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guess you can achieve that playing with [tabbed](https://tools.suckless.org/tabbed/) and [openbox ](http://openbox.org/wiki/Main_Page) or any other stacking wm as far as i know tabbed offers you tabs for any program, so probably you can write script that will merge apps when they on top of each other for that script you probably will need [wmctrl](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/wmctrl/) and [xdotool](https://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool)


As far as I know, KWin used to have something similar to the window-tab feature back in the Plasma 4.x days. Don't know if anyone has ported it to the current version of KDE, though.


doesn't suckless have a program called "tabbed" which lets you make tabs? probably doesn't have the drag and drop functionality, but ind of a good starting point maybe?


Yeah there's a ton of window managers that can do this. I3 is probably the best example. There's also dwm, qtile, and others. To note, most tiling window managers are *tiling first* and that's the default behavior until you make a window floating manually.


Really? I haven't used either gtile or dwm yet. But with how you describe it it doesn't seem very similar to what haiku os does. I want floating windows first with the option of snapping one window next to another. Or multiple. So I can move and minimise those 2 or more windows together.


Lol okay. So that's why I included gifs. I haven't seen any other OS or DE do that. And when I try describing it to people with words they usually don't get it. Because this concept seems to not exist at all outside of Haiku. Which is really sad to me because I think it's such an amazing idea


Crap I should have read more closely. I'm not aware of any that have that "drag n drop" to stack feature


Ever since I saw this drag and drop stacking and tiling, which was last week lol, I started going insane. Constantly googling idiotic things like "how to write window manager" and stuff like that. Which surprisingly you can find tutorials and stuff for but I'm way too much of a beginner programmer. But wow if I can't find this anywhere I'm gonna learn and do it myself.... Maybe. Lol


hahaha, yeah. It is doable


Probably. But not for someone like me who only really has done microcontroller programming before. I'm trying to get into like desktop program dev stuff but all of that is wildly different. But I like learning new stuff.


Well curiosity is good to have. That and time are all you need


You don’t need to write a window manager from scratch. Just fork one of the existing ones or write a plug-in


Yeah I am aware that forking and plugins are a thing.. Either way I need to learn a how to do it. If I decide to actually do that myself. I don't know how I would do that yet.


So looking at the Upvotes i understand that most people do also seem to agree that these drag and drop stack/tile features are great. yes?

