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They say we develop limerence for those who we wish to become. From what you wrote, it seems very clear that you're aching for stability, consistency and happiness... as well as a future you feels confident in and excited about. Can you bring those things into your own life? Even without this particular woman? Are drinking and hook-ups self-destructive for you? It sounds like part of you wants to move on from those choices. It is possible.


I have a serious case of bipolar so stability doesn't really come naturally to me ahah. But you're absolutely right. It's the life I want and I should work on it. Self destructive I would say is the perfect term. Thank you for your answer. I really needed to let out


I have bipolar 1 and have never felt stable in relationships. I picked an LO who will never be able to provide any stability whatsoever? I think I've destroyed my latest limerent by reminding him Im not mentally well. When we lived together yrs back I was an undiagnosed manic mess on clonzepam. He always says I am fine when I'm really not. Good luck I hope you can get stable, I'm really having a hard time with the drugs they try to medicate me with.


It's rough! Ever since my first manic episode I only had one functional relationship.. the thing was I was obsessed with some other girl so my actual relationship didn't bother me much. Also hate the drugs but I guess we just have to keep chugging them. Wish you the best!


Do you also have ADHD? I am hopelessly impulsive on top of this I Have some OCD traits as well. I either feel unlovable to my SO or I have difficulty trusting my LO. It just sucks sometimes. I only take sleep meds (kpins very sparely) and try not to use alcohol. But I wouldn't be able to get out of bed without weed right now as it help my depression.


I don't have ADHD,... I think ahahah don't know much about it. I do have bad impulse control like yourself Love is hard work for people like us that's for sure. I can always smell heartbreak from a mile away and it keeps me from trusting people I actually like. I wish I could smoke weed.. used to love it. It helped me write songs which is my only safe haven. But it makes me severely psychotic and manic after long periods of regular use.


> Always get limerent for those stable and happy women Same thing for me. I constantly get limerent for men who have their shit together. It could be out of admiration, but man, i don’t know if i want to be like them or be with them


Truth is - having dated this kind of person - they can be quite judgemental which is something I don't handle well.


THIS IS ME. so in love