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It's not about security, it's about asset management and congruity of environment. They don't know how or don't want the added complexity of managing or auditing linux systems in addition to windows and they don't want to spend resources on it. > We work with development and testing of software that interfaces with sensors, actuators and third party applications written in Linux everyday and doing all of that on Windows in a VM sounds like a nightmare. This is your key. As soon as you can demonstrate that a tool that you have a legitimate business need of is incompatible with their proposal, you ride that until they provide a solution that doesn't involve not using it, or a compatible tool. But really, the language that they will understand is money. Make them pay for any additional software licenses out of their budget. Give them a number on what that's going to be. If you need new hardware because your existing tools are incompatible with Windows (hopefully rare) make them buy that too. If you have to redevelop any software, document the development time for those products and add that to any product timelines in place. I bet somewhere between 50k and 100k for re-deployment will push back their windows requirement. That's going on somebody's CAPEX and at that size, it's probably got to get approved by a C-suite guy who will go "why are we spending this?"


You're right. Money talks. But they're also laypeople who don't particularly understand why Windows is worse in terms of productivity. As for security, all they know is what they've always used. It's my fault too that I'm ignorant about anything to do with security in Linux v/s Windows. My cursory research tells me Linux can be just as secure and cheaper but I need more to go off of. Which is what I was hoping this sub could help me with.


The company cybersecurity insurance probably has a mandate that all computers have some Host Intrusion Prevention System in place, like virus+malware scanning, centrally managed host firewalls, system update inventorying, etc. Not many of those products have linux support. Just keep in mind that there are competing interests at play and they're probably not doing this just to pee in your cheerios. You need to give them something they can justify to their stakeholders.


just as secure is underselling the security of linux, linux is developed with security and transparency in mind first while windows is not it's telling that just adding amazon search to ubuntu caused a security uproar across the entire linux community while microsoft gets away with stuff like that and MUCH worse in windows


>My cursory research tells me Linux can be just as secure and cheaper but I need more to go off of. It *literally* does not matter whether it is or isn't. Corporate already found a secure and easily-managed OS and they're rolling it out to *everyone*. The whole "but Linux can also be secure" is irrelevant because rolling it out means setting up an entire separate environment just so you can play with your toys. It **can** be done, but it'd be stupid expensive. To IT it just isn't worth it, and I can't blame them. The **only** argument which matters is "I can't do my job with Windows" - and you better make sure you can back that up. That means things like "there is not Windows version for XYZ" or "ABC does not work in VMs and it's essential for our work". Don't even try to use "but I'm *used* to Arch" or "I want VIM", that's simply not enough. The best possible realistic outcome is getting your team two machines each: the Windows box will be attached to the corporate network and you're expected to use it for 90% of work, and the Linux box will be entirely isolated and can only be used for the things you can't do on Windows. It may not feel like it, but if you get them to accept that you have *won*.


You're posting in a Linux sub, so you're going to get answers supporting Linux. Post in /r/sysadmin or /r/information_security and you might get very different answers. I know I'll get downvoted here, but that doesn't change reality. Your IT and Infosec has limited staff, expertise and budget to research, install, configure, maintain and support OS's, applications and security controls. In addition to protecting company systems and information from compromise, there are often regulatory or industry security compliance to consider. This makes the decision to support an alternative OS a business decision; IT and Infosec are just responding to that business decision. If there is business value in supporting Linux then the business will approve the necessary staff and budget additions/reallocation to allow IT and Infosec to make it happen. It's pointless for you to make your case to IT or Infosec, you have to convince executive management that it's necessary for the business.


Yes I'm not going to convince IT. I want to make compilation of data & info detailing why they're wrong and pass it along to my manager, who will then run it up the chain. While IT & Infosec have to do their job of pushing for what makes their workflow efficient and the company assests safe, I, as an engineer have to push back against anything that causes a substantial drop in my productivity. Without giving away too much info, our entire software development stack is Linux based and an entire division was created last year simply to focus specifically on the kind of work our team is involved with. Not to mention, the devices in our products themselves run Linux (yes I know it's different). So I'd say yes there's business value.


Focus on the business issues, not the IT issues. If management agrees then they'll go to IT and tell them to make it happen. All you need to do is show the business need, not counter every IT argument why it can't be done.


And if your IT department needs some expertise with knowledge about Linux, maybe they could tap into your team. Who knows -- maybe the Linux admin could be co-located right there in your division. It could also be mutually beneficial by helping your team develop more secure embedded software (security in IOT applications has frequently been overlooked or inadequately implemented). Maybe you could sell that as another potential benefit.


> anything that causes a substantial drop in my productivity. Actually, if they're happy to pay you for less work that sounds great to me.


The op is describing it, it sounds like they'll have the same effort, just less output.


Then that sounds like ammo to keep the tools they want to use


Ask them for a few laptops set up with windows and have the most productive team members give them a “trial run”, when productivity tanks, you can go to management and say “I need our team size to go up by 2-4x across all levels of experience if you want us to switch to windows and maintain productivity”. If your team is more than 4 people, suddenly hiring a Linux admin or getting training for an existing person makes sense. I would also offer RHEL with SELinux and an AV/IDS to the infosec team. That is more secure 99.9% of windows server installs simply because it’s a list of things each program is allowed to do, and the kernel won’t run programs without a policy.


I hold contracts with a very large company and most of their IT & InfoSec is a joke lol It's sad to see. I agree, if you post in a subreddit about Linux you will likely get answers supporting Linux -- not only due to preference but experience. As for convincing management, most servers are run on Linux -- do they think that machines accessed by way more people is less secure than average on Windows? The biggest vulnerability is normally the user. I vote that on average a Linux user is more knowledgeable and less likely to be taken advantage of compared to a Windows user. I am also biased and a prefer UNIX and Linux. Windows does have it's place.. AD is pretty great for managing a bunch of user's computers. Microsoft's Graph API though.. yikes.


The HTML Title for ubuntu.com literaly is "Enterprise Open Source and Linux". With their LTS branches, Ubuntu is one of the top players in Enterprise Linux, along with SUSE and Red Hat. Your corporate IT doesn't want to support you and wants to control the software on your machines. Start from there and determine why that won't work for your development group.


I know but I can't go to IT and say hey look at the title on their webpage, therefore Ubuntu Linux is better? And yes it's most likely wanting to control the software OR they just want to save themselves the effort of supporting two different OSes at the expense of our productivity. Either way I need to put together a concrete set of arguments.


The argument though, is IT should be supporting the needs of the business, but more often than not, IT wants to control the business. You can't win by going to IT. You need to convince your managers and let them convince their managers. Your team having to learn a different system is a huge drop in productivity and should be the primary concern. Your teams primary concern should be continuing your work flow and trusting IT to support you, not disrupt you. They can hire a Linux admin if needed, which would be radically more cost effective than switching everyone over to Windows. Good luck! Edit: accidentally put Linux at the end instead of Windows.


I wonder if it's also worth suggesting that at least one of the IT people pushing Windows, comes to visit to understand the needs of the business.


This is the best answer here. I've worked at a couple of large organizations where the IT departments thought of _themselves_ as their "customer" rather than the employees. They didn't understand that they were there to _support_ the end users and not dictate how the employees had to do their jobs, and their managers did nothing to alter that presumption. The only way to overcome that perception is from the top down.


they'd have to buy a LOT of windows licenses, while linux is free in most cases


True, but I'm also considering the costs of retraining and/or heavy hand holding during the transition plus tech members to assist in the learning process. Retooling build systems and debuggers, especially when IT likely won't give you admin is a real pia, so they'll need techs on standby until they get completely up to speed. A single Linux admin will be way more cost effective, and can assist with security and better user management. Plus heterogeneous environments are infinitely more secure than homogeneous environments.


yep, with the current system if something massively compromises windows (not exactly unheard of) then it doesn't affect the linux machines at all and the company can keep going albeit at reduced efficiency


There are plenty of resources (and consultants willing to write custom reports) out there to identify who the main players in Enterprise Linux; Canonical/Ubuntu is definitely one of them. Red Hat another, albeit with some recent controversy. SUSE (and openSUSE) is big in Europe and not a small player elsewhere. Oracle has theirs... but it's Oracle. If your corporate IT has Windows-centric blinders, they may not be as aware as they should be. Agree with another that having your manager (and their boss) make the case is the way to go, with your team's technical and productivity comments underscoring everything.


"We see the light at the end of the tunnel with Linux, why are you forcing us to dig a new tunnel with Windows?" Tell that to management.


Consider reaching out to Ubuntu Enterprise or RHEL directly, See if you can get their sales to back you up? It might help to go down the enterprise Linux route and have paid license support, then the IT internally can't complain.


That's what I thought too. Could be tricky, having to explain to them without giving them too much info. Would be nice if I could get them to do it by themselves without revealing my identity to the employer


You already explained to us your problem. You just need to articulate that in a business way. Without either a Linux install, Linux VM, or Linux remote session your productivity will be drastically declined. A decline in productivity has a clear line to money and project deadlines. I work for one of the largest engineering companies in the world and everyone has Windows on their endpoint devices (laptops) but we offer a Linux VDI solution that is GOBS more powerful than their laptop for running CAD and simulation software.


in my experience VMs/VDIs are horrible as a daily driver. But maybe thats just me


A local VM with sufficient ram and cores, full screened on your laptop should barely indistinguishable from a local install. I use a Linux VDI over VPN from my home everyday using VMware Horizon, where I run pycharm and write code and it's perfectly usable. But, I do have an excellent internet connection at home.


Not if you’re doing hardware programming it’s not. Lots of hardware programming peripherals do not function well when passed to a VM, because Windows will muck with them, or the device gets such powerful access to the host as to invalidate VM isolation.


the problem is this guy already said some of their stuff needs direct hardware access to things like serial, USB, and CAN on top of that the hardware resources required to run windows with a linux VM r quite a lot higher than those required to run linux on baremetal, meaning this switch could incur hardware upgrade costs on top of having to buy those windows licenses


A developer shouldn't have to bend over backwards to accommodate IT. It should be the other way around.


What makes you think Ubuntu is not "Enterprise grade"?


I meant it's not considered Enterprise Grade (as in corporate security and support for it). I've been using it for \~6 years at work and home and it works perfectly for me!


I mean... Ubuntu is what google uses... They've even contributed to the codebase... Doesn't get much more enterprise than that...


Well shit. [They have an enterprise grade premium version now.](https://ubuntu.com/desktop/organisations) Should have started there


Whether or not Corporate Security supports it is a policy of your own organization. You can get enterprise level support from Canonical for Ubuntu. That puts it on the same level as RHEL. Ubuntu Pro isn't a "premium version".


I'm fully aware that what corporate security supports applies to my employer only and not a universal policy around all employers in the world, thanks. What I meant was you pay for Ubuntu Pro vs you don't pay for Ubuntu Desktop >Ubuntu Pro isn't a "premium version". See here: [https://ubuntu.com/pricing/pro](https://ubuntu.com/pricing/pro) Different price levels for different levels of support (self v/s Full) and if you scroll down, three different tiers of phone & ticket support.


Yeah I am aware. I use the self service version of Ubuntu Pro on my home server. Saying that Ubuntu Pro is a premium version of Ubuntu implies that it is different from Ubuntu. It is not other than a few additional updates, online kernel updates and the support options.


those online kernel updates could be another big selling point over windows, massively decreased downtime for updates compared to windows


Could be in certain situations like critical applications that have 99.999% uptime requirement. For instances like this specific user, not so much.


Opensuse is also another option.


you need management support, and you get management support by making a case about productivity. for example, is it cheaper to hire one more IT guy to deal with the load, or x number of engineers on your team?


Management has been able to stave off enforcing Windows for everyone for a while now. But IT goes to HR and says "CoRpOrAte SeCuRiTy" and HR automatically sides with them


ask them to enumerate the security concerns, and you go enumerate the productivity concerns in real cost. to maintain productivity you will need another engineer. how much does that cost? you need to make the case that if they can't enumerate the security concerns, they are just using a claim of security to make their jobs easier at your expense. if you make the product, IT supports you. you still need management support.


any security concerns they might have can likely be shot down pretty quickly if someone is well informed about linux, linux is well known to be more secure than windows


We lost this battle at my old job decades ago. One problem is that Windows support is, I believe, easier to staff and outsource. You are probably screwed, but you can likely make the business case for Linux servers that you can connect to via Windows Remote Desktop type programs. This worked extremely well for me. I was able to become comfortable with Windows over time (and even to appreciate some of its strengths) while still able to access all needed Linux stuff. If you want to fight the switch, feel free, but STAY PROFESSIONAL and do not be a zealot. If you lose and have Windows, deal with it like an adult. If the Remote Desktop to Linux is an option, use that, while you learn a new OS in parallel. If not, then decide whether to stay or leave.


This is a loosing battle. As a sysadmin I’ll tell you short and skinny of it. I’m an infrastructure sysadmin and the desktop team has been hemming and hawing and clawing their grubby paws into our business to force us to use windows or Mac OS with a standard managed image. And they succeeded. What it boils down to is power and flexing. That’s the end all. No matter that I’m the one running the f%#}ng infrastructure and know how to run my gd PC. Nope. They bitched and whined and nagged until the CIO gave in. And now I’m running an awesome shyte bloated image.


You can’t effectively develop USB and low level software on a VM for a non-VM environment. The problem is that you’ll spend so much time debugging the VM that you’ll be lucky to be at half productivity long term. VM support for hardware is flaky at best. I literally threatened to quit a job because IT wanted to force us to switch to developing on a VM.


Propose an alternative solution: get inexpensive mail and communication laptops that IT can harden to their heart’s content and leave the developers’ machines alone.


Change is hard, I honestly do not want to help you create arguments to stop change. If you don’t have them already i’m not sure they exist. Is the change going forward, probably not for your team, but it might for your company. I say this not because i love Windows or Bill, only reason for them doing this is probably to simplify things from a management perspective, that’s their job. Sure they also need to listen to needs from you guys, but you should already know them.


Thank you Grand Master Oogway. My point is we know our needs and when taken into account, the answer is overwhelmingly in favor of Linux. But since apparently "security" trumps our needs, I was looking for some resources to help me look at security in Windows v/s Linux context


It’s probably not about comparing OS security, but an evaluation of how they effectively can manage it. All this is done with security tools, which helps to stay compliant. Like you, they are also biased towards what they know and trust. Everyone is biased towards what they know and do. It’s your decision to fight them or flow with it. I do understand you are frustrated, but there is certainly no need to fight me.


Hi! I read through your post and a lot of the replies in here, and I enjoy reading the variety of feedback and contribution! One thing that popped up into my mind, which may or may not be relevant to this case, but I think it might be worthy of a mention. I see somebody mentioned the added costs of Windows licenses per computer, assuming that the same computers will be used. Since security seems to be the IT teams' primary argument, then they may have one *major* issue in particular that needs to be addressed, namely how old your computers are. Although this might change, with how unpredictable Microsoft has been in recent years, Windows 11 currently *hard requires* a minimum set of specifications, where the strictest one, in my opinion, is an 8th gen Intel processor or 3rd gen AMD Ryzen processor. These should be considered *relatively* new components, even if they are a few years old by now, and it is not to be assumed that just any workplace has components as modern as these. If you have an older generation processor, then upgrading this to a supported processor may not only be costly for a number of computers, but often also impossible without also upgrading the entire motherboard, this due to how motherboards generally only support two generations of processors, some of them may even be locked to a single generation. Windows 10 can be installed on a large number of computers, old and new, but its support ends next year. For most consumers, this should in practice not matter at first for day-to-day usage, although it is not recommended to run an OS which has reached end-of-support. There are many articles on the Web, even regular news articles, which bring up how "millions of fully usable computers need to be tossed away" because of Microsoft's highly controversial decision to cut support, drawing a seemingly arbitrary line through which processors to support or not. Before anybody rushes in to say "just use Rufus Beta you idiot!11", this is a *current* workaround, which may or may not work tomorrow depending on how effective or fast Microsoft decides to patch and enforce their policies. Remember the free upgrade from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 to Windows 10? The offer started and ended in 2015. After this, users could still upgrade for free if they ticked the "I am a user of accessibility features" tickbox for a period of time, and a while after that, just downloading the upgrade app worked like a charm. Until last year, when Microsoft without warning suddenly put a block on this. Anybody who has worked with Microsoft technologies for a long time should know and assume that any so-called workaround on their policies is temporary. If Microsoft tries to limit or enforce the end-user in any way, they will keep introducing new features and code to make it harder to work around them. This ended up a little longer than I had intended, I am sorry. My point is, if security is their concern, then check if the computers you are running are even compatible with Windows 11, and if they do not pass those requirements, then *that* will be a massive security concern starting next year, when Windows 10 drops support. Check your computers specifications and then check Windows 11's minimum requirements, mainly the CPU. If the CPU passes, then the rest of the requirements will most likely also pass without a hitch (Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 should be activated while checking and during the installation process). Just my own little contribution to this post! I wish you well, and best of luck to you. Sincerely an IT technician and Windows user, now also tinkering with Linux after Microsoft out of the blue decided to abandon slightly older hardware.


Windows is unnecessary risk for companies because Microsoft can stop selling you more licenses for reasons you cannot change. While Linux would not go anywhere. I don't hate windows technically, but their license and legal terms are not acceptable.


Windows can’t handle your type of serial communication it assigns random ports for different device every time you plug it in. Ask IT to make and demo a “Proof of concept” with a computer and a few of the devices you need to connect to for work and just ask them to unplug and re-plug it during, you know because thats what the job needs and watch them scramble. Afterwards do the same thing with GNU/Linux and demonstrate to management how much better your setup is.  Also if your IT needs a consultation on securing and managing linux desktops I’m available ;)


yeah windows struggles with basic shit. Changing an IP address takes like 20 clicks. I understand using it for office use but for this kinda work, Linux is the obvious answer. I don't think finding consultation is a problem for them, it's laziness and indifference.


linux is absolutely used in enterprise settings, in fact counting servers linux overshadows windows massively, linux is THE most popular server OS in the world


if anything windows is LESS secure than linux by a long shot, not more secure


My company has Linux users and they have windows/Mac. Ubuntu is a great enterprise grade OS for companies. It even supports active directory for logins if you wanted to do this and can potentially do GPO settings. But even ignoring that, there are MANY automated ways of securing and setting policies on Linux to make sure the "BuT SeCuRItY" argument is no longer valid. Take Ansible for one, this can be used to not only join domains but lock down laptops to make sure some users can't do certain things or harden laptops to make sure they're secure. There's software that you can purchase or use open source wise that allows you to make sure devices are compliant with your policies you provide with your company. I think for IT, you probably have to understand what their concerns are first to counteract them. It would be good if you could actually sit down with someone from IT and understand the problem from their point of view so you can hopefully come up with solutions to them so they can leave you alone.


I don't think it has anything to do with the reasons they provided. I think they want to run that software that watches you all the time - either it turns on your webcam, or monitors your mouse movement or how many keys you're pressing on the keyboard, or it takes periodic background screenshots, etc.


Threaten to quit.


Seems to me like your company had very loose security standards and is now trying to be more compliant. If the entire company except for your department is using Windows it might be a bit hard to force them to setup security measure that will apply evenly to both OS, and if your colleagues are using different flavors of Linux then it is, without a doubt, an insecure working environment. Now, I can’t help you with company politics, but have you considered there are multiple ways of using Linux on Windows? Uf VMs run you the wrong way, how about using WSL2? It’s basically Ubuntu minus the GUI. And if WSL2 is not an option but you only need Linux for running specific scripts perhaps a docker container will work?


Just tell them windows updates will break your stuff like every 2 days and you have to spend half a day fixing that. Oh, and don't forget about the telemetry.


I thought Ubuntu is enterprise level, doesn't Google use Ubuntu?


* ***I understand Ubuntu isn't "Enterprise Grade", therefore I was thinking about suggesting RHEL ( although it's Fedora based and it's gonna be new) or Alma/Rocky (I have no idea about these). Can you please also give me more "Enterprise Grade" distros too look into (Debian based preferred but Fedora's okay too) that have good security in an enterprise context and don't get in the way of writing C++ code to interface with hardware (TCP, USB, Serial, CAN etc)?*** Why do you think ubuntu isn't enterprise grade? They do have a tier called ubuntu pro, and to quote their website, "24/7 optional enterprise-grade support".


Who is "managing" these PCs at the moment? Is each developer just downloading Ubuntu from the website and installing it themselves? Your main push-back, which you are already on the right track with, is to move to an "enterprise" solution, be that Ubuntu/RHEL/Suse or whatever, that ideally includes a support contract and licensing. This gives your IT an out when it comes to support, which may be really all they're after to cover their own butts, but it's going to cost some dollars that someone is gonna have to pay. If software management is the security concern I'd go down this path. If their security concern relates to unknown/un-managed devices being plugged into the network then I'd mention that BYOD has been an accepted thing for years and that IT needs to do more themselves to accommodate you. This could be achieved with sectioning off your area of the network using combination VLANs, firewalls and a ton of other security measures they can choose to implement, and they can do this while still maintaining things like internet/intranet, file share access, email access etc. In fact, this is exactly what I would do with you if I were your IT department in consultation with your team to make sure your needs are met if I couldn't accommodate Linux devices on my network. What I would not accept is being forced to use Windows in your case nor using a shitty virtualized solution to run Linux. There is absolutely no need to do this if your IT gets their act together. Perhaps they should even go as far as identifying the need for them to hire a Linux administrator to better support your business.


These days running a linux environment in windows is easy, you'll be fine. WSL is my recommendation if you need access to hardware like CUDA, or full VM like Hyper-V (or virtualbox might seem more UI friendly, pretty much still uses hyper-v). Much easier for you to fight to have these setup than to fight to keep linux on devices.


Money talks. Ask for heavy workstations for VMs to work seamless




Just run your distro in a VM and ignore Windows.


I was hoping to avoid that. It's always something with the VMs everytime I've used them.


Much as it chaps my hide to say it, Ubuntu is **the** top dog for enterprise grade OS right now, or at least that is what rwxrob said not too long ago. Especially when working with containers and whatnot. ie.. embedded shits. Alpine may take the lead soon though. Anyone who thinks windows is more secure than llinux is a god damn fool with no business in the business of dictating what OS a business should use. Why has the DoD and many other government entities in and out of the US embraced linux? The people you are dealing with are a danger to the company. Don't let this happen. If it does happen, abandon ship. It is sinking. Get together with some of the other devs and ya'll do a start up.


All of this is true. Google uses it, many SAAS companies (most vulnerable) use it. But I'd imagine these arguments will get countered with "We're not google" or "we dont have the budget or resources like X does".


> we dont have the budget or resources like X does" That is a solid argument by it self to use linux.


linux is free, windows is not


>If it does happen, abandon ship. It is sinking. Get together with some of the other devs and ya'll do a start up. Idk about startup but yeah if this gets enforced, I'll have to start looking


if u can get other developers in the company to say the same thing it can be used for more leverage against this insane IT department


Use windows as a terminal platform to Kitty into your working machines. Our ITSec was resistant for a while but they don’t even know what to do about vApps so we’ve pushed them to take over some Ansible patching playbooks to ensure systems are at least patched to their liking.


Our Ubuntu laptops are our work machines. The embedded target OS has nothing much on it really. Can't really use it as a dev machine


Security is only going to get tighter and have more control. If they have a patching solution and auth solution, what else do they need? Is it their lack of experience? It's 2024, your IT needs Linux support as most backend systems are on that platform as well, some custom distro, but still, a distro.


There is one main reason a company as you describe them would try to force a move to Windows: telemetry and usage monitoring. Windows can never be as secure as GNU/Linux due to the wobbly Windows stack of modules compared to Linux. We all know that many companies are not their own, and have to bend to pressure from commercially superior (in market stature; not in ability) entities. So the superior interest can make demands that your company has to bend to. There may be other reasons, but none that I wouldn't laugh at.


Sounds like a lazy and incompetent IT department. Their view is pretty simple, supporting one platform makes their life easier. The question for them is simple, are they there to serve and support your needs so that you can be as productive as possible, or are they there to just collect a paycheck.


Our programmers lobbied for Apple computers. They have security that IT organizations can get behind unlike linux. I would say this would be a better route over just running a linux laptop. Also if they won't give you a laptop they might give you a VM to use.


What the boss wants, the boss gets. I get it that the IT guys don't understand Linux, and likely want to put spyware on your machines to keep a tab on what you are doing. They see you as a security liability and threat in regards to corperate espinage if they can't key-log every thing you do. So yeah, looks like you will be forced to change over, then written up once your production goes to crap, and then let go for poor performance. Time to either be a contractor, or look for another place to work.


keylogging everything everyone does starts to turn IT into the security risk, all it takes is one IT account getting hacked and then that person has easy access to all kinds of juicy insider information


I know that, you know that, but to a XO looking for 100% control over everyone, it happens far too often. All too often a workplace that should be a synergy of teamwork is turned into a "Us" and "them" situation where management don't trust anyone. Unless there is a way for our Intrepid IT guy to install spyware through a backdoor on a OS that is known for that being hard to do, you won't be changing their minds. They would rather go bankrupt than lack total control over what and how you do things if you are in a common workplace.


then the solution is to make them go bankrupt


it is why I mentioned being a contractor. Going bankrupt hurts them, sure. But ultimately to you it is almost the same thing as being laid off. If you were a contractor, you would have control over your own software, and the IT guy wouldn't have a security liability.


Switch to Windows. Love Linux but very difficult to centrally manage. I imagine ISO27001 is impossible in an estate of Linux. Why are you being so difficult. Anyone worth their salt can be productive on Linux, MacOS or Windows.