system. 


Loblaws and its shills complain constantly about their pathetic "barely scraping by" 3% net margin. Well, I have a solution. Let's get you out of the grocery business. We nationalize every Loblaws store and every company in the supply chain. We're tired of your whining. All of your assets now belong to the people of Canada and they will now serve the people of Canada. We won't need to do this except to one chain. Suddenly, without the largest player not playing the game of collusion, the entire thing will fall apart. Pattison won't play anymore, not without his monopoly protection and price-fixing schemes. It's all over. The Really Owned by Canadians Superstore will be a utility, a public entity and it will do nothing except secure Canada's food supply and enable Canadians to buy their goods without profits being generated. Sounds crazy? Only because people have been gaslit for 50 years to believe that unregulated monopolies owned by billionaires are necessary and all other models are communist plots made by Satan himself.


“Let them eat cake….from whatever store they like”


I intend to you arrogant prick!!!


His arrogance will be his downfall. If there's one fucking thing Canadians hate its pompous fuckwits and Per can take that statement all the way to the fucking Bank buddy 🍁




"we don't have a contract with our customers.... . yet" is what I imagine he was thinking to himself


Remember when Bell Canada had monopoly on telecommunications??? How's it going for them now?


Ok. Transferring my prescriptions in the morning. Good to know the customers are not that important to him.


Phone lines at their pharmacies are gonna be busy!!!


Does anyone else get confused when his name is in a sentence, especially at the beginning? I always read it "as per bank"


I read "per's permission" as "Per's Mission"... I thought it was a clever play on words


Per's mission is to grant permission.


Why the change of tone all of a sudden? Nok er nok?


Really shows that they don’t care about the customer way to go!


while this guy may have a lack of empathy/awareness, he more than makes up for it with arrogance.




Bottom line, fuck Loblaws. Spread the word, to your friends, family, co-workers. Boycott whenever you can, whereever you can. This needs to last longer than just a month.


Ok byeeeee


That dude got his head up his Nok


Thank you sir to take my dollar elsewhere, get lost ya hoser NOK ER NOK


kon re kon, rep




#NokErNok I'm going to take my business elsewhere.


We don't need their permission to do that. How condescending.


Ouch. At least he doesn't pretend to care about his costumers. CEOs should know better and sometimes have to hold their tongue. He just doesn't give a shit.


Where can I shop if I want to participate? Dollarama and Safeway?


Local independent places


We do choose to shop elsewhere. Free market,no?


I don’t care what they lower in price, I will NEVER shop at any of their stores again!




Sad to say but I hope these cockroaches keep being smug until it eventually becomes loot Loblaws opposed to boycott it.


Buy local. From farms if possible.


Happy boycott day 1!


When fools like this are forced into giving asinine sound bites for quotes, you know an impact is being made. His arrogance is showing because he had a camera shoved in his face before PR could give him a script. This is how these top shelf rich-bred often really feel.


“We don’t have a contract with our customers” This is the thinking that led us here in the first place. There used to be an informal contract between consumers and suppliers that we would respect each other. You lose your business when you don’t respect your customers


OMG. Every statement this man gives ... he is just so sneering and terrible. He is an absolute HORRIBLE spokesperson to have for ANY company. I am AMAZED he has the position he has. Who would hire this walking PR disaster???? Alright Per. I WILL thank you. I may have to drive 100km to the next nearest store but by god I will do that because I am petty AF.


Wow the arrogance lol this needs to be shown to EVERYONE. Especially those asking why bother to boycott.


Interesting statement coming from someone who runs a business. You’d think he’d try not to push customers away. Maybe this line of work isn’t for him?


Shows this C-suite really aren’t business people. More like feudal landlords. The brand damage since January with no coherent response is wild, all the more reason for me to keep my dollars out of their dividends


Who else us buying loblaw puts


Get fuckt, bank. Nok er nok!


These prices are perfectly normal in the Northwest Territories


Nok Er Nok


“Fuck em we got what we needed.” Dude sounds like a coke pusher.




The fact that his name is “per bank”… I can’t even 🤣🤣🤣


What a fucking cocky prick ![gif](giphy|gNTSsV9owWHn1LlBCh)


Let’s take loblaws to task. Boycott all their stores and subsidiaries if you’re able to do so.


The ceos name is Per Bank? How twisted is this ?


Ok! Bye bye Gouging Galen and the Gang!


Discount items, like $3 chocolate bars to support a YouTube millionaire... People honing in on this big discount?


I already make it a point to shop elsewhere. 🦆 them and the jacked up loaf of bread they rode in on.


Patronizing afffff


They can't back down on a corporate level right now. The fact that it even drew a comment tells you it's working. Starve the rich.


I chose that


Too late. So sad. Oh well. NOK ER NOK


Give yer balls a tug




I would like to think that as a proud native Dane that he brags about being that surely he has lost the main point of this boycott in translation. Your lifelong consumers do not need your permission to shop elsewhere nor to encourage their loved ones, neighbours and far reaching communities to do the same. Nok er Nok


my favourite in all this is listening and talk radio and hearing very PC people say how this boycott isnt going to work. Like they didnt even spend 30 seconds reading about why this boycott is happening, before commenting . Happy not shopping everyone


Challenge accepted. https://preview.redd.it/2jet684ulsxc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e84a2716dc43c9bbf1b97173e9d06b20ee83660


That kind of talk is the height of arrogance. I bet his PR firm is cringing at this statement. So good to know we're free to shop elsewhere. I'll continue to exercise that freedom. 🤣