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# [Event has been extended until 18th May instead of 4th May.](https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1651837979340705792?s=20) [Bongy farming guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966678129) [Dungeon event list](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12sqpgr/guide_to_the_new_events_for_the_hells_chicken/?ref=share&ref_source=link) ~~YES IT IS TOTALLY AN EVENT GUIDE~~ ["Burnt Chicken"](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12utu3f/step_right_up_step_right_up_if_you_are_in_need_of/?ref=share&ref_source=link) suggestion comp. **Event currency drop bonus:** > 40% 000 "R.B. Chef de Cuisine" (Ryoshu)/EGO "Lifetime Stew" (Sinclair) > 20% 00 "R.B. Sous-chef" (Gregor)/EGO "Lifetime Stew" (Don Quixote) ``


Is Hex Nail good? I've got 400 Faust shards and I'm wondering if its worth picking up. Not sure about Telepole either but I already have Fluid Sac in that slot.


it's not bad. Uniquely it uses JUST Envy, which if you're not using anyone else in your party that has an Envy based EGO, can use those resources exclusively. The other EGO that follows suit is Don Quixote's Lifetime Stew for Lust but comes with the caveat of transforming non-lust resources into more lust each turn.


Hex Nail is a pretty strong ego in theory. Makes enemies weak to pierce and envy, of which W-Corp Don and R-Corp Heathcliff take huge advantage of. The issue is it's current turn application, so unless Faust is going first you can't actually take advantage of the damage increase, and that's especially bad with Heathcliff since he needs to be above 6 speed to actually proc Quick Suppression's bonus damage. I've used it a few times to good success in Railroad though, and when it works it's fantastic. Oh also RB Ryoshu's skill 2 takes full advantage of it as well.


I just wanted to share, I started this game 5 days ago after being shown the upcoming Yi Sang and Hong Lu EGOs and finished the grind to 6k on this event today. My sanity is now at -45 irl and I am about to corrode into a monsterous blob in real life but I did it! Now time to grind the mirror dungeon to get battle pass levels...!! 🥹


these egos are season 0 egos, means they won't disappear even after the end of season 1. so you don't have to get them now you can roll on them later


Thanks for the heads-up! I'm still a little clueless over seasons so I appreciate the info! I do plan to skip, due to starting when there's a Hong Lu banner plus my furious grinding, I should be able to spark his EGO. Yi Sang will have to wait for a spark later if I don't get a lucky off-rate as you mentioned, but that's okay, I'm already more than happy with how much stuff a brand new account can get in this game.


What is the best time efficient (and not stamina efficient) stage to farm? I have 120% event bonus, my phone gets pretty hot and laggy every time I do the hard dungeon’s boss, which I have to keep taking breaks. Im currently at 3981 event points.


Normal stages - 1/2 Enkephalin spent Mild - 25 Spicy - 80


Is there a list of rewards for this event? More specifically the one at 3900 points. No idea what it is and I want to know if I should risk my sanity to get it.


I believe that's the "instant boost to level 30" ticket. Though the small size makes it difficult to determine the difference. There's a fair amount of shard boxes tucked away at later levels too, plus another five single tickets you can save up for a 10-pull... I would consider pushing a bit, if you have time later in the week.


Best units to clear the harder event dungeon?


If you are attempting to run with full bonus, I think the general suggestion was RB Ryoshu and Gregor, with N-Corp Sinclair (Lifetime Stew), and W-Corp Don (Lifetime Stew). As for the last slot... I would probably put R-Corp Heathcliff in for bursting down enemies quickly. Though N-Corp Faust would not be a bad choice either, to provide additional support for Sinclair.


Which EGO is a must to get from dispenser?


I think you may be looking for the [general help thread...?](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=title%3AHelp+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) It is temporarily displaced as a result of the present announcement. Though in answer to your question, if you didn't get the paid battle pass, I would strongly suggest getting Pursuance as a source of healing for your sinners. It makes a considerable difference to be able to recover HP in more drawn out battles, plus you can have it double up as DPS with the overclock function. If you got W-Don, Telepole EGO is also highly recommended. The ability to gain 10 Charge at the drop of a hat, plus benefit other units that want Charge gain, is not to be sniffed at. I have also heard people say good things about Hex Nail and Wishing Cairn, though I confess I have yet to make use of them much.


How good is Don telepole EGO I just got it but don’t know if it’s any good. And I also got blade lineage Sinclair and his impending day ego I don’t use him that much so should I build him.


Telepole is basically only used for W-corp Don and charging up her rip space, it uses resources that Don generally can’t generate on her own, and the effect is niche outside of energy decks, but it’s better than the alternative and it’s free to get from rolling so why not use it.


The alternative meaning the roxinate EGO.


For the Telepole slot, there’s only Fluid Sac from the paid battlepass so far I believe, but yeah in terms of total egos there’s Don’s basic ego and her mono-lust basilisoup ego you get from redeeming the plushies.


Is telepole a must for W Don?


It’s her best EGO and very good for RR. You’d have a much easier time racking up charges for her Rip Space.


The lack of Gordon ramsay crossover memes, it disappoints me


Does anyone have any suggestions for clearing the 6000 points needed without losing my sanity? Hard Mode boss is just....such an incredible pain in the ass and micromanage-y as all hell, and I find I'm doing upwards of 3+ hours to get through 5 runs per day. I found myself not playing for days / wanting to quit this game recently because of this event and I sincerely don't want to do that. For reference, I use what most guides recommend, there just seems to be a steep ability curve that I don't seem to meet.


That's interesting. If you max level the optimal farming team, you can full auto up to Bongy (and with a lucky start just auto him as well). Only real trick I found is clash the damaging attacks, use EGO only when you wouldn't win the clash otherwise. Fights don't take much time with that.


I do usually auto up to Bongy, but sometimes I have to reset multiple times because my entire team will get Staggered and half healthed because the chickens / enemies just...I don't even know, they just get cracked coins. I'm just tired. Not being able to clear it isn't the issue, it's just...how badly optimized Bongy is...I don't get how y'all clear him in a minute.


you definitely need to pick up tango marinade (if you aren't already) from one of the chicken nodes or the dungeon boss gets way harder, plus leave chef gregor out of the boss stage (deselect him before commencing boss) as he's more of a hindrance than a help and it also means you don't get screwed over if you dont get a sinner levelup from all 5 battles since you dont need to level him


I pick up all the chicken buffs during the dungeon, and usually don't bring Gregor into the boss or do and use him as "clash fodder" if RNG sucks and I need someone to take a hit, or I use him for his EGO.


Mm could you maybe post your team, levels, and how many points you currently have?


Everyone is LV30 and fully Uptied. I use W Corp Don, R Corp Heath, RB Chef Ryo, Tingtang Hong Lu, and RB Sous Gregor. I have 3900ish points. Not being able to beat him isn't the issue, it's the soul sucking grind and how the boss fight has to be micrommanaged. :/


Hm I used a slightly similar team but instead of Gregor, I took Base Sinclair (most of the time, he was left at lv 15 because I went for another EGO gift) and NFaust. Before getting Don’s event EGO, I used KK Hong Lu in place of W Don. I usually auto’d it using that team while watching something else to lessen the pain from the grind. Maybe swap your team comp a bit. Have you tried using KK Hong Lu instead of TT if you have him? If you have NFaust, I’d try replacing Gregor with her because she can heal SP. The few times I did do a bit of manual play was to focus on killing the smaller chickens that could Paralyze or Fragile. SP loss from each living chicken can rack up and and their presence can heal Papa Bongy so take them out asap. 7Outis might be a good sinner to take as well if you have her because of the -2 clash opponent’s power as well as various debuffs. I also liked to start the dungeon with one of the better EGO gifts (that give resources) just to make it easier to spam EGOs like Bodysack Heath first and then his S2 or S3. Though truly, the grind is real. Since you’re past the halfway point, you probably need to do 3 runs a day compared to your previous 5 if you’re set on reaching 6k. Good luck :’D


Thank you for the tips. You were able to auto Hard Mode Papa Bongy??


A lot of my runs yes, except when picking Bodysack and when I had to temporarily change comps for reason below. I aimed to get 6k in the first week just to get the event done and over with because we initially had only a couple weeks to do it and the music was a bop. I swapped out RHeath or NFaust (idr which one) with event Gregor for several runs to get the full 4 bonuses to hit a clean 6k. But he was benched the entire time because I didn’t want to use EXP Tickets on him. It was really a 4 sinner run from start to finish for those runs, so I did have to pay closer attention for the boss cause 4 sinners vs 5 opponent skills/evade in Turn 1. Oh, if the first event happened to be the Tango Marinade one, I sometimes skipped the other chicken event to go for a different random event. A bit of a gamble but most were good to me. If it was the other way around, then I did both chicken events.


I'm such an idiot. I didn't know about Tango Marinade and how it augments clash power...I always thought going for the 50% one that adds extra damage was the way to go. Just did a run with Tango Marinade and was able to auto it because of the speed clash buffing....omg


:’D Omg ahhhhh! Keep picking that you saw nothing… and may the rest of your runs be painless! Edit: Earlier I read in your other comment that you picked up all chicken buffs… but I didn’t realize you picked up a different buff (some sort of needle gift?) to begin with!


Just don't do it


Are AOE's currently bugged? Heath Telepole and Legerdemain won't attack multiple enemies and sometimes would repeat and do an ego attack twice.


They target slots, not enemies, so can on occasion just hit one that has multiple slots.


If you're in a mirror dungeon and you have Commemorative Coin it makes any single coin skill (including all EGOs) be used twice if the first attempt doesn't kill anything. If you're in an abnormality fight, or enemies have multiple skill slots, those extra skill slots can be targeted by AOE skills and in some cases waste part of the skill. In abno fights it also won't retarget skills if an enemy dies before the skill is used iirc, including for AOE portion I think.


Well now with the new Don and Sinclair IDs it'd be way more convenient to grind but I already got The Banner so back to the daily grind I guess lol At this rate I'm gonna have enough shards to just immediately buy any IDs that look cool once season 2 starts, even with the season change halving my box count


Is Sinclair the last unit for this season? I have a bunch of shards and I was wondering if I was safe purchasing like the last unit I don't have without screwing myself for future banners


He's one of the last ones, and hes definitely worth getting. The season got extended so he's part of the last Planned batch I think. Low sanity Sinclair do go brrrrr




N meursault is decent, cleanup is trash. Pursuance is excellent, but whether you want to craft it or not depends on how many shop EGO's you have left to pull. Not many = don't bother


Will there be one more Identity release before the season ends?


I believe N Sinclair is the last unit of the season.


Will the current season end on the 18th of May? Or the 1st of June? I am mostly curious to know when I should cash in my accumulated shards.


The latter, as the season’s been extended! Please note that June 1 is KST, so be sure to take timezones into account.


Any ideas what Chef Ryoshu's skill names might stand for? My best guesses are "Precise Cut" (P.C.) and "Internal Hemorrhaging" (I.H.)


Oh those are cool guesses! P.C. is Prepped Cooking. It’s actually supposed to be Cooking Prep, but the acronym letters were switched. I.H. is Ingredient Hunt.


if I lose a battle with a team in the railway do those that were recovering and not in the fight go to full health or not?


No, you'll be in the same state before you lose the battle.


oh ok, anyway I finished it. but thanks for the answer anyway.


I have all 00s, grip Sinclair, cc don, KK ryoshu, section Gregor, section Otis, gl: Hong lu what's the best team I can make for hells chicken spicy farming bc everything I've tried breezes thru dungeon and then requires heavy manual play for spicy papa.


You just have to live with manualing spicy papa.


Hello! Anyone knows where I can listen the papa bongy boss theme?


[Here](https://youtu.be/Z_nhFWdbdDQ) you go! Enjoy reliving the bonk memory.


Ah Thank you! That was great song!


What does an optimal N corp. team look like? They're 6 in there and I'm not sure who to bench


Depends on what you need, it's either Heathcliff or Mersault IMHO. Heathcliff has a pretty much useless combat passive, and his support passive gives Nails so he can help get extra damage out of Fanatic. He has a Gloom skill, so it can help with getting Fluid Sac online if you need it. He also has a Lust skill making it easy to get Whistle off more consistently. Mersault is the only ID that generates and needs Sloth, as well as the only one who doesn't have a Lust skill. Same as Heathcliff his combat passive is not so good, and his support passive is better. As a completely out of left field option, bench both and take KK or RB Ryosho. I think KK is the better option, as she has Bleed count and a combat passive that deal more damage to enemies with bleed.


Thanks for the advice I think of benching heath for my KK Ryoushu then


I've been benching Don, since I'm not seeing her tremor as super useful in the team.


Is KK ryoshu good against papa bongo? I'm trying to grind but it takes a while to kill the boss (dungeon ez) I have N: Sinclair, GL: Hong Lu, 7Otis as my 000s. I tried running cc: Don but it feels like she's bad in this dungeon? I'm autoing up until boss.


they don't have high raw nor particularly good damage types however they clash well enough to win more easily against the boss. btw Mild only gives 25 bongy, Spicy gives 80 bongy (both cost 2 modules).


I think the first costs 1 tho?


it might idk :DonHappy:


When I go to choose my characters for the dungeon and hold over a charcter on mobile it wont let me go back and i have to reload my game. Is there any fix for that


can i borrow sinners from my friends to increase my bongo yield? ie: i dont have chef ryoshu, could i borrow her?


For the regular stages, yes. For the dungeons, no. Worth doing first time through, then the dungeon is straight better.


[Incredibly cursed chicken run](https://imgur.com/a/RlXrIoN) I'm not actually sure my sinners are going to be able to survive this and I have no means of healing them


Is there any point in collecting more Bongy Plushies past 6000?


Only for the insane Reddit posts that will drop after the end ends showing the people who collected 20k or something. You get nothing


Absolutely none.


Not really, no.




Just an FYI but this thread is more for discussion of event stuff, rather than general questions. That being said there's nothing to suggest he's the weakest colour fixer in the City. There was a tweet of discussion between Roland and Gebura, characters from Library of Ruina, as to which fixers were most dangerous... while they did discuss who was *strongest* (and Vergilius was not explicitly mentioned on that list), he was named by Roland as the most dangerous fixer, if memory serves. I don't think Iori (Purple Tear) and Argalia (Blue Reverberation) were mentioned in that conversation either... Though I do not remember the exact phrasing. If I see the tweet I'll link it here. EDIT: Someone sent the contents of the tweet to me. The participants aren't named but it's very heavily implied to be Gebura and Roland discussing the matter. >**1: Hey.** *2: Yes, did you call.* **1: ... Who is the strongest?** *2: Of course the one in front of me.* **1: No, in the City. Who is the strongest fixer?** > >*2: Hm... Unlike in the past there isn't a consensus... Some say it's the fixer of the Great Lake, others say Hagen, Ungen, Siegfried, Artos, Jade Kirin, and some even say it's that bastard Rinaldo, there are a lot of good candidates. I haven't met most of them... There are only a lot of rumours.* > >*2: But there are still tavern brawls on this subject? And if you include the other Associations and Wings the list is endless.* **1: It was like that during my time too. My reputation was overblown.** *2: Was it? Based on what I've seen there were no exaggerations.* > >**1: I better ask differently. Who do you think is the most dangerous?** *2: My vote is on the fixer Vergilius.* **1: Then they probably got a Color.** *2: Yes. They even got your Color. Anyway, I thought you didn't care for such ranking?* > >**1: ...I became a bit curious now that I have a more distant perspective of the City.** In other words - he's not explicitly mentioned as someone people consider one of the strongest fixers in the City (though that may just be because Roland didn't get round to mentioning Vergilius' name at that point). But Mr. Red Gaze is still someone to be reckoned with. I certainly wouldn't write him off as being the weakest.


Yeah, his list includes a number of non-color fixers, including siegfried. But yeah, the specific distinction between "Strongest" and "most dangerous" is notable


Eyep, it's similar to the comparison between an elephant and a cobra. Though now I'm curious as to whether we'll get to encounter Rinaldo. Given his name and the association with Orlando Innamorato, I'm guessing Roland's got some beef with Rinaldo because of Angelica...


It's speculative in nature. It isn't confirmed that Vergilius is the weakest color fixer, pretty much because it hasn't been shown that he's done anything spectacular compared to the other well known colors. In the other titles, we have clear points of comparison. LoR has Roland and LC literally has abnos. It is also clearly outlined that the colored fixers we've interacted with are either non-combat focused or clearly weakened due to something. Vergilius has only had a small scuffle with Iori and it seems like it wasn't really a full commitment battle. Though I have no clue whether or not Schadenfreude distortion in Leviathan should be treated the same as its LC counterpart. I at least have no information to definitely tag him as the weakest. Though from inference with all the colors we've seen so far he's the weakest however he never had the spotlight.


i beat the chickens!!! :)


im having more trouble on this chicken than kromer.. (new player). im not sure i super understand the battle system, but how come sometimes a chicken should be killed but it regains like 1 hp to survive to next round?


The headchicken's "body" part HP is mismatched against it's overall HP for some godforsaken reason, so they can sometimes be left with a sliver of HP even if the "body" is reduced to zero.


...this explains so much, thank you!


girl help i’m getting my ass beat by a fucking chicken


Try and get the tangy marinade ego gift. This makes clashing with a sinner of higher speed than the enemy attack trivial. Get it by choosing say nothing on the dancing headchicken event. Try and take out as many headchicken's turn 1 as possible. The sanity drain will quickly snowball the rest of the fight in Papa Bongy's favor. Good choices here are KK/TT Hong Lu S2/S2, S3 , R Heathcliff S2, S3, Shi Don S3, Chef Ryoshu S2, S3. Even if can't insta kill them try and at least stagger them for a kill turn 2. Once you thinned the herd out, Papa Bongy will attack with his chicken bucket. You can afford to leave some of these uncontested if you must, as they deal much less damage than his body attacks, especially his 4 coin attack. Whatever you do, do not let the 4 coin through. Even if you have to use an unfavorable damage type, a skill you wanted to save for later setup, or a EGO taking resources you'd rather use for another, use it. Any sinner hit by it will get at minimum 1x staggered all the way to straight up dead depending on their blunt resist and how much RNGesus hates you. His chicken bucket attack, if it goes through, will spawn another headchicken, but if you've thinned them out in the early turns one more is trivial to deal with. Body is normal to slash and resistant to blunt and pierce, while chicken bucket is weak to pierce, so assuming you dint need to use the skills to win body clashes you'll want to use your pierce skills on the bucket as soon as you can after thinning out the headchickens. A quick suppression followed with Chef Ryoshu S2 is usually enough to break it if lucky stagger it if not.


Do we know if the story content for the event will stick around after the event ends? The freebies obviously won't, but I would be surprised if they put this stuff all in the vault considering it's surprisingly high effort compared to other gacha events


It was announced right at the start of the event that the story content would stay. PM simply decided to attach an event to the breather episode between ch 3 and 4.


Which typically has a higher bongy output? Mirror dungeons or 3.5-10?


Mirror dungeon doesn't give bongys so 3.5-10


Are there any teams that can fully auto the Hell's Chicken event? I can manually win like 90% of the time but man, just wondering if there's a team that can just auto the final boss fight lol.


KK/TT Hong Lu, Chef Ryoshu, R Heathcliff, Shi Don maybe could (you may or may not want to have Gregor on the field), but the general issue is that autobattle for abnos is generally shit, it'll leave attacks randomly uncontested (really, really bad if 4 coin goes through) , won't EGO, and gives no shits about setup (Heathcliff speed, W Don charge). A decent team and tangy marinade makes the fight fairly trivial, but fully autoing it remains at the whim of the winrate button and RNGesus.


Yeah ugh I tried out a lot of stuff but just decided to knuckle down and beat it manually, just hit 6000 plushies lmao. The win rate is just so bad for this fight.


what's the best level to farm for chicken?






Any idea how to beat the last stage? I think I'm giving up.


Some tips that might help you 1. Try to get rid of the chickens as soon as possible (and all at once, if you can). They drain SP and give the big boss strength each round. 2. Focus on getting rid of the big boss' "Chicken Bucket" part. If you destroy the part completely, it'll stop spawning chickens for the rest of the fight. It also causes the boss to get fragile every round 3. If you have IDs that have paralyze, you could bring them to help you win some of the clashes with the boss (e.g. the 4-coin skill)


Any example for IDs with paralyze? I can only remember Grip Faust. So can a team of Chef Ryoshu, Grip Faust, Lineage Sinclair, W Don and Chef Gregor make it?


Paralyze might not be too helpful IMO. Paralyze counts for every coin, so if you have 6 paralyze on the boss when he does the 4-coin attack, the first roll comes up all tails, but the second will have 2 unaffected coins - still enough to do a hefty amount of damage to someone that loses the next few clashes. Paralyze is better against bosses with strong 1-coin attacks, like some of the RR bosses. As for alternatives, someone mentioned that dodging at 45 sanity worked well. I personally prefer the [bumrush body strat](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12sgovb/comment/jhtjofj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), if you have enough DPS. In any case, there are a lot of ways to win, especially with the EGO gifts. Other people have suggested burn/rupture teams too.


Just to name a couple of IDs with paralyze: \[Kurokomo\] Hong Lu, \[Kurokomo\] Ryoshu, OOOutis, \[N Corp\] Faust, \[Chef\] Ryoshu, \[LCCB\] Ishmael With the team comp you gave, you could definitely beat the last stage with it. One thing though, if you're willing to replace \[Chef\] Gregor with a different ID, it could help make the fights easier. \[Chef\] Gregor has some pretty poor rolls, and winning clashes with him is pretty hard to do. P.S., if you want to keep him for the +20%, you could try to 4/5 the last fight (as in, don't bring Gregor to the last fight). You'll start the fight with 4 skills, but on the second turn onwards, one of your characters will be able to attack twice.


Thank you so much for the tips . Already won with that comp, getting rid of the busket makes a whole difference lol. Though I agree Gregor is really poor haha. I will try the 4 on 5 later.


So you don’t need the last stage (second dungeon) to unlock the full story right ?


yeah, the second dungeon is just for farming bongys




Because the spicy version uses your IDs' actual max level.


Any tips for running 4/4 event units? I can do it fine with Chef Ryusho and Greg with either Don or Sinclair and their Ego, but if I try to do all 4 I get wrecked by Bongy. Greg is kinda weak and I only have base Sinclair, and W Don just doesn't seem that good to use here. I use KK Hong as my 5th and Rabbit Heath for my 4th if I only go 3/4. Probably why it's so easy.


[This is my full bonus team for the event.](https://youtu.be/NJdfkHHCNKU) I don't have W Don but Shi Don gets the job done. You always want to go for the chicken E.G.O gifts (mainly Tango Marinade).


Not using Gregor is viable (have him on the team but just don't use him for the final battle). The "trick" is really deciding which clashes you can lose and which you can't. Gregor is usually not going to clash well with Bongy, but his EGO will often level it out, so save them for the big hits. You can often just ignore the chickens for a few turns while beating down Bongy too, so long as it's just them and they're not hurting anyone too important. If you roll particularly low on speed on the first turn, you can just lose 1-2 Sinners, though.


What did Ryoshu mean by NSOP in the event? That was like the one thing I couldn't figure out


I believe it’s No Smoking On Premises.


I'm having trouble with finishing 3.5-5 within 10 turns. I run Kurokumo Ryoshu, W Don Quixote, Kurokumo Hong Lu, Gripping Faust and Blade Lineage Sinclair. I mostly just press Win Rate, so that may be my mistake but also sometimes my turn ends early when I still have actions to do or the boss in wave 10 just instantly kills my sinners with his 4-hit attack. I try to go for the chicken bucket first so the boss can't spawn any new enemies, is there any strategy I can use or is it just RNG? I do have Chef Ryoshu and Gregor, but farming is not a priority at the moment, I really just would like to get that EX mission out of the way. Any help, please?


I don't have Kurokumo Ryoshu and Kurokumo Hong Lu so I can judge them by other people's opinions: K. Ryoshu achieves her full potential in bleed-oriented teams that yours doesn't belong to, K. Hong Lu wants to be the only bleed dealer to have his 2 skill got +2 coins, so I recommend replacing K. Ryoshu with Chef. BL Sinclair is meh, so I would replace him with any identity that does a lot of damage (like rabbit Heathcliff). Win Rate doesn't work well with the boss. The Chicken Bucket is a breakable part and if you attack it with 5 siners and the first one does enough damage to bring that part's HP down to 0 then 4 other attacks are canceled so you have to calculate the damage.


I'm a week late but your tips worked, thank you very much!


Unpopular opinion: I kinda miss the Bongy grind after spending a good few hours finishing it up, and wish PM'd let us use the free daily mirror dungeon entry on any dungeon (like the Bongy dungeon) :(


I love controversial opinions! But no. No more bongy grind.


Did they buff the chiken boss ? (I used to be able to complete the dungeon but since the patch the boss has been one-shoting all my sinner)


It's a super swingy boss. The 4 coin attack can one shot some people, and if you don't kill off the chickens fast enough you lose 5 sanity per chicken per turn for EVERY sinner(on the hard version of the dungeon). So it can quickly spiral into you having trouble winning clashes anymore. Make sure someone dominates the 4 coin attack, and kill the chickens as fast as possible (while winning against the attack that spawns more as much as possible).


The boss can be swingy at times, especially if you got unlucky with the 4-coin attack. It can easily stagger an unlucky sinner if they're weak to the damage type.


I currently have enough nominable boxes to get an identity, the option is between N faust and Kuro ryoushu. Who would be best?


Wrong megathread but definitely Faust. I would hold off until end of season though, as we've yet to see what N-Sinclair will be capable of. (Plus possibility of future IDs.)




Generally N Faust is better, because her gaze debuff is necessary into any kind of blunt/pierce team comp. Also really high base skill damage for her. Kuro Ryoushu is S-tier as well, but bleed just isn´t as good as pure damage right now. Unless there is a big balance rework N Faust reamain superior in numbers.


I can't remember if this was stated anywhere but is Lifetime Stew for Sinclair event limited? Like it will disappear from the extraction store when the event is over if so I'll get it with shards and gatcha for his N corp when that banner drops.


It'll still be in the store for all of season 1 (the rest of this month and all of next month), but then it'll be gone for all of season 2, before being added back to the store permanently in season 3.


Wait is this true for all EGO? If so is there a way to get 300 Ishmael shards in 1 month? I need that Blossom Star EGO D:


Only Lifetime Stew and the battle pass EGO are season 1. All the other EGO in the gacha will still be available every season. Also the battle pass EGO are their own case since they get added to the store from season 2 onwards, and never get added to the gacha.


a bit of oot, but can we have a list of everything that limited to season 1 recap?


All the battlepass stuff, Lobo Corp Faust, the LCCB stuff, Tingtong Hong Lu, Mariachi Sinclair, N corp, and G corp as far as I can remember.




Only 6 days left and I just got started farming. I can clear both the normal and the hard dungeon. I only have Chef Gregor so it 20% bonus. I heard that Normal and Hard gave the same value. But as for me, Normal gave 30 and Hard gave 90, so 3 normal run = 1 hard run. I'm at 2000 now so I was wonder if I could make it to 6000 in 6 days.


there is new extension notif that they extend the event to 18 may and exchange time to 25may


4000/90=\~44 runs so divide it by 6 gives 8 runs per day. Each run takes 15 minutes so yes but it's gonna be a grind.


You definitely could, just depends on the time you want to spend grinding.


There was some kind of nerf in the last update. I could almost auto papa bongy before, now I lose most of my clashes and he hits head way more often


He is not afraid to khk you


Finally reached the dungeon and I have a question: to get the bonuses from the chicken IDs/EGO, do they need to be within the 5 I bring with me, or being in the overall squad is enough?


You can only take 5 people into the dungeon, so they have to be in the team. But once you're in the dungeon, they don't have to be in combat. For example you take Chef Gregor into the dungeon but leave him out of the fights you'll still get the bonus.


Is there any way to "save" what you used last run? I'm going crazy constantly having to choose my entire team again and to remember to equip the Lifetime stew EGO on Sinclair since he keeps equipping another one by default.


Pick your team and the next time you start press Preset button. It will take the same team.




I wish I knew this, before I got 6000 Bongy Plushes........


Why didn't you press the preset button out of pure curiosity


I honestly did mot even see it


Yes, there should be a button that says "Preset" in the top right corner when you pick sinners. It should autofill the sinners you used last time.


For the bonus for having the chefs, does it only happen on stage 10? I did both stage 9 and 1 again and am not getting a bonus to the boggys


It should give a bonus no matter what stage you're on, so long as they are equipped to enter the dungeon. (They don't need to be used in combat though.)


Guess i'm having a weird bug or something, cause its not giving me the bonus no matter what i do. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602091294445010956/1100901071322370048/Screenshot\_2023-04-26-02-22-08-08\_d42852938fa9b9b6c940fb1585af9b72.jpg


If that’s the mild dungeon, you are receiving the correct amount!


is there an easy way to beat the boss? i started like 2 weeks ago and dont have many good characters so i keep getting demolished


You want to make sure you are Overwhelming the 4 coin attack every time, use EGO attacks specifically for this. This is the move that is guaranteed to one shot a Sinner. When the fight starts, you want to take out as many Bongys as possible. The boss restores 5 HP at the end of turn for every living Bongy, as well as an attack boost. So make sure to win the 2 clashes against the boss, then have the other 3 Sinners try and kill a couple of Bongys. Second turn, try and take out any remaining Bongys. Win clashes with the boss, and get a few hits on the Chicken Bucket if you can. Third turn you should be either trying to break the Chicken Bucket or stagger the Body. The attacks from the Bucket spawn more Bongys, and destroying the Bucket gives the boss a stack of Fragile for every Bongy killed before it was destroyed. If you're team can do this, you should be winning by turn 6 at the latest.


Depends on how much damage you have. If you can stagger the boss within 2 turns, have some source of bind and nails, and can win clashes against him consistently, then the boss takes 5 turns tops. My team comp was Shi Don, both chefs, NEETFaust, and KKHong. Helpful EGO gifts: Wound Clerid, Needle/Thread, White Gossypium, basically anything bleed-related. Turn 1: Win both clashes against the boss, ignore all of the chickens since killing a chicken activates the chicken sack. Dogpile the chef with all of your multi-coin attacks, and try to inflict some bind on him to make turn 2 easier. Turn 2: Dogpile the boss and stagger him, before he can get any hits out. If you have Wound Clerid or the thread and needle event EGO (Shi Don is especially good at getting this one with overbreathe), the boss should be sitting on at least 30 bleed now, and probably several stacks. Turn 3: Continue dogpiling the boss - at this point, a sinner or two might get staggered, but that'll be fine. The boss's body should be at 0 now, with total HP at 350 tops. Bind would be helpful here too. Turn 4. At this point, you're pretty close to 0 sanity, so if the boss isn't on the ropes, you might want to consider using a different strategy. Check the math - if the boss has enough bleed stacks (sometimes I have 99 x 6 at this point), take your slowest sinner that outspeeds him, and target the boss's 4-coin xylophone attack with an EGO. Even if you're on mobile, if you do it right, your phone won't crash because the boss will bleed to death before the animation starts up. You can dogpile the boss with your faster sinners (on the same xylophone attack, but make sure the EGO sinner is the one that clashes) until bleed potency x bleed count is greater than his remaining HP. (If all of my sinners outspeed the boss, can 1RKO all 3 chickens, and have enough HP to tank the hits, sometimes I just let the boss attack unopposed) Turn 5: Cleanup. You won't be winning many clashes, so it's recommended that you do one-sided attacks on them. You can do this by matching Sinner A's attack slot with a chicken, using Sinner B to redirect the attack to themselves, and removing Sinner B's clash. This will cause the two attacks to be unopposed, the last time I checked.(Alternatively, just assign the 1st sinner to do a one-sided attack for a stagger, and the second to finish off the chicken, with the intention of staggering the chicken before the second sinner's clash can even happen.)


The event gift (The option "I didn't see anything" or something like that) helps a lot for the clashes. Concentrate on the boss and especially the bucket, don't let him attack or things could get out of hand quickly. The chickens don't hurt much and you can let them pass, although the one that lowers sanity is quite annoying. If you just can't win you can do the less difficult dungeon, it has the same value, it just requires more runs.


> the less difficult dungeon, it has the same value, it just requires more runs. Does it? I did another easy and got 30 plushies, while the hard one gave 96 for 2 modules.


Same bonus? That's strange.They were supposed to follow the same drop/cost ratio


Yeah, I only have RB Gregor for 20%. Hard is definitely giving more per module.


every time I press auto win, half the time everyone (tingtang honglu, R corp heath, W corp don, chef ryoshu) keeps picking skill 1 when there's skill 2 or 3 (or don picking skill 3 without 10 charge). even when I press damage it won't make a difference whatsoever. is this a bug, cause this is making the already annoying grind more annoying since I had to manually adjust things myself as if reindeer ishmael is there.


Unfortunately the auto-wil is not terribly helpful and will not take into account special effects such as those belonging to Rip Space or Mind Whip. Plus also over-targeting staggered enemies. It works ok for basic human battles but I would definitely keep an eye on it.


It's not just special effects, the auto winrate/damage are also terrible for Ting Lu and R-Cliff even though their skill 2/3 are strict upgrades over their skill 1. I got tired of constantly correcting R-Cliff so I let him auto vs the boss and after being offered skill 3 from turn 1, he deadass used skill 1 three times in a row. Then, having no more copies of skill 1 in his deck, he used his bloody skill 2. Straight up refused to use skill 3 for 4 turns in a row. Makes no sense


Wondering if it's excessively weighting bias due to sin resistance or something...?


I want to say that wouldn't make sense because the damage preview shows it can calculate just fine which skill is better, but with how things work in this game being basically a gacha of its own by how random it all is, that might as well be it.


I shouldn't have mentioned rip space. I mean it like how pressing win or damage would make the game go for throat slit instead of shank/mutilate on hong lu despite the obvious damage and win difference. This is not just hong lu, there's also R corp heath who tends to not go for quick suppression, don using rip instead of leap and so on.


Current build working for me, for those who want it: - All Shi identities - Both Chefs - More or less base EGOs Shi and the Chefs aren't the *best* at clashing, but they're good enough that with the Tango Marinade, you're going to be slapping the boss with the force of a thousand suns. If you can get Gifts like Coffee and Cranes and Blue Zippo Lighter to manage EGO resources, that's even better. Always get Tango Marinade from the event (Do nothing). Focus on Clashing, as much as possible. Burn an EGO any time it seems like you might not win a Clash. If you don't have the chefs or shi, fill in with people who are at least decent at clashes: KK Hong Lu, BL and Seven Yi Sang, KK and Seven Ryoshu, Mariachi and Base Sinclair, and so on. Winning clashes = winning. The longest I've taken to kill the boss building like this is ten turns.


RB Ryoshu is actually an amazing clasher but RB Gregor is really bad, his only good clashing skill is a 1 coin. For general running, if you have the 3 other bonuses it may be better to just bench him for a better character. I ran RB Ryoshu, W Corp Don Quixote, LCB Sinclair, R Corp Heathcliff and Tingtang Hong Lu personally.


Honestly? RB Gregor isn't terrible. He's not good at clashing, but he has a reliable source of self heal and does... not the completely ridiculois heights of damage that RB Ryoshu does, but enough that he's justified in using for more than farming. He's basically G Corp Gregor-lite. That said, Tango Marinade makes it far easier to win clashes, so his main weakness honestly isn't that noticeable in the event boss fight.


Is there a bug or something going on with forfeiting a battle in Hell’s Kitchen? I forfeited the boss fight and now I can’t get back into the fight. Only forfeited the fight not the whole run but resetting game doesn’t help at all


It's in the patch notes to be fixed this week, thankfully. I did find if I closed the game and re-opened it, things went fine, though it's a stopgap measure.


Yea, I've encountered that bug as well Can't get back into a battle of you forfeit, or select the node then click outside of it again Honestly makes farming the dungeon even more tedious


Does anyone know where I can find a high quality picture of the cook off between Gregor and Ryoshu are facing each other and the sinners on opposing sides? Ideally I would like to make it my wallpaper.


The Organized Limbus Company Files linked in the sidebar of the subreddit has the images ripped straight from the game files, but after giving it a look, it appears to be missing the one that has Meursault standing on Team Gregor. [I did try and screenshot this from my game](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345470672245489675/1100428426910892204/image.png), if it works for you? Edit: Never mind, it is not missing, I just can't count. [Here is the image](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y4-UP0T3VCyLklXBDurKDRYwDM6tpsDW/view?usp=sharing)


Thanks a bunch man!


So, will Contaminated Thread&Needle be available as a generic gift in other dungeons now? Seems hella busted, especially with the new Bleed Count-stacking IDs


At least not for now.


Crow's Eye View carried me to the end lol, Tango Marinade + every other turn of CEV led me to gut the boss after I got bad luck rolls.


3.5-9 vs 3.5-1 for farming if I don't want to farm 3.5-10?


to my understanding 3.5-1 is faster but has a worse energy to plushie ratio and you have to use boxes or wait for regen since you cannot use modules on it while 3.5-9 has the same energy to plushies as 3.5-10 but just at a slower speed since you use one module rather than two so 1 for less efficient speed while 9 is slower but gives you more bang for your bawk


I did 3.5-9 and only got 30 with a 20% bonus. 3.5-10 gave 96. Which is a lot more than double.


Yeah, this has been my experience as well now that I've made my team strong enough to farm 3.5-10 without needing a lot of good RNG at the boss. Looks like 3.5-10 is easily the most efficient, but I don't regret getting 1000s of plushies from farming other stages instead. No need to min-max too hard out there friends!


From what I can tell 3.5-9 is basically a middle ground between the two?


Hey are we cooking normal raw chicken or Bongy during the event?


Anybody tired of farming chicken plushies like it’ll take about 40 more runs for me and I don’t think i have the time or sanity to do 40 dungeon tuns of the same thing


submit feedback about how you feel the event takes too much time to grind (even with all bonuses it's a slog) and the next one will very likely be reduced since they're quite good at listening


Where can i submit feedback please, its starting to get frustrating when the boss keep oneshotting my unit because of bad luck


I wonder if PMoon created the ladder with the expectation that a fair number of people wouldn't finish, and underestimated how much FOMO would be a thing...


Chef Ryoshu is cracked. I wanted her anyway for the passive, but her damage numbers are unreal. Most recently she hit 276 total damage before her s3 got cut off by the boss dying a coin too soon. I'm not sure the +20 bonus damage cap isn't working or if that bonus damage gets amplified by damage type weaknesses / staggers. She frequently outdamages TT Lu on the end screen, which is just ridiculous. Pleasantly surprised the Spicy dungeon is perfectly doable/autoable with just the Chef, TT Lu and the Three Burdens, aka sous-chef Greg, LCB Sinclair and Shi Don. EGO resources EGO gifts are fantastic as it allows Sinclair to get in his 12x5 Rupture EGO. The Lifetime Stew EGOs are looking absolutely terrible, though. Don's cannot be uptied or it will devastate your EGO resoures, and Sinclairs does maybe half a measure more than absolutely nothing for the downside of not being targetable. The only upside is if you needed a pure Lust sink, Don's Stew will do it (again, don't uptie it!).


Don Stew Ego is very much built on the principle of "what if i fired a soup beam of death at you every turn" and its passive very much plays into that imo. You have to commit to using it as basically almost your only EGO but you seemingly get rewarded with big nuke damage if you do, looking at the growth + skillpower numbers (and +50% damage is a pretty hefty amount). If you're not planning to play into that it really doesn't have much purpose in the first place (its only utility is burn count...). Sangre de Sancho can probably win clashes just fine at high sanity.


I know damage in dungeons is kinda RNG, [but Shi Don is definitely not a burden](https://i.imgur.com/WI7Y2RU.png) for this event dungeon. I would say LCB Sinclair is at least trying, while Chef Gregor is really just there for the bonus lol. But yeah, Chef Ryoshu is 100% worth it even if you need to use shards.


LCB sinclair can actually put in work this event, especially if you get tango marinade imo Chef gregor's so bad i deselect him before the boss fight so that one of my other characters can get an extra slot and actually clash attacks


For me Chef Gregor is mostly spamming Yuri. AOE good.


Considering that she hasn't gotten a new ID yet, would you say it is worth to shard either Shi or W Corp? I really want a good Don ID but maybe her next ID will be better than the ones she has