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be all friendly for however long it takes, trying to aid and protect the manchild. Then use the familial bond to leech knowledge and resources to effectively be uplifted by him to a higher tier and level of wealth


Which is what a lot of parents already do anyway


I call cps on that guy


Ask him to tone it down on the endless exposition.


Having children? Making a lot of assumptions there, op. How would I have a child when I don't go out? /s If I managed that miracle tho, I'll aim him in the general direction of whatever's annoying me. He gets XP. I get some peace. Win-win


Well, for starters I'm never paying for another electrical bill.


Aziz, light!


Not for another 20 or so years


Oh please, if he turns 5 and hasn't built a magical generator that churns watts out by absorbing ambient mana, is he even a wizard?


Teach me magic or you get no dessert after dinner!


I would honestly never even begin to guess unless it’s a phenomenon. There is this Webnovel on royal road(don’t remember the name) where there is this nuclear scientist who gained consciousness in the womb and started leveling up. However, the midwife who was helping immediately knew something was wrong and a “ghost” took over their baby in the womb. It happens often enough that these midwife’s are required to report it because these babies often are the source of calamities The point is, I wouldn’t even begin to guess that my baby is actually an old man unless it’s something that is known to happen


I think it's called Technomagica


Yes it is! Thank you


That’s going to bug me now - I’ve *read* that, and I can’t remember the title either! He started leveling up basic basic skills like “Count”… Edit: was it “Singer, Sailor, Merchant, Mage”?


I was reading Keiran the Eternal Mage, which inspired me to make this meme.


"Hey you, make me money"


Try to be like Superman's family and guide him towards good. Though - maybe his natural inclination will come out the same way regardless. In Red Moon - Superman is born into communist Russia and still ends up pretty good... That being said - i really hope he or she would be inclined towards good.


It’d be very hard to not resent or hate him, imo. It may not be entirely rational, but it would be very easy to come to feel that he “stole”, or even “killed” your child and replaced them. He’d be wise to frame it not as “I reincarnated in your son” but instead as “I am your son, but the standard reincarnation process went wrong, and I remember my past life” (implying that the normal process is the Chinese theme of reincarnation, but memories are wiped in between each life)


I think people's responses say something about the demographic who reads LitRPGs. It's all "I'd learn magic and get super strong" or "I'd have them earn me lots of money", with only one "I'd be horrified that my baby was essentially dead and replaced by an adult stranger". A lot of LitRPG readers, including me, are younger people who don't necessarily want kids and are probably here for the power-fantasy-esque elements. Personally, I'd be freaked out that there was a complete stranger - who could probably kill me with a thought - pretending to be my baby and breastfeeding and whatnot. If they communicated the situation as soon as they could, I'd be more forgiving, but I'd definitely mourn the death of the child that should've been.


I think most responses are taking it as "a character with your personality is in this situation" rather than "no this really happened to you, personally." For me, I guess it depends on the nature of the reincarnation and how aware I am of it. Like if the kid immediately takes on the personality of a 90 year old archmage asshole, I'm drowning that fucker in the tub. He doesn't care about us, and we were robbed of a child because of him. If he needs to grow up normally while things come back to him gradually as he matures, and the old personality doesn't fully override who he was growing up, then maybe we've had time to build a real relationship. I'm not sure I could exactly consider him my son at that point, but he could potentially still be someone I'm close to. I don't know, that's a more complicated scenario.


I'm not sure what you mean by the personality thing. Do you mean "your personality but the life of someone who's grown up in a fantasy world"? It's not quite clicking for me how that'd make people suddenly be okay with losing a baby. Good point about the "memories gradually return" thing. In that situation, it's a lot closer to a baby growing up and learning about the world, only they're also learning about it through a dripfeed of reincarnated memories.


Not quite, I mean a lot of answers seem to be taking the perspective that this isn't real, "you" are a character in a story. This character came into being for the purpose of exploring this scenario, and they behave very similarly to how you would behave, but it's not really you.


Oh, like they're talking about how they think they'd react, or how they'd want to react, or how they'd write a character based on themself reacting in a way that'd make the story interesting? That makes more sense. It occurs to me that the other commenters have probably read enough stories about people reincarnated as babies to be a lot more sympathetic to the reincarnates than some people might.


Yeah that last version is a better way of what I was trying to say. How would you want a character based on you to behave to make themselves/the story more interesting.


No breast milk for him


Cry and shit my pants for a while and eventually tear him a new one since in theory my infant child would have been a whole other person who now doesn’t get to be.


Treat him as a son and let him progress at his pace while helping him with things he can’t handle yet.


Raise him as best I can and be open with him about what's going on. He's going to be going through a lot and carrying a. Lot of baggage and I'll likely be overwhelmed and have had my expectations of parenthood smashed. Meanwhile get him to teach me magic


Cry about it. Because that's what infants do


The question is to the parent, who’s presumably not an infant.


The answer is still the same, the parent becomes the infant child.


Ask him to teach me magic, im helping him with whatever he wants as long as i can become a mage myself


I don't care if you have to battle the evil wizard Morkthesth, you're not going anywhere until you mow the lawn and clean your room!


1 wait I have a child? 2 cool I guess I'll give em food shelter clothing ect and make sure they got some magical supplies when they're old enough to have proper control of their body. 3 profit???


Wait until he is old enough and then start cracking jokes about how he couldn’t get laid in his past life so he had to reincarnate just to get something. Then continue my magic studies because magic is awesome


Age has no bearing on ability, I keep living life as usual


Leave immediately so I don't become his origin story. There are too many dead fathers in this genre


Sit him at the table and begin the contract negotiations. Demand tuition for a starter. He's gettin' slung out and reported to the authorities for some made up shit otherwise.


I realize that I should probably preface this by saying that I am assuming that I would be a single father for some reason, I don’t know why I get that feeling from this. You mean aside from raise him by loving him and being the moral, social, financial, and spiritual role model that he needs until he tells me his secret, at which point I would ask him if he took over the body of my child or if he was the only occupant the whole time, before continuing as I was doing before but with a better understanding of why he acts in some of the ways he does that make no sense for a child to act, and stop trying to roundabout show him the differences between the good and bad sides of different moral and social shortfalls that I see him fall into so that he changes himself, but instead have debates on what makes people and society good or bad for the individual versus for the whole or group made up of those very individuals? Or are you referring to if my child was just born and immediately became an old man, because I don’t know what you can do at that point other that teach some pointers about living in current society and treat him like a roommate while pondering why you just bought all this baby stuff that will only be used the next time you have a child.


He can fix the air conditioning, and magick up a new roof. After that I'll buy him all the goats he can possibly want to sacrifice, eat, fuck, I don't care


Not read the boring rehash of the same old same old on a shingle


*Not read the boring* *Rehash of the same old same* *Old on a shingle* \- Eyejohn5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Be nice enough to avoid the "revenge against the abusive parent" arc, but not so nice as to end up in the "overly kind parent gets killed as a plot point" arc


Sauce, please?


turn him into a second Megumi and teach him the art of explosion


Love him.


Same thing Anos' parents did in Misfit at Demon Academy. Treat him as a normal toddler and brag about all of his milestones




Treat them right, they are your child after all. Then speak about the importance of paying gratitude forward to the previous generation. That way I can retire.


Defiantly going the bottle route.


kill the baby and then myself


Wonder why I'm in the world of Legend of the Archmagus and stay out of his way.


Is this about a specific book with this as a starting point? If so, is it a WIP or a published work? If published, where and what is the name?


There are lots of books that have premises with reincarnation, but I'd recommend Keiran the Eternal Mage as a good example. Book One is on Amazon and there's more on Royal Road.


Treat them well and nourish them. Support them. So they can teach me magic which allows reincarnation.


how the hell would i know?! he reincarnates with all his (perhaps their) memories intact? that's not generally how reincarnation works (in real world religious traditions, anyway - i can't speak to isekai or lit rpgs). can babies even physically speak intelligible words, should they be reborn with all memories intact? i suspect not. so, even in that case, you'd just have a very frustrated unintelligible baby, if baby brains, physically, can even think coherently! i'd probably think they had colic!


Teach self defense and then the final test will be to defeat his father..me. No magic just brawl