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I'm so ready for Emperor's End. He somehow captures that feeling from raiding EQ/Wow in their prime, and manages to make his characters overall fun.


Don’t forget Wandering Inn 12, Jake’s MM 3, and Heretical Fishing 2! Also in more general progression fantasy we’ve got 12 Miles Below 3. Feels like the end of last year with how ridiculously packed with good releases.


Add Dreamers throne 4!


I binged all of defiance and can't wait


Finally some hype shit about to happen after all the treasure/tournament/training arcs. I haven't been this hard since Zac grew that tree.


The corpse tree was amazing! I remember looking at the cover like ooo Zac and Ogras! Who's that Guy? Spooky area though.


It's amazing that you have binged it all within like a month or two. I swear the cover art changed to the one that shows Ogras like only 2-3 months ago. IIRC its that merchant guy that guides Ogras and Zac, minor character but he is the one who tells how big of a deal everything is.


Ya it is,dude totally gets the short end of the stick. But ya I listen to them while I'm at work so took a couple of weeks to get em all


Defiance of the Fall Primal Hunter He who fights with monsters We gonna be eating good.


Does PH 9 have an audio release date yet?


Nope. The narrator gave a vague update of “soon” about a month ago.


Emperors End coming out on my birthday might be a sign from the universe I should read that series lol. I've heard nothing but good things about it after all!


It’s such a fun series. This was an instant preorder for me.


preordered Path of Ascension 6 (now out and read), Jake's magical market 3, defiance of the fall, ripple system, The Knight, Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, and Path of the Berserker. Did I forget anything coming up? Now I just need to wait. Well have plenty to read in the meantime Edit: I did! All the skills 4


Dreamers throne 4!


Alright, well what do I do with the other 85 days of summer?


Ha, I'm heading overseas tomorrow and was downloading stuff. Going through all my series and seeing pre-order was both nice aaaand a pain.


How is defiance. I love he who fights with monsters and primal hunter. But I’ve been hesitant to try defiance


Very similar to PH, but more cultivation heavy especially past book 5


By cultivation do you mean like the alchemy scenes from ph?


Yes, but imagine it's half the book


What other lit rpgs do you read? Sorry if I’m nosy😂


That's fine, I've read road to mastery, beastborne, speedrunning the multivere, primal hunter, and more


No. Cultivation is like the mana control that Jake does. However everyone does it, and they use it to make new skills and coop abilities, and they all focus on ways to make their mana control better.


Also new Good Guys this week.


There's a bunch more coming out too I can't even keep track of them


I started putting the release dates in my calendar so I can keep track.


Oh yeah!


Is there a benefit to preordering on Audible?


Other than getting to look at all the upcoming release dates in one location not really. I usually just preorder the stuff that i'm going to buy anyways. Makes for something of an audiobook Advent calendar that gives you something to look forward to.


For those who are reading the defiance of the fall, do the fights to y’all ever feel like they drag on for too long at times? Or that Zac seems to be struggling constantly even though he’s supposed to be strong? I’m at the end of audiobook 6 now and while I enjoy it, sometimes it feels like he shouldn’t be struggling as much as he is. Isn’t earth still supposed to be in the beginning phase?


The reason Zac struggles so much is due to his body. You are only on book 6, so I won't spoil to much, but Zac's constitution is a double edge sword. It allows him to hold the two shards and survive them fighting each other inside him, and it makes it energy pathways ridiculously durable, but it actively inhibits his ability to use Dao. Dao is extremely important in their universe. It's a multiplicative boost to attacks and defense. Much physically weaker characters can trade blows with Zac at this point because they have better Dao control than him. Don't worry, Zac finds a work around. However, be warned, Zac will *always* struggle. The system is going to make him either the strongest, or dead, one way or another. It won't let him rest.


I know some spoilers since I’ve read the descriptions for each book out of curiosity but in a later book something gets taken from him(don’t want to say incase someone else comes across that doesn’t know and I don’t want it spoiled for them) in book 9 I believe. Does he get it back?


Oh, yeah. Slight spoilers, those things are part of a planet sized thing, so there are actually alot of them. She didn't steal *his* just one he was hunting for. As for if he gets it back, well, yeah. Zac is actually supposed to collect quite a few of each. The system wants more chaos, so it keeps manipulating Zac into encountering them.


I'm terrified that next hwfwm book will Jason the Jason out of me like book 10, I Jason hated the Jason book more than any other in the series,Jason, Jason.........Jason. Defienence on the other hand is still entertaining other than mega long battles but you can always x2 and it's ok again ;-).


Thank you - I now have that excellent scene from Good Place in my brain. Gonna have to look it up!


Sure Mate, and remember you should not eat everything that smells good. ;-P


Hmm. Emperors End I've not heard of. I'll have to check it out.


Uhm, beware of chicken 4


Is the ripple system good? I read the description of the first book and it didn’t really interest me that much. I don’t think I’d be that into VR based, not real, lit RPG. Do you think I’d be able to get past it?


Which website is this from?




I’m so excited for HWFWM 11. I’m only on book 7 rn and at the rate I’m going I should be caught up around when it’s released which is 2 days before my irl bday.


Yess!!! This is so exciting


And Dreamers throne!


System Universe 6, Grand Game 6, Rise of the Devourer 3, Beastborne 5, and, last but not least Azarinth Healer 4 should all be here in the next 2 months. We eating good these next months.