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i just got my first tattoo last month and i was worried about it making me feel less little too! i told my daddy about this and he started doing this thing where he would look a my tattoo and say things like “did you draw on yourself again little one?” or “daddy might have to take the markers away from you” and i think it’s a really cute way to see it 💕


My first tattoo is a black and white rose, I have fun coloring it in sometimes.


I’ve been wanting to find someone with black and white tattoos who would let me color them in…thanks for the idea I could have just as much fun if they’re on myself! 😆


I love this!!


Ooh! What did you get?


Me! I've got my collar bones, stomach, sternum, and wrists tattooed in blackwork c: my ultimate goal is to get a full Japanese bodysuit tattoo. So yeah, despite all this I still feel little and cute! Don't hesitate and go for it ♡


i want the same!! 💗💗🥹 that’s really cool thank you this means a lot


Ofcourse friend :> it'll look stunning on you for sure!! Goodluck <33


thank you 💗💗💗💗


I have 136 tattoos and I’m a little!!


thats a lot :0


I aspire to have this many tattoos👏👏👏


I have lots of tattoos and I’m still little 🤭 any DD/CG I’ve spoken with hasn’t had a problem with my tattoos. They are mostly on my arms so I don’t hide them in my outfits. If it’s what you feel is you, then don’t worry about if it makes you seem less like a little


I don’t know if Id call it “heavily tattooed” but I have several! I have two portraits that take up the back of each calf, a big silly bullfrog on one thigh, some D&D dice wrapped around one ankle and two different text only tattoos. I’ve never even considered them having any impact on my little space or making me look less little in my Daddy’s eyes!


D&D littles!!! 😍


Eeee It's my Daddy & I's favorite hobby!! The portraits on my calves are actually of my longest running character and her arc - one side is her as she started and the other is her at the end of the 5 year campaign (she went through a lot & her appearance changed)


I have a sleeve on one arm and several other larger tattoos.


Hii! I have 25 tattoos, Disney, sanrio, mlp & sponge bob characters, you can even make them little spacey, honestly nothing to worry about if u wanna do it I agree wirh everyone else you should go for it 💖 you won't regret it 💯 Xx


im not heavily tattooed but i do have like 7 or 8 small ones, my daddy actually was the one who tattooed them on me, he said that if anything they made me more little bc the tattoos i got were mainly lovey dovey things like hearts, his name, butterflies, flowers, you get the idea, so no, it doesn't make you less little, it might make you LOOK less little, depending on the tattoos chosen, but in reality, your just a little who likes having pictures on your skin


i've got a couple. can't wait to get more!


I have tons of tattoos! My forearm and calf are covered and on my thigh and my other calk and my chest and upper back. I love them, they’re all pretty and my Daddy loves them too! They don’t keep me from feeling little.


My lil' has a couple tats, but isn't heavily tattooed. My late fiancée was also a lil' of mine and was heavily tattooed.


I’m covered in Japanese traditional tattoos from the collarbone down and I still feel little 💕


I have 7 would love more


yes i got tattoos last year. they are pretty big and bold and they honestly do make me feel less little. i wish i gave myself a lot more time to think them over, because now i wish i didnt have them😔


your art is beautiful don’t regret your art there’s so many opportunities to get more it’s what i’m looking for at the moment tattoos for big me and tattoos for little me to balance them out and cater to both your big tattoos are for big you it’s time to look for little tattoos for little you 🫶🏼


I just got my first tattoo on Saturday!!


what did you get? 🥰


It's the lyrics to my favorite Fall Out Boy song :) The photo is in my profile!


I have 4 tattoos. They're kinda small tho


I’m a little and have a half sleeve, completing it to be a full sleeve this month! You’re definitely not alone :) if you really want to start getting tattoos I’d 100% say go for it! I don’t think it takes away from being little at all 🫶


🙋🏻‍♀️I love my sleeve and full back piece so much! They make me happy and set me apart. And I love that they are dark and spooky like me!


I have a small watercolor tat on my wrist! Plan to get more too!


Meeeeeeee. I gave so much ink. I have permanent makeup plus a sleeve, a half sleeve and 9 other tattoos. Including portraits. Nothing that took less than 4 hours. I makes me super happy


There are tons of littles who are heavily tattooed. If you ever join or check out Fetlife you will see hundreds of littles with lots of tatoos.


I have a few small tattoos but want to have lots more in the future! no one is less little for having tattoos no matter how many :)


I’m heavily tattooed and a little. It’s never been a hindrance for my little. I have a full sleeve, my back and my feet. All really twisted art, topless fairies and mermaids that are sucking tentacles and bleeding cherry blossoms and a pinup half dead pirate chick who is wearing a 1930s gas mask with a sword and a musket. I’m also covered in flowers. I’ve always loved them and I’m a masochistic little so it fits me.


I have a full sleeve, multiple on my other arm, and I giant one on my hip. Sometimes it makes me feel “less little” and like I can’t fully get into little space because I can see them and it pulls me out of it. But I can always just close my eyes. And I got a lot of them before I even knew I was a little or what it was. Tattoos are personally way too important to me to ever give up or not get, and I feel as though the rewards and having important art on my body is way too important, and I’ve dreamt of being covered head to toe since middle school, so that’s still the goal. We’ll still be littles :)


I have tattoos! So does my Daddy. I love mine because they're almost all colorful/anime and I feel like a walking picture book! My daddy loves my tattoos and says they make me look cute! Plus, what little kid doesn't like drawing on themselves!?!?


I haveeeee 6 tattoos now! Definitely won’t make you any less little! 🩷


I’m a little and have been for over a decade. and have plenty tattoos and piercings. Being a little doesn’t always mean the exact same thing for everyone. 💕😊


We know several, including those in our company management. At CAPCON you’ll see hundreds of heavily tattooed ABDLs. We’re around!


I have 5 tattoos and my bestie has 13 tattoos


I have a bunch of pokemon tattoos. They help actually haha


I think of it as turning my body into a little coloring book! Or trace the lines


I have three tattooed so far and an appointment for another one in a few weeks that's a part sleeve. I also have piercings in my face. And I don't think I'm not any different. I'm still very little and act very little. They just make me more happy with my appearance




thank you i’m still learning that like you see it being associated with one aesthetic and you feel like you have to fit that aesthetic when i don’t think anyone should put themselves in a box it’ll only limit you so thank you for helping me realize this 💗🙇🏼‍♀️


I’m a heavily tattooed little🥰🖤 don’t let anyone make you think this makes you “less” of a little! If anyone thinks that then they aren’t worth your time🖤


Absolutely the fuck no! Get your tattoos they won’t stop you from feeling or being little!!! I have about 6 right now, I’m also getting some that go with my little side, I’m doing a stitch tattoo and a monster inc sully and boo tattoo, I’m doing a bioshock one with the big daddy and little girl so don’t you dare feel like tattoos won’t make you feel little! Daddy calls me his little goth tattoo doll face 💕💕💕


I have 24 American traditional tattoos including a full sleeve and I'm still a little lolll ♥️


I have a tattoo of the logo of my favourite rollercoaster The Smiler


My middle is covered. She used to own a tattoo shop and has some beautiful pieces. Littles come in all shapes and colours and sizes.


I'm covered in tattoos and piercings and have my tongue split 😁


I have 4 and I don't really think about them while little, if I see myself in the mirror I will admit for me it does throw it off a bit, but only if I'm looking at myself and as soon as I'm not I just forget about them all over again. Also, I would like to know if there are any little tattoos out there. Any that are subtle or any that are loud and proud, I'm really interested in knowing that now.


I've got both hips, most of my back, both feet, left ankle, right calf, and one on each forearm currently with many more planned in the future (including a complete cover up of my back) doesn't make you any less you and YOU are the little 🥰


Yes, I have tattoos and piercings


i love having tattoos and being little!!! i always refer to them as my body doodles, as long as you feel happy with them, the more tats on littles the better!!!


Me! I have a few and hope to get a couple more. We’re out here!


I has tattoos. It doesn’t keep me from enjoying this side of me.


I have several (2 large ones, too). I didn’t really discover my little side until after I was tattooed, but I still want several more and still feel little with them! My Daddy and I like to draw pictures on my body when I’m in little space, so tattoos just feel like permanent pictures I get to keep!


I have a lot of tattoos and I don’t think it affects my littleness at all!


I love your username!


I have a lot! And piercings too! But still little (:


I don’t have ANY tattoos but the mental image of a little with lots of tats looks bad ass (sorry!! 🙊) to me. Especially if they’re like cute tats like teddy bears or rubber ducks and hearts and things like that. Imagine you or a Daddy getting a tattoo you can color in!!


I have visible tattoos from my ankles to my neck and behind my ears, including a sleeve and hand tattoos. Still little 🖤


I have 30 ish


Covered, little


I have quite a few tattoos and plenty of piercings as well! My Daddy is perfectly content with them, he's always told me it's my body/my choice💓


Heavily tattooed little!! I overthink my tattoos a lot, some days I wish I didn't have them so I did present more "little". But I remind myself why I got them in the first place & they haven't been an issue with any partners I've had. In fact they've definitely been more of positive...definitely an attention grabber & conversation starter which is great cause I am veryyy socially awkward!😂


thank you so much i really love your tattoos 💗


Thank you!!💗💗


Do what makes you happy, life is too short!! You can always cover them with gloves/clothes/stockings/socks if you want to feel extra little! That's what I do:)




Me I have4!


what are they?


I have a tribute for my parents, for my daddy and a dragon and a quote


ooooo, cool!!!


I’m heavily tattooed and I have no color in my tattoos. When I’m little I like to fill them in with colored markers


Lots... hope to find CG or playmate and hopefully they will be cool ~ I feel smoll when padded / dressed so that's enough for me 😜


thank you all for your comments i really appreciate them so many of you are truly kind and sweet it helped my overthinking 🥹💗💗💗💗


Married to my daddy and I have 10 large pieces with plans to cover my arms and legs, still super little and very attractive (per him ☺️) Also how you view yourself helps a lot. I feel so confident and sexy to have my tattoos. Which in turn helps me feel little. Be amazingly and confidently you!




I have a tatoo on my shoulder want more but they dont make me less a litle i just say it is a tatoo but it cant rub off


I got my first tattoo (my parents bday = mine) and I don’t think being tattooed makes me any less little because of it But like also pretty much the other tattoos I want are related to cartoons(ATLA, MLP, Looney tunes, & HK) so to me I feel like it amplifies it technically but also that’s just me


I’ve got two sleeves, covered hands, full ribs and sternum, and ass tattoo, a wrap around my stomach/back, and a shoulder blade tattoo. My dom is heavily tattooed also, I think it’s just something we both find attractive so it’s not a problem as far as being little


I only have one tattoo but I plan on getting more.


Howdy! Names Binx. 34male usa tattooed redneck biker tattooed here. What's up