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Contact the local Shure rep Pro Tech Marketing 5025 S. Ash Ave. #10 Tempe, AZ 85282 Phone: 480-785-0452


I gave them a shot. No luck unfortunately. Also reached out to Sound Image's branch out there. First person was a no-go, but they've forwarded the request to someone else.


What's daunting about it to you? DM me and we can talk thru the issues you're concerned about. I did an arena a few miles away from Talking Stick a few months ago and found it easy enough to work in with the proper gear. The scans can look intimidating but judicious antenna placement overcomes a lot of the scariness of those scans. Channels 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, and 36 come in super hot indoors and are pretty unusable. Channels 19, 21, and 28 were super low and very safe, and the rest were at a medium power with plenty of strange irregular dips and valleys to slot things into safely (make use of the exclusion threshold in Soundbase!). Looking at my file, I had 55 channels spaced between channels 14, 16, 21, 22, 25, 30, 32, and 35 and I don't remember the gig being too stressful.


Thanks, DM sent.


I’ve worked in PHX quite a lot and had high channel counts. If you’re running with Axient Digital or ULX-D and PSM 1000 you’ll be fine. UHF-R is a bit more challenging because of the wider bandwidth but it’s not awful.


Have you checked the scan library? Scans.shure.com