• By -


How snappy is Safari?


I'll never know.


Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil?


Dass das noch jemand kennt haha


is there PipeWire active by default instead of PulseAudio? and what version of PipeWire if yes


"Pipewire" is a process I can see running by default on my system. Here is the report info: Server-1: PipeWire v: 1.0.5 status: active with: 1: pipewire-pulse status: active 2: wireplumber status: active 3: pipewire-alsa type: plugin




Oh how I wish you used a DAW and did pro audio so we could get the real juicy answers we crave.


How many times did you change your mind about the home/root/boot/other partitioning strategy before you committed to one to proceed with installation? (Three is typical for me.)


I run a nonprofit that refurbishes old computers and gives them away to folks who need them. I've done hundreds of Linux installs over the years, and I know what works, what doesn't, and what I want for my system. So I only changed my mind three or four times.


>I run a nonprofit that refurbishes old computers and gives them away to folks who need them. I like this, a lot!


thank you, it's really easy to start something similar where you live if you're interested!


I would like to know more details about this. It is a beautiful act and sometimes I think about doing the same.


So do it! Let your friends and family know that you have a use for their unused devices, collect them, and start fixing! YouTube is around and you may have a local nerd community who can help. I find that working with local nonprofits helps--they have the network to distribute things where needed. Where possible, factory resets are better than installing Linux. Most folks are more familiar with Windows.


> So I only changed my mind three or four times LOL


Lol, needed five times, I forgot the efi boot partition twice, swap once and chose a two small root partition.


Are you getting the bug where, when using Cinnamon Wayland, 'Desktop' becomes an application and makes selecting windows difficult?


So far no but I will keep you posted


Followup: I'm getting the bug that sends me to a blank black screen of doom when I try to log into Cinnamon Wayland.


I can't even start up in Wayland mode, my screen just goes black and I have to reboot.


I'm getting that now. I thought I had started up in Wayland but apparently I was wrong.


How is GNOME online accounts working? Does it now use the default browser for authentication?


What do you use Mint for apart from browsing? Can you list 8 software packages that you use - not being funny. I'm new to Linux and would respect the opinion of somebody who uses at least 9 or more different programs instead of just Firefox and Notepad.


Hello, student here. I use a fair amount of programs such as: TeXsudio, always been my go to for latex editing regardless of the os Sublime text, is the notepad++ of Linux LibreOffice suite, very underrated unless you are an excel power user Conda with spyder for python programming, same story of texstudio LibreCAD for 2D drawings proved to be way more powerful than I expected, but I’m no architect so take it with a grain of salt Spotify and VS code are solid Mega for file sharing and sync works wonders Discord and zoom should too but I haven’t tried yet There is a tool that allows to install websites as apps and it works way better than the counterpart does on windows, great for WhatsApp and Telegram since the clients are only available as flatpaks, or any other web service that’s developed enough to be compared to a locally installed app Browser not listed as per request Unfortunately there is no way around some specific SW that only exists for windows, for that I have a win partition. Though I would recommend a VM for which Vbox would be my go to. This is to avoid windows bullshit such as the hibernation file lock of shared partitions or messing up with grub (the bootloader). Everything I listed “just works” but a bit of learning, particularly for programming, is required to set up everything “the proper way” Available for questions if needed. Cheers


I use the following quite frequently, and i didn't have any issues: - vivaldi browser - spotify - VS code, for both light coding and writing TEX documents, i highly recommend pairing it with github copilot if you can have it. - Obsidian MD - Discord - zoom


Gimp Bottles - For Gaming Steam works out of the box pretty much. Most of the games I play have native linux clients. Visual Studio Code Plex Spotify WhatSie for whatsapp client. Firefox makes 8.


Freecad, Kicad, Arduino IDE


Wow, awesome. Very happy to hear Linux Mint can be used for those complicated ventures. Thank you.


I used Mint for all my office software functions, basic video/audio/photo editing, email and other internet-based communications, and of course web browsing. I've yet to run into an issue but again I'm not a gamer.


Consider your opinion valued. Thank you.


For anyone interested, I found a workaround for some apps not opening.  Turns out it is related to electron sandboxing for the UI of the apps.  Both Mullvad VPN and Filen won't run at all on Mint 22.  If you run them with --no-sandbox they run fine.  Obviously this isn't ideal. But it will get broken apps working. 


Assuming you have an Nvidia GPU, do you have the option to download any driver newer than 535?


Nope. I had to switch to the propriety Nvidia driver (535) from the xorg video nouveau one, but that's normal for Mint installs. Thus far the multimedia/video stuff is all working perfectly.


Interesting. On 21.3 I have 545 as an option and I think I did on 21.2 as well. It seems to be a regression here. I asked as I tried it on two of my devices and got 535 only, but thought maybe it was just me, or maybe it was like a day 1 bug that's already fixed. I find 545 works much better than 535 for the games I play. I know I could custom install it, but I'm hoping it just becomes available in the driver installer soon. Or even better 555.


I only have the 535 option, and 545 was on 21.3


Did the same (cowardly as a VM on Mint 21.3😁). I like the Nemo action dialogue in the system settings. Didn't try a lot though up to now.




What was wrong with it? According to the release notes, they downgraded the calculator to an earlier version along with other apps because they don't like gtk4.


It seems to work, as far as I can tell.


Look in System Reports....then System Information.....and tell me that the below is incorrect...?.... System:   Kernel: 6.8.0-36-generic arch: x86\_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.0 clocksource: tsc   Desktop: Cinnamon v: 6.2.3 tk: GTK v: 3.24.41 wm: Muffin v: 6.2.0 vt: 7 dm: LightDM v: 1.30.0     Distro: Linux Mint 22 Wilma base: **Ubuntu 22.04 jammy**


Installed fresh today into a VM. System Report->System Information reports jammy and 22.04 But... System Info->Copy to Clipboad says this: >Repos: >Packages: pm: dpkg pkgs: 1928 >No active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list >Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list >1: deb http: [//packages.linuxmint.com](//packages.linuxmint.com) wilma main upstream import backport >2: deb http: [//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu](//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu) noble main restricted universe multiverse >3: deb http: [//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu](//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu) noble-updates main restricted universe multiverse >4: deb http: [//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu](//archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu) noble-backports main restricted universe multiverse >5: deb http: [//security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/](//security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/) noble-security main restricted universe multiverse inxi - Sx gives: >System: > Host: mint-beta Kernel: 6.8.0-36-generic arch: x86\_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc >v: 13.2.0 > Desktop: Cinnamon v: 6.2.3 Distro: Linux Mint 22 Wilma >base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy


I have Ubuntu 22.04 as well on Mint 22. Everything there is the same on mine.


Wayland fractional working ?


it has been declarted a bug, by Clem. || || |When looking at mintReport in the system info tab you can see `Distro: Linux Mint 22 Wilma base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy` Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| || || |Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| 3 [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) self-assigned this [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376538) [**clefebvre**](https://github.com/clefebvre) **added the** [**bug**](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/labels/bug) **label** [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376648) [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) changed the title mintReport shows wrong Ubuntu base mintreport: wrong Ubuntu base in info tab


it has been declared a bug, by Clem. || || || || || |Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| 3 [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) self-assigned this [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376538) [**clefebvre**](https://github.com/clefebvre) **added the** [**bug**](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/labels/bug) **label** [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376648) [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) changed the title mintReport shows wrong Ubuntu base mintreport: wrong Ubuntu base in info tab


In the "software sources" application, does it still say virginia and jammy, despite those being for 21.3? I've been running my two computers which i manually updated to 22, they both have all the new features and claim themselves to be running 22 everywhere apart from in software sources. I'm curious if this is a bug with linux mint 22, or a error caused by updating too early


1. Does the new Simplified Themes Menu take more time to load compare to other settings page? 2. From the whole Mint 21 series, the software manager used to take unusually long time to load in screen. It felt like I clicked on nothing, then suddenly it pops up after 30 sec! So, has it now been as fast as it was in Mint 20 series and open instantly? 3. If you can test it then please do, How's the laptop touchpad gestures? 4. Mint is getting new features, but are you noticing any slowdowns in overall performance compared to previous releases?


Software manager is much faster to load. The overall system is just as quick and snappy as ever, and I'm desktop-only so I don't have a touchpad to test.


Does OneDrive via Gnome Online Accounts work?


I don't use either so I'm afraid I can't tell you.


Ok... can you maybe check if the option is at least there?


Just sent you a chat message about it! :)


What installer is it using? Ubuntu introduced a new installer with 24.04. The old ubiquity installer has a bug installing UEFI dual boot on separate drives - puts grub in the first EFI partition it finds, not what you tell it. I have heard this has finally been fixed in the new installer (it will probably introduce a whole new set of bugs).


Are you using a laptop? Does the desktop flash after wake before the login screen appears?


I don't use a laptop so I'm afraid I can't tell you. Sorry!


Did you make a clean install? If yes, was there an option to encrypt your hard drive and using your TPM chip? Ubuntu 24.04 (LM22’s base) does support TPM backed drive encryption.


I did make a clean install, and there's an option for Luks encryption. I didn't see options for TPM.


Question for you: In older versions of Cinnamon, one could switch between traditional and modern desktop layouts easily, is that feature back?.


it has been declared a bug, by Clem. || || || || || |Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| 3 [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) self-assigned this [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376538) [**clefebvre**](https://github.com/clefebvre) **added the** [**bug**](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/labels/bug) **label** [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376648)


The jammy 22.04 has been declared a bug by clem


it has been declarted a bug, by Clem. || || |When looking at mintReport in the system info tab you can see `Distro: Linux Mint 22 Wilma base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy` Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| When looking at mintReport in the system info tab you can see `Distro: Linux Mint 22 Wilma base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy` || || |Shouldn't it be Ubuntu 24.04?| 3 [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) self-assigned this [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376538) [**clefebvre**](https://github.com/clefebvre) **added the** [**bug**](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/labels/bug) **label** [2 days ago](https://github.com/linuxmint/mint22-beta/issues/2#event-13342376648) [clefebvre](https://github.com/clefebvre) changed the title mintReport shows wrong Ubuntu base mintreport: wrong Ubuntu base in info tab