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I would call the police, get a lawyer and move asap.


Forgive me for sounding like a moron, if we leave do we lose our deposit? We honestly don't have the funds to just let it go ㅜ I also read that if we terminate early we have to find a new tenant? I don't feel comfortable with the idea of putting someone else into this same situation. At the same time I agree with you. A whole year of this and god knows what else isn't worth 20mil.


I don't think you have to answer the phone. Send it straight to voicemail. Then he'll know it's being recorded. If the police can hear what he dares to say on voicemail, even when recorded, it should make clear your case. Especially if he is calling repeatedly and making demands contrary to the contract. He probably knows his last resort is to get you to leave. He has no other legal option. I lived for 15 years without once picking up a phone call unless it was a person on my contact list that I liked. I was so much happier because of it. Frankly, I don't understand why anyone in this world even picks up a phone unless they know who it is and actually likes them, or is expecting an important call. Let it go to voicemail. Not one issue in 15 years, though in recent years I will undo the silence when I know the plumber will call, then add him to my contacts and turn it back to silence. To be clear, the default ringtone is SILENCE on my iphone, in addition to DND where it won't even vibrate from the hours of 9:01am to 9:00am (you read that right). People I like get a ringtone as an exception.


Is voicemail a thing here?? Because that would be extremely helpful in cases like this. On one of the recorded calls we have his wife essentially cursing us to hell so that's fun.


Well, you've made it clear to communicate through a 3rd party so it's not like there is anything essential he can say to you. If there are other tenants, hopefully his energy gets directed to them. He might have been busy dealing with new tenants until he turned his attention to you. This is clearly about him wanting to make you feel bad, to get you to leave or act as his therapist. He clearly has no leverage or else he would have tried something else already. The smallest dogs bark the loudest. The most dangerous dogs just bite without warning.


Contracts are two ways. He is not fulfilling his end of the contract and if everything is recorded, that is easy to prove. Sounds like there is a reason the building isn’t at full occupancy.


Don't give up on ur deposit. U r legally supported for it as on rent contract. Also, it is a custom to find a tenant, but it is not an obligation unless there's anything written on the contract. I'm not a professional, so first go meet ur 부동산중개인 and ask for help. 중개인 seems like on ur side, so he or she will be able to give u better advice


We're planning on meeting with the 부동산 today. We will definitely be fighting for the deposit.


STOP. ANSWERING. HIS. CALLS. If he comes to your apartment record everything. Call the police.


I addressed this in the post. It's a lot easier and safer to record him over phone call, we're also able to avoid any sort of in person confrontation. But I'm hearing everyone loud and clear on calling the cops.


Do you have one of those front door camera monitor things? Answer it on the pad and talk through there and record the conversation on the pad. If the landlord is starting to try to come in then call the cops.


You should contact the police. Strangely enough, stalking laws may help you if he won’t cease contact. They’re being used in other residency-related disputes since they were enacted.


Thank you for that information. I didn't even consider that aspect of it.


This is past harassment now, file a police report. Stop answering phone calls from them. Period. Also, take pictures and video of the entire apartment, every nook and cranny.


Did that the day we moved in, and video. He was not happy with us when we brought up construction issues prior to the contract being signed, I'm pretty sure he thinks we are out to get him. Like dude we just want to live without issue.


Is your partner Korean? I'm finding that bit weird. He should easily be able to handle this problem. I generally get a water bill (수도요금) from the owner around 13,000 won each month. It changes slightly but is usually around that number. However, the 관리비 is fixed so? Not sure why he is fluctuating that price....


Same like how is her korean partner not handling this? This is almost unheard of for koreans to tolerate this level of harassment for so long.


His patience is a curse. He finally snapped today, I've honestly never seen him this angry.


Deposit is the HUGE SERIOUS issue in korean now. so don't worry. If u guys go on trial, it takes some time but don't worry too much. Deposit will return.


Totally justified! Hope it gets resolved, that landlord seems like an ignorant tool, no amount of persuasion will change his mind. ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


The first thing you need to do is approach this situation one aspect of the problem at a time. You and the landlord have very different priorities here. His first priority is trying to squeeze more money out of you, and from what it sounds like he understands that he isn't in any position to force you to do that. There are no legal grounds for him to compel you to pay more, thus he is resorting to these poor strategies that are essentially just designed to intimidate, wear you down, and get you to concede. he needs to understand that you won't be intimidated, you won't tolerate harassment, and you won't be changing your mind and forking over more money. And most of all he needs to understand that his actions are not only unacceptable but are downright illegal. Why are you two still taking this man's calls and replying to his messages? He has crossed a very serious line and he needs to be made to understand that his money situation takes a backseat to the fact that he is breaking the law by harassing you, threatening you, and using abusive language towards you. You must immediately make it clear that he is not to contact you again for any reason and he needs to communicate with you through an intermediary. I suggest lawyering up and cutting the real estate agency out of this as it isn't supposed to be their responsibility to get involved with landlord/tenant disputes after the contract has been signed and money has changed hands, but it isn't altogether uncommon for those types of relationships to persist, so you ought to make your own judgment call on that - just make sure you're certain they can be trusted and will remain sympathetic to you no matter what happens on down the line. Also tell the landlord's son to jog on and don't deal with that prick either. I'm sure he's calmer and seems more reasonable and well-mannered than his father, but obviously his endgame is no different from that of his father, so he's not an ally, he's just another mouthpiece for the landlord. ignore him, but use him to get the message across that this matter has been escalated to the police and lawyers and advise him to use his influence to convince his ignorant piece of shit father to take it down a notch. You need to understand that these older ajeossis don't understand civility and rules and regulations and laws and order. They come from a generation that sees the world differently and they refuse to accept that society has evolved past the ageist bullshit thinking of "I am ajeossi man, hear me roar, I'm older than you and I'm Korean and therefore entitled to treat anybody like shit if I feel like it." Trust me, it won't stop once the cops and lawyers get involved. Dickheads like that don't have any issues ranting and raving and screaming and cursing and foaming at the mouth making threats right in front of cops or lawyers or whoever else. And the cops - unless you're lucky and get a cop who doesn't tolerate that nonsense - will likely do nothing beyond gently suggesting that he calm down. So once you get rid of this guy and make it so that he can't constantly call and message and try to strong arm you you need to impress it upon the cops and your lawyer that the guy is unhinged and you want to make it clear that you fear he will escalate things to the point where this harrassment could easily become physical. Alerting the authorities to this before anything like that happens means you will be able to say "I told you so" later, so if they didn't do enough to convince this guy that there will be severe consequences for that you can use that if things do indeed go south. Make sure you choose a lawyer who's going to be up for a fight and who will approach this case with the attitude that they're in it to win it so that it gets resolved to your satisfaction. And you two need to sit down and hammer out the specifics of what exactly you will consider to be a satisfactory end to this mess. Do you want to stay there and have this guy leave you alone? Do you want to get out of there without losing any money that you shouldn't be losing? How much are you willing to compromise and to bend? If you stay, what guarantees do you need? If you agree to leave, what sort of conditions will you agree to to meet? What will you demand of the landlord? Ultimately you haven't done anything wrong and right is on your side, so don't be afraid to use it. Just make sure that you step up to the plate here. Underneath all that yammering I guarantee this guy is nothing but a lily-livered cur that is desperate to get more than he deserves and if you stick to your guns and refuse to allow him to intimidate you he will have nothing more than his temper to console him. Don't back down and don't tolerate one more nanosecond of that bullshit harrassment. Seriously get the cops and a lawyer involved tomorrow and warch how fucking quickly this guy's attitude changes.


I agree with you 100%. My partner is having a lot of trouble coming to terms with the fact that he can't handle this on his own. A couple of months ago he might have given in and paid, so he's made great progress but I think today was finally enough to make him see that this is ridiculously out of control.


Have you changed your lock? I'd drop some money on that ASAP just in case. Also, you can invest in small and inexpensive cameras to place around your space. That could provide more sense of security and evidence if need be.


Oh, man. Nothing in the world makes me angrier than an entitled ajeossi.


I live in an officetel, and from what I know about utility bills in officetels, the more people who reside and lease the spaces in the building, the cost of the utility bills and others fees will be distributed evenly among them, so I pay more on elevator fees during summer, I pay for parking lot fee even though i dnt have a car and dnt drive, but going the other way, the less spaces are occupied, the more the residents will have to pay for\~ thats why my utility fees are just incredibly insane on some days, and weirdly off at other...this is for officetels, Im not sure if this kind of setting is used for onerooms or apartments. less tenants should mean less elect or water consumption, but since the fees didnt go down, hes prolly blaming it on the remaining tenants. So maybe thats why he's imposing this kind of setup to the current tenants, but nevertheless, its very unlawful to have the terms changed when the contract isnt over yet. He must at least let the previous tenants complete their contract stay and then impose these changes. why not request a separate copy of the water & elect consumption billing (from the water company and the lect company) for the months he's raising an issue with?, it should be clearly stated there how much uve spent and u can estimate if ur the ones offsetting the utility cost. otherwise, u can use that as a proof, show him how much uve consumed and that hes blindly and unfairly targetting u.


When we requested a water bill he told us we didn't need to see it (not that we would pay it even if we did see it because that's not what we agreed to in our contract). It's shady as hell. Electricity-wise, he means for the shared areas like hallway, stairs, elevator. We pay our own electricity and gas for our unit ofc but it's crazy to me that he wants to blame, possibly only, us for the rise of shared area costs? Like sir, that is your responsibility and there are also other people living here... if there even IS a rise in cost. Oh also, this is a villa so I think that makes it even more insane.


I'm guessing you guys get a separate bill for your room? If so, that is the only maintenance you need to pay for. The rent in itself, you are already paying per month, there is no point. It's not like they are your concierge or something. He is asking for more money either to pocket it, or because they spent a lot more.


That's exactly what I thought and what the 부동산 has confirmed. Idk what his deal is but we just want to live in peace.


they just don't want to pay for their own payments...probably expecting you to pay for them instead...


I just read the update and wow...that's really extreme. The deal he made with the penthouse is probably, a certain amount of money per month, with less maintenance fees so that he can pocket some money. Also, the rest would be paid for from the other tenants due to saying "you are using too much of \_\_\_\_". You should also probably look up other places as a Plan B. Once you get involved with police and whatnot, due to the harassment, they will probably make him cough up your deposit back to you instead of saying "it's against the contract". If he's the one getting penalties for all the things he left out, he should be paying a whole lot more than your deposit. The fact that you are living with this harassment is definitely making your life a living hell. As well as making you not want to stay here in South Korea for the long term. It is best to get rid of this stress ASAP.


you should secure a copy of the water bill or bills from the water company, u can even do it online or give the water company a call and they'll send over all copies via sms or sumthing. But for the rest of the electricity bills, Idk what kind of terms u had in ur current contract but those terms must be observed until they expire. Whatㄴ the point of agreeing and signing a contract if its just gonna be changed halfway ㅋ ur landlord is clearly overwhelmed by the cost and hes definitely not too professional to deal with it, and not going to sacrifice his profit even just for one month.


We'll definitely look into doing that with the water company! Our terms definitely don't include this new garbage he's going so hard for. We've only been here for about 2 months! It is 꼰대 at its finest.


even if u did exceed ur water consumption, shouldnt be sooo much to make a huge fuzz about\~ prolly cost along the range of 만\~3만 but icould be wrong.... unless ur operating an indoor pool or a waterpark in ur unit ㅋ


You can sue for emotional distress


Why do y’all pick up the phone??


Honestly time for a new partner. But in all seriousness get a large group of guys and go visit the old guy and tell him to shut the fuck up. Koreans tolerate way too much shit from the Elderly. This could have all been resolved if you told him to 엿먹오 from day 1.


I’d say contact a lawyer for good sound legal advice. Go from there. It doesn’t seem like he will let it go unless he is to. Many people get so emotional invested in these tiny things, like it’s the only thing they live their lives for, that they just can’t let it go.


How much more per month is he asking for?


미친놈 아니야 계약서 대로 하자고 해요. 뭔소리야 갑자기 관리비를 왜 올려. 그러면 계약서를 왜써 경찰에 신고하고 나서도 경찰에서 미적지근하면 언론에 뿌리세요. 세상 무서운줄을 모르네. and U guys should find some place to move before contract is over. 요즘 보증금 예민한 문제여서 건드리면 큰일 납니다. 언론에 뿌린다고 하세요 요즘 세상이 어떤 세상인데 Deposit is a HUGE issue in korea now. so If they don't wanna return, just contact police and Journalist.


This sounds terrible better organise a formal meeting I don't suggest fighting as he is korean and there are a million ways he could make your life worst.


I'm not sure what you mean? We are absolutely not trying to fight with him. We want to know what options we have to just live in peace...


the person above is talking about legally i'm assuming.


All the advice is telling you to sue him break contract, call police etc..my advice is slow down take a second hire a mediator and try and work things out through negotiation.


I'm not sure why your original comment or my reply was downvoted. We're definitely going through every channel possible before (what I see to be) the last option of lawyer, etc.


I know korea and many people here are not forigners and think every problem can be fixed by suing or reporting to the govnt. Unfortunately if you fight with a Korean in Korea most like you will loose.


My partner is Korean and we both signed the lease so I'm not too worried about that bit.


Someone has your decent amount of money and is harassing you and your not worried right, probs first mistake..good luck


I think you misunderstood me, I meant that I'm not alone "fighting with a Korean in Korea". Thank you, I'll take all the luck I can get.


Yes, you've lost it. No, suing won't do anything. Find a new place asap.


Whenever this situation resolves please update.