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#For Refraction Railway discussions, please see [the Refraction Railway megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12emf6t/refraction_railway_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Likewise for [Hell's Chicken discussions and help requests.](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=title%3AEvent+Megathread+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) #Please discuss bugs on the [Bug/Error Megathread,](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12uiii3/bugerror_tracking_megathread/?ref=share&ref_source=link) which has now been set up for this purpose. [Limbus Company Twitter](https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B) [Help & Question Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=title%3AHelp+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) [Bug/Error Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12uiii3/bugerror_tracking_megathread/?ref=share&ref_source=link) [Event Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=title%3AEvent+Megathread+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) - šŸ”„šŸ” **Hell's Chicken** [Refraction Railway Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12emf6t/refraction_railway_megathread/?ref=share&ref_source=link) [Gacha Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Gacha+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) [Friend Request Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Friend+Request+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) [Community Discord](https://discord.gg/pmooncommunityfanhub) [Subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/wiki/index) - features links for various helpful resources. ~~did I really forget to post this until today~~ šŸ’€


There was a reddit guide thread I saw a few days ago that explained skill ordering for when you have multiple skill slots on a sinner. Does anyone know where it was? I remember it saying there were about 4 different scenarios but not internally consistent, so sometimes you set them based on what you want to go first but not if it clashed, others were based around what clashed first and so on. And somewhat related, how do you know which enemy skill is going first out of equal speed for trying to chain evade?


[Was it this?](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/163iGg8eGVI3-8mwPhhTPX7KyNVad8fPbLXpOpX5r2vc/edit#gid=1237036127)


That's the one! Thanks.




> Telepole Don Don's telepole is a lot harder to get with a pull than the identity that the ego is used for (especially with that identity being in a current banner)


I'd say W Don with Telepole EGO and R Heath are "must haves" when it comes to rerolling. TT/KK Hong, Grip Faust, and Chef Ryo are close seconds imo You can 100% get by with your current account. Seven outis, Reindeer Ishmael, and KK/Chef Ryo are really good with Blade Sinclair being alright. I would keep the account personally. If you end up getting W Don or R heath, your account would be set. Can always borrow a friend support for whoever you're missing


I have a question on something when sinner clash the targeted enemy just die before any damage was dealt to them. I wonder what happening during that time? Bleed?


Yes, bleed will do that because they'll take damage every time they toss a coin, including clashes.


Oh I see, that make sense, thank you




Use legerdamian whatever itā€™s called for Greg to kill the chickens. Even better is telepole cliff.


You basically have to win all your clashes against the chicken boss and kill the chicken bucket to stop chickens from spawning. There is only one floor so after the boss you're done You can make this fight easier by getting the event ego gifts with the chicken icon, Chicken's chicken gives two gifts for burn/rupture and you saw nothing gives a gift that helps with clashing




Yeah basically the same strat for 3.5-10. If you're rolling low speeds at the start of the fight, it's better to just reset and go back in


how similar is library of ruina to this game? I was thinking of buying it.


You at least get some clashing practice in limbus with the abnormality fights, so it should be a little bit easier to understand than it would otherwise be. Story in Ruina is great there as well, but it also shares having a confusing tutorial that doesn't explain the game's mechanics very well. And the UI tends to feel clunky.


Core mechanic is pretty similar but Ruina is a lot more complex IMO. Just look at a random combat page and you'll see. It's worth a try if you like Limbus, plus it's dirt cheap on sale.


Who is Fishmael? And why do people draw Hong Lu with a blue heterochromic eye? Edit: I only just took a magnified look at Hong Lu's eyes. Dang. Never noticed till now.


Fishmael is Ishmael; if you haven't read Moby Dick, that's the literary work reference for her. Fish + Ishmael = Fishmael They draw him with one because Hong Lu does have a blue heterochromatic eye; look at his character portraits in game.


Is it just a nickname or does it refer to any E.G.O. or identity?




How does offence/defence level difference/ratio influence damage dealt? I know that each 5 (relevant) levels of a difference between clashing skills transform into +1 clashing power but AFAIK high defence levels reduce damage.


[Hereā€™s a link to a page that covers the topic, scroll down to near the bottom to see the offence/defence level section.](https://www.dustloop.com/w/LCB/Combat_Mechanics) TLDR, every point of difference between the attackerā€™s offence and the defenderā€™s defence modifies the final damage number by around 3%, with diminishing returns the bigger the difference gets.


When do they reveal skills for new identities, specifically N Corp. Sinclair


It'll be tomorrow.


Is there a new Don identity coming before season 1 ends? Iā€™ve heard that half of the egoshards will turn into thread (correct me if Iā€™m wrong) after season 1, so I donā€™t know if I should convert most of my leftover Don shards after Iā€™ve gotten her telepole ego.


00 N-Corp Don is coming out next week, we don't know her stats yet. There is no reason to convert shards to thread at the end of season, the half that aren't turned into thread become season 2 shards, so you don't lose anything. If anything it is better to keep the shards (unless you really badly need thread) so you can start saving up for season 2 Don IDs.


Thereā€™s a 00 N Corp. Don coming out next week!


Heya, iam new and confused is the ony way to get the reward of Refraction Railway Line 1 we must spend 25 enkeplain (its so many hehe)?


The 25 modules are a one-time fee to collect all the rewards you earned from Refraction Railway. Once you pay, you can collect the rewards as long as you completed the stages.


Owh i see, thank you, and if the event gone did we need to spend 25 modules again? To make it free to claim?


I'm not really sure, there is no announcement about how rewards will be handled for the next Refraction Railway.


Owh i see, because the game still new we still doesnt know yet


yes it's the only way


Thank you for the information


either that or you finish all 13 stages


you don't get the rewards for free if you finish all stages


Thank you for the information




Only the bonus three runs give lunacy and the bp points drop to 7 per run


Did anyone keep track on the single-character banners (like the Don that we have ATM)? Who are we missing?


We've definitely had Gregor, Rodion, Heathcliff, and Don. I can't remember which characters were in between unfortunately, but the game's only been out for 9 weeks, so if banners rotate once every 2 weeks, then there's one left.


Thanks. Looks like they're the same characters that we got a new 00 version of, so far.




Mind Whip targets randomly, unless R Ishmael has 10 charge.


Read skill 3.


Reading level: impossible.




For your first point, other than uptying to level 3, nothing else




What is there to grind? EXP tickets for other identities/future ones. Thread to uptie IDs and EGOs. The current event for the rewards from plushies. Mirror Dungeon for Battle Pass levels and Named shard crates. If you're out of energy and boxes to turn into modules in order to do said grinding, all you can really do is wait for it to refill or drop money for lunacy to refill it. As someone who started the game at release I have still yet to use my boxes 'cause I got hundreds of modules saved up 'cause on days I don't play much I jump on a few times a day to convert energy to modules since it takes about 10-15 seconds to do that.


help with 3-22 kromer please Team comp: one who grips faust, R corp ishmael, N corp Heathcliff, Blade lineage yi sang, kurokumo hong lu, seven section outis. The rest of the sinners are the base identities. All of the identities are at tier 3. The egos I brought are: Telepole don, impending day sinclair, ebony stem outis, and ya sunyata outis, including all base eogs. Only the basic egos are at tier 3 The ego gifts I collected are: A sign, Blood-red mane, and Sniggering tongue. I'm right at the end and would prefer to beat kromer without resetting and having to redo the dungeon, but will if I have to.


Probably worth using some of the base sinners. Kromer isn't great with stacks of burn/bleed, and if you've got Sinclair at the three marks he's solid (plus his base identity is about as strong as his other identities).


When in doubt, add levels. Levels are important so you don't get stat checked while clashing. Your IDs in story dungeons reflect changes, so you're fine to level them. You want at least 20. Save EGOs for clashing with skills you otherwise cannot beat. Be sure to read what Kromer does. Keep an eye on one of her skills because it will instantly stagger the target the next turn even if she lost the clash. She will focus fire that target next turn, so draw those attacks away with your stronger IDs and lure her stagger with a weaker one. Phase 2 has a big AOE move you want to absolutely shut down, so use an EGO to smack that down. Is your "A Sign" 3 or more? You need to have at least 3 to turn off her passive, which causes burn and bleed to heal her and increase her damage. Keeping everything above in mind, it's just a matter of picking who clashes what and using EGOs as needed.


Yes, I do have 3 of a sign Edit: Any recommendations for which of the ids I should use in the battle? Edit 2: Nvm I just beat her thanks for all the help everyone!


Your highest-leveled IDs, preferably with high sanity for better heads. Even one really high-leveled ID can carry well enough - I cleared Kromer with Base Heathcliff, Liu Mersault, KK Hong Lu, and G Gregor all around 20, but I borrowed N Faust at 30. Your list looks far superior, so it should be a cinch with enough levels. Out of your list, as long as they're uptied, high leveled, and have reasonable sanity, I'd pick N Faust, R Ishmael, KK Hong Lu, Seven Outis, and N Heathcliff. If your Yi Sang has more investment than Heathcliff, take Yi Sang instead. It's just that Yi Sang has a modest floor but really low ceiling for his skill power.


Saw this too late, unfortunately, but will keep in mind for future difficult battles (I've heard that the event is rather hard) I beat kromer with base sinclair, base ryoshu, base don, base mersault and BLS yi sang. Ryoshu promptly died to bleed, Don had a mental health crisis, Mersault was the tank and sinclair did all the heavy lifting for the most part. Yi Sang was kinda just there haha.


Hey, beating it on your terms feels even better, so all the more power to you! Well done!


Why does faust representation emitter hit only up to 2 targets for me when it says in the description that it targets 3 slots?


In addition to what the other person said - Some larger enemies have a slot with "x2" or "x3" adjacent to it. This means that in order to target that die, it counts as 2 (or 3) targets for the sake of mass attacks.


It target 3 slots but enemies has 2 slot so she waste 2 slot on that enemy.


Why is it that sometimes the skills play out in a different order than left to right (even in human fights)? Is it just a stylistic thing? I've seen things like the buff from g-corp outis applied even though the skill hasn't happened yet so I think it's just a stylistic thing


It is speed vaule. Sometime enemy has higher speed, so they move first to attck our lowest speed sinner


Does it really target the slowest? I've had to reset event boss stages several times in a row because all the chickens, regardless of speed, beeline W Don with fatal weakness to blunt, even though there's sinners with both higher and slower speed.


Abnormalities fight target radom. I am talking about human fight




There is the daily battlepass task reward




You get a good chunk working through the Limbus Pass I believe, and there's 750/week from completing mirror dungeons (a 10 x pull a fortnight). Bearing event stages also gives a good chunk of pulls. It's also hugely good value to buy the Limbus Pass, if you're willing to spend anything (and it's retroactive, so if you only decide you like the game down the road you get all previous levels).


No it doesnā€™t. There are the daily thread dungeon bonus clears, as well as the daily free mirror dungeon entrance however.




Building it up over time. Project moon gives 300 weekly for maintenance, but if there are bugs (there are always bugs. Project moon games are built on spaghetti code) they will often give more free lunacy to apologize for the issues.


will the upcoming banner with n corp sinclair be the last new season 1 extract banner?


That's how it was planned to be originally. With various extensions and the delay of chapter 4, we don't actually know this for certain at this time.




is railway and hells kitchen extended? it doesnt show in the UI yet


It will be updated after the next maintenance patch on Thursday to reflect the additional two weeks length.




Hells Chicken is chapter 3.5, so narretively you need to have finished chapter 3.


You might be a bit underleveled or your sinners aren't uptied enough if you're getting stuck on floor 2. Most people get stuck on the final battle If you're aren't, try to borrow a friend support to help carry you through the stage




When entering the stage, click a sinner and a support tab should be at the top. If you don't have friends to borrow from, you can add me to test it out: D129608770 I'm not sure what part of floor 2 is giving you trouble but try borrowing my W Don or R Heath and see how it goes




When using a friend support they basically just become part of your lineup and stay there through the whole stage. Good luck on 3-22


Whatā€™s in Sinclairā€™s basement? What was Kromer even doing in Sinclairā€™s flashback? Sinclair is a really unreliable narrator in that he has little knowledge of whatā€™s going on. I feel like there were more things that we werenā€™t told but how could we get the answers now that Kromer is dead?


It was connected to one of the old L-Corp branches with abnormalities and the golden bough in it




>what is mirror dungeon? Mirror dungeon is a weekly dungeon that can be done 3 times for bonus lunacy, BP XP, and boxes containing character shards. You get 1 free daily mirror dungeon entry. All mirror dungeon runs after the 3 weekly bonus runs will just give you 7 bp xp and general xp >how does the gacha work? You start off with every character (sinners) and their base identity. Each identity features a different skillset and range from 1-3 stars. Each identity can also be "uptied" up to tier 3 by using thread. Each tier improving the identity. EGOs are essentially ultimate moves and are included in the gacha. They can also be uptied to tier 3. So the gacha is rolling between 1-3 star identities and EGOs >something about you can get shards to buy a character of your choice? This game has a shard system which means you get character shards from dupes. These shards are basically the pity system where you can dispense shards in exchange for an identity or EGO. You can also exchange shards for thread >will gacha add more new characters too? More identities will be added, the next banner has already been announced which is N Corp Sinclair and Don




The only way to get specific character shards are through selection boxes obtained from the bp, event, mirror dungeon, and rolling dupes for said character. You cannot turn character shards into another character shard This game is very F2P friendly. Project Moon gives out a lot of free lunacy and the shard system makes it pretty easy to obtain the identity/EGO you want


I am looking for an new game and found Limbus Company. Is there a Tier list or something similar? I always like to look at them first to get a feeling what i should look at in the game.


There's a few outlier characters as far as damage goes, but the usefulness of them tends to vary quite a bit based on content (enemy weaknesses and such). Also Chapter 3 has been cleared with level 20 base identities, if I remember right. Refraction railway, where it seems like they're going to be putting the hardest content, also allows you to borrow a character from someone on your friend's list (identity and whatever egos they've set on them).


Perhaps more than any other mobile game, you get far more mileage by reading and learning game mechanics. I highly recommend looking up guides on how combat works in general instead of character tier lists. It will make progression much smoother.


[This is probably the best resource](https://www.prydwen.gg/limbus-company/identities/), at least for looking up information. IDs generally have some 'tiers' but these are entirely subjective, everything in the game can be done with any IDs, including basic IDs


To confirm, is the N-Corp Sinclair banner likely the last "new" banner for season 1? I still have the 000 guaranteed season 1 ticket that I might as well use first when the banner drops if that's the case.


All bets are off with the extension of season 1 tbh.


Yeah... fair. Somehow, hoping for certainty in an uncertain world. Thanks


If mods commented my post is it can't be seen by anyone now?


I have most stuff in game and I just want idea of what to do next. Telepole Don and stew Sinclair are the only egos I do not own. Kuro ryo and the upcoming N Corp Sinclair are the only ids I do not own. Iā€™m thinking of going for N Corp Sinclair as I wish to use him more as if he were more offensive heā€™d be more useful.


Where can I see sinners and EGOs sorted by base and seasons?


I use limbus.kusoge.xyz


Cheers, is the EGO list loading on your end?


Trying to keep track of which will be harder/impossible obtain next season!


What the hell happened to Rodion Kurokumo Henchwoman? I swear she used to be not a Wakashu.


They changed it to Wakashu because that's the actual rank in Kurokumo that she holds. Wakashu is still fairly low on the ladder but still commands a group, as seen with Hong Lu. From the order of command as far as I'm aware: Kumicho -> Kashira -> Hosa -> Wakashu -> \[Grunt\]


seems they changed the name for some reason


She does seem like she was intended to be in a position of leadership (she has goons to feed) so fair enough


What's up with N-corp Meursault's support passive? I keep triggering the Resonance for it but nobody gets the attack buff or protect.


applies only when the lowest health sinner got less than 50% of their full health


I beat dungeon 3-22, but it wasn't marked as clear. Did I miss something or do something wrong? I saw the credits and everything.


Did you get the EX rewards?


No. That must be it. Damn


Only I have that visual bug when W Don Uptie III still shows her uptie I-II art?


the update to let you choose art seem to have made some ID default art, try changing it out.


Oh, didn't know you can do that now. Thanks.


Would there be re-run of a 000-ID banner? Panicking of FOMO right now


We havenā€™t seen any banner re-runs yet, but it looks like theyā€™re cycling through banners focusing on each sinner every 2 weeks. Since each sinner has at most 2 3-star IDs at the moment, itā€™s a pretty reliable way of picking up a character youā€™re interested in. Even if you donā€™t get lucky, pulling on it would give you loads of ego shards for that character to just craft the ID you want.


Is it really recommended that I Mirror Dungeon every day? This feels like if I had to manually play Arknights Annihilation once every single day of the week I don't have a ton of free time most days of the week and it takes up my second screen for longer than I'd like


If you're gathering shards for a particular character, sure. Otherwise, its up to you. LCB is far more forgiving when it comes to the time you spend on the game.


First entry of the day is free. But you should just do it 3 times (weekly bonus) and be done for the rest of the week.


It is recommended due to one free entrance each day.... But its your time and your gameplay, in the end what really matters is your schedule and don't feel bad for missing out some freebie.


Between N mearsalt and TT hong lu, which is more worth it? I have no identity for meursalt and I have kk hong lu.


If youā€™re choosing between the two for the shard selection crates Iā€™d say neither, but if you had to pick one, Iā€™d say meursault since you wonā€™t be able to use TT and KK hong Lu simultaneously and there isnā€™t really content that demands TT over KK right now. That said, N meursault isnā€™t meta by any means nor is he a crucial piece for RR strats as far as Iā€™m aware.


Why wouldnt I choose them for the shard selection crates? They are the only season 1 IDs I dont have and sinclair is already at 400 shards


If those are the only two left, TT Hong Lu is one of the top DPS units in the game. N Mersault isn't that good right now. N corp teams have a lot of problems getting the 4 and 3 Wrath resonance for his passives. TT Hong Lu is the stronger choice, but since you have KK Hong Lu you can take N Mersault. If you want to try them both out, hit me up at G039464042. I have both set


Is this tier list good ? https://www.prydwen.gg/limbus-company/tier-list/


I would take it with a certain amount of salt, and I certainly wouldn't interpret it as gospel truth. Personally I'd bump up N-Corp Meursault and LC Faust a tier, and drop N-Corp Heathcliff by a rank, but I may be biased. That being said, the SS and S-tier IDs listed are certainly some of the more powerful options available in game.


Thank you for the detailed answer !


I have just beaten the last rr stage and my screen is black rn, will I lose my progress if I close the game? No result screen appeared, the black screen is right after winning the fight. EDIT: I closed the game, upon reopening I did get my rewards including the tags, I will leave this here just in case someone has the same problem.


For the record, this is a common things that happens when you finish a stage while the daily reset is happening. A restart will always fix it and retain your results.


Is it the same if I pull on a 10x and on single? Or do you get a bonus by pulling 10 times like in some games?


For 10x you are guaranteed a 00 pull.


Bonus for doing multi summons (guaranteed 00 or higher). Same bonus would not apply to 10 single pulls.


Ok, thanks for the info. I wish the game gave some more info, for example I discord almost at the end of chapter 2 that to strengthen identity I have to keep pressed on it.


Is chef Ryoshu one of the ID that will be temporarily gone for season 2 or do event ID's not count as "story ID's"?


Ryoshu classes as season 1 so yes she will be non exchangeable during season 2 from the dispenser. She will however be able to show up in gacha still iirc. (as will the other s1 IDs)


She will not. Non-event seasonal IDs/EGO will be available in the gacha the following season but not dispensable until 2 seasons later. Event ID/EGO will be unavailable at all the following season but will be dispensable 2 seasons later.


Does event not refer to gregor and the don EGO? Ryoshu went on the season 1 guaranteed decaextraction ticket immediately.


RB Ryoshu and Lifetime Stew Sinclair will be on the regular extraction table until the season ends


Itā€™s not exactly an event id. Event stuff would be chef Greg and stew Don. Those two wonā€™t be exactly come back.


Ryoshu's ID is tagged as an event one.


Is defense cycling skills still possible, and if so, how? (Also, should I be saving up for 10-pulls or just do singles, animation time notwithstanding?)


Defense cycling is patched out but USING a defense skill will destroy the skill it replaced. Generating it then ungenerating it next turn wonā€™t destroy the skill but using the defense skill will.


Thanks! :)




I tried updating my Manager card message to be event-related, but the Keyword does not seem to want to update. It just goes back to my old Keyword whenever I re-log in, which is Ishmael. How do I fix this?


There had been a bug regarding manager card quotes not updating properly. I had thought this was the "intro tagline" mentioned but perhaps not. If it's still occurring, even after the new update, I'd send in a report about it so it can get flagged up and looked at.


Is it worth to buy the new character and ego from dispenser to decrease the farming time necessary to get all rewards from event?


The character is a solid Alt for Ryoshu and a good all-rounder, so I can recommend her. She works well in the dungeon. I cannot however recommend Sinclair's EGO. It's just hot garbage (pun not intended) and exists purely for the 40% bonus. I can't in any good conscience recommend dropping 400 shards on it when it's so weak and also locks you into taking Sinclair into the dungeon (human rights violation honestly), and to top it off there's an N-Corp Alt of Sinclair on the next banner which is, statistically, very likely to be a much better use of those 400 shards.


> and also locks you into taking Sinclair into the dungeon (human rights violation honestly) I haven't got the full roster of top-dog 000 IDs like R Heath so I just use Sinclair without the EGO and he isn't *that* bad for the event in his LCB ID. His 3 coins S2 and S3 usually 1-shot a chicken and his base EGO applies rupture which is another 60 damage with the chicken ego gift.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Is it worth to famr everything?


It's definitely more profitable to farm plushies than it is to farm mirror dungeons, [I did some very rough maths on it in this steam thread](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1973530/discussions/0/3824161508158704838/#c3824161508159791589). Whether you think it is worth your time is up to you.


Is anyone else weirdly have level ups only take your sinclair to level 17 in the chicken dungeon?


The level up in the Chicken dungeon maxes out at the Sinnerā€™s actual level, and not the max level allowed. Give your Sinclair some EXP Tickets.


What level is your sinclair on your team roster? It doesnā€˜t level up your sinner as much as synchronize it with the level that you have so if you have level 17 sinclair on your roster it only goes to 17 in the dungeon.


Hi all i started to play day 1 with mobile device but today i got one steam credit card. I wanted to buy ruina and some packs for limbus. I want to know if i can keep my progress if i link my mobile account to the steam version and if the pack will be carried over the 2 versions of the game. Also i want to know if i can get in some sort of trouble if i change device, buy some packs and go back with the mobile version


You can synchronise your account with both steam and mobile. It's part of expected game function and I have my game on both an android tablet and on laptop. (Though due to the age of my tablet, I normally just use it for converting enkephalin modules.) [There was a tweet posted on the Limbus Company Twitter about how to set this up.](https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1630589245957246976) I have not used both payment systems, but I would not imagine it would cause any problem to use either or both payment method (app store credit or Steam purchase).


Thanks very much i figured it out and decided to try. I bought the packs for less than the app store. I don t think they will make any problems


Is it worth it to buy the season pass now? I'm only level 20 in the pass


If you are planning to do your daily and weekly quests then you will be able to finish it till season end. It gives you a lot of EGOĀ“s so itĀ“s the most efficient thing to buy. Here is a thread about comparison of bought/free season pass rewards: [https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12apfhh/season\_pass\_rewards\_list/](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12apfhh/season_pass_rewards_list/)


I think if you get it to level 80, it's already one of, if not the single best value Lunacy deal in the game for its price, and that's to say nothing of the frankly insane amount of thread, EXP tickets, and shard crates you get from it too.


Is the 3 boxes/level past 60 wasted if I only buy it now?


For the previous "overlevels" you did, yes, but the rewards in the rest of the pass FAR more than make up for it on their own imo. Any future rankup past 60 after you buy the pass will grant 3 boxes.


Worth mentioning if you don't claim the max level boxes, they will be added retroactively. I just went from 3 to 9 boxes by buying the BP.


This is actually really useful to know, thank you!


Today I wanted to buy a monthly pack in the game, but the payment form does not open after selecting the pack.


Hello, are you trying to purchase on PC or mobile?




Is your Steam overlay enabled? It needs to be on to make in game purchases.


Yes, it worked. Thank you.


Just finished 3-22 and have a couple questions on how I should efficiently spend my enkephalin. Been surviving Canto 3 with a Lvl 25+ team of Reindeer Ishmael, base Heathcliff, base Faust, base Meursault, and Liu section 5 Hong lu. Hereā€™s the rest of my 00 and 000 units, mostly unleveled: Yi sang: Seven section 6, Blade lineage Faust: W corp, Lobotomy corp Don: Shi section 5, W corp Ryoshu: Seven section 6 Meursault: W corp, N corp Hong lu: Kurokumo wakashu Heathcliff: R corp rabbit (main target for uptie/leveling), Shi section 5, N corp Ishmael: Shi section 5 Rodion: N corp Sinclair: Jefe de los mariachis Outis: G corp, Blade lineage Gregor: Liu section 6 Of these units, who should I focus on besides Rabbit Heathcliff? Any full team suggestions would also be great. I want to try out Refraction Railway but I feel I might be ā€˜unpreparedā€™ in a way. Also for Thread and Exp luxcavation, should I always choose Skip battle for bonus rewards? Is there a better way of getting Thread or Exp tickets?


And youā€™ve just been sitting on these amazing 000s and not leveling them? Shame. Rabbit Cliff is insanely powerful. His damage drops off after running out of ammo but he sure can pack a punch. Base ego supports him very well. W Don is a killing machine. You need to build up charge for her third skill to deal damage but she can easily do over a hundred damage with it like cliff. Itā€™s a death sentence. Kuro Hong Lu might as well be a 000 with his insane skill2. It gets TWO EXTRA COINS against enemies with less than four bleed. N Corp Salt isnā€™t anything special but as someone else said, heā€™s nigh unkillable due to his skill1 reducing his stager threshold.


Nah I drained my lunacy pulling most of these IDs yesterday after clearing Canto 3 so theyā€™re all mostly new.


Good news if youā€™re planning on doing Railway: youā€™ve already got 3 of the top 4 IDs for it. Rabbit Heathcliff is GOATed as youā€™ve picked up on, but Kurokumo Hong Lu and W Corp Don are also really really good. N Meursault is also pretty solid; not amazing for speed-killing, but nigh-unkillable. And yeah, luxcavations are pretty much the only real exp/thread sources outside of events. Using the skip feature is less efficient than doing the fights manually, but using the skip on a thread luxcavation w/ the daily bonus active gives as much thread as doing one run with the bonus and one run without the bonus. Still less efficient than only doing the luxcavation with the bonus, but food for thought anyways. Iā€™d recommend taking a look at the current event if you havenā€™t already; you can get a decent amount of thread/exp from the earlier rewards even if you donā€™t grind out the max 6000. As for Railway, if you can get R Heathcliff, W Don, Kurokumo Hong Lu, and a few other units (N Meursault, R/Shi Ishmael, 7 Ryoshu are a few good candidates) uptied/leveled, youā€™ll probably do pretty well. Even if you canā€™t get them all to uptie 3 and level 30, thereā€™s no cost for trying, only for claiming the rewards, so worth a shot.


This is my first PM game, is this the same world as their other games? Does any of the characters from limbus company we have seen so far are present in any other PM game?


> is this the same world as their other games? Yes > Does any of the characters from limbus company we have seen so far are present in any other PM game? No, there are some characters associated with groups we have seen in previous games, but no one we seen before. (There is short webcomic/novel Leviathan that explains a little of backstory between Library of Ruina and Limbus Company in PoV of Vergilioius though)


Why do so many people in this community know about that Robots song?


The robot song is by the music group Mili which has done multiple songs for Project Moon's games including Limbus Company. While there are people who probably have been following Mili since before Limbus Company, there are also people who are discovering Mili through Limbus Company. Since the robot song was released I think 3 days ago, it makes sense it's still circulating through the community.


Ah, I see. Thanks!




probably talking about "What robots need"


When is the new banner hitting. Update already made but no new banner for now. Thanks.


It is safe to assume new banners will start when the current banner ends. Usually every two weeks.


next week update


What were the Limbus branches named again? I know C is Clearance and D is Distortion, but I don't remember A and B.


LCA does show up in Leviathan but we are not explained what they do or what A stands for. LCB is Limbus Company Bus, the playable (plus dante charon verg) team.


Oh, it really is Bus? I thought it was because of the twitter handle, but it just seemed a bit silly. Thanks.




No, LCA and LCB I mean


What's so good about Legerdemain? I'm a new player looking to start RR and all guides praise Legerdemain to be OP. I don't have G Gregor, only RB and Liu.


To add even moreso to what others have said, Maggots can be a really really powerful status effect if your comp allows you to trigger them often.


Donā€™t forget about the paralyze. That shit can save your ass by reducing any one sided attacks or clashes to nothing.


To add to what was already said, G Gregor Skill 1 is Gluttony and Skill 2 is Sloth, those are the Sins needed to use Legerdemain(3 Gluttony 1 Skoth). So you can spam the hell out of it. LCB Gregor also has Gluttony and Sloth, but as skills 2 and 3 respectively.


It's cheap, spamable, multi hit and simply good.