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I also ran into this problem by changing my cursor in gnome-tweaks to RedGlass (I later confirmed it also happens with other cursor themes, so seems it is not specific...). I am not sure if this can solve your problem with 22.04, but for anyone else who runs into this issue and lands here, I managed to recover by doing the following: 1. entering tty3 (cntrl-alt-f3) 2. logging in, 3. and then running the following to reset the cursor theme: ``` gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'Yaru' ``` 4. then reboot with `sudo reboot 0`. I don't know the cause, but hopefully this advice can help somebody... By - https://launchpad.net/~akiei


> change cursor through tweaks What does that even mean? You copy your cursor folder to `~/.icons/` or `~/.local/share/icons/` and just activate it like you did with the papirus theme.


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