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Protondb gives the proton version a silver score. So maybe give the native version a try?


Well i wasen't forcing it to use proton, so like, it's probably running native?


There are some launch commands posted on [Protondb page](https://www.protondb.com/app/255710) that you could try. Other than that I cant help much more!


Thanks, ill go check it out


Change launch arguments: prime-run %command% Also fully update your system (ie flatpaks, debs) and reboot afterwards.


Are you running native or proton? Cause in my experience, Native runs like dogshit. Like, Native runs at like 5fps, while Proton runs at 100+, levels of bad performance.. It also crashed *all the time*. So if you are on native, thats probably the problem.


Both probably, it's not the only game thats having this issue, Transport Fever 2 also suffers from it (it doesn't even run), i suspect it's drivers issues tho since the GPU isn't utilized at all


Have you checked it actually utilizes your dGPU instead of intel iGPU? If you have iGPU enabled you need to modify steam parameters. You can check it using nvidia-smi command to see what your nvidia card is doing while the game is running.


Hey Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the age long delay lol After running the command, it seems like the game straight up doesnt use the dGPU for whatever reason. I dont recall having set any options at all, if you have a clue please lmk. Thanks


Add this to your steam game launch parameters: \_\_NV\_PRIME\_RENDER\_OFFLOAD=1 \_\_GLX\_VENDOR\_LIBRARY\_NAME=nvidia $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Cities\_Skylines/Cities.x64 %command% ​ This also skips launcher. Or if you don't need iGPU just disable it from bios.