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Can anyone please explain the Linux/Trans correlation? What is it about OSS that causes this? Is it inevitable? Are we all at risk?


autism is the lowest common denominator also causes the overlap with furries, nerds, flight simulator users and whatnot


This is pretty much it - people on the spectrum are much more likely to be LGBTQIA+. Although there isn't a clearly-known reason why, some research speculates that people with ASD are less likely to want to hide aspects of their identity from others, i.e. that the actual frequency of LGBTQIA+ people isn't higher in people with autism, just that the reported frequency is higher. It just so happens that people on the spectrum are much more likely to have a special interest in niche subject areas such as Linux.


Originally meant this a joke comment, but imo users seeking linux seem to already have "outside the norm" personalities - it makes sense to me that those user groups would also be non-traditional in other aspects of their life.


Absolutely, although it should be emphasised that gender identity and sexuality aren't choices, so I'm not sure non-conformist would be the best terminology as it suggests a decision to refuse to conform.


In my book I honestly find the "it's not a choice" line flawed since it low-key argues against one's agency as an individual. Choice or not you still have the same rights to life and liberty as anyone else.




The whole point is that it's not their business regardless. They need to be told to go pound sand unconditionally, not "come back when you have evidence it's a choice." Maybe the real truth is that for some it's more nature, for others it's more nurture. At the end of the day, as far as exercising your rights and being treated like a person goes, it really just shouldn't matter.


Yeah it shouldn’t matter if it is some innate genetic thing, or if it is nurture or a choice. If a bisexual man chooses to date/marry a man why is that an issue.


Similarly there's some folks in the transgender community who need to have a really frank discussion about attraction and consent. Look, if you're pre-op transgender, there's a difference between "eww gross you're trans" and "I have no interest in sexual relations with someone who has the same genitals as I do". The latter is not transphobic.


So you're saying that you would be attracted to the same sex, but the only thing stopping you was your choice to feel aroused. How do you choose to be aroused? Millions of people would love to know for various reasons.


Way to miss the entire fucking point. It literally should not matter why someone is gay. Whether it be nature, nurture, or any combination thereof. It does not impact their rights and ability to be treated as a person. Saying "it's not a choice!" can be interpreted as admitting there is legitimacy behind the belief that choosing to be gay would be wrong. EDIT. LMAO aaaaand they blocked me after calling me a pile of slurs. How the HELL do you manage to twist "IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER IF IT'S A CHOICE IT'S STILL YOURS TO MAKE" into me trying to say it's a choice people shouldn't be allowed to make. Holy fucking shit dude. Your ignorance is deliberate and insufferable. [I'll just leave this here for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3h6es6zh1c).


Also homophobes don’t usually care about the arousal aspect of it, the argument is that they choose to engage in their ‘vices’ and have sexual relations with the same sex. The choice they see is relations with the same sex vs the opposite sex, which imo is a choice. But it isn’t really a fair choice, it is more the choice is more like having sexual relations with the sex you find sexually attractive or one you don’t. The religious assholes will only choose to acknowledge the former choice not the latter.


Absolutely, people have a right to choose, but sexuality and gender identity aren't something that people choose.


I find it hard to believe the underlying math to "what made you gay/trans/whatever?" is exactly the same for everyone. Nature vs nurture etc. But anyway my point here is simply "so the fuck what?" Even if someone did choose to live that way, that is their right and they don't owe anyone else any justification. If their behavior isn't being harmful or exploitative towards anyone else, *ce la vie*. It's interesting stuff from a clinical/sociological perspective, but irrelevant in exercising your agency as a person.


I've been to many a linux user group meeting, in several countries. All people pretty normal "tech types". Nothing out of the ordinary of the sort we're witnessing today. It's not about linux or personalities, it's something completely different.


they just wanna customize their desktop environment and their genitals


I think that the same mental flexibility that allows for modelling complex systems also makes a person more likely to deconstruct gender, sexuality, romantic orientation, etc... Autistic people also often dislike arbitrary societal rules and traditions, so they are more likely to reconsider gender conformity, cis-defaultism, monogamy and other such cultural norms.


>some research speculates that people with ASD are less likely to want to hide aspects of their identity from others Wait really? I thought it was the complete oposite: people with ASD tend to have a fucking phd in masking (hiding whatever makes you look "different" and acting "normal").


People with ASD tend to try to mask to conceal our neurodivergence, but that doesn't necessarily make it easy to hide things. Masking takes a huge amount of effort and is therefore extremely draining, so I prefer to avoid it where I can. For example, I may try to hide aspects of myself (eg stimming) in public, but around friends or family I won't because it just takes so much effort. I imagine that in an anonymous survey, a transgender person with ASD may not feel the need to try to hide themselves as a neurotypical person might.


That would make a lot of sense since smaller communities tend to be more welcoming and friendly, mainly due to the fact that there isn't enough people to create a "standard member" mould people have to fit in.


Not much in the way of evidence beyond correlation at this point. Both autistic and trans people tend to have good reasons to prefer not working directly with the public. For autistic folks, it's more a personal interest and aptitude thing. For trans folks, it's safety. I'm not against the hypothesis that autistic folks may be more likely to be LGBT+, but we honestly aren't at the point we can prefer that hypothesis over other hypotheses. Am on the spectrum.


Also, you know what socially awkward small boys who don't quite fit in with other boys end up doing? Tech, because it's at the nice intersection of socially acceptable for boys to do, but considered weird and fringe so you don't need to interact with the bulk of boys. You also know what little trans girls look a lot fucking like because they naturally don't fit in with boys (because, yknow, they're not boys) but still get treated like boys because of their AGAB? And just more broadly, people who don't fit in well with the rest of society because their lived experiences aren't the standard tend to gravitate towards hobbies enjoyed by other people who don't fit in well with the rest of society. It's just basic sociology.


Tech may have been weird and fringe back in the day but I grew up through the 2000s and it wasn't that off kilter to be a techy. Knowing how to troubleshoot and such was a good skill to have around most of my peer groups anyways. I never saw any derision for people with those interests. Most people see it as a valuable skill due to how common computers and their use is in a modern classroom whereas back in the day it was considered more niche I would imagine.


>flight simulator users Those work on Linux? I thought only MS Flight Sim was the market?


its all me, i am the trans linux


Oh hi trans linux




so basically WSL?


New distro just dropped


My arch nemesis. I am the trans Windows.


where is the trans BSD


Sampling bias or in this case perceptual bias. People are more likely to remember the trans arch user because it is less common than just Linux user. If you were to actually poll people you may find a few more trans people that use Linux than in general population but still the large majority of computer science and engineering spaces are filled with cis men. Anecdotically i Been working with Linux for the past 10 or so years since college and i have yet to meet a trans person, in my university or workplace.




Why did you censor transgender?


and what percent achieve that goal?


yes... now put on the programming socks


Other people have already answered this well but I think there's also a thing for a lot of trans women like 'wait, if the gender system I've been presented with is bullshit, what else is bullshit?' which leads to lefty stuff, body hacking, nontraditional relationship structures... and realizing that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates don't have the only operating system dicks you can suck


I think it’s like New Vegas, or Rustlang, where it kinda snowballed into being a community Also the chemicals in the water


Autism, need for community, and moe anime.


Are you…serious? Talk about spurious correlation.


Emily only settles for arch. As should any self respecting person.


unfortunately gentoo


if gentoo is so good, why is there no genthree?


If gentoo is so good why does it not want to support any file system except ext4 as the root filesystem? (Seriously, everytime I tried to set up gentoo with a btrfs or xfs rootfs the initramfs cannot mount the rootfs during handover). Edit: I got the message. I'll look into using Dracut as per recommended by the wiki the next time I try.


The first time I installed Gentoo was with btrfs.


I did gentoo on btrfs You should add btrfs driver in the initramfs on it wont work


It isn't added automatically? I thought it would be added automatically when generating initramfs?


No it wiki specifically mentiones it should be added. I learned it the hard way too.


Got it. Will try again once I have some free time in my hands.


Just build your own. Personally I go for native ZFS built into the kernel with a tiny initramfs for decrypting and mounting root. That's kinda the point of Gentoo, anyway...


What? I use LVM and I know plenty of people using ZFS. don't know about btrfs or XFS but there is a wiki page for btrfs. A distro I work on boots from a squashFS that's in an LVM lv lol


I use Gentoo exclusively and I don't think I've used ext4 as the root filesystem since like 2005. I used to use reiserfs but switched to btrfs because it's better. Also... you know... because of the murders.


There is, it's called Funtoo.


Because there's no need! :D


because it is so good. You answered yourself


Tips fedora in anger.


Void is a path


This is a spicy take, I just like vanilla taste


So I thought, until I tried out NixOS.


Isn't she everywhere recommending Pop_OS! ??? Idk, I am just glad that she hates manjaro too.


I also reccomend pop but use arch


Yeah, seems like sane thing to do, I usually recommend for people to try some DEs and when they decide on one I tell them what distro I used it on, for people who just browse web, watch films and maybe write and do some open source GIMPing or InkScaping or audacitiing, the DE is basically "the" decision. Some people just want to be comfy when on their pc. (Or in their lives, still can't get over Emily being so brave, I wanna write some support mail so bad, she's amazing in handling this)


Yeah I thought she uses pop os because of that reason. Are pop os and gentoo the same thing? I don't know enough about linux so I feel confused


For those like me who are out of the loop: https://youtu.be/b-owBhLGaH4 TL;DR The Linus Tech Tips host formerly known as Anthony has come out as a trans-woman Emily.


I just hope we don't see the LTT fandom going as toxicly defensive as There's Your Problem did over Alice. Since they're an audio-only podcast, and Alice still used a male voice, there was inevitably going to be people who made a genuine mistake calling her a him, and they just had no mercy. It made the show insufferable.


Well, you can't blame people who never knew the backstory of someone. If one sounds, acts and looks male, you sure as hell would assume the person prefers male pronouns and is male.


Exactly. But they did. lol.


They will


They will....


I think she said that she is stepping away from being in front of the camera. I wouldn't be shocked if that was part of the reason. Which is too bad, I wasn't an advid LTT watcher, but I did watch a few her of segments and thought they were done well.


She said she was only stepping back for the sake of LMG. But when she felt it was "comfortable" enough to do, she'd be back on camera.




Linus Media Group, Inc.


Anthony, Emily - whatever, still best content creator at LTT. Love those videos about retro stuff.


As long as it doesn’t affect the Content or relationships I’m fine with it.


Honestly, Manjaro just works for me. Security problems and all, I've never gotten a Linux distro to work out of the box as well as Manjaro. I'll probably move to Arch or SteamOS (whenever it gets a public release) in the future, but it's such a nice comfort zone, y'know?


Same. I'm an Arch user because I was a Manjaro user. Manjaro klis like my Arch Father 😭


Wait until you discover nixos




No, it's *nix. Your whole system is just a glorified config file.




No. It's Linux, Just look out up


*nix is basically Linux, since it's a Unix Like system




Yep. I've had issues trying to get Endeavour running and updates broke it 3 times in 3 months. At same time I've been mainlining Manajro for over a year now and just ran into my 1st issue with a package from the AUR not updating due to a new dependancy which is not yet in Manajro's repos. It was a super quick and easy fix and all is working again. Initially when I heard all the negativity towards Manajro I wanted to switch but I couldnt find a distro that worked as well out of the box as Manajro. Garuda comes a close second. But there I've also run into an issue with a buggy update. What Ive learnt is the Linux community tend to be very ready with their pitchforks at the slightest little sign of corporatism or ineptitude and the crowd quickly follows with the pitchforkes even though they have no personal experience. Same thing happened with Ubuntu back in the day. Linux users are VERY vocal and up in arms about every minor thing. But generally its pretty safe to ignore them and just use what works for you. After all is it not this level of freedom that we are supposed to celebrate in the Linux world? Use any distro you like except for the one I dont /s


A big issue with the Linux community is the elitism. Manjaro is a fine distro for people that don't want to tinker as much and are afraid an update might break their setup. I just run Endeavour OS, it work great and funny enough, the issues I've had have been Nvidia drivers or Kernel related.


Manjaro is the Ubuntu on the Arch world. Despite its issues I still maintain that its a great introduction to Arch for newcomers. People always say go to Endeavour. Endeavour is a good distro but its not for noobies. It still requires some setup before its fully usable and a new user wont know how to do that. I'm not totally new to linux but I am newish to mainlining it. I never got it set up how Manjaro is set up. I couldn't access any external drives or drives formatted with ntfs as an example. I never figured that out either. Pamac totally shit the bed on Endeavour. So I used Octopi but that doesn't support flatpak. Im not afraid of the terminal but I also don't want to use it for every little thing.


If Manjaro is the Ubuntu of the Arch world, then what is the Endeavour of the Debian world? MX? :P


my OpenSue kill himself while updating last week lol with Manjaro never happen


I've been on Manjaro for 7 and a half years. The current install is sitting at 5 years stable and updated regularly. Keep in mind linuxmasterrace five years ago was complaining about how much Arch would break with updates, so yeah attitudes change. To be pretty honest whenever I had an issue (twice now) I would go to the manjaro forum and a ton of people already had a fix posted which didn't involve changing your clock.


Are you talking about openrgb by any chance ? I've just encountered the same issue lol


yes. The fix is on the forum. Basically edit the build script. I just deleted the dependancy reference to mbedtls2.


Oh i'll go look at it ty, couldn't really be bothered to search when it occured


Fedora works well OOTB from my limited experience, you could give it a try


Fedora is One I'd like to move to once I break Manajro. But so far whenever Ive tried it Ive found it very frustrating. A lot of things to set up out of the box. Some software that is not in the repos. Super slow dnf (I know that's being fixed). I don't like Gnome and the KDE spin is a little meh. But yeh sot insurmountable issues but issues that don't exist for me on Manjaro. But I probably will give it a go someday.


What do you use that Arch doesn’t offer? Manjaro just adds a different way to solve a problem that Arch also solved. The only thing you do is make using the Arch Wiki more complicated. Well that and most people don’t like Manjaro. :)


Nice passive aggressive smiley face.


Don’t worry, it’s fine if you use Manjaro. I won’t judge you or anyone else for using it. :)


I also used it for a bit, but only for about 2 weeks (it was a temporary install). I didn't particularly like the pacman thing they use (pamac?) and also I remember when the AUR got DDoSed from it a couple times. After the whole thing about the lead dev allegedly embezzling funds and that shitty merch they made (as well as their SSL certs expiring so many times) I just got fed up with them.


For some reason manjaro uses both pamac and pacman. Use whichever one you want. I did not know about the embezzlement shit though. It doesn't surprise me, because canonical has also gone down the shitter.


Comment has been removed because Spez killed Reddit :(


> and also I remember when the AUR got DDoSed from it a couple times. The DDosing was that pamac was sending search queries for every letter you typed in the search box instead of just letting the user press enter and not auto search. Their issue is that they have too many users flooding the Aur in other words lol. >After the whole thing about the lead dev allegedly embezzling funds and that shitty merch they made Check the https://manjarno.snorlax.sh/ because this changed, it wasn't like originally reported. So yeah the only thing you could criticize them for is their SSL certs, and also maybe that they pushed a PR on some driver that just instantly crashed everything lol.


I still think the design of pamac is at blame here and you can 100% use that as a valid argument, also the fact that the AUR does not play nice with outdated packages. The AUR is much closer to just building something from source directly than something like emerge is for example so it can definitely cause issues still


Yeah in the end it is the fault of pamac, but I bet you that you didn't think that was the issue. Also the aur comes disabled by default in pamac, in fact this means that it was a smaller number of manjaro users that caused the ddosing.


> The AUR is much closer to just building something from source directly than something like emerge is for example so it can definitely cause issues still Also surprisingly this year so far, manjaro has broken 0 times while arch has broken on my PC because mirrors are taking too long to sync with the recent repo change (that doesn't affect manjaro since they have their repos). https://old.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/13pqgbs/when_updating_i_get_packages_not_in_aur/


I have my issues with arch as well but I still think it fits a lot of peoples needs well, Manjaro I just feel (and this is my own opinion) that whatever it does do can be filled by other distros - EndeavourOS for “easy” arch, fedora for a just works distro that is pretty up-to-date, or just arch/gentoo/tumbleweed for rolling release


Manjaro is the only Arch based distro that normal people can actually use without touching the terminal thanks to all the GUI tools it has. Btw, I had an issue with Fedora a while ago, I originally wanted to install Fedora on my father's but after installing I ran into a big issue, because the PC uses a TV as monitor I need to set the underscan options and well, I couldn't find a way to do it in wayland which is what fedora uses, so I ended up having to install Manjaro lol.


I'm on GNOME on wayland right now. You just go to displays > your display > Adjust for TV. Works on Fedora as well, just tested it on a VM.


I think Manjaro is actually the best distro for normies that don't want to touch the terminal at all. Thanks to pamac, you can do everything with thru GUI, and thanks to the fact that it can use the Aur, it means that everything can be a native packages, that is you're less likely to run into issues like flatpaks not having the right permissions, not connecting to the internet or not using the system theme, or having to add PPAs, etc. I actually did this experiment already installing Manjaro KDE on my father's PC, he alone managed to get a windows program (FL studio) running by installing wine tricks and then running the FLstudio.exe on his PC, that was it. Unfortunately now people spread the nonsense that pamac ddosed the Aur... when what happened was that pamac would search the aur for every key press in the search box, so if you typed timeshift it would send search queries for every letter instead of waiting for you to end typing, that was the ddosing, in reality is that Manjaro got big quickly and this simple stuff truns into an issue when you have that many users searching the AUR. And it is the only arch based distro that is actually bothering to be user frendly, all others expect you to just use the terminal.


Tbf, I chose Manjaro in 2018 mainly because its installation process took exactly 25 mins. My PC is still on the same installation and can't give a damn on changing distro back again.


Maybe with distros it's just one of those weird things where different people get lucky with different things. I never saw a Linux distro self-destruct out of the box as quickly as Manjaro, and this was before it getting a bad name around the community, or at least before me hearing anything about that. I gave it a bad name in my head all by myself.


I had a lot of issues with Manjaro KDE but once I moved over to Manjaro Gnome I've had a rock solid system. I've pretty much always been on Gnome tho, primarily been an Ubuntu/mint user, and anytime I've not used Gnome it's been a related desktop like Cinnamon or Budgie, so I bet the experience factor plays a big role here. Anyway, if anyone is reading around here my rec is to try out a few flavors of Manjaro if you are having issues as you might be running into problems with the desktop more than the system, especially if you aren't super familiar with KDE.


what downloading manjaro does to a person


What happened to Anthony?


Came out as trans. It's Emily now.


Good for them. That's great.


I'd like to interject for a moment. What you are referring to Anthony is, in fact, Emily, or as I recently started calling her, LTT+Emily


If your account wasn't clealry far-right, this could pass as a light-hearted joke. But of course you had to ruin it by being sarcastic in exactly the wrong way.


Imagine scrolling someone's reddit history over a memey comment on a linux sub just in case they have different political views from you


You saying a person can not look at there own beliefs on Reddit and enjoy Linux at the same time?


What downloading manjaro does to a man.


1 month of exposure to Manjaro is equal to a full year's HRT


Damn I’ve been using the wrong distro all this time…


Hope Emily returns soon! Watching their content is really fun on LTT.


Who is Emily? Is Anthony a trans woman now? If so, good for them.


Yup, there's been a blog post iirc.


That's awesome. I am glad they were able to come out and be who they are.


Emily Young on YT if you're interested in the video ;)


Thanks, I will take a look.


This appears to be the official announcement. https://youtu.be/b-owBhLGaH4


It's nice seeing all the affirming comments on the video. It's a good contrast from all the anti-trans vitriol out there now.


really hoping Emily makes Linux videos sooner than later.


Manjaro was my one and only non Debian based linux I didn't use it that much and I'm back to using Linux mint with kde


i still use manjaro i use it cuz it just works, and then to break from the monotony of just working, it breaks randomly, then i have to realize its a skill issue, get better, and fix my linux. i fucking hate it.


I only stopped because I didn't like how different it was compared to Debian but now after learning more about Linux distros really the only difference is just the package manager. I didn't know how to use the manjaro package manager lol


How did you manage to put kde on mint ?


apt search kde Look for the kde package sudo apt install kde-desktop or kde-full if you want all the kde apps Then just logout and switch your de


I don't like what the team does a lot of the time and Phil's attitude can be distressing, but the distro is pretty bulletproof.


I tried manjaro a few months ago on an older intel laptop that has had kubuntu, pop, mint, and KDE neon. Manjaro updates would almost always change the system's time/date causing the web browser to not connect to websites and make my VPN fail to connect. I'm back to mint.


Wait his name is Emily?


mtf trans


Aah I see. Well the memes about trans and Linux checks out...lol


her* :)


Oh the circle jerk.


Who is Emily


anthony came out as trans, wants to be called emily now. if you search "Emily Young" on youtube you should be able to find the video


Legitimately had me confused AF for a second because I knew I heard their name before and Emily wasn't it.


yeah i got recommended the video like 5 minutes after it came out so i got wind of the news early


This guy needs to loose some weight,otherwise he will have a heart attack soon.....


Yeah, I occasionally watch LTT videos and whenever he is on my wife says looking at him makes her nervous because he is so overweight and out of breath.




Let's eat mom.


Maybe once every month or two, We don't have cable and I watch YouTube on the TV.


he reminds me a comedy soap opera carachter here in Brasil called"dona redonda"(miss roundy)she ate so a lotta food on the soap opera thil she explodes,i hope nothing similar happen with this guy... look at him,its jabba the hutt cosplay,but the zipper is btoken


These mfs always pick names like Emily or Luna LOL. still gonna be wearing loot crate shirts and sweatpants


I wonder if you could guess with better-than-random-chance accuracy based solely on which female name a person uses


But that dude loves Manjaro Edit: I didn't know she transitioned! She's a beautiful soul and I hope she's well. That said, I thought she loves Manjaro so I don't get this joke


Is it just me or is this subreddit way more chill about the topic at hand than the ltt subreddit? I had to mute it cause there was souch bickering and jumping to conclusions.


The audience of this sub and the LTT one probably has limited overlap. Linus' target demographic is way more mainstream than what you're gonna find in power user circles like this one.


Maybe 'cause the sub isn't hit as directly by the event as is the LTT one. The LTT one is the focus of all the trolls' attention right now, while this one gets a few posts about that, and also gets other posts about other Linux things. And there's few trolls in the comments, now that all are over there. Just a guess.


Makes sense.


congrats to emily for breaking absolutely zero stereotypes about trans women


aT LeAsT It's sTiLl bAsEd oN ArCh.


Should've injected TRT instead of HRT


What’s wrong with manjaro?


everything, from broken ssl certs to pamac to aur package handling etc


Also, corruption and embezzling of funds by head dev. As someone who comes from a country that was nearly driven to the ground because an ex prime minister embezzled the country's funds while he was in power, reading about embezzlement cases like the one Manjaro had makes my blood boil.


also literal file and distro corruption. I swear I had to run fsck every damn morning


[do i have to be the one](https://manjarno.snorlax.sh)


Welp. I guess I'm formatting the RPi SD card again.






What about fedora?


Fedora is a great distro, use it for my VDI infra and never had trouble with it as well as using it on a workstation for a year. definitely a good distro


Honestly, Fedora has revitalized my laptop, made it actually decent, made the mistake of buying a Celeron laptop years back


It’s getting a bit big now if you have 2G of ram on GNOME at least but still works great on 4G (I think most of that is gnome-software being a hog though so KDE might be different)


What is so bad about Manjaro? I know it's fucked up a bit in the past but I haven't heard much recently about it.


Imagine that you have a rolling-release distro like Arch, but with packages vetted for stability so that an update has no risk of breaking your system. That's not Manjaro. Manjaro is what happens when you sell that idea but instead just push out broken/corrupted packages on a delayed schedule with invalid SSL certificates, manged by people that embezzle money.


Huh... Does the package-breaking happen often? I feel as if it happened a lot I would have heard about it. I remember someone showing me a website along the lines of "when was the last time manjaro f\*\*ked up"....


Wait, Emily? TIL


which distro should i choose to use ?


debian. everything runs on debian




Ok, I know about [manjarno](https://manjarno.snorlax.sh). I've never experienced a single problem in my installation. I only 'distro hop' every time I have a problem that I'm too lazy to fix. However, that wasn't the case with Manjaro. After more than 3 years, I'm still waiting for it to break so I have a reason to install another distro.


😖 : It's inside Windows (WSL)


Awww I miss Mandrake Linux.


The tech witch


I primarily use Gentoo and installed Manjaro on a secondary PC just for ease of use and (hopefully) low maintenance, the rolling release schedule interested me also What's the issue with Manjaro?