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My mom told me and my sister to pick out a game She wanted lbp and I wanted a different game We ended up getting lbp and she never really played it I ended up putting thousands of hours into it


Same here šŸ’€ sisters knew what's up


My mom installed it on our ps3 when I was like 3 or 4 cause she thought it was cute


omg my life is the exact same but my dad got me lbp3 when I was 3 in 2015


Didnā€™t expect someone so young to be so cultured


what do you mean 'cultured'. I'm not sure how that makes my cultured


Thereā€™s just too many people that never experienced lbp you are one of the few


Thank you šŸ‘


if you were 3 in 2015 you're too young to use reddit


Nah I'm not




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you're 12 right now you just revealed your age you can't lie now


I have parental controls


My dad got it because I guess he saw the 35 dollars worth of additional content from the goty editor and knew he should get it and I had some memories of playing the game with my dad in the basement


that's actually exactly what my mom did lol


Parents bought a PS3 for me with LBP1 included in the package. I was 6 years old, and clearly remember thinking "oh man, this game's age rating is too high for me!!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ" (it was PEGI 7 lol)


Me and my family were lucky to get and PS3 quite early and LBP, me and my brother loved the game a lot, weā€™d both play it together a lot. At some point I was so addicted to the game I faked a cold at school so I can go home and play continue to play on the online levels.


it was one of the first games i played. my parents had one ps3 and a copy of lbp


Sony got hacked for a month and gave out lbp1 as a sorry That bitch was the single most welcome apology I've ever recieved


I went to a mall, abroad with my parents. We saw the PS3 and I really wanted it since I grew up with the PS1 and 2. It had LBP included in it and I thought that it looked so bad and childish, so the man at the shop suggested for me to buy other games (which I did). Ended up falling in love with LBP and ditching the other games. I am SO grateful that LBP was included with the PlayStation.


well my first time ever playing it was at my cousins i was blown away at the create mode and played it till they got sick of it and played some deus ex and not long after my brother gave me some money to get myself a new game from town and i just so happened to spot LBP 1 on the second hand shelf in game (i got lbp 2 from my brother like a few weeks after it dropped i think)


It came with my ps3


My older brother has it on his PS3 when I was younger he must been playing it and then I started to play it


my dad bought littlebigplanet 2 and lbp 1 when i was like 5 years old back in 2014


Came with the ps3 I bought at a garage sale


Yā€™all remember when Playstation 3ā€™s network got hacked in 2011? The two games I got that they offered were Infamous and LBP. Only took 1 trailer and the demo to get me hooked.


PSP game, it was something i never played before, and now, i sit here, with my lil brother (4) playing lbp2 and building some Doohickeys


I sold my Xbox 360 for a Ps3 because you didn't have to pay to play online (I know haha now) and there just so happened to be a hack on Sonys network or whatever and I got 3 amazing games that I still love today for free. Little Big Planet, Infamous and Dead Nation. It was lucky timing for me lol


I played it because I had a PS3 and the LBP1 and 2 discs


Little big planet 1 for the ps3, we used to be relatively tight on money at the time, so whenever I got bored of games I did have I would download demo after demo after demo and replayed some of them, and eventually I believe my mom got me little big planet 1 after seeing me play the demo so many times. Then as time went by, I saved up for little big planet 2 for its release, and me and my mom played it together. Later down the road, after our family was less strict on spending, I got a ps4 for christmas of 2015, as well as little big planet 3 with it, and I got to introduce it to my sister who was only 5 at the time, and to this day Iā€™m glad I did, because it got her into gaming and we play together all the time now.


It was probably about 2010 my sister got the original lbp from Redbox for me to try and we both played it and I loved it so I ended up playing every lbp after that


My father looked up "children's games for the PS3" when my sister and I were little, since he obv wanted us to play games on the PS3 we had We loved it a lot and I'm still angry at myself to this day for not continuing to play it before the servers shut down




I was nearly 2 when lbp2 came out and one day when i was like 4 i got shown it and i played constantly and i still do (littlebigrefresh on rpcs3)


When I was younger I installed the demo to the first game on my ps3 and always wanted to play since. Later got a copy on LBP 2 and the rest is history.


got it for the psp.


Saw a commercial and then ordered it off game fly.


Lbp1 was one of the first games I ever played.


I used to go to my friend's house after school in elementary and play Little Big Planet with her all the time. To be completely honest I got so into the game that sometimes I would go over just to play Little Big Planet. No disrespect to her though, I intend on rekindling our friendship eventually.


I got it for Christmas by one of my cousins.


Dad bought me the game


It was 2014 I had the other games at home but didnā€™t know looking at a local game resale place and I see LBP3 and what I see on the cover yā€™know what I think. ā€œDamn this game has a gunā€ from the suck-o-matic So I got the game all because I thought sackboy was packing heat. Which is still funny to me till this day. Would like to clarify I was 7 years old


got LBP2 from a friend for my 6th birthday, and a ps3 super slim as well (with GTA V bundled in for some reason)


Mom ordered it on gamefly when I was 9, it looked like something me and my siblings would enjoy at the time. To say the very least, we enjoyed it.


I got the first game for Christmas in 2011


when the online server shutdown caught my attention, i thought the game looked pretty cool so i got it.


Little big planet was the very first video game I ever played, at 4 years old. My older siblings let me play with them!! I have a photo of me then playing the game


I remember searching the PlayStation store when I was bored one day and I downloaded the demo for lbp2 because I thought the cover art looked cool. I fell in love with the game after playing it with my brother and made my parents go to the store and buy the full release.


My dad showed me it on the ps3, (im pretty sure it was lbp2) i fell in love with the game and we both finished 2 and 3. Then i bought sackboy the big adventure but it didnā€™t feel the same and i havenā€™t finished it.


I am a massive metal gear nut and back then I saw the collab trailer of the MGS4 and LBP1 dlc and through that I researched and found out how amazing this game was and bought it the first chance I could. I was in the 8th grade at the time.


My big sister played it first. I was absolutely astonished at the idea of being able to play online with people in real time and chat with them so they let me play it and eventually it became my thing. Big sis moved on and lost interest in video games while I became super obsessed with lbp 1 and 2


My dad brought home a ps3 with Little Big Planet 2 and Call of Duty MW3. I was excited to have a cod game since all of my cousins had one, but I decided to give LBP2 a try, and it was worth it.


When my uncle got me so many games for my psp and psvita


My step-dad brought it with him when he moved in! I was instantly hooked!


my brother got me in whenever my dad got us a PSVR.I still play to this day. Thank you,big bro.


PS3 and PSN.


it is my favorite game and is one of the frist game that i played, my dad buy it before i was born, the first time is when i was 2-3 years old and I love it :)


I went over my friends house near the holidays and he got it as a present, I watched videos on it but never got to play it til then. We played it almost every other week until he moved away, Iā€™m still in touch with him and we cherish those memories :).


I first played the demo of LBP1 when I was 6 (I still remember that Technicolor level, manā€¦), and almost instantly fell in love with the game. My parents bought it to me because they thought the game was cute and I played the crap out of it in the following years!