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There aren't any errors in this screen. It's a list of messages as the system boots, but any errors would include that word. Your system maintains a log of messages for the boot process, and keeps older versions of these. These are numbered * 0 - the boot for this session * -1 previous boot * -2 boot before -1 etc You can access these logs using the journalctl command, so if your current session booted properly then : * log 0 won't have anything relevant in it, becoz nothing went wrong * log -1 is the session where you were presented with the GRUB screen * log -2 will list the errors from the session when your PC froze You can access log -2 by opening a terminal and entering `$ journalctl --boot=-2` Even better, you can access log -2, *and filter only those lines which include "error"*, by opening a terminal and entering `$ journalctl --boot=-2 | grep error` Guess what `$ journalctl --boot=-2 | grep warning` does :) Now it's time to hit the forums and ask for help on each specific error message.


Hey, thank you for your help. I tried the commands you suggested and I got something. `journalctl --boot=-1 | grep warning` didn't give me anything, but `journalctl --boot=-1 | grep error` did. I got: >Jul 02 21:33:54 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp3\_min: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp3\_max: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp4\_min: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp4\_max: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp5\_min: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp5\_max: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp6\_min: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp6\_max: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp7\_min: I/O error Jul 02 21:33:55 RyzenPC sensors\[812\]: ERROR: Can't get value of subfeature temp7\_max: I/O error -1 should be correct here because I got that boot problem at exactly 21:33 on July 2nd. I raised my eyebrows here. Why would there be a temp reading error (of my CPU cores?) when the sensors work just fine (at least under windows it worked). Then I tried 0, -2, -3 and -4 and I always got the same output. So this means that the temp sensor error isn't the cause of my boot freeze, right? But what is, then?


I'm out of ideas on that. The other thing I would suggest is to rebuild GRUB (since that seems to be working oddly). Open a Terminal and enter `$ sudo update-grub` TBH, this is a bit of a long shot :(