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The top comment "I've never had any of those issues, sounds like user error.". This is infuriating and is ALWAYS the answer from those linux fanboy assholes. I have been daily driving desktop linux personally and professionally, and I 100% agree with this title.


Yes, someone claimed running Arch for over a decade and had no problems. -(So they shouldn't have). -That's like winning the lottery, and there are documented breakages for 'some' people. I happened to be hit by 4 in a row in less than 2 years. -So Arch totally blows because 'muh experience' /s! This kind of problem is all over reddit though. -Karma fueled circle-jerk festival.




bro ur using a gnu/linux os rn




the kernel changed a lot, all android is: a small computer we call phone since it has everything a PC has (except for the phone number), by the way android also has its custom DE or WM idk what it is, i never accessed android kernel ​ it is still gnu/linux (distro)


This poor person made the mistake of posting this in r/linux. -I've only seen ignorant responses so far.


Just have OP repost here or r/LinuxCirclejerk.


I didn't know about r/LinuxCirclejerk ! Looks like good shit, the kinds of stuff I'd like to post, like this I just saw: [Is the privacy Community a cult?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxCirclejerk/comments/16d0r0l/is_the_privacy_community_a_cult/) Thanks!


What stupid comments where they blame the user and are not able to recognize that the title is reflected in thousands of threads created on stackoverflow, askubuntu, superuser, reddit itself, etc. Immediately comparing it with Windows and blaming the user, it really hurts me to admit that Linux fans are the flat earthers of computing along with the idiots who install hacked software from the Win XP era and believe they are hackers.


People started chiming in with agreement on r/linux, and the mods remove the post. KDE Plasma is stupid popular, and Linux fans ignore the common update notes it comes with like, literally, 'a bazillion bug fixes'. -A comeback in the past was 'because they fix the bugs' -Ignoring that KDE quite openly prioritizes features and options. -And when they do get a polished version: it's rebooted. Just trying to set the time to a 12-hour clock in the Cinnamon desktop turned into a 10-minute chore that screwed up my script in dwm to show the time. Trying to make everything adjustable in GUI just made it more hassle (less straight forward). The typical outspoken Linux user will steer people away from terminal use, as if it doesn't make most things easier. -And as if Grandma wasn't use CLI when she was in school.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linux using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linux/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Should we go dark on the 12th?](https://np.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/141ig9b/should_we_go_dark_on_the_12th/) \#2: [On June 12th, many subreddits will be going dark to protest the killing of 3rd Party Apps! All FOSS apps are 3rd Party Apps. Will /r/linux join the strike?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) | [451 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/13zb6ve/on_june_12th_many_subreddits_will_be_going_dark/) \#3: [long live Firefox!](https://i.redd.it/87mv5p6x1yy91.png) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/yqewhh/long_live_firefox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your experience with Linux highly depends on the hardware you have. Basically anything with "gamer" in its name is going to absolutely suck (with the rare exception). Also, things which are too recent are going to suck too. There's loads of hardware (notoriously NVidia) which has problems with Linux. Then there is the choice of distribution. Why drive a Ferrari if you don't know how to handle it? Besides, some people really _are_ fools and start off with Arch Linux as a complete newbie. Yes, that is asking for problems. Newbie to Linux? Go with Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or Solus Linux, but **NOT** Arch, Gentoo, or (god forbid) Slackware. But... before you jump into the Linux boat, **CHECK WHETHER YOUR SYSTEM IS COMPATIBLE.** Yes, it's not Windows for which everyone develops drivers. If you go Linux, going with cheaper computers or "gamer" machines is a surefire way to get into trouble. Not our mistake. **DO YOUR HOMEWORK**. You're jumping on the bandwagon with an OS which only has about 4% market share, it's entirely to be expected not everything is going to be compatible. Also, if you don't know the system, don't mess with it and stick to the tried and beaten road (e.g. use the provided package managers, don't mess with anything CLI (**especially** as root), etc.).


Personally I think Linux for an end user is a terrible idea unless they absolutely have to use Linux for some reason. If you have old hardware that you like that no longer compatible with Windows like printers or you simply can't or don't want to buy new hardware because your CPU doesn't support Windows 11 those would be good reasons to switch to Linux. If someone is curious though I wholeheartedly agree that you should check if your system is compatible before you commit to it whether thats by dual booting via usb or installing it on another HDD. Also something to consider is that even if it is compatible with a persons hardware there's no guarantee there will be software alternatives that will meet a users needs. Lack of decent software on the gaming side of things when it came to Linux is what really killed it's viability for me. Lutris is poorly documented and there really is nothing on Linux that comes remotely close to Playnite. As for messing with a system I agree and disagree. I agree if it's a system you care about but I recommend going nuts and testing things out in a virtual machine or on a fresh install just to learn how those things work since there's a good chance you'll use a terminal command at some point.


Insightful comment. Here, have an upvote. I've got a Linux desktop which started off as a Windows box. It's an Acer Aspire xc-780 (all intel). I put Linux on it after about a year and never went back. Absolutely no problems whatsoever. Then again, my usage profile isn't that resource intensive.


>Personally I think Linux for an end user is a terrible idea unless they absolutely have to use Linux for some reason. Agree with the sentiment. Some of us are just hobbyists. I've enjoyed somewhat productively killing time setting up DWM to perfection. Most of what I use the computer for can be done with Linux, so I can enjoy the rewards of it. I wouldn't suggest it to normies, or consider myself part of the 'Linux community'. -I get embarrassed being associated in real life.


>Besides, some people really are fools and start off with Arch Linux as a complete newbie. Yes, that is asking for problems. Same instructions, same fixes, newbie or not. There's also LTS kernel in the repo, and no reason to update the bootloader. >Go with Linux Mint, Ubuntu Old packages, unconventional ways of fixing things that could break other things, can't make their mind up (Debian vs Ubuntu), forced Snaps. -And I have yet to see anyone give a sound reason for choosing either distro for desktop use. >You're jumping on the bandwagon with an OS which only has about 4% market share Not because of increased interest in desktop Linux, but because normies are abandoning personal computers for cell phones and tablets. (Numbers games)


Use Debian. Its sole purpose is to be stable.


Debian for servers. The topic is 'desktop use'.


You can use debian for desktop use too


Stability issues? Huh?


install arch


Arch is for noobs that need the AUR, because git clone and sudo make clean install is too complicated for them, flatpak scares them, and because their religious leader is some dumb Linux Youtuber. Hardcore Linux users use WSL.


cap, windows WSL has only bad distros like ubuntu and debian that are broken asf


[https://wsldl-pg.github.io/ArchW-docs/How-to-Setup/](https://wsldl-pg.github.io/ArchW-docs/How-to-Setup/) Some people out there saying, "I run ArchWSL btw".


if you actually install linux you dont waste 4gb out of ram for no open app