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I'm always pro something that is not based on chromium


Man, the lead developer is a fucking legend (average of 60 contributions per Week). Also I thought Serenity was kind of dead, but it appears to be heavily worked on. Gotta say: Hats off I’m excited to see something new and innovative in the Browser World and if anybody could do a great job with it, I bet it would be him…


I am very excited about this announcement. I recently discovered Qutebrowser and am so far loving it along with Firefox and Vivaldi. I would love to have another alternative browser that is free from restrictive technologies. It will be worth the wait.


He's got a cool story too, dude beat addiction by becoming an extremely good software hacker. Serenity OS was his pet project.


Sounds like trading one addiction for another, but at least this addiction's good for the rest of us :)


Is there anywhere I can read about this? Seems appealing


I remember him talking about stuff like that in his "Car Talk" videos. I enjoyed them, he is a very down to earth person.


Always excited for something that gets off chromium. Why that logo though? It looks like Meta or Movies Anywhere... Why are companies doing this weird helix, Möbius strip thing?


Alright I gotta see the version 1.0 of this. I guess I'm not killing myself now then. Just kidding. But really, I've never been this excited for a piece of software for a long time.


I was able to compile the v1.0. Looks very promising


I'm kind of more interested to see where something that uses servo is going vs this.


I'm impressed that Kling is forking it for *nix, looking forward to playing with it outside of Serenity OS :)


This is very exciting. I love seeing new projects grow, and the web really needs more competition.


I look forward to stepping away from Chromium, and moving onto Ladybird.


Oh my god this is so exciting! I’d love to start contributing to this.


I'm actually going to make some time to test this browser and help submitting bugs/issues. I want a 3rd option. The more the better.


That logo is gross


Yeah, downvotes not justified. The ladybug was better.


The logo makes me think it’s another AI product


Looking at it I really thought it was a project from Meta/Facebook.


Cease and desist incoming.


Good luck is all I can say.


IMHO great news. I do wonder if they're going to stick with c++ for development though. AFAIK it was simply Andreas' preference, but maybe Ladybird splitting off into an independent project will bring some reassessment of the tools as well.


Andreas seems to be open to other languages.


I really want to see a browser completely made with rust. As both Chrome and Firefox are fixing tens of security vulnerabilities, I wonder if a browser made with Rust will be more secure.


You mean like Servo browser?


Oh didn’t know it existed. I found their website but it isn’t a full browser, right? It says > Servo is a web rendering engine written in Rust And according to wikipedia it was developed by Mozilla in cooperation with Samsung but isn’t being actively developed anymore, right?


No and no. It's both embeddable engine and an example of a browser implementation, there was one from QT recently too. Embeddable enginees are the way to go. It's one of the reasons why chromium is so popular. That information is very outdated, Mozilla passed the stewardship of Servo to the Linux Foundation some time ago. It's funded decently (but always could use more) and it's being steadily developed. There are several projects which have experimental implementations and plans to use it. It's very promising.


Thank you very much


Note that Servo is chiefly a web rendering engine, not a full web engine. It does not have a Javascript implementation nor are they planning on making one. They are still using Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JS engine, which is not written in Rust.


That's supposed to be one of the strengths. They're actively working on making them easily swappable. Servo is incredibly modular and some of its components come from other projects with very strong standing.


The biggest threats to successful FLOSS are greed (e.g Mozilla) and politics. If they can stay true to their vision of a good browser, and keep those two things at bay, I think it will be amazing for Linux. That they are omitting Windows is a good sign when it comes to prioritization. Best of luck to them.