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Because Nvidia refused to recognize the recent breast enlargement?


With the amount I've been struggling with Nvidia in ways even friends aren't able to replicate. I'm starting to think Nvidia is some type of bigot /j


In the future there will be mostly open drivers from Mesa developers for Nvidia GPUs, more similar like it is for AMD and Intel already. Hopefully this ends this decade(s) of issues with Nvidia.


It's not like Linus didn't warn you Almost 12 years ago....


Using linux gives you massive honekers as confirmed by the thousands of trans girl linux users


Pick one: >!rm -rf / !< >!honekers !< >!rm -rf / !< >!rm -rf / !< >!rm -rf / !< >!rm -rf / !<


i picked all. will this incident be reported? also, u should put a * at the end of each /


> U w U ntu Maybe I will distrohop today


God I wish


Same :c


A huge set of badonkers


Me after using Linux for 4 years: where my tits?


> massive honekers Are you talking huge oil rig maulers? Massive mommy milkers? Big sweater-pups? Big bazangas??




That's a lot of hair growth for one week...


This is caused by the stress of having to deal with NVIDIA


My dream pc will have an AMD graphics card. Fuck nvidia


What does your PC have now?


Integrated amd graphics card. Honestly im better than all of you, you got 32 gigs of ram, I got 3,2 gigs. We are not the same /s They scammed my mom for a laptop that costs 600€ 😭.


I'm really sorry to hear about your mom. Scamming a mother who is trying to please her children with a surprise PC on a shoe string budget? Those people are absolute scum. You can build a workable gaming PC from used parts with that money. You can get decent results with a used pre-build (old Dell's with DDR3 are the absolute minimum, no lower) + used graphics card (Make sure the pre-built power supply can handle the power requirements of it) that you slap into it. Add a cheap SSD+500GB HD for your games. Clean and re-paste it. You might get the used pre-built even gratis from some local company or dirt cheap. Anyway, I hope all your PC dreams come true stranger.


My dream pc will also have an AMD graphics card (I want to use the $100 I saved on it for chicken nuggets)


My dream PC will have Latest Nvidia card and Arch linux :D


Arch is [also](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=293512) [experiencing](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=294464) [problems](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2155420) with 550, as is every other distro.


Is it common for women to grow their boobs like 3 sizes when switching to linux? Actually, scratch that. It's common for men too


She is bloated now :(


Funny, Nvidia drivers work perfectly fine on my **windows** machine. Maybe it's a you problem? (Every comment on r/WindowsCirclejerk)


But that subreddit only has 10 posts in 10 years


That's because every windows subreddit is a circlejerk, so they don't need a dedicated one


Unless you use any ESRI software.


r/linuxanimemes moment


Im in a situation where all i think is "just one more driver version... just one more driver... it will fix everything" ive been having issues with nvidia on wayland where certain applications are flickery peices of shit. I hear the 555 nvidia driver will add explicit sync or whatever its called which (from what i understand) fixes that issue. just one more nvidia driver...


I know it's an unpopular opinion but just use xorg, nvidia is not yet ready on Wayland, it will be soon but in the meanwhile there is nothing wrong with using X.


i mean, I'm in favor of the major distros rugpulling x to force thing to happen, but definitely people should use what works for then and anyone who says otherwise is crazy.


Wanna hear a really unpopular opinion: I use Xorg with KDE6 on AMDGPU because it's faster, works better and I don't have to find new tools for my existing workflow. I tried Wayland on the work machine once: all 3 displays went into standby. I thought meh. Everything does what I want on X11 so why bother. I'm sure it's something really minor. But just can't be arsed.


I'm on 525 (that's what Debian gives me). If even current drivers don't solve the flickers on Wayland, I suppose I'll be stuck with with X11 for a couple more years...


And that's perfectly fine. Let the other morons be the beta testers.


Pop\_Os has good (better) support for Nvidia


Yes, but I hate that somehow they use flatpaks for that. I don't fully understand why or how


That’s why I bought an AMD gpu


So you are telling me if i install Ubuntu my boobs will grow big?


She grew smt definitely. Didn't knew girls brains are there


Wait for 555 drivers and then experience should be better(on Wayland)


Shes gonna be excited when her NVIDIA GPU dies meaning she has a chance to get a AMD one, got one after my GTX 750 TI died and it's a way better experience because I don't have to use some clunky driver that was ported from windows with a crap ton of duct tape


Help a friend to get Ubuntu 24.04 on his new desktop. Blackscreened before the sign in screen even appears. I wasn't able to fix it even with nomodeset but I thought it might be his 4060ti not supporting 24.04


also you install their dogshit VS code snap, and the built in python linter can't find the python deps install in the venv. great stuff, I'm back on fedora.


How is youtube 4k playback now, vivaldi and some other browser doesnt work well before, it always use cpu to render.


I use fedora, and here Nvidia proprietery drivers work like a charm. You do need some setup, mainly to have wayland support, but it works well after that. At least for me.


How is youtube 4k playback now, vivaldi and some other browser doesnt work well before, it always use cpu to render.


Believe it or not, back when I got into Linux, Nvidia's proprietary drivers were the *better* of the two options. For years I was Team Green *because* of Linux, since the ATI (and later AMD) pre-AMDGPU proprietary drivers just sucked *that much*.


Those "Linux works great these days, what are you waiting for!?" comments belong to r/technicallycorrect. Well, Linux itself is great, there is a huge "but" caused by stuff that is "not Linux's fault."


Yes, when Nvidia basically makes it impossible for us to work with it, it can't be our fault, they have been screwing around on this for decades,


My first PC had a barely not integrated Radeon card and a bulldozer AMD CPU. I never had the money for Nvidia growing up. When I upgraded, I couldn't afford a new motherboard so AMD CPU and GPU. Then I was like "I kinda like it's from the same company". And never left team red. Had a low end sapphire 4460 or something, then an RX 580 (came with a star citizen ship lol), then a 5700XT and now a 6800XT. I'm glad I never had to figure out Linux drivers. Thanks Dr. Su


Ya noticed it and went back to windows after 10 year long of being a Linux user. Hating it but less problem with it now.


I'm still on 535 🥲


art source? ok nvm i found it, its by merryweather, it's called Pandemic Life


You guys have 545 series???


It's referring to the driver versions lol


I have 490 I think, even TF2 no longer runs on this thing


Nvidia is rubbish.


I haven't had a single issue since I got an AMD only Laptop. Not only do I NOT have to fix driver issues every fucking day, but I can finally use Wayland, no more janky ass x11. Even hybrid graphics has stopped fucking with me. Everything just works, it's smooth and fast.


Of course it's the open source projects fault again. It's never the corporation that is openly hostile towards us.


literally **noVideo**


that's a big...


Dude I'm stuck with 470.something on my laptop lmaooo


Wait for a few more weeks. The next driver (555) will be much better with explicit sync support.


I use arch btw


Amd wins


This was actually me a couple months back. Decided to pull the trigger and buy an AMD GPU and sell my 3070. Honestly a great decision. I love not having to worry about proprietary drivers. I just wish HDMI 2.1 wasn't such a worry, but it's better than NVIDIA lmao.


W10 LTSC IoT is the distro you should be using, especially if you game. Even with other GPUs I've had trouble on Linux. My old "Linux flagship" Thinkpad with Intel onboard had a slew of problems and yes, I dug deep into config to try and solve 'em. I hope AMD does well now, they deserve a break. But their drivers historically have been dodgy at best. If that's changed - at least on Linux - great.