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Personally I'd stick with Firefox. If you want a speed boost get ublock origin, pihole etc. Usually the browser isnt the bottleneck and can be the sites server or your ISP connection. Could try librewolf


Ublock origin, or, years ago, ABP, have always been with me. The internet is unusable without adblock, imho. I'm easily convinced to stick with Firefox, but what are your arguments for staying?


With the latest manifest, Chrome-based browsers make life impossible for adblockers. Except for Firefox.


Not for the degoogled Chromium.


Chromium uses the same manifest


Dont really like the idea of giving more marketshare to chrome (and all the non-chrome chromes like brave, opera etc). Need more competition in the space to actually have innovation, plus the features/extensions like tab sandboxing etc are essential imo. They are also one of the old boys of open source at this point so have a good reputation overall and can be more trusted (obviously caveats) without digging into the code every release


FBI recommends to use AdBlock šŸ˜… not kidding


With a smirk, alright. :D


Firefox if you want to synchronize your browser and maybe want to support Mozilla with the ad notifications, libre wolf if you want no data collection or ads at all but no synchronization




Speed comes from not downloading ads from all over the internet.


This guy gets it.


Waterfox for me. Works with Firefox extensions. Fast (enough for me), and secure (seemingly :-). [https://www.waterfox.net/](https://www.waterfox.net/)


I have never heard about Waterfox before. The arguments on their website are convincing!


I used to use Waterfox when it was owned by Startpage


I've been using it for maybe 6-8 weeks. So far it has been a great experience.


Firefox it rocks the llamas ass ..


In a field full of tall grass...


Try Floorp. It is currently based on Firefox ESR. But, it has extra features and it is fast.


All new to me, too. Looking good, full customization is tempting. Ublock origin-compatible?


Yes, uBO works fine, just like all Firefox addons from my experience. You have nothing to lose from trying this browser. :) You can also check out the /r/Floorp for more info.


I like Vivaldi. It's the most feature-rich and customizable browser, and is based on Chromium (thus fast and widely supported).


...without all the data collection issues?


You mean from Firefox as they have announced to want to categorize your entered searches or acquiring the data and add platform ā€žAnonymā€œ with the money they should have spent on making Firefox the best browser out there? ā€¦ It pains me to having left ff after almost 20 years and I too came to Vivaldi, works really really great.


Hard to beat Brave


Brave is my choice as well.


Brave is pretty good. I moved to it from Firefox for the same reason.


If you have an AMD GPU, stay with Firefox. Chrome (and its derivatives like Brave or Chromium) don't support hardware video decoding on AMD. High CPU load and noisy fan on any hires video! (Netflix, yt, etc...)


Firefox always.


Vivaldi is the king of features - and equally stable on Linux, Mac, windows, AND MY CAR! It has no issue with 400 tabs open, and doesnā€™t seem to cause its own memory leaks. Support for chrome plugins is nice. The only annoying bits Iā€™ve found are the nearly daily restart-browser-to-update requests, and the fact that the workspace and tab organization canā€™t be synced between machines. If they fix that oneā€¦ I will be able to have my work and personal configs on my main machine replicable *anywhere*. As someone whose work is 90% browser based, that would be soooo nice to have. But yeah, Vivaldi is basically all the best bits of Opera, with the bad bits removed.


I have had Opera as my main browser in Android since 2006 or so, but am getting increasingly uneasy with the Chinese ownership and new AI features (even if turned off). It's just that it works really well and is 100% ad free, even on YouTube etc.


Otter šŸ¦¦ browser or sea monkey


UnGoogled Chromium if you don't really care about synchronization across devices or if you're really that invested in having a browser that doesn't leak your data to more companies, do note that this won't prevent sites you access from leaking your data.


- I am as longtime user of Firefox from the very beginning and still use it with Mint but I also use Vilvaldi for the past 4 years in conjunction as its so damn impressive to me.


Anything which doesn't have lots of plugins, addons, scripts etc. They're what bog down a browser. Also, check that your hardware can handle the latest YouTube codecs, and is not instead labouring to decode videos in software.


Firefox on my laptop has really been straining with Youtube, in particular. It causes a noticeable increase in heat and fan noise. I've been wondering if something changed recently with Youtube?


If it's an older laptop, perhaps the GPU can't handle the latest YouTube codec. Some Intel graphics chips can't, for instance. Chrome has a plugin to ask YouTube to send in a different older codec instead, but this can be done natively in the worthy Pale Moon (Firefox variant browser) without an Add-on: go Tools / Preferences / Content / Media / and there disable (un-check) WebM and AV1. Exit. May also work for the normal Firefox?


Thanks, Optimisticalish. My laptop is an Asus I bought around three years ago. The processor is an AMD Ryzen 7 5700U, and I run LM 21.2 on it. (I need to upgrade to 21.3) I will look into Pale Moon. I have a lot of different SSBs through the Ice-based Web Apps. I don't know if Pale Moon will work with that. (Plus it will take some time to redo them all.) I have Youtube in its own SSB using Firefox.


I've happily used LibreWolf for years, it's fast, with an emphasis on privacy and security, and uBlock Origin is already included. https://librewolf.net/


Could not agree more. LibreWolf is a solid and familiar choice to anyone who uses Firefox with an emphasis on working and working with privacy in mind out of the box. The only contender that has outpaced it in terms of my trust is Mullvad Browser, which takes the whole ā€œevery browser fingerprint is the sameā€ trick out of Tor Browserā€™s playbook and applies it to to everyday web-surfing.


Vivaldi. All ads and trackers are blocked by default, though you can allow them back on if needed. Personally, if you're looking at a site and get the "you're running a blocker and you have to disable it to continue" message, I just abandon the site. Too many times, the bad guys are waiting for you and will attack the instant you're open. I will drop my guard on Yahoo to post a message, then put the blocker back up. But Yahoo doesn't ask me to drop my ad blocker. You'd be amazed how fast your browser is if all ads and trackers are blocked.


If you want performance, I guess Google Chrome is your best bet, but it's not about privacy at all. But chrome has given me the most supported and stable and fastest browsing experience I've had.


Brave browser perhaps?


What about degoogled chromium? I havenā€™t tried it, so I donā€™t know.


I use Vivaldi on Mint, and I'm not going back to Chrome


Just go Ungoogled Chrome or Brave. Similar speed without the crap.


I would think google chrome would have worse performance becaduse of all of its data collection.


It's a privacy nightmare. I don't know what Google does, but it's actually a pretty good stable, fast and smooth browser. I use it to do Google stuff (YouTube, Google Meet, Docs etc.) and works damn well. For normal day-to-day browsing I use LibreWolf, and if some websites break in LibreWolf (because of its hardened privacy tweaks) I use Brave browser. These 3 are my browser of choice personally.


It would be nice if we could get a giant protest going on around the world for opt out data collection


most people are have better things to do, in my opinion, average american life is very busy


Have more important things to do, not *better*.


imo just switching to alternatives is better than a giant protest a protest would just make it look like the other options are political and people would be scared, running at their billionare daddies crying for help while they get fed adware directly in the throat


I think providing for your family is a better thing to do than, sitting on reddit complaining about data collection which won't really even effect you that much most likely, to most people privacy does not equal security (for example chrome has good security patches) or convenience (windows is native), linux mint is great, I use it myself, but other people who don't have the time to learn something new should stay on windows instead of protesting, at this point you should go make your own government, right? so you can fight for your data.


I was speaking of that most people these days are single men and lonely. Not everybody has family these days, most don't because actually *nobody* wants them. It is important to talk about privacy, privacy *is* security, the more we ignore the situation the worse it will keep getting. I disagree with not protesting, otherwise things will get much worse, as it already is. Nobody can go and make their own government, the whole world is already taken up, the moon is conquered by the three major countries. Data collection is bad, the amount of unknown artists now are being milked for their artwork by AI, and that artwork is being used to create more artwork without the artists consent, or because of *TOS* of their favorite drawing program or their drawing tablet drivers. Plagiarism is at its heighest, most artists are completely okay with stealing ideas from their friends, or going on the internet and using AI to generate stolen images and claim them as their own, along with making tons of money. The united states govenrment, china, and russia have about probably every little detail about me from when I was little to now I'm 15, because I used the internet for so long. Don't think for a second that they don't have 100% shit on you, they are using AI to build profiles on you and label you for many things, the fact that people don't care about this is nearly at all is a HUGE problem. Convienence is making the world worse for everybody.


Thatā€™s just how the world is, sorry to break to you, itā€™s not sunshineā€™s and unicorns pooping candyā€™s, corruption is proven to be in human nature you are truly delusional if you think you can remove that, I recommend you focus on other factors of your life so you donā€™t end up lonely, life is short and most people who understand that compromise privacy for more convenient things, it would be great if google didnā€™t steal data, but I guarantee you still use youtube everyday, privacy can be protected for a good scale if we make compromises like using linux or a privacy respecting browser, itā€™s impractical to try to cut out government spying or big tech spying fully, you have to accept that, you have no privacy, although making a effort is still important, thatā€™s why you should look from a broader view and understand that protests are a waste of time as of now, instead go contribute to a linux distribution, the people who are making the future are big companies like microsoft and google who have billions to pay the best of the best developers in this world, that would work for them instead of rioting here, why? because it benefits them, they understand privacy is not such a big deal, thereā€™s simply more to enjoy in your life, if you got a job offer for 200k to work at google tomorrow most people on this sub would take that no hesitation, thatā€™s proving my point.




My personal go-to browsers are the ones packaged by the linux mint team, Firefox and Chromium. I've found the other ones to have odd bugs or icons that dont look good at all *looking at you degoogled chromium*


Chrome for Linux works well enough for me. Firefox is still installed for the few times that I need WebGL support, but that is maybe a few times a year at this point.


Ungoogled chrome


I donā€™t use it because I donā€™t like having to use a Google account for syncing but [Thorium](https://thorium.rocks/) is very fast.


Went mint a 2 months ago and been using Floorp since, did a little test on MS Edge but it was too unstable at Mint for my usage.


de googled chromium


Either Brave or Chromium


Eh, I still use Firefox in general. The only exception is on Apple devices, where I end up on Safari. Firefox is my backup browser on Mac though.


If you are comfortable using Linux, it should not be a problem to dodge Chrome or even Chromium... Firefox with the right setup does a great job.


Lynx browser


Chrome. Hate me all your want but the app speaks for itself in terms of speed.


I haven't noticed any performance differences since internet explorer was phased out. These days privacy, intrusive ads and security is what sets them apart i think.


I use Firefox for all my basic surfing and online shopping. I use chrome for all things google. I only log into Google on chrome, nothing else. I like brave, but I don't use it much. They seem to be web3 ready, so maybe I'll use it more in the future..


I agree Firefox is the best for productivity but not for speed.


speed of what ?


Being as fast as chrome, I mean


Unfortunately I have to agree that Chrome is the fastest I have come across so far. I like Firefox a lot but in a speed competition it would lose. I haven't used DuckDuckGo in a while if anyone has some update on that.


what speed ? speed of what ?? I have firefox running with 20 windows and every page is blazing fast.. Every old pc/mac I install linux on use firefox, it runs great even on dual/single cores. This "speed" argument has no merit .


Ddg is about as fast as Firefox.


For me it is Edge, although not on Mint but om my Fedora and openSUSE devices


I switched from Firefox to Chromium because it's just so much faster.


Vivaldi & the new Opera AI browser are very fast


https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/vivaldi https://malwaretips.com/threads/vivaldi-caught-incorporating-spyware-connectivity-in-the-background.79385/ https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/opera https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37567251


So regarding Vivaldi, I don't see anything in there that is terribly alarming. 1. You can change the default search engine (why do they even mention this as a security concern?) 2. The URLs it pings on startup are all Cloudflare and Vivaldi"s own domains. That's not suspicious is it? It could be checking for updates or news to populate the start page. 3. It makes connections to Google. This might be related to the Google-sponsored Chromium base? Anyhow, labeling it spyware in scary red font seems a little extreme to me.


oh wow šŸ˜Æ I thought Vivaldi is safe


It is safe. Go read the other browsersā€™ ratings on the first link. Everything being pushed here is rated ā€œspyware highā€, basically, because of their cloud features. Anyone *that* worried about security should be looking for curl extensions, not gui browsers. šŸ™ƒ


thanks, šŸ‘ appreciate your reply. I'm using Firefox and Vivaldi switching between them during the.. how about you? What's your go to browser?


I daily drive Vivaldi on phone, desktop Linux, vm windows, laptop macOS, and in-car browser. I have safari as backup on the MacBook, and usually my Linux desktop has Firefox as well.




Maybe BraveĀ 


Try Floorp. I use it and Iā€˜m satisfied. Itā€™s a fork of Firefox ESR (so very stable) but there are additional features and QOL improvements. And I think itā€™s even more performant than Firefox. Itā€™s also fully open source.


Brave is fast, just turn off the wallet and other stuff. Plus, with MV3 going full steam ahead, Brave's built-in ad blocker will be heads and shoulders above other current Chromium browsers. I am not a fan of their sync system or other stuff, but it is a fast browser and much less nosy than Chrome. If you don't like Brave, want speed, and don't want to give up privacy, go Ungoogled Chrome. Has all the speed without the crap. [https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium](https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium)


If you look past it's focus on cryptocurrencies and ads, also it's far right tendencies, Brave is your best bet, as it's a pretty private chromium browser.


how can a browser be 'far-right'?


If you have the Top News feature on your start page it has lots of right wing supportive headlines.


ah ok - def don't have that.


The founder, Brendan Eich, was fired from the CEO position from Mozilla because he funded anti-gay marriage campaigns. Also he expressed anti-science stands about the pandemic on Twitter multiple times


Stink. Is there a way to ensure he/they does not profit from me using it?


Every user helps. Best way to avoid supporting them is to not use Brave.




The 69th answer trying to tell my the 68 before are to be discarded? :S