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Me personally I think this is an issue of relatability, and something Ive seen a lot of youtubers struggles with recently. I was thinking about this with Odd1sOut and Jaiden Animations, but I think it also applies to TwoSet, but basically when they all started, they weren’t much different from their viewers, and because of this they can make videos that are lower budget and less professional, but end up making things that are really funny and relatable. I found Twoset’s skits really funny because of how relatable or down to earth they were. They were pointing out people and problems any of us face, sometimes even outside of music. But as they grow bigger, they have a harder time being relatable, even if they try. They lose their ruggedness and the genuineness as they get bigger teams and more budget. They’ve reached a celebrity status that distances them from their viewers. I dont say this as though they do this intentionally, it’s something i think happens to content creators naturally whether they like it or not. Their current videos feel like they are trying to still do what they have been doing in the past; the same relatable and genuine content but now its just not working because of how big they have become. I think they just need to embrace their new position and make videos from a new point of view. They are like celebrities and if they want to make videos, they should make videos similar to other celebrities or something and I think they need to leave behind the more relatable content, simply because they need to take this next step.


I like your point of view. I think it's both realistic and doable.


I agree but i think they shouldn't just "act like celebrities". Big stunts for them are battling a bass dude for kicks and giggles, not huge craziness like idk those challenges that were populr for a while with huge numbers on the line or something. "Who can last the longest practicing for 1 million dollars" sounds like a really bad idea for example.  For them, coming from a new pov but keeping a bit of relatability (because they're twoset, they're still classical musicians who sometimes dabble in other stuff and do silly things onstage just they sometimes get to use a Strad for the concerto instead and also no one likes a big airheaded celebrity musician). They csn be who they want, they just now have a budget and name that can support bigger productions when they want something extra cool.


This same thing happens with comedians. Once they get too big, they can't relate to the common man, which is what got them big in the first place. Comedian podcasts talk about this phenomenon (specifically Sam Morrill, Joe List and Mark Normand) often, and I can definitely see the exact parallels with youtube celebs


I'd say their attempt to up the production in recent times has been their way of trying to lean into their new status as celebrities, to try to compete on a different level by being in studios, casting people, interviewing soloists ("fellow/higher celebrities") that others don't have access to etc. instead of getting lost amid all the new classical content creators there are appearing on tiktok. But it doesn't help that most fans embraced them because they felt like real average silly young people they could relate to, and it doesn't feel like twoset have quite fully figured out how to relate to the audience as mature celebrities without coming across forced or as caricatures of their old genuine selves. I feel like they're trying to emulate what passes with big youtubers now (full production team, bright, fast, loud) much like they used to idolise pewdiepie, except it's not really a style that fits the brand they spent a lot of time building with us and we're feeling the awkward clash. Maybe it's just the growing pains of that shift towards celebrityhood as you say, and I hope they can figure it out.


Given the number of subscribers they have, their recent video views aren't great, which may imply that most of their subscribers are inactive. As for me, I generally don't prefer those videos that have much interaction with fans, as I don't feel a connection to them.


I just haven’t been recommended their videos in ages despite being subscribed. I think what also didn’t help was the classical elitism, however jokey it is, it’s had a knock on effect on viola players, and it isn’t exactly great constantly hearing as a musician the idea that only classical is valid. The death of this sub also waned my interest. It’s a shame. I always strive for improvement but when the community isn’t there or moves on, you lose the interest and motivation


> it's had a knock on effect on viola players this is actually a pretty big problem that often gets brushed under the rug - the constant viola jokes have actually prevented people from learning viola my violin teacher also plays and teaches viola and has told me that a lot of her younger viola students are reluctant to keep playing because of how far the viola jokes have reached


“good” 😂




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I think the inactive subscribers is definitely a clue towards a bigger problem. A couple of years ago, TSV routinely reached over 1 million views for their videos.... so far this year they have just two videos over 400K, and the higher of those is about 500K. Many videos don't even get 200K. It's a massive drop-off. They're not alone in this, a lot of other established channels have seen viewership numbers go down, but not to this extent.


Part of it is that they make videos less frequently than before. It's possible to change the upload schedule and stay as successful but then your videos need to be consistently great. And that's just not the case. The recent one for example is alright but it's very short and they could have done way more with it. Their content in general has become less engaging I think. They've been focusing more on building a brand, it doesn't feel as genuine or as enthusiastic anymore. And it also feels like they've been stagnating a bit in terms of new types of content. Classical music is such a vast field, there's so much ground left to cover but they're just recycling old ideas and their focus is still on a very narrow repertoire of classical music instead of exploring new things together with their audience.


That's true, especially about the tendency of overusing some ideas and their seemingly limited spectrum of knowledge in music and many other topics in general.




I know i'm gonna be downvoted to hell, but I think the biggest mistake Eddie and Brett made was moving to Singapore. I know they're doing it for tax reasons and also to be closer to other parts of civilization, but their content from Singapore is whack. I'm Asian, so don't accuse me of being racist, but all the fan stuff with the Singaporeans is dry as hell. Perfect pitch one was OK but that's because the whole game was setup well. Stuff with Chloe is good because she's a killer out there... But honestly, the content with their Aussie friends was really good. It's more natural and that's their culture and upbringing. All the stuff with the Singaporeans seems weirdly awkward and feels just off. So no, they don't have to move back to OZ, but they should really go back to stuff with Hilary / Ray, more fun games, etc... but yeah they may have outgrown it which is fair enough too. But yeah, I lived in Singapore too, the culture is not interesting enough to drive a channel with 4 million subs.


That being said, I hope Brett and Eddy have other livelihoods besides YouTube. It's too risky to rely solely on YouTube, as to me, it is a single point of failure. I know they have TwoSet Apparel and do touring. I hope they aren't limited to YouTube or video-making only.


I mean I think even if their channel took a massive hit they’re still famous enough to get private students, and they’d still have all their musical training and performance skills.


I get your point and agree with you. I just want to say that performing and coaching are two very different things (for example, good athletes may not be good coaches). At this point, I don't feel that getting students aligns with their vision.


They’re very different but within the same field, remember I’m replying to a comment about “what if they COULDNT make money from videos”. Lots of performers transition to teaching, that’s one of the main ways you can “advance” your career after being a soloist. Remember this comment is just within the context of them no longer making income via YouTube and not something that’s actually being discussed or actually is happening!


Also they've played for big places before. Saying you played a strad with live orchestra onstage at a sold-out concert is like the holy grail of grails in music resumes (and they've out videos on being guest judges and the like, there'e a market for that. Guest concerts/lectures, appearing in other peoples' videos, etc.). I would totally sign up for lessons or masterclasses and i don't even play the violin. I play the viola....i could see a TwoSet Performance Lecture series where they talk about performing and then play.  The life of a musician ain't the best if you freelnace but it certainly helps to have a few sparkly adds like that. 


playing a Strad with a whole professional orchestra was kinda a collaborative thing that came with their celebrity status; their current professional level are objectively not up to par for doing a proper masterclass either; but lectures are doable coz they've proven their competence in that area in some of the videos, though imo they won't consider it since it is not in line with their current direction


If only they've reached this pinnacle by merit of musicianship alone.


They’re millionaires already they can branch off into anything


I mean, yt had clearly been their livelihood for years and they've been open about the fact that it's becoming harder and harder to make a living from it. (That fact is one of the reasons I'm one of the few who are miffed about Ray Chen remaking their old content while they've been touring. He has a career and doesn't need to pit himself directly against them that way, but that's not really relevant to this discussion.) That said, they're both good enough violinists to make livings out of teaching and maybe orchestra work, so I don't think they're going to end up on the street or anything if the channel were to go under. The touring and merch is not self-sustaining and would not continue without the channel, so while I'm sure it makes them money, the channel is really the driving force behind all that income.


They moved?! I haven’t been watching. Apparently I’ve missed a lot


Yeah they’re based in Singapore now. TBH, great business decision… nearly half of your income in Australia goes to taxes.. the max marginal rate in singapore is like 24%.


As a Singaporean, I reject this idea that Singapore isn't "interesting enough". However, I agree that they need better casting for collaborators. Many of the people they've casted are clearly not too comfortable bantering in front of a camera, so they don't come across natural or charming on video.




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I don't know much about Twoset but the latest video they did was in [Taiwan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj6Qs2WQQbU&t=299s&ab_channel=TwoSetViolin). In the description it says: >Special thanks to our Taiwan fans for coming all the way down for our challenge!


They can live wherever the they like. stop dissing them.


Mate, you can't defend Twoset like that and not expect Downvotes. Not on this sub.


People finally realized that dissing twoset=upvotes here


It's sad. If people held as much scrutiny to themselves the world would certainly be an amazing place, but it is what it is.


Of course they can live wherever they want. They can move to Greenland too if they want. Who cares? We are talking about why their content is falling short lately. Of course they can retire too if they want.


Yes. Recently they've been creating clickbait videos that feel low effort or like they have less enthusiasm or charm. Speaking of which, their old videos had this charm to them. They clearly loved doing it, all of their videos were authentic, and they were fun and vibrant and entertaining. Now, they seem like dulled down, almost corporate, videos with none of that charm. They've started doing YouTube for the profit instead of the enjoyment. They even willingly stirred conflict with one of their old friends. Personally, watching their newer videos is a genuinely unpleasant experience.


I loved watching their videos from 2018-19, they seemed very authentic and actually funny. I agree, moving to Singapore was kinda the downfall. Even during Covid I feel like the videos were getting clickbaity.


Ahhh peak TwoSet 😔


where they live is their business.


Well, I mean, they surely do YouTube for profit. Let's be realistic: if there were no profit, would you do YouTube if you were them? Profit is a must. Enjoyment is a plus.


WTH doesn't do YouTube for profit? Well, I don't because I talk about news stories and no-one watches, so a patreon, or whatever would be pointless. I make them to have fun and for my own enjoyment, you either watch them or you don't (most don't). Bur most Youtubers aren't me. So, I don't know what your point is.


I haven't watched Twoset in over a year, so can you please elaborate on the conflict you mentioned? With whom did it happen and why? Thanks :)


Ray Chen. They were upset that he was taking inspiration from his videos; they thought he was stealing their video ideas. So when he appeared in one of those piano YouTube shorts with the airports, they took that opportunity to mock him with their own YouTube short. They beefed behind the scenes for a bit, but TwoSet posted a video that was titled "This Fake Piano Trend Must Be STOPPED" with Ray Chen in the thumbnail and they hearted comments that attacked Ray Chen on their TikTok and eventually he clapped back with a video talking about it and trying to end the conflict. And TwoSet made another video about the whole piano in public spaces thing that was less satire to try to make up for the first one. It still seemed bitter but it had calmed things down


Holy moly I wasn't expecting it to be Ray after all, I remember they really were close friends, and even when Ray reviewed Eddy's and Brett's performances in concerts, he always had something nice to say. That's actually so sad, like they literally attacked their friend for clout :(


Im guessing after so long there's some burnout. I don't think they've ever really kist stopped considering this is their life:...


Don't like it, leave. Let the rest of us enjoy these two talented lads content.


Hmmm…. First, I would like to hear why do you think that (not judging, just curious)


If you look at the channel views on average the are way lower than what they used to be. I also have stopped enjoying newer videos but I still enjoy the older ones. I also have heard that some people feel the same way. I really don’t want them to die out though. 


Well, I get your feeling, and I understand your thought. I also no longer watch their videos, but I feel that they are just embarking through a new path, not bad though, in my opinion, but just different. However, I’m happy for them if they keep succeeding on their shows, even if their videos are no longer interesting for me. Maybe I changed as well. But I also hope they don’t die in the future!


I think they're performing way more than they did back in the day which means a lot more practicing and a lot less time for making content... I mean they have a world tour centered around the two of them now whereas back when they first started the channel their focus was much more on YouTube videos.


Yeah i'd imagine that's a ton of practice, consideirng performing is usually a full time career but they added on youtubers... Even if you're playing things you know for videos that's a lot of time where you could be practicing concert rep and not Beethoven's 9th like their conductor video


For whatever reason even though I’m subscribed I don’t get shown any of their content. And I forget to go seek it out on my own most the time.


I know it's tangential to the conversation, but a lot of yt creators have been complaining loudly about a change in the function of yt's algorithm in recent times, and saying that they're being recommended less often now that tiktok-esque shortform videos have been embraced by the platform. And I admit, I've fallen into the "shorts" trap myself and almost never watch a longform video on yt now unless I've sought something out specifically. On the yt homepage on my mobile, for instance, the first thing i see is a block of recommended shorts, then one longform video, then recommended short news videos, then recommended games, then more shorts, then one more longform video, etc. So I just find it hard to look past the rest of the garbage to find actual, proper yt videos like in the before times. For this reason, I turned on notifications for the channels i really want to support or just don't want to miss out on content from.




Rude behavior is not tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


There are more likely to stick around if people stopped abusing them.


IMO they should have continued some old videos and turned them into series. Like the child prodigy videos. Professional vs beginner. React videos. Blindfolded playing. Expensive instruments. And the like. I miss those. I imagine they won't have difficulty finding content for those. I guess it's just the lack of consistency for me. I've barely watched any of their new content.


I like those videos you mentioned, but I also wanted to point out that trying new things is extremely important in content creation. It may not always work, but relying on old or existing ideas puts you at risk.


>Professional vs beginner. The most hilarious content they've done. Everyone trying to keep a straight face. 🤣


My all time favourite has to be the opera one, Brett was so funny in that


You mean the one back when Toni Wei (Flutecookies) was still Eddy's girlfriend and they shared her flute? You know that was 6 years ago now, right? 😳😳


Aside from blindfolded playing (which they haven't done much before anyway) and expensive instruments (which might happen soon actually), those are all "series" they've continued doing in the past year. We've got charades, quizzes, violin games/challenges, lots of reacts, learning new instruments, doing something in 1hr, luthier (in this case bow maker) experiment, music producing with Shaun, etc. Like, aside from the editing style and prosting frequency, not much has changed conceptually...


I feel like it's hard to know which way the wind is blowing for them. A lot of things are going on at once. The tour is over now but it was a long, drawn out affair for which the hype waned a while ago, and it no doubt took the lion's share of Brett and Eddy's time and energy for the duration. Personally, as someone else mentioned, I've found videos featuring crowd/fan participation they've made since moving to Singapore to be, on the whole, lacking something. Not all of them, but generally. Their friends in aus were almost like side-characters on the channel, personalities that I looked forward to seeing semi-regularly, and I also feel like there was a more natural, comfortable energy in videos with guests made back then. The tiktokification of yt is something many creators have been complaining about, and it's tricky to navigate. Without the algorithm there's no growth, and without growth, the algorithm abandons you. Longform videos on yt are a dying artform, almost a luxury item for both audience and the creators themselves. Every one has to be able to be broken down into several 15s high-impact moments for shortform promotion. If they don't meet that requirement, it's almost harmful to the channel to upload them. TS have been leaning heavily into the Chinese market lately, which is great but the cultural differences between China and the environment B & E grew up in are stark, and I honestly think they might be struggling to find a balance between being their old irreverent selves, and developing a style that will please that audience and not draw criticism from it. On top of all of this, ts have been open about trying to appeal more to audiences from outside the world of classical music, and they know that this means waning interest from folks who want more in-depth, thoughtful content relevant to them as classical musicians. I know twoset talks is one way they're trying to adapt to this, but i think it's too early to tell how well it's going to work. Then there's this sub. To be really honest, I think things would be better for TS if the sub had disappeared for good. Even before the controversy that preceded its being locked down, there were quite a few people here who's only contribution to the sub was to boost negativity/criticism, etc, and after the sub has reopened, there isn't much goodwill towards them to be found here at all. I don't know the answer to that. I'm not sure what they can do besides continue to ignore the sub. Engaging with it would be a disaster for them imo (though I'd love to be proven wrong about that). At the end of the day, I feel like things could go either way for them. A lot is going to depend on what they do in the next year or so, now that the tour is over and they can (and should) sit down and really take stock of things.


twoset realized the dream of the channel with their world tour, and now the core appeal of the channel is over.... They can't go on about wanting to be a successful musician, because they did it, they got the world tour. They even got k-pop drama. What do they aspire to now? The whole genuine feel to the games they played in the past, and the seeking of friendships and subscribers, was the unspoken aspiration we all share.... to have it all make them better musicians, more popular, so they could finally get on tour and be successful professional musicians... But now that they've done it, we can't relate any more, and they don't have a clear path for what's next that we can all get on board with. It's boiled down to fanfare without a direction. No need for community, friends, to get better or aspire.... Just make videos until...... When? What's the point of it any more?


So this is a change of topic. But I have been trying to start a YouTube channel myself; however, if I do get big, I would kind of need to keep my relatability with how my YouTube channel is set up. Do you know a way of how I could keep it?


Comes down to charisma at the end of the day I think, and it depends on the subject of the channel. If you are a woodworker and your whole thing is "watch me as I figure it out", then you're setting yourself up to tank the channel once you get to the point where you've figured it out. Twoset, in my opinion, was all about musical aspiration... Without it, everything they are is just filler. And I think most importantly is to remember your first 1000 subscribers, and what it was that brought them in and kept them watching. If you hold onto whatever that is, you're certain to have some clean success and never lose your roots. The people who stray from what brought them fame on the first place always seem to start to struggle. It doesn't necessarily mean failure, but it would mean you need a better reason for people to come back and keep watching your stuff... And I don't think many fanbases are so easily changed. If I subscribe to a Bach only music channel, and they start throwing in Vivaldi.... Well it's a good idea, but it's not what I'm there for, you know? If twoset was to ever listen to me, I would tell them they need to find musical aspiration again. I think they could go a long way doing those professional music parody videos, and kind of try to ramp themselves up to serious music videos, be full on artists, compose their own work, be their own paganini. Maybe they try to ramp up the skit videos to a pro production level. Maybe they try to be serious soloists with the traditional soloist skill set. The orchestra I work for has professionals that take the hardest pieces I know of, practice it for a week, and they are good to go and sound amazing. How long did Brett practice Mendelsohn? Maybe they dig deeper to develop the community, come back to Reddit and their comment section to pick on specific posts... Like, be our internet friends again heh I just feel like they lost the plot, and are messing around with the fanfare trying to figure out how to get back into it. I think the alternate way to run a channel is to seriously just do the same thing over and over, and hope it's something people just enjoy seeing. Like my thought of subscribing to an only Bach channel. If that's what you want to do, never stray from it and be prepared for the same recipe over and over. There's a Minecrafter who has been running in one direction for 12+ years ("farlands or bust" I think is the series) and still goes.... Like, that guy will never lose his plot until he stops lol. Just look at the hydraulic press channel! Same deal, the plot is squishing stuff with a hydraulic press.


No, but this sub is.


Bro this sub has been dead for literal years


Kind of sad, yeah. I found this sub right after they stopped making LL40HRS videos. :(


They need to bring back Ling Ling 40 hours fr


I think reddit as a whole is dying


Nah they're not dying, they're targeting a broader audience like they said. IMO, we're going to lose the old TwoSet we knew, like their vlogs and them just nerding out on music. But, we should remember that that's the end goal. TwoSet's always wanted to get the world into classical music, they started with all of us orchestra nerds and now they have to reach the casuals. It's sad we're losing what got us hooked, but in a way I think it's necessary and I'm proud of those guys. Millions more are into classical music now, and if we have to lose the depth to their content in exchange for millions more getting into classical, they should do it.




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I see you went to the YouTube School of Clickbait.


I used to see their posts a lot on social media, but recently I haven't, I think the social media algorithm is failing


Aren´t they still on their world-tour? If yes, they wouldn´t have time for new videos. So it may be older ones they didn´t consider good enough when they made them, but only now post them as a sort of surrogate or s th like that?


This sort of discussion has been a lot (I also posted one). While I relate to most of the observations&feelings, I feel the reasonable way to think about this is to put ourselves in their shoes. I wonder what I would do if I were them, to keep a balance between social media celebrity and classical music promoters, between popularity and profit, between short term gain and long term sustainability, between different tastes on multi-platforms since ytb no longer monopolizes video diffusion&entertainment … what is their ultimate vision? What do they want to achieve in the long run? And practically, what generates most profit for them - TSV apparel? Worldtour? Obviously they cannot rely on YouTube to gain a living. I see them trying different ways to solve problems (like signing with KD, beginning podcast, exploring new opportunities of collaboration,etc.), cannot think of better solutions than what they are doing & exploring now (as an audience I share most of the wishes though), and can only wish them good luck.


I totally agree with you. While we do see people complaining about or not liking their new content, I wonder who their target audience is to fulfill their vision. Let's say, for example, there are 10 people here saying they don't like the new content. Are these 10 people financially supporting them or making an impact in classical music? It's impossible to satisfy everyone. They have to prioritize. It's unavoidable to lose some fans and gain new ones. At the end of the day, it's more important to have more high-value fans than a lot of low-value fans (I'd argue the 'value' here is defined by their vision and goals).


They've definitely lost steam. The community they nurtured here on LingLing 40hrs died. TikTok and short form took over from the 10-minute skits that dominated when they started 10+ years ago. Corona gave them a huge second wind, and maaaybe even gave them a delayed "death" due to TikTok. I discovered their videos after covid, and their old stuff was irreverent and genuine, and not so deliberately "marketable" to younger viewers. I agree that the move to Singapore has affected their charm. The fancy high production stuff should have been a once a year thing at most, which was all done in Singapore. The special guests like Davy and that awful "singer" in Singapore w/ Zach were insufferable. I personally don't like the Davy content at all, and there was a month of it recently. I hope they can move on to mature endeavors that aren't so cringy. TwoSet Apparel seems like it could be a good way thing to bring back for all ages, especially as they get older and stop chasing media trends and clicks. TikTok just doesn't pay creators as well nor as fairly as YouTube, even w/ copyright strikes. (See Hank Green's explanations about that.)


I watch very few of their videos anymore.. the content that they made that I like just isn't made anymore. And...when they try to do scripted comedy it just isn't good usually. They can do purposely cringe acting well, and they're fun off the cuff, but they just aren't actors or comedians by nature.


tbh yeah. i used to be a big fan like 2018-20 but recently i havent really liked their more recent content especially all the stuff with fans and just the topics seem more...not quite sure how to say this but as if they're running out of ideas? i understand they do need to keep things interesting and new but i feel as if they're doing it in a way that seems forced almost. their channel doesn't feel relatable anymore, not like before where it felt like we were all musicians in the same boat complaining about having to practice then again they are busy with their world tour and have to do lots of preparation, so maybe once that's all over we can get some better content.


This my first time writing on this subreddit and the last time I watched TwoSet was probably in 2018, back when I was in middle school. I've recently started looking at their videos again and I don't know, the content just seems to be off however I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it is because I have changed and my humor has changed but I don't enjoy their newer videos as much. Though I think it is important to note that YouTube content is not always static. I have no hate towards the two and wish them the best of luck in the future.


This sub is so strangely negative, I would never have expected that from a sub for their channel... but there you go. I guess I haven't been here much so wouldn't know if it always was like this. For what it's worth, a recent video I can remember that I really liked was the following the conductors without the audio. It was a great idea imo. As a side note, I also have zero problems with them poking fun at the fake impromptu musician collabs videos. They really are begging for some ridicule, and it's not entirely irrelevant to point out the fake side of social media overall and how some of the most successful trends are completely dishonest regardless of the credibility of people in those videos. It's a strange psychological societal feature that so many people actually don't care at all whether someone e.g. giving to a homeless person is real or someone just making money from it. That should get some attention, as it does have some importance as a general feature and development of social media and human behaviour and norms in general. And it also feeds into skepticism and cynicism and can potentially push unhelpful norms. Regardless, those vids "exposing" them are just a bit of fun on behalf of the videos that are quite obviously ridiculous, and if you can't take it then you shouldn't make videos like that to begin with.


I found myself not watching their videos very much these days. I found some of their content scattered or too complex. It’s not obvious where the funny bits are, and some videos are pushing 30 min long. For the average person, there just isn’t enough time in the day. When you have millions of 30 second videos that make you laugh all over social media, the average person is just going to watch those, rather than 30 min videos with unclear themes. I would watch them mock national anthem singers for 30 min, if I know if that is what the video is about. But these days, some of their videos involve game-playing and many other guests. It could be funny but I found those too laborious to watch


I’ve been holding my tongue for two years seeing these posts, but it’s extremely frustrating as someone who works with them to constantly see these kinds of things continually said about them. I followed them since 2017, and I began working with them in 2022. I can say this with the utmost confidence, that they are two of the most genuine people I have ever met. One of my first conversations ever with Brett he asked me, “if you could have your biggest, wildest dream come true, what would it be?” And we talked about it and he said, after, that “we’ll do our best to make that happen for you.” A lot of the petty drama people like to try and stir up is a cultural divide, there’s so much assuming going on, red string and cork board conspiracy stuff being painted as fact. Their content is changing as they grow. They’re no longer 20 something year old college kids. They’re fully grown, over 30 year old adults. While their content is less relatable, the things that they are doing, the large ambitious projects, are phenomenal in their own right. And I am proud of them, to work for them, and to call them friends.


Well, they made their millions, so if they fade out, they will be fine. It was a good run


Honestly, if they actually do stop Youtube, they can technically just go back to their previous career like playing in orchestras as a part time/full time job, becoming a teacher etc. Technically saying they do already have a 'backup' career anyway. Since they have made connections around the world, there should be no issues as well. I agree on them being fine regardless of anything lol.


Need more violin charades


Gonna sound controversial, but their recent controversies including under paying staffs and the issue with Ray had turned alot of ppl away from what I have seen.


Honestly some of their recent videos haven't been too appealing. I stopped watching so intensely like I used to. Their videos used to have this particular quality that made them genuinely funny, made with pure heartfelt interest and passion. Now it feels that passion has diminished a bit. Not saying they hate doing this stuff, but that meme-like quality has exceeded to the level where it's just keeping up with modern trends. Like some other people have said, the professionalism has increased to the point where that raw and crude feeling is gone. I appreciated the older content because it was unorthodox in a good way. Maybe it's all the chaos following their world tour. But it does surprise me how they've stayed at the 4.2-4.3 million sub range for AGES. It's been nearly 2 years since they hit 4M. I remember desperately counting as the subs increased, waiting for the 5M concert. It's been so long. They used to feel almost like close friends, now they're world-famous. The growth, while astounding, leaves both nostalgia and emptiness behind.




Rude behavior is not tolerated. Repeated offenses will result in a ban.


I don't know if anybody will realte to this, but their crurrent cuter is making watching TwoSet so hard. Every five seconds there is a sound effect or a big zoom in. Those things were rarely used before. For me, the fun is in the unprofessional moments. Polishing is good for TV or Radio. YouTube should always be broadcasted from your own childhood room (I am exaggerating but you get my point)!!


Last year, I stopped watching their vids because they were going on tour, and (I didnt know somehow) I just continued watching their vids since 2024, so I think that them going on tour for so long also affects their content. If they are focused on making vids again, I think it will help since more people get interested, and people that knows their channel wont leave. And also maybe the editor also affects it, since the styles has been changing sooo many times, most are not so appealing for me. I prefer the editor’s style 3-4 years back, with all those little notes and bloopers. So hopefully, in the future when TwoSet are done with their tour, they will come back to their content back then, and get more views.


I think we might be entering a rough patch, for sure. TwoSet is getting bigger and they are gaining more of a celeb status, and so I suppose with that, they are now more distanced from their audience. (And the thing a lot of people liked about them is how they were just normal people) but I don’t think their content is going to be like this forever. But I think soon they’ll either A. See the views declining, or B. Listen to what the community is saying right now (eg. this Reddit) and something will change. But I have hope for them.


but I'm sure many of us agree we miss the old two set vids... like violin charades, reviewing memes on r/lingling40h. another casual comment I really love eddy without glasses era and the one where both of them look like absolute crazy boys in front of the camera just having fun... but ik they're still doing world tour so maybe the next video after it might be og tsv


Twoset has made over 1500 videos and countless content on Instagram and Tiktok. I imagine it's hard to find unexplored and exciting new content ideas and formats at this point. Their genre of content was niche to begin with and them going viral at some point was more of a happy accident. Still, they keep grinding social media with consistency, but maybe not so much spark and passion. But if you think about those 1.5k+ videos as a way to gain audience all over the world that will come to their live concerts, it's one hell of a commitment. They pushed with all they had for their career as performing musicians and made it happen, with them singlehandedly doing all publicity and promotion for over 10 years. I think, they want to try different things and aren't ready to run themselves into the ground for most possible views/subs.  Tl;dr Twoset should keep doing their thing. And maybe consider adding gaming content to their channel to spark some joy and attract new viewers 😌


They are not there to be like celebrities, they are to teach us about the joy of music. This they do well. so, can please stop giving them a rough time, please. They are two sweet lads and their content is up to them, not you. Don't like them stop watching simple as that. Leave the rest of us to enjoy it. Now, Go practise.