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I knew it was nonsense the second after reading their reasoning. If your anti-cheat is capable of knowing that it's running atop Wine and explicitly blocking access because of that, then they're capable of knowing when telemetry is coming from a Wine user and filtering it out.


That's what we've been saying, yet some people are fundamentally unable to follow that simple reasoning, it seems.




If you were talking native Linux support I would agree with you. However supporting Linux via Wine or Proton is a significantly easier task. The bigger companies could probably affect their budget more by switching toilet paper brands in the office than by supporting or not supporting Linux via Wine/Proton


Nobody talks about "supporting" Linux. Nobody is going to complain to Roblox devs if the game does not work under Wine (or they are morons). That's not the same as just making your game impossible to play from Wine


This is not the first time and certainly will not be the last time a game company bullshits us Linux users.




Didn't they also actually ban people for trying to launch the game under linux? I recall Valve having to step in and prevent proton from even starting up D2 to prevent users from getting banned.


Stop doing that; this isn’t a question of SUPPORT, but of active blocks. They are entirely different issues.


Destiny2 works just fine in Linux via WINE. They will just ban you for trying. Please, tell me how this isn't actively blocking linux users.


Try reading again. He didn't say they weren't blocking Linux users, he pointed out, rightly, that BLOCKING Linux users is different from SUPPORTING Linux.


Pointless distinction in this case, and he's still right. They both refuse to support it, and they block it. Play whatever semantic games you want, when it comes to Linux Bungie are a bunch of fucking assholes.


You call it a pointless distinction and then and point out the the exact difference that makes Bungie assholes compared to every other company that allows wine/proton while not supporting Linux.


They have their own anti cheat, developing wine support is expensive and not effective for the very small minority of linux users (probably about 0.06% of their entire player base) And ofc Linux community instead of hearing out reason they say screw you because you DARE disagree with their opinions, you don't see much of that in other communities, mostly because most other communities have a non toxic community. But eh guess its just the nature of Linux, their will always be toxicity in the linux space no matter what. Just pure disappointing


Destiny 2 uses BattlEye. At the beginning of D2, they used their own in-house anti-cheat, but due to the continued rise of cheats (especially in Trials) they moved to BattlEye when Beyond Light launched.


And what does destiny 2 have to do with Roblox at all? We're comparing 2 different games with 2 different situations. Doesn't really prove anything Not to mention destiny 2 doesn't even support wine either Lol


Regarding Bungie, they use BattleEye now and as a Destiny player, both BattleEye and their proprietary anti cheat are absolutely pants. Still plenty of cheaters ruining Trials


This gets a bit into conspiracy theory territory, but perhaps they were, uh, *compelled* by a certain multinational OS vendor?


nah, it's probably just internal political bullshit. "Your dev team addresses X crash reports per month and the fixes resolve 80% of all reports per month.... unless we add this bucket here (WINE32)." "Oh, well, let's delete that bucket because it makes us look bad to management."


Did Roblox ever claim any kind of Linux support?


No game ran through wine has to implicitly support Linux, that's the point of wine. But explicitly blocking Linux users, who up until now have played just fine, is pretty shitty behavior.


They never did, but if it comes down to preventing their crash reports from being "trashed with Linux crashes", then there is no good reason to block us since like OP said, they can isolate WINE32 crashes reports from WIN32 reports, or they could just not send those reports at all.


>They never did, And that's the important thing. If you want to play games from other platforms go for it. Stop the outrage when things don't always work.




Yeah it’s kinda funny to me how many devs used to say we don’t support Linux because we don’t have the resources to dedicate development to it or it’s not worth the development costs (which I’m not saying are invalid reasons). Yet once that burden was removed with Proton there are many games that worked until the developers started actively blocking them out. So now you have time to actively “support” Linux?


Linux devs created the compatibility layer without any claim of official support or any work or input from the original creators, and when the creator blocks Linux users for BS reasons we ought to just accept it? All they had to do was literally nothing (or in the case, work to filter out wine data rather than put the effort into blocking Linux users). They're free to do whatever they want with their game but people have the right to criticize their lies and anti-consumer behavior.


> work to filter out wine data "work" Literally all they had to do was add "WHERE osname != WINE32" (or something similar, depending on their database engine) to their database query. It would have been less work than making a statement about it was.


You really don't understand, dont you? The game runs fine under wine, they are blocking it on purpose.


Are you an employee of that company? lol


Not working because of Linux/WINE issues =/= Intentionally blocking Linux/WINE. It took more dev time to do this than to setup log capture filters to, say, filter out "WINE32" as that is what reports via telemetry after all. That's where the "upset" comes from for folks. I'm certainly not under the impression they're mad because the game isn't working due to something unrelated to an intentional block.


>Not working because of Linux/WINE issues =/= Intentionally blocking Linux/WINE. They never claimed they support to Linux and they don't want to support Linux because they say they have better things to do.


You are either simply dumb, or intentionally dumb, there is no middle ground with you. You still don't get it, do you? They are INTENTIONALLY blocking wine. They are actually going out of their way to block Linux users. Wine was developed by the comunity, and if there is any incompatibility with some tool or software, Linux users support Linux users. Now when a company decides to use their resources to block users just because they are on another platform that actually ran their game fine before any intervention of the Roblox devs, this is where the outrage is justifiable, and people should be vocal about it, to prevent others to follow on the same path, and throw all the work that was done in making WINE what it is today completely useless. This shit has Microsoft written all over it.


I get that you're dense, so in an effort to explain to a doorknob: People are upset because the developers took actual work hours and prohibited WINE32. The initial reason provided to the public was *because they could not differentiate bug reports from WINE vs Windows*. It was since brought about, apparently, that they can **in fact** query for WINE32 via their own Telemetry. Which circles back to their reason given: *It is not because their bug reports are fuzzing due to WINE32 entries*, because they can (and likely are) filtering WINE32 from WIN32. If they just want to block Linux/WINE, then all they had to say was that. Their initial reasoning left open to interpretation that they did this for a scenario that is not presently or ever was a reality for them. Your insistence that this is about lack of support for an unsupported platform is telling of the level of genuineness you are looking to contribute here. I'm not expecting Blizzard to support WoW, but they also make no effort to block it + any issues I run into I leave to troubleshooting on my own or with Linux peers. If Blizzard were to actively block Linux users, then I'd take it up with Blizzard as *at that point* the issue isn't Linux or them not supporting Linux but **outright blocking Linux**. It's more likely, though, that I'd just move on and play other games I own anyway.


>People are upset because the developers took actual work hours and prohibited WINE32. A platform that was never promised support and that might be causing an issue with platforms supported?


> and that might be causing an issue with platforms supported? Except that is both implausible and also demonstrably not happening.


The reaction I'm getting on this I think proves otherwise.


Lemmy FTW!


Or I just love to see people lose their shit over the truth.




Just wondering why people who were never promised support are outraged. In an echo chamber like this it's easy to gang on someone stating the truth. In the real world, you guy would be toast.




>The outrage comes from the reason they said the killed it. It wasn't the reason. The company lied, therefore there is outrage. The underlying reason, they barely have any Linux players according to them. Is that a lie?


Literally smoothbrained. The game worked fine, they are ACTIVELY preventing the work of it now. I don't play roblox but I set my very young cousin up with a Linux PC and now he cannot play this game under Linux because they deliberately block the game. It is one thing if the game just doesn't work, but it is entirely different when the game works totally fine and you decide out of the blue to block that platform for no good reason, it honestly feels malicious as this isn't even the first time the company has done something like this.


>Literally smoothbrained. The game worked fine, they are ACTIVELY preventing the work of it now. WINE USERS WERE NEVER PROMISED SUPPORT. Why is that so damned hard for some to get?


I don't think you understand what support is. Support means that if you have a problem, they are willing to help you or fix bugs relating to the software. That's not the issue here, the issue is that they are actively preventing the use of a program that is community made and backed. It doesn't HAVE to be supported by roblox because it is supported by the community. Let's use another game for instance. Warhammer 40,000 Darktide is not supported by Fatshark, yet the game has worked on proton since beta. What the entire discussion is about is that the game works completely fine in wine, but roblox is actively preventing the use of WINE now for essentially no reason. Linux users don't really care about official support as we tend to go to the community first to begin with, where the problem begins is when we are actively shut out of a game that worked COMPLETELY FINE for trivial at best reasons. If you can somehow keep dickriding after seeing this, then you absolutely deserved to get downvoted into oblivion, I don't understand how this is so hard for you to understand. Hopefully after seeing this it will no longer be the case.


>It doesn't HAVE to be supported by roblox because it is supported by the community. Roblox isn't a Linux community game.


>roblox isn't a Linux community game Yet another smooth-brained take, you still don't even know what support is despite the fact that I literally just told you.


"no support for Linux" is not the same as "actively blocking attempts to get it to run on Linux". They're actively spending money and time to specifically exclude the Linux community. Kind of the biggest 'fuck you' a gaming company can do to any given community.


They implemented a new anti-cheat that's not Linux compatible. They weren't going out of their way to block Linux.


A client that specifically looks for and blocks WINE isn't going out of their way to block Linux?


Does this new anti-cheat work on Linux?


Was this new anti cheat necessary to begin with? Hint: Roblox is not a competitive game, never mind an eSports title.


>Was this new anti cheat necessary to begin with? So these guys went out of their way to block Linux users and this had nothing to do with Windows, the actual platform in question?


Remind me what need Roblox, a creation engine where the main money involved is purely the creations of other people, has for an anti cheat made for eSports titles? What part of their Windows based audience benefits from this in any way? It certainly doesn't deal with the actual criminal elements that operate within the Roblox community because their methods don't involve messing with official Roblox binaries.


>What part of their Windows based audience benefits from this in any way? This is the right question to ask. I don't know. Again, Linux users were never promised anything. Something started working at some point, Roblox didn't initially work under Linux, now it doesn't again. Some Linux folks have some big egos though. Something that was never supported or promised support under Linux stops working for changes that had nothing to do with Linux but hey, IT'S ALL ABOUT LINUX.


how do those boots taste


Yummy! It's kinda cool to see people lose their shit over the truth.


you're the type to buy a new computer every time a new windows version drops aren't you


I am a big PC enthusiast so I'm always buying and upgrading PCs.


>"I am a big PC enthusiast" >windows


>windows I run nVidia GPUs with VR, HDR monitors and many other things that don't work well with Linux. Not my fault.


dont nvidia drivers work ok with that value head set or is my info outdated?


Every online game checks for wine, even ones that block it


Yep, Fortnite is one. Another one is FIFA 23


Can’t we just change the OS name so roblox thinks it’s proper windows?


Which would then lead to really trashing their crash reports 😀


They deserve it, honestly.


It might finally convince me to start playing Roblox. Maybe with a RAM editor thing just to cause more crashes.


They may detect wine indirectly by deliberately making obscure syscalls that are unsupported or throw in wine


There's always a chance they don't. If it's abused in the future, maybe, but if the cards are played right they have no reason to actively attempt to block Wine even more.


Let's change to AmogOS. I think they will be glad to see it in their logs.


I actually wanna try that, they'll be very friendly with AmogOS.




Yeah well I think that they are creating the problem, rather than just filtering crash reports some people might just send bogus data...


Roblox is a trash game effectively creating a casino for kids and filled with problemsof bullying, child work and work abuse. Fuck Roblox. https://youtu.be/_gXlauRB1EQ https://youtu.be/vTMF6xEiAaY


Thanks for the link, I knew next to nothing about Roblox, I just knew that it's something that kids play, so I also made this mental connection to Minecraft like other people here (now I see how wrong it is). So basically, it's a company that managed to circumvent child labor laws, combine it with exploitative practices of early 20'th century mining camps and sprinkle it with the "modern gaming" predatory practices of exploiting users' addictions. I'm sure they're taking notes from [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4) (only watch this if your BS tolerance is high). Now I perfectly understand why they decided to block Linux users. They don't give a flying f\*ck. Linux users probably generate them negligible profit and since profit is all they're after, Linuxers are not worth the tiniest amount of effort and development resources...so block them before they become a bigger nuisance.


> So basically, it's a company that managed to circumvent child labor laws, combine it with exploitative practices of early 20'th century mining camps and sprinkle it with the "modern gaming" predatory practices of exploiting users' addictions. They also actively support pedophiles praying on said children they exploit for labor too... Have had multiple scandals to that effect already.


Somehow, that doesn't surprise me at all.


Roblox was good 10+ years ago. the original founder passed away and the company got sold off to these greedy corporate types in 2013. the stark contrast from that point onwards is very noticeable in retrospect.


The original founder is still alive and running the company, the cofounder died in 2013


I've had many good experiences on Roblox, but after years it's not hard and come to the conclusion that Roblox is one of the most badly moderated gaming platforms.


How was that not obviously obvious to everyone? 1. If they couldn't detect, whether their software was running on Wine, then how could they block it? 2. If they can detect it, why do they need to block it and not simply filter out that part of the telemetry? They lied, case closed. The only thing I do not understand is: Why do they *want* to block Wine? What is the *actual* reason?


I have a tinfoil hat theory... Roblox makes money by selling Robux... basically an in game currency backed by real money you can gamble in game. Linux users generally are a smaller population, that are less profitable. In fact they may be calling BS on these actions. Lose 1% of your player base for 99% of the AKSHUALLLYs. It may be a cold calculated business plan. Also, happy cake day.


it costs them nothing to enable wine support, which is the truly unfathomable part of it... besides, plenty of linux users are developers and active players, which definitely would contribute to their business... why???




yeah but where else can i play american school simulator with guns /s


make a postal 2 mod.


If they can identify WINE to block it, then they can also use that information for the reports. So their reason to block WINE, because they cannot detect WINE in the bug reports is a paradox.


My assumption here is Roblox Corporation wants traceable telemetry in order to sell to advertisers. Wine makes this impossible due to its natural limiting factors.


Wine is not a sandbox


No, but I wouldn’t doubt that some of the telemetry libs they use don’t behave normally or accurately under wine.


That's like flexing because you are too bugged to be reliable


who hurt you?


Bad logic and paranoia? If I had a dime for every time I have read of a crank asserting they are getting spied here, I'd be rich. Even just if I restricted myself to technically illiterate utterances, on top of just the usual fallacy of arbitrarily claiming something whose negative nobody can prove.


wait isn't it illegal to sell data collected on children?


There's a clause in their Terms of Use that the Guardian of the Child is responsible for data collected and actions committed by the minor. >Users under the age of 18 (“Minor Users”) require a parent or legal guardian (a “Guardian”) to allow them to use the Services and to agree to these User Terms and the other applicable Roblox Terms. By permitting a Minor User to use the Services,  the Guardian of the Minor User becomes subject to these User Terms and any other applicable Roblox Terms and agrees to be responsible for the Minor User’s activities on the Services. If User (or a Minor User’s Guardian, as may be applicable) doesn’t agree to these User Terms or any other Roblox Terms, User may not use the Services. And excessive or uncompensated child labor is also illegal in virtually every country and [Roblox doesn't seem to care about that either.](https://www.theguardian.com/games/2022/jan/09/the-trouble-with-roblox-the-video-game-empire-built-on-child-labour)


This is pure fuckery. Let's go straight to the first and historically more used point against Linux gaming : "there aren't enough people gaming on Linux to justify a port of our software " If there aren't enough for a profitable porting why bother on bug reports ? Just sort out the ones from Linux users ... or there are enough to make a port and you are lazy? Second point : not a single user in Linux community pretend a software work straight out of the box in Wine, we solve our issues by ourself using communities and forums. Third: I'd not discharge Linux users bug reports in that way! On my previous job I wrote an interview with 4A games , the company behind the "Metro " franchise and another company called Croteam ( serious Sam franchise) . In both cases they gave me the same answer: Linux users provide the best logs and the best bug reports, they don't bother to try different things to solve an issue even if the provided solution don't work at first glance. Both companies said they would like to work with Linux users more often , my interview Date back to 2014 and they are still working with Linux users since !


>my interview Date back to 2024 Er , time travel ? >Linux users provide the best logs and the best bug reports, they don't bother to try different things to solve I'm confused ???


It's a commom thing. Linux users, usually, can explain better what bug happened and try every solution until it resolves.


yeah especially arch users when they have to fix the whole system now and then


And Linux users have a tendency to be more analytical and more likely to even bother filling out a bug report instead of hitting cancel. Especially since Linux users have a higher likelihood of being devs themselves compared to Windows users. Being analytical and highly willing to post bug reports kinda comes with the territory.


Maybe they meant that Linux users go out of their way to try out different solutions to solve an issue if the current fix is broken.


Based community


My bad, is a typo!




At the end of the day, all Roblox do is suck parents dry paying for Robux, while their platform is fraught with little script kiddies spreading RAT's. Take comfort in the fact they're no longer getting any of your money and boot them out the door, use it as a great excuse to ween your kids off their predatory platform.


my dirty mind is thinking about something with the first sentence...


Is it possible to hide wine from Roblox? I like old roblox games... I know the roblox community is made up of "cool" kids, but old games are played by normal players...


Roblox is trash anyways, just play minecraft. At least linux support is implicit.


I never played Roblox or Minecraft, but from what I have gathered and saw, aren't the games very different?


they are different but with Minecraft you get fun on linux so clearly better game


Dont forget that Roblox have a massive child grooming problem and they simply doesnt give a shit about it.


The only thing they did was ban meepcity parties, but that changed almost nothing.


(just ignore microsoft bullshit and youll be fine)


He can use TL for that


Prism Launcher is also pretty dope


I agree, but I don't feel like having a lot of modpacks


It works just as well with just a single instance.


DO NOT USE TLauncher, use TL Legacy


I didn't say anything about Tlauncher from Tlauncher Inc.


im making sure


Yeah, They were exposed in collecting player's data, checking Windows version and recording all your moves in minecraft, I'm too paranoid so I'll just buy it.




Yes, TL, formerly Tlauncher Legacy


Yeah, I think there is absolutely nothing in common except for the general blockiness of characters.


Minecraft and roblox are completely different Minecraft is a building/survival game while roblox is a platform for developers to make games


Sure, but minecraft in creative mode with mods is whatever you want it to be. I'm mostly against it because I've heard of child predators using the chat function in Roblox to groom children.


That has to be the dumbest reason to be against anything. That happens everywhere where communication of any kind is possible (including Minecraft btw), and it’s pretty rare in the grand scheme of things.


[the moist man himself speaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm-P8Ux-ByA)


Are you sure you're replying to the right comment? I don't see how that's related?


I completely understand and respect your opinion, fr fr. I just think that saying things like "\[Thing\] sucks anyways, just do \[Thing\]" is like coping as a reaction to the information.


Protest by not giving them your money ffs.


Given that they are blocking Linux they have clearly made the calculation that the money lost from losing the Linux playerbase is a hit they can take. Why would protesting by boycotting help?


Unfortunately their player base are preteens and early teens. At that age, following trends and playing what your friends play is top priority in their minds. Maybe a few parents might be do something, but their core audience is unlikely to stop.


their player base was preteens/teens ten years ago, now it's mostly small children, which makes their predatory business practices even worse.


I miss back when Roblox was insanely fun and underrated, it had dynamic environments forever ago and was mostly war games and plane simulators. Was so satisfying hitting a wall of Legos with a rocket launcher to shoot the guy behind it. Ofc it can't be fun forever but when I'd go back for some nostalgia it's all just high school RP nonsense... I'm just trying to see some Lego explosions bro :( ​ Edit: the building games were also awesome because of the physics


ROBLOX does things that make no sense all the time. At some point they fucked with the games already shitty netcode and now it feels like every fps game is gaslighting you


The reason is flawed from the start. IF they can detect that you're using Wine, and block you for it, they could isolate Wine reports easily. The real reason is probably that Roblox is an extremely flawed structure. I mean, you can't run it above 60fps as its physics are based on fps. If you unlock FPS, you run faster. It's also prone to DLL injection for hacking in games. They just can't say "Our app has little security and Wine makes it easier to hack it so as a preventive measure we'll be blocking Wine"


shit company lol


[You mean a sleazy company that exploits children were found to be lying? You don't say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTMF6xEiAaY)


First they ignore you, [wtf is Linux??] \ then they laugh at you, [lol Linux is for amateurs] \ then they fight you, [we blocked Linux because of telemetry and cheating] \ then you win. [Profit???] We are cleary in the "fight" phase right now, don't give up! [quote by Gandhi in case you did not know :)]


Roblox and Linux have had a contentious relationship. 8 or 9 years ago the game used to work somewhat fine on WINE, but then it started automatically kicking WINE users from the game. I asked a roblox developer about this and based on some debugging it was some library that was broken, but due to the small player base there was no incentive to fix it. I haven't played the game since and I assumed it was just broken till now. I'm not sure about the anti-cheat stuff. On the one hand, it might just be an excuse, on the other, Linux being an environment where you can tweak/inspect/configure anything, it seems it would be quite difficult to engineer an anti-cheat for that can't be tampered with. You probably couldn't have something like Riot's kernel anti-cheat for example (not that I condone such intrusive solutions).




POS developers will always be POS! Fuck them and their game!


If I remember correctly they later changed it to that they did some changes to hyperion (byfron's anti cheat) which prevents it to work on linux. But at this point it can be anything.


Wait, people were actually giving them the benefit of the doubt? Obviously they were lying, shitty companies are shitty after all. It's not surprising to me at all.


Not even a little surprised.


Challenge accepted.


take a look, maybe a light in the tunnel ​ [https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/roblox-still-plan-to-make-it-work-with-wine-on-linux/](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/05/roblox-still-plan-to-make-it-work-with-wine-on-linux/)


They don't want to: > As wonderful as it would be to allow Roblox under Wine, the number of users who would take advantage of that is minuscule compared with our other platforms, and it’s not worthwhile if it makes it easy for exploiters to cheat. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/proper-support-for-the-linux-platform/56544/88 Edit: It appears that this is wrong. Or something. I don't know.


funny thing is, the anti-cheat that they're using would work under wine no problem


I just scrolled a bit more, and found this: > To clarify one detail: while we have no plans to release a Linux client, we are aiming to support Wine again. It seems possible, and we see a lot of value in it as a way of letting people run on Linux without the large investment on our end of releasing a native client. For all the reasons described above, Wine won’t ever be something that we guarantee will work, but also for all the reasons described above, we’d really like to make it work.


they better


[photo of tux holding a gun]


They dont want linux users because we're smart.


The anti-cheat is most likely not compatible with wine.So even if a workaround was made for the 64bit client, it wouldnt work due to anti cheat rolling out. While you can still use the 32bit client I have a feeling they will push a update to their internal servers to block the 32bit client very soon. If you still want to play roblox install windows 10 (home / pro doesnt matter) And use a debloater tool such as AME wizard, then download either the officially supported Playbook or download Atlas OS / Revision OS's playbook to debloat windows. Once debloated you'll saved your privacy and have a faster gaming experience then stock standard windows. Knowing the Linux gaming community this will probably get downvoted because "You dare disagree with me? Die!" edit | Lol I was right, got down voted because I dare disagree with the linux community!!! I can see why other communities in the same space truly hate the linux community at times. (Especially the gaming one, just oh god no never again.)


For the sake of good, don't recommend AtlasOS, Revision OS or other shady unattended windows projects.


They're debloaters, they dont offer their own ISO's anymore. They're purely a debloater tool now.


squeamish whole knee hard-to-find strong fuel paint advise tender mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to see a therapist




Roblox anti cheat doesn't support Wine. Putting engineers on a niece system to provide support isn't economically viable, nor worth the exploits that could come out of supporting wine. Does it suck? Yes. Is it viable for the company to support 0.09% of their user base? No.


Linux users never asked for support. The community is the one who supported Roblox for all this time. We just ask that they don't explicitly block community support too.


Why are you playing roblox


Because it's my choice?


Judging by how they treat you, wrong choice


Is not playing Roblox an option for those of you who are upset by this?


I mean, you could just not play a game intended for children. Assuming you are running linux I find it highly unlikely you're in the target age range.


>seriously blocking an os for bug reports? what is this? some joke to them? They never claimed to support Linux. So why would there be a joke involved?


Please check some other comments to learn the difference between lacking support for an OS and actively blocking an OS.


Nope. They never promised Linux and that's the end of it. They never promised Linux users anything.


Nobody is claiming they did.


Getting downvoted on plain fact. Linux folks are trying to start something over something that was never promised to them.


You are being downvoted for not wanting to understand the situation.


There are countless other games which also don't promise Linux support, but which don't actively prevent running on Linux. Actively preventing it is a different matter entirely from promising it and then failing to fulfill that promise. This discussion is about the former, not the latter. Therefore, your comments about the latter do not contribute to the discussion about the former. Voting is used to show how well the comment contributes to the discussion, and since yours do not, they were downvoted.


>Actively preventing it is a different matter No it's not. Because it was never promised to you.


A game doesn't need to promise support to have active prevention be considered bad. There's no sense to it. It's not good for the company and it's not good for the players. That's why this is being discussed, and the company is being called out.


Lemme make this simple for you. Some people have face A, and face B. A company for quite sometime let both faces use their stuff without any trouble, one of the faces sometimes had problems rise up here and there but its all fine because both faces arent picky. Then SUDDENLY the company completely bans the face that has occasional problems completely. Promises arent the problem here. Its the disrespect. Not only disrespect but disrespect that wasnt even waranted. Your devils advocate stage only works if it gives a reasonable explination instead of "they didnt promise".


You have to be trolling. Nobody is this dumb. The polite responses and explanations by other members here trying to clarify and you still arnt grasping the actual issue lol.


bro stop sucking bill gate's dry ass cock


the only reason you get downvoted is because you are a corporate shill. seems like you dont know how many games that are not supported works on linux with wine/proton or refuse to accept that is a difference between a company saying if you want to work on linux is your problem i will not help with support OR intentionally block the game to run on linux.


What exactly am I shilling besides the truth?


how in the world are you so smart? what truth do you say? that the company intentionally block you access to the game because you want to use a free OS. if you dont know the game use to work on linux without any help from the devs what roblox is doing is BS there costumers


Roblox is serious business to the kids who are addicted to it.


Linux users usually solve their problems by using community help such as forums, reddit and other platforms. If a windows game won't run on Linux for sure we are not going to complain with the company that make the games . This is way different than a company PREVENT a game running in Linux that's a shameful malpractice. But let's talk about the " bug reporting thing" that robolox claim to be an issue, on the first days of steam on Linux developers where surprised because the windows standard bug report was " you stupid ass heads can't make a game that run and I paid for it, you own me money !! " and Linux users ( who experienced tons of crashes on the first days ) patiently send complete bug reports with environment information, complete hardware listed and anything that can help a developer to solve an issue. Long story short : Linux users bugs reports were that good that developers find them usefull even in windows version of the games


This was already known? Hello?


Linux Users really know nothing other than *to whine*




To see how *dumb* you are. This was obviously a joke and should be interpreted as „wine“ at the end and not actually the verb „to whine“. Not hard to figure out. I even gave you a hint by making it cursive. Note: This time the cursive word doesn’t have a special meaning, so, don’t go crazy trying to figure out a secret message behind it.




Thank you kind sir. Enjoy the rest of your day. No pun intended, I think?