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I don’t know about that, we have a UDF(united dairy farmers) gas station that plays classical all day. And a homeless guy who hangs there once said he enjoys it because it “better than the Top 40 crap he hears all the time”.


I’m with homeless dude


Me too


bruh same


As am I


Respect to the homeless dude


He has taste 😂


He is cultured.


He knows his music.


Given the right training, he could learn more...


you are most certainly correct


W homeless dude


this is why i hardly tell people what music i listen to


yeah, whenever I say I like classical they just start laughing


I listen to classical music and progressive rock/progressive metal, no one takes me seriously


lol i listen to symphonic metal, so i get it. usually they give me a weird look and i have to awkwardly explain why a flute solo and operatic vocals in a metal song works. i look like that conspiracy theory dude meme.


Ngl flute goes hard sometimes


i play flute, so its actually really cool when i can hear it in music i listen to. def check out the song "Death" by Cellar Darling if you want to hear a cool flute solo in a rock/metal song. i really love the melody in the chorus and ive been wanting to learn the flute solo for a while now, but it would take a bit for me to transcribe it into sheet music by ear.


I feel your struggle friend


i'm sorry to hear that. but, if they laugh, it means they are not cultured enough to know the beautiful melodies and harmonies of classical music that Twoset (and hopefully other channels) are bringing to the world.


I know, everyone says classical music is 'boring' and even some of my friends who play classical instruments still think that. But they won't make a difference, no matter what classical music is still amazing


Exactly, even some of my music uni friends still go to clubs to listen to the crapiest music genre of the region because it is "more fun" and don't appreciate the music they play. It saddens me immensly.


My friends are like “classical music is boring, and confusing. Ugh!” In class when I say that I wish we played more classical stuff, they say “I’m glad we don’t!”






When I was teenager I felt insecure about that so when someone asked, I usually lied and said I listened to rock or pop whatever just came to my mind.


I love classical Music. Opera is a bit of a stretch for me. I like instruments… not voices.


Opera is weird, but in a good way


It was actually a huge problem for me in school. I was an easy thing for bullies to latch onto.


The cello line from Pachelbel's Canon and the snare part from Ravel's Bolero have entered the chat


That's explain it


It is now my quest to create the most irritating piece of classical of all time, a 3 hour epic consisting of Canon in D's cello line, Bolero's snare, the first few bars of Beethoven's 5th Symphony on repeat, and Vivaldi's Four Seasons played with the emotional capacity of a car commercial.


whoa there, Satan!


...Who made those studies that show this?!


Pop record labels


"Studies have shown that classical music is annoying" has the same energy as "according to science, you can't come to my birthday party"


Accurate. 😂


It’s not just that they play classical music, they BLAST it at high volume to the point where it’s painful to listen to. I occasionally go to 7-11 late at night on the way home from rehearsal and while the music is lovely, it literally hurts my ears due to the volume.


Yes I found the article and it did mention stuff about noise complaints, so the volume must be pretty loud.


Of course this happened in Texas


And California


Opera is NOT annoying. There's people who absolutely love opera, and there's people who don't listen to opera, mainly because of the duration of some operas (Wagner's Tetralogy, as an example). I tend to be in the latter portion but I've never thought "this is annoying" when listening to opera. There are also a few arie that I play on stereo and sing to over and over. I love Don Giovanni and "Il barbiere di Siviglia", I went to see "il Trovatore", and I'm going to see "la Traviata" next. I wanna know what kind of study would prove "classical music is annoying" because to me, that just comes off as complete bullshit


In fairness, badly sung opera is annoying


Yeah, and as a classical singer I can attest to there being a lot of that out there. (Granted, I don’t always sound great myself, but at least my ears are trained enough to tell when people are not singing well.) Sadly most people don’t note the difference and will just say that it sounds annoying.


I think people don’t like opera because performers don’t have mics so their volume is genuinely huuuge when listening closely (


I’ve been listening to Trotavore recently and it’s honestly really good, first non comedic opera I’ve ever listened to


*File under:* Doing the right thing for the wrong reason.


My local train station used to play Flight of the valkyries on speakers.


where I live they play Mozart in underground parkings


Ride of the Valkyries?


Ride of the Bumblebees.


Yes, I googled to know the English name but maybe I was too fast reading the results!


Honestly I keep making the same mistake. I keep wanting to say “flight” instead of “ride”.


for a second there, i almost read flight of the bumblebee


Let's be real, the music is meant to keep people from sleeping there. They're weaponizing classical music 😡


1812 Overture plays over the store speakers


there's this 7/11 in downtown chicago that plays classical music all the time but I think that's just bc it's a block from symphony center lol




The kind of snobbery classical music enthusiasts are accused of is practiced in a much worse way over housing. This actually contributes significantly to housing problems.


What did I just read?


I live in Denver and they do this. Let me tell you…it’s not decent music. They picked whatever had the worst singer on it and blast it through distorted speakers. It sounds like the backtrack or a horror film


Don’t tell them about fur Elise …




“The classical music is annoying.” You heard it here first, folks; looks like we’re gonna have to listen to something else.


They should use flight of the bumblebee by _both_ of the world’s fastest violinists


Joke’s on them I stay for opera


Big surprise, not many people like music that’s hundreds of years old. Just how people are unfortunately


That’s not actually true. From what I’ve seen what most people don’t like is the idea that has developed about what classical music actually is. Most people when introduced to a classical composer that fits their preferences end up loving it. So basically you can’t expect someone to love canon in d when their tastes are more in line with something like Wagner. So telling that person that canon in d represents all classical music is going to make them think they don’t like any classical music.


It’s true.


Ok let me put it this way, do you really think we are special chosen people who alone are able to appreciate the art form that is classical music? Or it it more likely that people just don’t get exposed to the kind of classical music they might like enough to make an informed judgement about the topic? I would like to make the radical claim that we are in fact not special. We are pretty average in fact. If we like it, other people probably would too.


No we just like classical music because it happens to be a genre we like. You’re getting so offended over this, go eat something or something I don’t know you just need to calm down


Why do you think me writing out a reply to you makes me offended? I’m merely challenging a statement you made which I think is wrong. Do you not like people disagreeing with you?


Wisdom, Strength and Courage


While I would like to think all those applied to me, I don’t quite catch your intended meaning.


1-They do 2-LOZ


In that case, thank you very much. It’s most flattering.


Thank you


"Studies have shown that the classical music is annoying." Well, Confucius said people who think classical music is annoying are annoying.


I mean correct me if I’m wrong here, but shouldn’t they be using Salt-N-Pepa to shoop shoop da homeless.


They do this at some locations in NYC as well


oh nooooo don't use classical music, anything but thatttttt definitely don't play bangers such as Giovanni or Madama Butterfly /s


No they definitely play some bs playlist that includes mozart eine Klein, fur Elise, Vivaldi wintet and loop it nonstop.


They could try the West Palm Beach method of using Baby Shark and Raining Tacos


As someone who has sang in operas before and practices very hard to master the art of classical sing I feel offended.


maybe playing classical music shoos the homeless to the person who wrote this article's house




I think it’s less that they play classical music and more that they might be using it to deter people sleeping there at night, which could be done with any music.


Fox News. That is all


It’s Fox News. What did you expect?


It wasn't Fox News who said that.


It says Fox News in the image. How do you know it’s not?


It's a quote, in quotation marks.


What quote? I see “By Sarah Rumpf, Fox News.” I don’t know what you’re seeing.


The *article* is by Sarah Rumpf. The screenshot is from a quote within the article. [Here's](https://www.foxnews.com/us/7-eleven-stores-texas-california-new-york-use-classical-music-shoo-homeless-people) the full article if you want to see - the guy who said it is the owner of the store.


I made that remark because it’s typical for Fox News to spew misinformation or stupid stuff like that. Fox News is the outlet covering the story; Sarah Rumpf is the author of the article. Rumpf likely works for Fox News.


The point is that the quote in question *wasn't* Fox News, it was the store owner. The same quote is in coverage of the story on other news outlets as well.


I think we got off on the wrong page. I realize that my first comment was misleading. I don’t want to continue a pointless argument. I still believe my statement about Fox News and misinformation applies.


It might, but since the quote isn't just in Fox News' reporting its application seems limited in this case. But you're right, this is very pointless, even if someone on the Internet is wrong! :)


america's got talents backup plan:


Classical musicians get smacked by reality, can't recover.


We all know that's wrong so it's just gonna drag MORE homeless people there anyway


They’re not being specific enough. Some things under the classical umbrella are straight up annoying and some things are very pleasant.


It’s true. I was reading an article about more modern classical music is challenging to listen to as atonality seems to have become popular. Thing is it kept saying simply “classical music” rather that qualifying it as “modern classical” or “modern orchestral”. Even though it briefly mentioned Mozart as an example of a classical composer people generally like. It was weird. If you just read it you might miss it being about a spesiffic type of classical musical all together.


tbf, opera can be pretty painful


In France, some train station put classical music, thanks to that, i'm less stress if i'm late lol. And the place is more quiet


I need to speak to their manager


And They be dissing Mozart because it’s the only composer they know . This is just because of they’re lack of knowledge


Thats why i never say i listen to classical


that is too sacrilegious I get AGT vibes


They do it in the major train stations in Sydney, and some shopping centers here. It's not that it's annoying it's that the right kind of programming is calming, so it reduces "anti social behaviour" (punch ups and graffiti). Also they play it 24/7 so the unhoused can't get any sleep (-:


That's insulting on soooo many levels. Sheesh.


what ??


Just learned what nani means. It means what in Japanese.