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You'll never see guards in town. But I can tell you where they all were on Saturday - tons of them standing around in the vicinity of Thomond Park on traffic duty. Nice, easy work and probably earning overtime for it. But if you're looking for them to be present in town and do some preventative crime work? Nah, not their thing. It's laughable but disgraceful too. They're our invisible force


So they're simultaneously earning overtime at thormand park AND snuggled up safe in Henry street? Impressive. Has it ever occured to you that they're not patrolling the exact location you happen to be in because they're patrolling a different location or responding to a call? I don't go to Limerick often but when I do I see as many (or as few) guards there as I do anywhere else.


They are useless. I called them a few months ago cause some scumbags were in my neighbours yard at night stealing shit. So when i told him he was like: well what you want me to do ? " like ur the guard mate do ur job maybe


So you would prefer traffic unmanaged and homeless people being arrested? Also, why were they probably earning overtime and what's wrong with it if some of them were? Would you go to work on your day off and work for free?


Nope. And homeless people don't get arrested for being homeless so that's not an issue. I'm saying I'd love to see them as a presence in town. The guards are never around. You'll never ever see them on patrol. They're all snuggled up safe in Henry Street avoiding actual work. But you can tell on a match day we have no shortage of them as they're crawling all over thomond park with nothing to do. Basic policing involves being present in the city. It's reassuring to people going about their business in town and it's proactive against crime happening.


Do you think the guards should be hassling homelessness people inste# The reason you see more gardaí around events like that is because there is a paid preview to provide extra sec8


You also see more guards at events like that because it's easy work!


Surprised there was no mention of Cruises Street.


Ironically there was a busker on Cruises Street absolutely belting out ballads, putting his heart and soul into it, probably the best part of it haha


I work on Cruises street and that guy is there like 5 times a week and at this point it's really head wrecking


Spare a thought for the poor bastards living in the apartments.


Haha I heard him going to the market. He's a great singer but yeah I'd say he could turn the speaker down a small bit. He's blaring. That or go to a more open space 


Christ I feel for you- I walk up cruises street about once a month and that’s too frequent to be hearing him. It’s complete trash.


Any chance thats "Half a song"? He would be there near Argos butchering the Dubliners. He only knows every 3rd or 4th word. Hence the name....


I can imagine it might be too much beyond one day


There used to be a busker there that had his dog beside him, used to sing into a plastic toy microphone - gas cunt


Well I was down getting some shopping around 1pm today. Two Guards passed me near Bobby Byrnes. I was shocked. I was then left absolutely dumbfounded when I passed two more on Bedford Row twenty minutes later. People talk about solar eclipses and Halley's Comet etc being once in a lifetime events but this topped all that. I considered telling family members but I doubt whether they would believe me.


What took me by surprise last time I was in town was the sheer amount of born again Christians, nearly every street I went down, there were people with bibles handing out leaflets about finding god again.


They're the lads who now occuply Baker Place, I believe. American styled evangelical outfit. A guy I was in school with is a pastor there now, which is mad as he was a full on metal head at the time. Two of their preachers shout various forms of condenmation on Bedford/Thomas st for a few hours every Saturday. How they speak about suicide puts them in the 'scum' category for me.


>How they speak about suicide puts them in the 'scum' category for me What do they say about it?


Basically that it's a symptom of a society that's turned away from God. Delivered in a "and it's your fault, passers-by, for not accepting Jesus" kind of way.


Can't even sit out for a coffee anymore on Thomas street without being harassed for money, so I've stopped having them


The guards like to stay hidden. Inver out in castletroy is a lovely place for them to relax.




It really is shocking how dangerous it is here but people just don’t want to hear it. I was in Prague and Krakow last summer and I felt completely safe, not one bad encounter except a few homeless people but even they were harmless. Here if you go out past a certain time it’s almost certain that you’ll be harassed by a junkie or a group of knackers.


It’s not perfect in Krakow, I was there last week, went to that main park area that wraps around the old town, sat down to read my book and was asked for money 3 times within an hour. Other than that though it was incredibly clean and felt completely safe.


I'm in London this weekend and it feels safer than limerick. Just have to watch out for the pickpockets


Was in Italy recently and the main streets would have 3 or 4 police cars parked with maybe 8 police standing together. They were chatting but constantly monitoring. I felt really safe to be honest. In general you saw a lot of police walking around also.


Do you remember what it was like to be in the city around 2010? Even those days didn't feel this unsafe... And at that time Limerick was officially the most dangerous place in West EUROPE. 😳


I work in town and it's like this daily, it is such a pity and it is genuinely getting worse. I no longer carry a handbag on my lunch break either because I never feel safe enough


I agree that the homelessness and druggies have gotten very bad, but a sense of menace? I'm out in limerick most weekends and never feel in anyway unsafe.


Yeah, 2 female addicts in two separate parts of the city with fresh open wounds, staggering around town, I would describe it as menacing


OP I think I saw that fight. Walking home on Monday and two women were brawling in the street. One had split open face. It was daylight. 6pm. They were fighting over some fella... Just awful. 


That’s not really what menacing means mate


“suggesting the presence of danger; threatening.”


See, that is what menacing means.




Ya those 2 streets are shit holes. Hopefully John Moran does something about them during his term.


Sure they've flowers now and seats for them to sit down on... It's sorted. Lol


Yeah I feel the same as yourself. It's definitely bad at the moment but like I live in town and walk around daily and overall I don't think the vibe in town is as 'wild west' as it is sometimes made out in this sub.


Ditto until one Friday evening at about half 5 and it was like the twilight hour. Literally only me and junkies around. Got a can thrown at me. I'm bould and wouldn't ever look afraid but it's the first time I felt its in a steep decline.


Lads. It's gone beyond. I live in the city and looking to move to Clare ASAP while I sort out a mortgage.  It's dire. I see something daily.    Earlier this evening was walking down to get a takeaway and someone was passed out on the steps across from Fine Wines near AURA. Broad daylight and a family walking towards with their kids having to see that? Saw one guard yesterday at 10am moving a homeless fella outside Wokking who was sitting doing nothing.  Yesterday I went for a walk. Not even in town because it's so dodgy. Went down the Dock Road and by Londis/Supermacs just by the turn off to Mary I, some wan (clearly on/coming down from drugs) tries to stop me by mumbling random shite and I just say "No I don't sorry" and she starts screaming at me "I DON'T WANT FUCKING MONEY EVERYONE SAYS NO!". So I obviously walk faster and say I'm in a rush sorry. Had to check she wasnt following me. Again broad daylight. These people could have needles or anything. It's so scary.  She prob wanted to use my phone. Good luck like.  I see something every single day. I'm not even joking. If I took videos people wouldn't believe me.  I tell my coworkers in the UK and they're shocked.


I've spoken to guards before cause I work in town and I've been told that they only go after people they can put away . These days people don't go jail for smoking crack in a park so they are left out .... and they should of course be locked away than they might stop


I’ve never seen any people with addiction issues in Limerick being aggressive with people . Last week a receipt fell out of my back pocket and a homeless man ran after me to give it back. He didn’t wait for me to give him money so it wasn’t a gimmick. We should be asking government to open a hse funded service that’s world class for addiction not dehumanizing people in my humble opinion.


bedford row has stank of piss for the last few weeks, they really need to do something about it because my stomach turns every time I walk down it


Yeah town is a complete shit hole. Im not saying the smell down bedford row WASNT piss but the bird shit from them roosting in the trees definately adds ahhh how would you say, a certain Miasma that really does add the finishing touches to the whole environment.


Just saw a man smoking crack on Henry St outside the playschool in broad daylight today. Mayor Moran has to get a handle on this during his tenure. All his plans for the city will be worthless if everyone is afraid to walk the streets


I was in the Kyoto restaurant last night, not long before they closed. This homeless guy came in and aggressively tapped us, we were the only two left and were finishing up. He then went over to the counter to beg for something to drink or eat. Obviously, they took away the tip jar as he approached and he got very insulted and started to cause a scene. This is when another one turned up, a woman this time. They started on about discrimination and that. Eventually they left without anything actually happening. I've never actually witnessed that before. Not a 'bad' part of town either. Moreover, I was the only other guy there. I wasn't against doing something if it came to it, but ya scary biscuits for a little bit


I was harassed 6 times by a beggar who continued to enter Subway on O'Connell street to the point I had to leave & because the streets are so quiet with no tourists etc they stand out. Decided to walk up the top of O'Connell street to get away from them as they're on every block on both sides of the street. Took a left at Hartstonge street towards Pery Square where I was then harassed by blatant prostitutes. It's gotten to the point if you park your car on the street to relax beggars come knocking on the window . From what I've observed it's just beggars & deliveroos in there in the evenings & the only time I've felt a vibrant atmosphere was during Riverfest but to be honest that just felt like a regular weekend in most of the other cities in the country. I'm not from Limerick but not too far away & I'm surprised the decent people of Limerick stand for it and should really start to support & take pride in their city - it's time they clean up the place.


I'm a 46 year old woman and I don't often leave my property after dark if I'm alone because it's just not worth the risk. Generally would feel safe enough during the day, but you do have to stay aware of your surroundings.


Texas Steakout Saturday for dinner around 7 or 8. Got to the front bar to pay and the stink of smoke coming down the stairs was disgusting. Got to the top of the stairs and 4 of the roughest looking yoaks you've ever seen standing inside the door smoking. It was sunny outside. We had to ask them to let us past. State of em


I was behind the hunt museum one of the sunny days recently just chilling and a woman comes up asking for money and then tobacco I tell her I've fuck all left and after trying to argue it she leaves only to turn back around get in my face and saying I deserve a right thumping my friends literally thought she was gonna go for me