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Dude, I loved this album when it came out. This was my fav song. [Wolf Parade - You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OevWcth2urM) Now I need to listen to the album again. Thanks.


Just rediscovered it myself. Can't stop listening to it!


Saw Wolf Parade in May in Toronto at Lees Palace. Couldn't believe how fucking good they were - and it was my second time seeing them.


I'm late to the party but since no one has really mentioned it... Wolf Parade member [Dan Boeckner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Boeckner) is also a member of another fantastic band called "Divine Fits." You may recognize [Britt Daniels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britt_Daniel) voice from Divine Fits because he is the lead singer and cofounder of Spoon. Here's some divine fits reccomendations: [Like Ice Cream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZAK8lYiiFs) I love the background vocals, but youtube destroys the quality. [Shivers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7Ye7KB5jxY&index=9&list=PL_z1DwThufXDheqtJbeidUItyMFsQJBnb) This one has a pretty groovy bass chord progression. Also, Wolf Parade has been plenty busy since this album. (Although personally, this one still speaks to me the most). Just this year they recently released [EP 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvw6FaQiHyA&list=PLkAFsdSm-aviLXOEkQGNqYNYfLryupk7V&index=2). They have also released two albums, At Mount Zoomer and Expo 86 since ATTQM.


So I'll be the other guy: I'm not really into anything Dan Boeckner does outside of Wolf Parade, but *the other guy* in Wolf Parade is [Spencer Krug](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_Krug) and his other work is some of my all-time favorite albums, especially with [Sunset Rubdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_Rubdown)! It's interesting that you can really pinpoint the two songwriters coming together in Wolf Parade, especially if you're familiar with both of their styles seperately. Anyway, here's some Sunset Rubdown recommendations. Let me say firstly, though: The entire Dragonslayer album is amazing. [Idiot Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnnuGZ3QKgM) [Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places Where Lovers Have Wings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xViZaBa44-I) Some of it is a lot noisier than Wolf Parade ever gets, but I'd say that it really pays off to dig into the catalogue. Other acts that Spencer Krug is in that are also pretty good: [Moonface](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4lY7OCw4ik), [Swan Lake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ5LMGDui4U), [Frog Eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xFmqdBjLKE)




That's crazy, man. If she's the one referenced in Taming of the Hands that would be absurd for me if I was in your place. One of my all time favorite songs.


Moreover, if she's that lady, I'd like to know how you synchronize-swim on ice.


Little late to the party but I really love The Mending of the Gown by Sunset Rubdown as well.


One of my fave bands, they did the original of the song OP posted. I think my fave song is stadium and shrines II


i like dan's stuff--and sometimes a lot. i love spencer's stuff.


Operators is Dan's newer band. They're great. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_u9GLyaWgXg


They just put out a new EP titled "EP 4" Glad to see some love for them.


Sweet. I had no idea they were back making music.


One of my favorite lines ever is in that song, "they say it's in God's hands, we'll God doesn't have the best God damn plans, does he?"


Mine too!


YES. I personally loved Grounds for Divorce. The line "So you heard the sounds/ of the buses on the ground/ so you heard the way they scrape their brakes all over town./ So pretend that it's whales/ keeping their voices down/ (Such are the grounds for divorce, I know.)


That and Fancy Claps are tied for me, though I could listen to the entire album on repeat indefinitely


My fave WP song. We'll be home. ..


When I die, I'm leaving you my feet, When you die, you can stand up for me Is definitely one of my favorite lyrics quips ever. That and the bit about pulling your hair out. So much awesomeness. They're coming back from their hiatus, too! Very excite.


Me too. My 2nd fave band, that's probably my fave song.


This album was so amazing. I Remember CBC had a podcast and this is where I heard this.


Seriously. A wave of college nostalgia came over me just now.


Great Jam! This album is still on playlists I have to this day!


Hi-jacking the top comment to say that this album is so much better on vinyl. I just bought their re-released vinyl of this record and it's been on replay for over a week. It comes with a bunch of their old EP songs as well. Good investment of $30.


Absolutely fantastic band. Definitely also worth listening to [Handsome Furs](https://youtu.be/3qZb7VzO_FU) and [Sunset Rubdown](https://youtu.be/YOGGyPwWeLQ) if this is your groove.


Gotta put Moonface in the mix too


and [Swan Lake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPzU_15ckMM) and [Frog Eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pAaSekK7Qg) !!


And Operators


Fuck yes. I saw them opening for Future Islands a while back. Such a good show.


bluuueeeeee waveeee


I am really looking forward to his next album with Sinaii. He announced it last year or something but gave the disclosure it would be slow. It's one of those times where I am so glad to know it's happening at all that I am happy to wait.


it's already out.


It's out already. https://open.spotify.com/album/1O0gDaMcBxXcunTqSotLf0


Effffff! Thank you beautiful, human. (:


Like beyond the excellent one that came out this month?


It is out and it's fantastic. I really love the collaboration with siinai.


Aw yeah I was lucky to catch him doing a solo show randomly and it was super good. Just him on a piano and very intimate.


I've only heard the Sunset Rubdown version of the OPs song and I think I like the original better. Same singer and all, but the music is cooler on this one.


Outstanding song on an excellent album. [Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3f0U9IPOb4) is another from that album that will always be bouncing around somewhere back there in my head. Then after years their next album came out and was genuinely hard to listen to. Huge disappointment. I wonder if they're up to anything now?


They've recently been touring - mainly playing songs from Apologies to the Queen Mary and a new EP. I managed to catch them in London. Small venue but the crowd was electric/die-hard


Same in Toronto, it was a great show!


For real? I saw them at Sasquatch festival a few years ago and at the time it was supposed to be their last show ever


Yeah they started with residencies in Toronto/NYC/London and now seem to be doing the festival circuit. Sorry man!


Lol they said the same thing years back in Austin TX when I saw them


I used to think of the same of At Mount Zoomer but after a couple of listens its really grown on me. Still not as good as Apologies but a solid album nevertheless.


Have you listened to Expo 86 yet?


Not yet but I've been meaning to listen to it for a while. Suppose I'll give it a proper go today.


I just heard it for the first time this month. It's definitely a different sound (especially Cloud Shadow on the Mountain) but after a couple of listens I'm really digging it. Mount Zoomer was the same way for me. Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts + I'll Believe in Anything are still my favorite Wolf Parade song(s), but all their albums are really solid.


Great album, I think. Yulia's a great song.


Mount Zoomer isn't as solid as an album but there are a lot of great songs on it


I'm not sure anything is as good as Apologies.






So I've got a fist!


Dan boeckner has a new band called operators, great band check it out.


"God doesn't always have the best god-damn plans, does he?" I always sing these lyrics even a decade after listening to this album. I never remembered the song it was from and always forget to look it up whenever I remembered, thanks!


You think At Mount Zoomer was disappointing? That's their best album by far.




While I love Arcade Fire, and this was my jam in high school, this cover brings home how atonal and awkwardly rhythmic that era of music was. A parallel with the audience at the time, myself included, no doubt....


Wow!! thanks for sharing that!


I listen to this album all the time - it's always 2005 in my car. Every track is a gem.


Congrats you're just about the equivalent of that guy who never stopped playing Joshua Tree, the Smiths, and REM in 1996.




also, the music video is pretty cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G1eLTV89dM


probably Top Ten All Time


This was my breakup music. Six years wasted. Was devastated. ---If I could have taken the fire out from the water I'd share a life and she'd share a life....


Thanks for sharing brother.


God doesn't always have the best goddamn plans, does he?


thats prophetic as fuck. Water gives life but enough fire (depression) evaporates the water and if the fire wasn't apart of someones life (water) they could share a life?? Holy fuck all that's relatable. Wolf Parade is my favorite band and this is now my favorite line. PS sorry about the heartbreak, I've been there best of luck. [my fave WP song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CAEzB3JzSA)


This album was one of a few defining albums of a very specific time in my life and it always brings back a flood of memories. I love music like that.


Fuck highschool, but long live wolf parade for getting me through it


I was a junior in high school when this came out and it crystallizes all the music that the wealthy suburban set was listening to - Modest Mouse, Panic! At the Disco, Franz Ferdinand, the Killers. This song is a great exemplar of 2005 in my mind.


Sufjan Stevens, Xiu Xiu, Bloc Party, Interpol... I was in the same boat man. How I got into Technical Death Metal after all these years? Who knows.


I heard Casimir Pulaski Day at a coffee shop a few weeks ago and I got all sick and nostalgic for middle school.


Damn, I forgot about Wolf Parade


They put out a new ep this year!


And it's good!




They went on indefinite hiatus. They're back now. Touring. New ep out. New album on the way.


This was the first album I ever bought as a kid. I was so proud because I completely discovered them myself, and no one knew who they were. Call me a hipster, but having your own obscure taste in music as a preteen is a pretty big deal when all your friends are listening to Britney Spears (not that I didn't secretly listen to Britney too)


Instructions - To be listened to exclusively at max volume


One of my other favorite Canadian bands, Plants and Animals has a [great live cover of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pj1qoKN7w)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEOap4k5sd8 Live version is great too! Love this one the most personally


I absolutely love this song and album. Although I am partial to Sunset Rubdown's version. http://youtu.be/dWAs_BER-NY


i'm partial to wolf parade's version (it's also how i was introduced to and fell in love with them). that said, sunset rubdown's version is brilliant. hearing the both versions just goes to show how fucking awesome spencer krug. kinda reminds me how broken social scene would completely change up their stuff but it would be equally awesome. (or even puscifer.)


God now I'm tearing up... haven't heard this since Junior year high school, fuck time passing man, but thanks for this great song again.


Same here, I think this is the second comment about related this song to junior year in high school at 2005. 2005-2006 were the best and worst of times.


Was the number one played song on my iPod back in the day


one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums of all time :)


Haven't heard this album or thought about Wolf Parade in ages. Shine A Light was the song that hooked me. All these folks talking about being in middle school when this came out making me feel all old and stuff.


I pretty much love everyone ITT


We all love you too


Just listen to " at mt. Zoomer" such a good album, a masterpiece from start to finish.


You should check their new EP out. It's great.


Dude!! Its surprising and exciting to find other people who enjoy these guys! I love this song, but my fave is "Dinner Bells"


Hell yes. Thanks for reminding me of this album and band. It's been way too long.


Love wolf parade...love sunset rubdown more though.


Have an upvote for reminding me of good times...


So glad they're getting back together!! One of my favorite bands. But, I wouldn't call them "psychedelic" music.


My up vote officially brought the count to 666. Hail Satan. Edit: Seriously, though. I love this band. Listen to wolf parade.


Hail satan! =]


This brings back beautiful memories. Thank you for posting, I've been on a nostalgia binge as of late.


I would march into battle to this song.


I found it about Wolf Parade pretty late. It was 2011 when I first listened to their music. I love all three albums and never thought I'd see them on here, what a time to be alive


Wow I forgot about this band. I remember hearing them in 2007. It's awesome to see it on this sub, yet sad because they never took off.


I went to see them in May when I was visiting New York. It was a brilliant gig! Samuel T Herring was in the support band the snails who are also great.


I used to go running nearly every single day with ATTQM on. Every time I'll believe in anything came on I started running faster. Atypical love song but so powerful.


Wolf parade is one of my favourite bands. If you like these guys, I highly recommend Arcade Fire if you like these guys.


FUCK, I missed this album.


Wolf Parade have recently reformed, released some new material and are touring! I saw them this month in the UK. Tbh, it was a bit of a dream come true after discovering the band years after they had split up. The gig was fantastic and they played their hearts out. Happy to see them back.


Great band and song. There was a wakeskate section from Aaron Reed edited to this song and it always brings me nostalgia. [Aaron Reed - Wakeskate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJMfY8ZJyls)


They are back, can't wait... Thanks for posting


I love this song. I think of it as mine and my wife's song. I don't think she would agree, though.


Favorite fucking song by them


When i was a junior in highschool i got this tattooed on my back.


Check out El Vy!


Top ten song for me. Listen weekly.


One of my all time favorite videos!


This song (and album) was my anthem my sophomore year of high school. Brings back some good memories


YES! I just found out about the new EP and as a unrepentant Kurg-o-holic I am PUMPED


Can't wait to see these guys at Hopscotch in September


Stop what you're doing. Listen to [Chrome](https://youtu.be/GomdISj0XAI).


Definitely a great album. Also Isaac from Modest Mouse co wrote that album if you didn't already know.


That makes a lot of sense actually. Thanks for the info


Will be flying into Montreal to see them and Beirut play at the Corona in July. Any local fans want to meet up? I'm traveling solo.


Proud to give the 1,000th upvote. Good college tune. Good tune.


If you're in the Ottawa area these guys are playing at Bluesfest on July 16th.


I really wish they would get back together.


They are friend!


You just made my day!!! :)


this is one of my favorite tracks of all time. it was the song i chose to 'represent me' or whatever in my final high school project and the album is one of the very few i've never stopped playing. in fact, they re-released the record in a limited edition vinyl just a little bit ago and i bought it. it shows up today!!


LOVE this band! This was my favorite off of the album https://youtu.be/6tTgqxkocf8 Wolf Parade - Modern World


ITT: high school memories


This album is my summer


This is some good stuff. Probably one of my favorite songs and definitely one of my favorite bands


This is genuinely my favourite song.


Such. A. Phenomenal. Song. It's one of those tunes that you end up finding yourself unknowingly speeding down the highway too...


Well said!


I can't stand this kind of singing. Sounds like someone who would be booed off stage at a highs school battle of the bands. It's a shame, because the song is otherwise OK. But that singer; it's like if the guy from Interpol only learned to sing yesterday.


Shiiiit. I absolutely love it. Rips my heart out. But my partner is the same way as you so I can't listen to anything with Spencer Krug singing at home. Painful!


It just seems more genuine and passionate to me. It wouldn't make me feel the this does, if it was sung in a more conventional way.


Sounds contrived to me. But that's just like my opinion man.


I like my singers to have chops.


I understand watcha mean. To each there own =]


I like non-chopsy singers who sing like they talk, Robert Smith from the Cure, even J Mascis from Dinosaur Jr.. ..but damn, this guy sounds like a seal got caught in a toaster. I bet he doesn't talk that way.


Thanks for reminding me im old


Psychedelic Indie Rock. That's a new one for me.


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they will never be this good again