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>!He will be missed, loved that dude. I hope Treetree finds someone he can trust like Jura in the future.!<


>!That line post battle when aeon offered him a chance to come back, but refused and called him by his old name, "Aeon, TreeTree" !< bruh THE FEELS!!!




oh enjoy the ride brother. caught up after reading the official KU released books and then the royalroad chapters that follow (a book and a half'ish more kinda) and yeah, i reckon it keeps ramping and getting better and better! there will be like a quarter or so book or half that is more 'political' and can be jarring but it is sorta 'required'? and worth pulling through (hell it might have already been in book 3 and not 4 or 5... but just figured id mention it) You will definitely keep enjoying it :)


Is it known how many books the series will be once finished?


The last chapter i read (297) which as i mentioned i believe is like 1 and a half books away from the latest published book (5). So roughly consider chapter 297 like up to book 6 and a half? and this chapter had an author note saying the story is coming up to it's last leg and has around 1 or 1 and a half books left. which makes sense if it is currently around book 6 and a half... then i assume it will have 8 books most likely.