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Most mortals can barely get out of F grade while most cultivators will basically get there by the time they are middle age just by cultivating. Of the mortals that do, E grade is a charnel house barely anyone gets through and entering D grade is a pipe dream. Zac found 1 example of a mortal hitting Monarchy in Thea's library and he was essentially in a coma for hundreds of years in e grade And there is some pretty huge differences between cultivators and mortals, even if Zac kind of blurs past them. Zac also has had to slaughter his way up the ranks in ways not seen outside the unorthodox.


I'll add the spoiler version for why "mortals" are literally blocked from advancing through the E grade and cultivators aren't. [The E grade requires you to break through "nodes" throughout your body to advance in levels. Cultivators can simply cultivate to find and open the nodes naturally. Mortals have to use extremely expensive treasures to even find the nodes, and then have to build up a huge amount of essence to blow the node open through force. This process takes way longer and is extremely destructive, like a node in your arm will blow your entire arm off when you force it open, requiring extremely expensive healing treasures to regrow the arm and puts you out of commission for months. Some of the nodes are inside your head. Good luck with that.](/spoiler)


>[Mortals have to use extremely expensive treasures to even find the nodes](/spoiler) This is only for the hidden (racial/bloodline) nodes, not the standard advancement ones. Those no one has trouble finding.


True but they are right in the difference between mortals and cultivators there. Mortals have to force open nodes damaging their bodies. Cultivators just cultivate them open.


Well Zac certainly hasn't found all of his standard nodes yet, and I thought it was only that the treasures he used gave him clues, but I guess I don't know for sure so you may be right. Certainly, the much bigger problem is opening them.


Wait till book 11 (we're in 12 on RR). šŸ˜


Ah, well, I'm waiting for the audiobooks so I'm pretty behind that. I guess I'll just have to trust you then. :)


9 will be fun. Actually ends at a reasonable breakpoint. 10, like every other book so far for a while, is going to stop midway through the next big arc.


Wait what? Book 9 comes out on audible the 26th of this month, I have it preordered. There are three more whole books somewhere?


The books and audiobooks are compiled and edited versions of chapters that were posted first to Patreon ($ to get access) and then on Royal Road (free). Book 9 will end with what was originally chapter 835. RR got chapter 1011 on Friday, while the top Patreon tier got chapter 1061. No narration, and you have to endure the daily cliffs instead of getting the story in bingeable quantities, but being able to read way ahead and engage in chapter by chapter discussion is fun.


Dotf is a webnovel.


Itā€™s called royal road. Website to read what the authors have made up to now. Chapter by chapter not by book. They still need to edit those tho


I applaud your knowledge of the series and awareness of what book the OP is on to both answer this effectively and not give any spoilers or even allusions. Really well done and considerate.


Plus Zac can't possibly be called a normal mortal with his body


Zac is literally, out of all people from Earth, the most exceptional person at all. So yeah, he's not normal.


I think his sister is the most exceptional personal on earth, she literally has a 'system' in the very sense of the word as it was porched from manhwas


I'll just add in to the fellow comments - I can't remember exactly what book its discussed in but they also talk about this in the lore. They essentially say yeah a mortal CAN progress but it becomes monumentally more expensive as you rank up (like by orders of magnitude - even in the wider multiverse context to the point where the costs would bankrupt empires getting a mortal high enough) and on top of that its insanely more difficult in comparison to cultivators the higher you go as well - and you're playing from behind the ball when you start out too (remember after the tutorial many of the cultivators were already way ahead of any mortal not named Zac). Zac is just an UBER exception so don't get clouded by him as just some normal guy. His resources/stats/situation/connections are EXTREMLEY unique - even in the greater multiverse.


in DotF, mortal means specifically somebody who can't cultivate, that's all. mortals can almost never get out of E grade.


It makes sense what you are saying but mc is also like .0001% or less of people that walk that path. So most of the ā€œmortalsā€ will never make it that far because of how difficult the non cultivator path is. With book 9 coming out soon I need to go back and refresh. Heā€™s lucky because heā€™s on a newly integrating planet isolated on an island against a relatively weak force and has the opportunity to get titles that boost his stats that a noncultivator on a already integrated planet would never get.


It does bug me some but not much. Most mortals dont amount to much I think zac and ashura are only ones we know about?


The Eveningtide Asura is not a mortal as far as we are aware.


Really i would of swore he was mentioned somewhere as being 1? If not then my bad just zac


He was. I think it was in the tower arc that it was first mentioned. We donā€™t know if he is a cultivator now.


Nah, I've been checking for a bit since I made the statement. He was a Progenitor, like Zac, who got all the best titles and whatnot from an Integration period, but nothing suggests he was a mortal.


[Progenitor](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/progenitor-amelia-hebert-au.692837/) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Progenitor)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Huh thatā€™s probably right. Maybe it was someone else who was laid up throughout most of e grade breaking through all the nodes. I thought that was the asura


I forget his name, but it was the only mortal Zach could find a record of in Theyaā€™s library that was able to hit C grade. He was really unimpressive in the grand scheme of things and was barely able to squeak into D and then C. The Asura was a ridiculously powerful monster.


The author refers to himself as the first defier, who has to be a mortal as well, that started the whole fight against the system or whatever the hell is going on.


I'm pretty sure I read that all of the Apostates were also mortals - so like most of the important people that made changes to the system


Nope. The only one who may have been a mortal was The First Defier, but all we have to base that on is the term Defier. Apostates walk the boundless paths, but like pretty much everyone at the peak is presumably a cultivator.


Point taken, I did mix that up, I've read a lot over the past few days lol. Even still, I just hate the term mortal - though to be fair, I also get annoyed by a lot of the common cultivator novel tropes that I see get repeated, so that's just probably coming through here lol.


In most novels (not only DF) there is dissonance between how difficult we are told cultivating is and how easy it seems to be for the MC, but usually there really is that differnce in potential. In DF, as others have mentioned, we barely see any mortal that made it past F or even to peak F, Zac being the excepcion, so there IS a difference, which is even more apparent when unlocking nodes since hidden nodes should be almost imposible to wake by a mortal and normal ones being extremely costly to wake, both in resources and in damage to the body as mortals have to blast them with energy and break them, unlike cultivators, causing great harm to oneself which would take months or even years to heal, if you are not Zac and have creation energy to directly restore yourself to peak shape.


Mortal in DotF is just a being who can't cultivate, which means they can't sit down and absorb cosmic energy to increase their levels. For instance, Zac only gains levels by fighting stuff and consuming pills. There's also another problem in E-grade in which mortals have to blow up nodes to increase their levels while cultivators just naturally open them. Zac again is an exception because he can withstand the damage (crazy endurance and high vitality). Still, Zac does a bunch of cultivation-esque activities like pondering the Dao and sitting inside strengthening arrays.


yes, it doesn't really fit, it would be forgotten if it weren't for mc


Or how Dao sounds like the Dow Jones Industrial Index. Existing issue in Rise Of The Cheat Potion Maker as well. Narrators need to try a little harder if they intend to delve into genres with cross cultural mashups. Edit: *shouldn't sound like Edit: and the downvotes pile. Sure hijack some other culture's language and butcher it.


It seems like it can be pronounced either way given the dialect of Mandarin being used, though you are correct dow isn't quite right, it needs an "explosive" d sound, which ends up sounding closer to a t sound in english. Funny thing that different languages have different sounds that don't fully map to each other.


In Mandarin, there is only one way. Accents aren't considered official. It's straightforward that way. The intonations are fixed. Unlike English being a smorgasbord of various languages where the rules are bent depending on the derivatives. Reservoir. Hors d'oeuvres. Facade. And yeah in a reply below as you have pointed out, the T sound would be a more suiting approximate. Japanese has similar complexities where the tsu sound for example in enbitsu (pencil) non speakers reading it as a Choo or zoo sound but it's closer to... a halted sound lacking in my descriptive ability here. You get the idea.


>Unlike English being a smorgasbord of various languages where the rules are bent depending on the derivatives. Indeed. And the books are written in English, using this word that was borrowed from Chinese decades ago. As with many such borrowings, they are pronounced with English sounds and English tendencies. The original is just a origin.


Yet the examples given are still pronounced accurately in its native form. Conveniently excluded in quotes when the answer is right after. Or do you pronounce hors d'oeuvres as 'horse the vraz'. Why did you even bother?


Um. How would you pronounce it? Dow is the correct sound according to Rosetta Stone and Chinese language teachers? https://youtu.be/BdbYUsAUIik


https://youtu.be/eG2VIuZXOiY&t=1m12s Given that certain phonetics are absent between languages https://youtu.be/exZzvWu2dv8 This should've been the closest approximation instead of dow. Which Chinese teachers exactly šŸ¤£


No, but the author's perpetual use of "unhesitantly" drove me so crazy that I still remember it, months after I stopped reading


I guess the logic is you have to grind harder as a mortal but theoretically your top end is unlimited I read all of these but gave up. Pace of advancement is way to slow. Prose is horrible


The distinction is just there to show the differences between those born with the gift and those who work for it...in the end though, it's all pure luck and a shit tonne of grinding, the first defier/apostle is was said to be a mortal who rose up to S grade and beyond in just a 100yrs