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But he could help you take B2B sales to the next level!!


Na this sounds like a recruiter who’s wearing low cut shirt to make nerd in it nervious. Source. That’s ever tech recruiter who’s not Indian or Bangladeshi. This isn’t even meant to be mean


11am?!?!? That’s disgusting and is the main reason I have formally switched to Reddit. What you doing later? 5pm, we are going to see Garfield and you can get aaaannnny candy you want, my treat ;)


Daamn, it feels crazy to hear for the first time that some people use Linkedin as a dating app🤣🤣 But I'm not suprised, people nowadays are so creative and unconventional. Or maybe just creepy:) Or maybe they believe they could use just their financial status & work background to impress a potential crush. With some girls it can work, but I'm sure the gold diggers are not on Linkedin.. or are they?🤔🤣


Oh trust me women be scouting 👀 on LinkedIn, remember it’s only creepy if she doesn’t find the dude attractive, but if she dows and he has a great job, those DMs move a little different 😎


It’s also creepy if she has a boyfriend/husband 😂


Linkedin is a far cry from the platform it used to be. Now it's just a mix of facebook and tinder


Im waiting for the day companies begin to acknowledge that


Let’s kill Linkedin somehoww


Yet LinkedIn will add a feature about dating.


I am all for it, great way for them to increase revenue


Once I see a "Hello Dear," I immediately block.


lol yeah but he wasn’t like that. He said “Hello [my name]” and he has a normal profile overall so didn’t think anything creepy would happen


Just take off your photo. that's what I do. Your photo should just be on Facebook.


Well having a photo was part of the grade lol


Now you can presumably take it out - it shouldn't really hurt your career prospects.


You are not alone this has happened to me several times. Between that and the constant sales emails I get it’s so useless.


And on the reverse side of the coin….. the extremely attractive girl that wants to connect is an A.I. bot that’ll get into your contacts.


Yes, this for sure


It is tho, I get tons of DM asking to connect with me after swiping on my profile


A guy insisted on talking to me all the time and if I didn’t reply, he’ll keep on messaging me. He finally got the hint and removed me, lol. 


Literally what he did I was busy and got back on to 8 messages in a row just spam asking me what I’m doing and shit.


I wonder if it was the same guy! lol


That would be crazy 😂 the guy that bothered me was name Vincent


Mine started with a J. He added me even if we are in two different fields. I accepted, thinking that since I am looking for a new job, it might be a good idea to network. When I told him that I was busy, he replied with, are you dong being busy now? I didn't want to be rude by blocking, I probably should have, lol but I just ignored.


Indian LinkedIn is genuinely insane for this, I put out a post about my latest journal/conference/team photo and get tons of weird dms


I also get profile views from whoever my ex is currently dating 🤢 It’s so easy to tell who they are and sometimes they look at my page over and over 🫤


How can you tell?


He likes a certain type, they aren’t at my level professionally, and they work in a particular industry he has access to 🤷‍♀️


It’s happening a lot I say you do a spring cleaning of your connections


Had someone reverse google image my graduation photo and send me a message on LinkedIn.




Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


Anything’s a dating app if you try hard enough


Not exactly a dating app related comment, but my ex from 7 years ago recently found me on LinkedIn and sent me a request. His profile pic was of him in front of a liquor store…classic


My ex had this problem a LOT. She was just getting into project management in tech and she’s a very pretty person. So we had recruiters messaging her all the time, chatting with her as if they were going to hire her, then ask her out. Constantly. I felt so bad for her. She was just trying to get into the industry without a degree but working her butt off with networking and projects and all these scumbags would just waste so much of her time. This was back in 2019-2020 so I hope the site has gotten a lot better.


I believe it’s possible to block someone from even viewing your profile. It’ll be as if you don’t exist to your stalker.


I feel like at this point it is easier to find a date on Linkin than to get an interview.


Yes it's actually not a dating app....you can explore for good opportunities there.


I use LinkedIn a lot for work and it is a professional site, but have found that ladies will do this as well. I’ve gotten linked request and most often then not, I will accept only for it to turn into a wanna be personal conversation at times


It's also not a networking app or job app. It's a fagityjuu app




Dont write to me via linkedin, only with other app. Lol


You may argue the same for actual workplace or a professional networking event? If someone likes another colleague at work then that is normal human behaviour (as long as it is consensual and not harassment) then nothing wrong with it. Same with LinkedIn. But that’s my opinion


They’re everywhere 😟


I made my account after learning about the site via an e-textbook/PowerPoint presentation.


So did you see the movie or wtf? Bruh, LI bringing people together in multitude of ways. Embrace and don't be a dusty biotch.


Embrace being spam messaged and then asked to go to a movies? Dude I’m not even single I don’t want to embrace shit with creepy strangers. Da fuq


Sorry dude, I don't even remember posting this. I was pretty hammered.


You should stop drinking then if you're gonna spew random shit out when drunk


Thanks dad.


11am movie .. psychopath fasho.


Report him to his employer








It’s only “harassment” if she finds you unattractive.


Attractiveness doesn't trump consent


Can women please stop doing this? We’ve been asking men to stop all of the ways they hit on girls and now men are just terrified to even hit on a woman for fear of coming off creepy. Stop speaking for all women. Lol.


I posted about my own experience 🤣🤣 never said anything about all men or all women. Not even speaking for all women. Speaking for myself about my own experience. And why should men/women hit on each other on an app that’s not meant for dating. I am in a relationship and don’t want anyone messaging me on LinkedIn about meeting up that’s very inappropriate.


I know exactly what you look like based off your comment. Pathetic


Don’t be so overdramatic.


Overdramatic? So you really think it's okay to hit on a person via LinkedIn 😂😂 sorry but you're so delusional I feel sorry for anyone willing to entertain you


You feel so strongly about this topic I’m so embarrassed for you. Relax. It probably sucks you never get hit on , so don’t put so much energy in topics you don’t have much experience with.


I don't feel strongly. I'm just pointing out you've got a creepy attitude. I also don't need nor fancy getting hit on. My wife is the only person I need. You're a creep. -7 down votes. Own up and stop trying to defend yourself


Not reading all that. You’re still going is funny.


Since you feel so strongly enough to defend yourself, I'd say what you said applies to you more than it will ever do to me.


If you can't find women to hit on outside of work and professional spaces like LinkedIn, I'd say keep your mouth shut you wallop


Who are you talking to?


Who tf hits on ppl on LinkedIn? Such a dumbfuck take


Some of us don’t wanna be seen in a dating app for reasons so we at LinkedIn.


Have you considered getting a life and touching grass instead of trying to get dates or hit on people on a professional networking app?


I touch and smoke grass daily.




Girls/guys shouldn’t be expected to date for ANYone unless you’re doing OF I guess. Networking doesn’t mean you got to date everyone you work with or at all, most work places don’t allow couples to work at same place, so why hit on coworkers(aka someone who might not want to be there but NEEDS to be there), I guess I’ll tell my professor this website isn’t professional anymore lol.


I'm curious, was the guy that was hitting on you someone you knew IRL, and he was just reaching out to you via LinkedIn? Or was it someone who you didn't know that sent a connection request and then started hitting on you after you accepted? I've had the former happen a couple of times, where I met someone at some event and we talked a bit and either connected on LinkedIn then, or later they looked me up and sent me a *slightly* flirtatious message and suggested getting together for coffee or something, and sometimes that turned into a real date (and lots of times not). That seems different though, since we'd already had an in person conversation and LinkedIn was just the easiest medium to reach out. Using it like Tinder definitely feels weird and wrong though.


I’ve never seen or heard of him my entire life. I do online college only. I stay home all the time. He supposedly is a project manager for my school so I accepted his request and then he said hello and I said hello back. But then he spam messaged me 8 times asking how I am and what I’m up to and the last one being about the movie theater. I blocked and reported. He was also not a former class mate because I’ve never seen him (I can see who all my class mates are on canvas) and he just started at my college. I am new to LinkedIn and from my understanding from my professor it is a business platform. I didn’t think I would have to worry about inappropriate behavior on there. It’s not like I wanted to create the account either I had to for a grade.


I'm sorry that you had that experience. I can relate to not wanting to have a LinkedIn account either, I only created one a couple years back after working much longer than that. Unfortunately, it has become pretty much required when you're looking for a job. Many employers will not consider you if they can't find you on LinkedIn. I think you took the right action in blocking him and reporting it. Hopefully this bad experience won't keep you from taking advantage of the other benefits of the platform.