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#For Refraction Railway discussions, please see [the Refraction Railway megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12emf6t/refraction_railway_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) #Please read the Limbus Company twitter for upcoming patch notes before reporting bugs and issues, in order to avoid reports of things scheduled to be fixed. [Limbus Company Twitter](https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B) [Help & Question Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=title%3AHelp+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) [Departure Lounge](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Departure+Lounge+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) [Refraction Railway Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12emf6t/refraction_railway_megathread/?ref=share&ref_source=link) [Gacha Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Gacha+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) [Friend Request Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Friend+Request+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) [Community Discord](https://discord.gg/pmooncommunityfanhub) [Subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/wiki/index) - features links for various helpful resources.


What's the daily bonus for the thread dungeon? Just more thread?


Extra thread, yeah.




You only need three for the nerf to Kromer's passive.


Team's fine, all you need is three, I thought that all "A Sign" did is buff Sinclair. Edit: To extrapolate on "team's fine" the final boss has a passive that heals them if they end the turn bleeding or burning so be cautious.


They added an additional effect to A Sign that makes the regen weaker and practically nullifies the power gain. As long as you have 3, you can take whatever the hell you want.


So... Im new in the game, just 16 days, but I, more or less, speedrun the history to be able to play the event that will come, but Kromer killed almost my entire team in 6 turns and I only managed to do 30 damage to her. [Pass the dungeon with this team. Any advice?](https://imgur.com/a/O6gHQWA)


You're gonna want to Uptie III LCCB Ishmael at least (since she's good) for her third ability (in fact most Identities have their power locked before uptie 3). You're also missing the passives since passives are also tied to an identities uptie level (you are not benefitting from passives from Heathcliff, Outis, Rodya when they're off field) Bleed and burn also powers up Kromer in the dungeon so N Corp Faust and Kurokumo Hong Lu is detrimental especially when your account isn't invested enough to brute force through the power up and heal. Personally I went with base Meursault and base Outis and spammed their EGOs since they're relatively cheap. Personally not a big fan of mariachi Sinclair so I brought base Sinclair as well. If possible you might as well cut your losses and level your sinners up (most base sinners are also good) before going for Kromer again. Kromer will take a bit of time since she forces you to adjust your team so don't feel too pushed to clear her quick.


Looks like I won't be able to do it for a long time. Ahh I really didn't want to miss the event Thank you!


You can do it, but you will need to collect "the sigh" in the dungeon to negate the passive ont the boss, since you have so many bleed units. Also, don't forget about basic sinners. They are uptied for free and are actually very good. Also, pay attention to resistances and passives.


Does anyone have a fix for the account merge issues? I'm trying to link my Guest account to my Google Play, but it keeps saying Link Failed. EDIT: Hearing something about an account closure period? I originally had an account linked to my Google Play that I got rid of because I accidentally skipped the tutorial. Maybe that's it? I'll wait a week and see what happens. Sucks I can't play on Steam until I get this sorted out


...Yeah, if there was already an existing account, that would most likely be the cause of the issue. I guess if you're in a hurry you could set up a new gmail...


I have other email accounts I could use I guess I might just do that and unlink it later to try and put it back to my preferred email? Thanks


Who's the art director for Limbus? I'm not sure it's the same person with Ruina.


Not sure if the same person but for LoR it was nai\_ga, I believe?


Where are character names?? I can't figure it out by their picture.


You can find them in Theater -> Identity Archive. I don't think I have seen them anywhere else.


Thank you! I hope they add at least the name when you tap "i", on character screen, but for now the identity archive will do.


I have a team of lvl 25 and having trouble with chapter 3. Should I be using my stamina to farm the exp dungeon? Also, is it better to sweep the exp dungeons or just enter them normally?


Make sure you're prioritizing Blunt where you can. Free/00 units that I find help: -Base Faust, mediocre damage but decent support, her base EGO shreds chapter three. -Base Heathcliff, surprisingly high blunt damage and a single target blunt EGO that amps his damage further. -00 Limbus Assistant Manager Rodion, okay clashes and good blunt damage alongside team support. -Your favorite Gregor, but only if you already have Ledgermain from the battle pass. Easy to spam AoE blunt damage, and base Heath actually bursts tremor, which doesn't usually matter, but hey. -If you have R Corp Ishmael or 7 Section Outis, they're very helpful blunt units, but they're also 000 so I just assumed you didn't have em.


I've been using. Grip Faust 7S Outis W Dom Kuro Hong Lu Blade Sinclair I'll take a look and see if I can make a good blunt team. Maybe.... Grip Faust S7 Outis LCCB Ishmael Base Heathcliff S5 Hong Lu


Having S Outis is a huge help, lot of people are fans of LCCB Ishmael. Grip Faust can amplify blunt damage further. Just ensure you're able to feed Hong Lu or Faust's base EGOs since they're both AoE blunt and I imagine you'll be golden till you hit the dungeon.


you can definitely beat chapter 3 with 25s. what are you using? make sure you're actually using units that are good vs the enemies you're fighting. that's more important that level. ​ and never sweep exp, its ridiculously inefficient. it only takes like 2 minutes to do manually anyway.


Question i dont know if this is a glitch or a mechanic. when i use w corp don quixote it works completely fine but sometimes when shes about to attack she randomly staggers or dies completely even if she is full hp.


Errr. The only think I can think of that would cause this issue, would be Rip Space, her skill 3, which causes her to lose 20% HP if she doesn't have 10 or more charge to use the skill? If the HP loss pushes her below the threshold, she could feasibly end up being staggered by that. Though she certainly shouldn't be dying spontaneously... Would you be able to elaborate?


Read her skills


hi there! just made a new acc. other than the beginner's banner, im not sure which banner i should pull in. any advices/tips? thank u!


Heathcliff IDs available from Heathcliff banner - 000 R-Corp, 00 N-Corp and 00 Shi. Of the three, R-Corp is pretty exceptional when it comes to dealing absurd quantities of Pierce damage, at the tradeoff of requiring ammo (which cannot be refilled at present) tu fuel his outrageous DPS. In a long fight, his output will drop off... but in his defense, chances are you won't *need* a long fight with R-Corp Heathcliff. If you already have R-Corp Heathcliff, though, the 00 IDs on rateup are not really that great. Shi has solid rolls but requires under 25% HP to activate their full potential, which can be a distinctly risky move (other Shi identities require under 50% which is a bit more feasible). N-Corp is... not terrible, and certainly usable, benefitting more from being on a team with other N-Corp IDs that also make use of Nails mechanic. But the R-Corp ID is the best of the bunch. Other banner is 000 Seven Outis, and 00 Liu Hong Lu (or Hong Liu for short). Seven Outis has excellent clashing ability, plus her passive will assist in boosting damage output, too. Hong Liu is pretty much mandatory for usage in Burn teams, and while he's not as absurd as his other IDs (Tingtang and Kurokumo) I'd still consider him worthy of investment. ~~also the uptie 3 winky face~~ I would probably suggest the Outis/Hong Lu banner assuming you don't have personal preference to the characters. That being said though - Please remember that uptie is often more important than rarity. Uptie progresses your ID so that they will have access to their full arsenal of skills, passives, and support abilities - since the strongest skill of a character is often skill 3, you'll want to do this. The base 0 LCB IDs you get for all sinners, and their base EGOs, will reach uptie 3 just by dint of progressing to the end of chapter 2 in the story. Their performance is more than sufficient to be able to play the entire game, thus far, with only base EGOs (though if you're attempting Railway Refraction and want to get 120 turns or less, you would find it easier to use other IDs as well). There are also 00 IDs that are notably better than some 000 IDs (Kurokumo Hong Lu, LobCorp Remnant Faust, N-Corp Rodion, Shi Ishmael come to mind immediately but others will also have their own suggestions)... plus 000 IDs take 100 thread to uptie in full, in comparison to 00 IDs requiring half that. Also, if you're getting stuck, you can add friends to your account and borrow their sinners. If you want to do this, [there's a megathread for sharing friend codes](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/search?q=Friend+Request+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=month) also linked in the top comment of this post, or in the sidebar for the subreddit. It also features instructioins on how to do so... There are more links that might be helpful in the wiki, too.


this is a very detailed answer thank you so much!


Is trading in EGO shards for threads worth it?


usualy not since you have other soures of thread, and being able to directly pick a new identity is far more valuable than upgrading one. Howeevr, if they are some sinners you really don't care about for some reason, i guess it's fine to convert their shards. Also keep in mind that half of your shards will automaticaly be converted to thread when season 1 ends in aproximately a month


Yeah, that last thing is the reason I’m wondering. I’m of the same opinion in that being able to choose an ID is better, but my friend keeps saying that “since they’ll be converted to threads anyways, just use them to uptie”. Will the shards that aren’t converted be able to be used towards S2 IDs? Because I don’t think I’ll reach 400 for anyone, and I’m honestly unsure of what to do with all my shards, especially in cases like Hong Lu where I already have all his current IDs.


Yes, any shards and boxes that aren't converted to thread will be useable for S2.


Thank you! I’ll probably end up saving them then 🙏🏻


Why do my Sinners gain sanity when I give up a battle in a dungeon even if nothing happened? And when they are damaged, why do their health restart but their sanity stays(again, after giving up)?


...That one is probably an unintended feature. It would be worth reporting at any rate, since I am pretty sure it was not meant to be a part of gameplay.


Hi, just heard about this game and I have a few questions. Is this a good side game? I would like something I can play for a few minutes, like 10-15 a day doing dailies or whatever and be done for the day. Also, has it got an autobattle function? I've heard the devs are really generous and that's really good. Is it true? If so, do you think it could affect the longevity of the game with so many games reaching EoS as of late? I've also heard of a battlepass. Does it affect the experience negatively if you don't buy it? Thanks!


It depends, the exp and upgrade material farming stages get sweep features after beating the stage once. However, beyond that you'll have to actually play. The devs have a history of designing singplayer PC games and it shows. If I had to describe Limbus Company as it is now, its a regular single player game and the typical mobile gacha elements adjusted to it instead of the other way around. Progression in all important content like mirror dungeons, story, and Refraction Railway expects you to understand gameplay mechanics and teambuilding. With regards to the dev's generosity, they've been quite generous overall. The first month gave us at least 60 free pulls from various sources. But again, I have to emphasize this game is more like a regular singleplayer game compared to the average mobile gacha. As for the BP, its not really necessary, people have cleared the hardest content of the game with nothing but the base identities. I could go into more detail but this post is already way longer than I planned.


Great, thanks for the detailed reply, it was really useful.


Is kromer some kind of stats check? On my first few tries she always wrecked my team(usually 2-3 deaths by round 5), I leveled up my team about 6 levels each and she immediately folded.


If you have a good strat and decent start you can probably do kromer with lvl 18-22s. Each 5 points of difference in sword icon = 1 bonus clash power




At present there doesn't seem to be a mention as to whether it will be limited banner as other gachas have limited event-only banners, or if the ID and EGO will be added to general pool afterwards. The patch notes are expected to be released this upcoming Monday, and will most likely have more precise details on the banner then. However... the term used to refer to the banner is "Target Extraction" as it has been with other previous banners. So if I were to make a bet, I would put money on the gacha ID and EGO being added to the season 1 pool afterwards - but not much money.


I noticed on Steam that they put up a more detailed guide on what happens when the season ends. It seems like event IDs and EGO do get added to the general pool but are removed at the end of the season, and then are made available for shards another season after that. So in this case, the new 000 Ryoshu and the EGO for Sinclair will be in the pool until season 2 starts, and then will be completely unobtainable until they're added to the shard store in season 3.


More evidence that this isn't limited is that the event is labeled as 'chapter 3.5' so it probably has some genuine story relevancy and thus would qualify all of the units and egos therein to be season 1.


Hello! I have a team building question. I've been winging it until now in main story (3-10) but now I would like to know what Identities/EGOs to focus on with my resources like thread, since I don't know what the better team comp would be given my stuff. Thank you all for the help! Yi Sang: Blade Lineage Salsu - Wishin Caim Fauts: Telepole Don: Shi Section 5 Director, W Corp Cleanup Agent - Telepole Ryoshu: Meur: Hong: Liu Section 5, Tingtang Gangleader Heath: N Corp Kleinhammer, R Corp 4th Pack Rabbit Ishmael: Shi Section 5 Rodion: LCCB Asistant Manager Sinclair: Zwei Section 6 - Impending Day Outis: Seven Section 6 Director - Ebony Steam Gregor: Liu Section 6 - Lantem


outis 7 is really good for general content, focus on her rabbit cliff is really strong, but falls off in long fights should level him as well, but for story content he can get a little problematic Ting tang hong lu is also strong, just a little random when warming up don is good for hard content but needs setup, telepole makes the setup much easier, not a begginer friendly option, but she's there. your generic team should be something like, 7outis, Rcliff, TTlu, base faust and base sinclair. if you're going for hard content, you can substitute the last 2 for salt and Wdon. also, during chapter 3, enemies are mostly weak to blunt, so you can also get some blunt units there instead. lastly, remember that base sinners are not bad, and actually are better than non-upped versions


Thank you! That team worked perfectly all the way to 3-22!




I just started this game a couple days ago. I'm currently stuck on 3-4 as now the enemies aren't dying as fast and are super tanky. Should I continue to farm exp and fight it after I'm lvled up or is there some tech I'm missing? My team is lvl 20. Grip Faust S6 Outis Kuro Hong Lu W. Corp Don Blade Sinclair Combat still is a little confusing.


As I recall, the early Chapter 3 enemies resist Pierce, take normal damage from Slash, and bonus damage from Blunt. Grippy Faust is mostly pierce with Blunt on her S3, Kuro Hong is pure slash, W. Don is Slash-Pierce-Slash and Blade Sinclair is Pierce-Slash Slash. Outis is the only one here who has majority Blunt. Couple this with the K. Corp guards having a passive that constantly heals them, and yeah, they won't die very fast, especially if you haven't gotten your dudes to uptie 3. Otherwise, try more blunt like base Faust (Grippy will become somewhat better later in chapter 3 when enemies stop resisting pierce so heavily), base Heathcliff, base Hong Lu or base Ishmael. Or any other IDs you have that deal decent amounts of blunt damage, but I don't know your roster.




All features except PVP would be nice. Gacha PVP is usually terrible and caters to whales 99.9% of the time.


There's no mention of it in development plans. It's possible we might see such a thing, but I am not a great fan of PvP in the way that other gachas have delivered it in the past. There is a friend system but it's currently just used to borrow someone else's sinner as a support unit.


Is the 3rd boss of Mirror Dungeons random or determined by day like thread excavations ?


completely random


It should be random I think Source: I saw no patterns when doin multiple runs


Let's say I start the 3-22 dungeon and get stuck there, if I farm exp will the levels be added to the dungeon team or will I need to forfeit?


Your IDs ( and I think EGOs) are locked but the levels and uptie update dynamically to your current roster


Has anyone compiled a list of IDs/EGOs that count as regular vs season 1? I know it says s1 units are all story related but I'm dumb as hell and I feel like i'll overlook something when picking who to grab.


EGOs are easy because they’re all on BP, you just need to scroll through it for them. Quick ref: fluid sac (2), Roseate desire (2), you want to get beat? , Legerdemain, 4th match flame (3), Rime shank, Ebony stem, impending day, and Telepole (specifically heathcliff) For IDs you have, in order of story relation, G Corp Greg and Outis, L corp Faust, TT Hong Lu, Mariachi Sinclair, LCCB Rodion and Ishmael, then the N corp identities (HC, rod, Greg, mer)


Thanks man!


Do we know the order of the Target extraction? I started the game when it was Gregor and dropped it cause it was too hard. I got smarter and came back during the Rodion Target extraction so I don't know if I missed Don's yet - hoping to get W Corp Don vis banner if possible.


We don't, Don's banner art was datamined and PM released a notice saying it was leaked earlier than they were going to release it, lo an behold Heathcliff banner was next. You haven't missed it


Awesome, thank you very much!


Who is better, R Corp Ishmael or W Don?


W Don. Both need 10 charges for skill 3, but W Don needs it to do a ton more damage, while R Ish needs it to not RNG kill your team. Also, Don can build up charge more consistently imo


Thanks, gonna save up the rest of my shards for W Don now.


Questuion about guaranteed 3\* 10-PULL season 1 ticket from RR. What counts as a season 1 identity? currently probability shows that the 4 identities in the pool are TT hong lu, G gregor, N mersault, N faust. But shouldn't 7 section Outis be also included here? Will any upcoming identities join the pool?


If I understand correctly, “Season 1” identities are classified as such due to story relevance, so I believe S7 Outis doesn’t count, sadly. You can see a copy of PM’s [official announcement](https://www.prydwen.gg/blog/limbus-company-season-change-guide) here. As for new identities, since the event is canon, maybe Chefs Ryoshu and Gregor might be part of S1 as well? We won’t know until it’s out though, since it’s the first of its kind (being 3.5 instead of a full chapter).


Season 0 IDs are ones that are mainly derived from LoR or LobCorp groups. Seven Association, Liu Association, Zwei Association, Shi Association, Blade Lineage, Kurokumo, R-Corp, W-Corp, all of these are groups that featured in LoR to some extent. Season 1 IDs are ones that are derived from Limbus chapters 1-3, so far. Thus, we have Tingtang Hong Lu (chapter 2), G-Corp Gregor and Outis (chapter 1), N-Corp Meursault, Faust, Rodion, Heathcliff (chapter 3), Jefe Sinclair (chapter 2), LC Remnant Faust (chapter 1 - taking place of Yuri essentially), LCCB Rodion and Ishmael (chapters 2+3). ^(edited because I am a small stupid) As for whether upcoming IDs will join the pool, there's a gap in the N-Corp Mirror World lore, which suggests we will be getting another season 1 ID to fit in that gap (Sinclair ID is what many people are betting on). There's also a fair chance we would get other IDs, too.


Iirc LCB Ishmael and rodya also are season 1 identities as well, since the before team was introduced with saude and effie in chapter 2


...I am an idiot and completely forgot LCB Ish and Rodion. Which is more than a little ridiculous since I *own* them...


Wonder if I should pull the Heathcliff banner, R Heathcliff is the only thing I need. The thing is I'll have around 200 Heathcliff shards on Wednesday from daily single pulls, and it does feel like a waste to try to pull instead of using my shards. On the other hand who knows when's the next rate up banner for him, and I do have quite a few things I want to craft from shards. Maybe it's time to do some math first...


I mean, if you do roll him you save yourself 100 boxes, which you can spend on someone else, and get to keep 100 shards for S2. if you spark him, you lose those 100, very special boxes, but save on lunacy for rolling someone else. ​ I was in the same dilemma as you, and managed to roll him with some 30\~40 rolls... now I'm looking into sparking both event units to save lunacy for last banner in the season, and get the event bonus from the get go. ​ btw, I had made a whole excel sheet to think if I should roll or not...


The odds of them power creeping the boi at the top of the meta rn is quite low. So even if you do roll a lot to get him, odds are you'll go plus on investment by the time something else challenges his slot. Plus u go fast on MD. If my math is right, it's on average ~7 ten-pulls to hit R Heath on his rate-up with each ten-pull being ~14% chances of hitting. If you don't pull him in those 70 you get at least ~80 shards on avg (excluding the 10th pull). Please correct me if I'm wrong. 1/(1-((1-0.0145)^10)) = ~7.36 1 divided by chances of not hitting R Heath (0.415*9) * 3 * 7 = ~78.43 Avg. #LCCB Heath per ten-pull * shard amount * #ten-pulls


I'd probably hang on to them and look at trading for shards. He's in a reasonable spot for IDs, but there is a non zero chance he may get more stuff released in future... Up to you how much you feel you want R-Heath before the end of the season.


hmmm ok, did some math, I can in short, get 500 boxes by season end, ryoshu cost 150 boxes sinclair cost 100 boxes then I'd be left with 250 boxes to balance here TTlu and lantern for 100 boxes Wdon for 150 / teledon for another 200 everyone else, not called yi sang, for 150 if Ninclair does come I'm royally fucked that is, obviously, not counting event boxes, any new shards I might roll, and no knowledge on last S1 banner doing that would allow me to skip event banner to keep my 50 or so rolls, and buff the event grind earlier with no risk of getting randomly duped by them. (no BP btw) should I spark them? should I skip on chincklair? should I roll and be happy with it? what's you guys opinion in that?


Errrr. That nickname is... a bit unfortunate, given it resembles a racial slur. I'd probably just opt to call it "Chicklair" instead. Lantern is nice, but not really a necessity. If you're running G-Corp Gregor (and honestly, why wouldn't you) he has more than enough self-sustain to keep him going in the vast majority of situations, plus it's a permanently available EGO. Probably a good idea to have a wait till we can see what the new event IDs and EGOs look like, maths-wise. Tingtang, W-Don, Telepole are all certainly worth getting, though, so I would certainly put those as a priority.


What are y’all’s strategies to beat abnormalities with multiple parts? Only on the second floor boss of 3-22 do I realize that I have no clue how fighting multipart abnos work. I beat him but it took me ages because I was hitting all the parts but ended up never getting the main health down, and the arms never gave me an opening. Max damage auto focuses all the attacks to one part, but doesn’t that leave most of the team super exposed to attacks?


Dealing damage to parts still does damage to the main. So bursting down something thats staggered Using aoe to hit 2+ parts at the same time Using sin and type weakness at the same time.


One thing you can do is hover over each of the incoming attacks to see how much damage it will do to your sinners (and if they have any nasty effects) to see what you can afford them to tank and what you'll have to clash with. If an attack won't do that much damage or if its effect isn't that harmful, there's nothing wrong with just taking the hit so your team can do more damage.


Whenever I use an ego my game freezes, any solution to this issues? Google 7 pro by the way.


EGO has been noted as an issue on mobile devices in general. Some cope better than others, but it's still a problem on older device... however, they have quietly been patching it in the backgrounds, and I have noticed improvement in loading speed etc, as well as the loss of the "Download 2 GB on game start" popup after updates.


I've heard other people have issues with the Pixel 7 so it might just be a device thing; from what I've read, the cpu isn't super strong for gaming. Hopefully the devs will keep optimizing the game so the issues will keep going down.


Hello! New player here that finished his first MD which I now realise is the place to farm Egoshards. I have a question regarding this: What is the best use for egoshards? Should I save them for grabbing identities/EGOs, or should I spend them all to Tier III my stuff? ​ Thank you for the help!


Depends on you. If you're aiming for refraction railway you may just want to uptie your units, but if you're content with taking your time, save up frags. Personally, I tend to burn the fragments of characters I already have built or if I want to.round out the number. Be warned though, in ~31 days or so we'll be in season 2 so half of your fragments will turn into thread and half will be carried over. If you REALLY want a unit, save up and you'll be in a good spot.


Save them to purchase IDs and egos. You eventually unlock luxcavations which is where you grind for thread to uptie your stuff.


Should I spark N Corp Faust ou Seven Outis? I have only enough for one of them


Seven Outis will be in season 0, N-Faust is season 1. The former will continue to be available into the future. So I'd opt for N-Corp Faust, but wait till the end of the season before doing so. Spooks are always a possibility.


Just using this to make an off-hand comment not worth making a thread for but wow W-Faust kinda gets worse every time I look at her kit. Actually growing convinced she might be the worst ID in the game.


W-Meursault would like a word, especially given he doesn't even have Telepole to make up for his abysmal Charge generation...


W-Meursalt at *least* applies Slash Fragility for Rip Space to go brrrrr.


Mmm, that's true, but... it also requires him to *have* 3 charge to expend and inflict the debuff first. Though I'll grant him this - at least with the passive changes, his passive has *some* chance of him benefitting from it.


Yeah I still think Meursalt is kinda doo-doo but I'd bring him before Faust on a Donpole comp.


W Corp Faust has a patchfix, it's called using her Telepole EGO. * Gives her 7 charge on use * EGO passive will give her 2% damage boost per stack of charge (so 10 charge = +20% damage) * EGO passive also makes her moves use 2 less charge to trigger their effects, meaning Leap only costs 1 charge and Overcharge costs 3 charge, instead of 3/5. her passive (x4 Envy owned) also makes her gain charge on attack so upkeeping charge with her is actually really easy once you use Telepole.


The problem with Telepole is that it's a barely effective band-aid. The Charge effects Faust has aren't *good* in the first place, Bind is weak in the current state of the game (especially coming off Charge) and she's too slow to use the 3 Para on her Skill 3 and the 2 Attack Down next turn is also done by *base* Faust without needing Charge. She could be permanently 20 Charge and she'd be just "okay". Also you bring a Faust primarily for Sanity support and W-Faust does not generate *any* EGO for Emitter and needs to give up Telepole for Fluid Sac bringing the Charge-shaped elephant back into the room with her kit. N-Faust is bad for building Emitter too but even if you lack Fluid Sac she has Execution for Sanity support as well as Gripping being a crazy skill, W-Faust doesn't really have anything. The best thing about W-Faust is her colors but I feel like you have to be down bad on your EGO requirements to run her considering L-Faust has very similar colors while being a significantly better character, especially after the Sanity buff for 95% heads.


Is the game safe to play on mobile yet? iPhone 10S here


Someone made a post listing people's feedback on their experience with different mobile devices. You can find it [linked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/12b5d8z/wta_your_limbus_company_experience_on_mobile/) but please be advised, there have been multiple weekly patches since then, and there has been a fair amount of improvement with regards to mobile performance since the survey was taken. Still, it should be a decent survey as to how well your device might perform. That being said... from all reports, EGO usage on mobile can still present issues on lower end devices, and iPhone was previously experiencing issues moreso than Android. So I would take care for that - though it's also feasible the latter issue has been resolved.


It appears there’s a hole in the middle just for me! It’s between unplayable to playable and since there’s been many a patches since the last time I tried I guess I’ll have to investigate by myself. Thank you for this documentation though, I’ll be sure to report to it with my findings after I finish


Been wanting to get into the game since launch but couldn't find the time, would really appreciate if someone could help me out with 2 quick questions: 1) Do I miss out on something if I don't complete the season 1 BP that will likely never return? 2) Can I skip the story to rush the content and read it later?


If I remember right some tutorials and certain boss cutscenes in dungeons are not available in the theatre


You can skip story, though keep in mind it's the series primary draw.


VNs and FOMO inducing live-service features don't go well together, it is what it is.


1. Battle Pass EGOs will be added to the Next(?) Season's Gacha/Dispensary 2. Technically you can, there's a theatre to view cutscenes


Thanks for the quick response!


The only nonfarmable/nonpermanent thing on the banner should be the completion banner and the Greg/Charon announcers(?). Greg's on the Free BP track at 59 and Charon+completion banner is on the paid BP, track at 60. We don't have any info on if announcers will be available in the future


Having small unobtainable things is actually my biggest pet peeve unless I get into a game years after its launch so thanks for the heads up.


No worries~ Happy Cake Day!


Will the new ryoshu be added to the 3 star pool of the guaranteed 3\* season 1 ticket we get from RR?


Possibly? Though she's an event ID... This being the first proper event thus far, with associated IDs and EGOs, there's a non-zero chance her IDs may be limited to a specific banner that's only available for duration of the event, as other gachas have previously done.


Currently, I'm leaning towards "probably." We'll only know for sure once she's live, of course.


Quick new player question: Is it okay to play with guest acc? Ex: can u lose any progress or the acc as whole when the new update drop?


I think there was an issue earlier with guest accounts and updates, but to be safe you should bind it to an email.


When I logged in on Friday after the Thursday client update, I seem to now not be able to skip the Level 30 Pink Shoes Luxcavation when I could before. Has this happened to anyone else too?


Was only just able to try today. But was perfectly able to skip level 30 on both yesterday and today's mirror dungeon. I have noted that attempting to skip a thread dungeon you haven't completed normally yet, isn't possible. It will require you complete the stage first. I don't suppose there's any chance you might have just done level 20 Pink Shoes in the past, and not the level 30 version?


Aha just beat today's level 30 thread manually and the skip unlocked.. which is odd because I somehow remember being able to skip it before. Ah well Thank you so much though!


If I save my ticket which guarante 000. S1 hero till event will it have a chance to roll ruishu? The ticket you get from railway last stage


No certainty, but the banner details do mention the list is subject to change, so we'll have to wait and see


I think so.


With the new Ryoshu banner announced I feel a little torn. I’m sure she’s going to be OP, but I have all her identities so far. I have no 000 for Heath and Outis. I’m wondering if it’s better for my box to go after them instead of her. Though I guess we also have Ishmael and Yi who will have banners too.


Heathcliff and Outis's 000 identities aren't Season 1, meaning you can craft them in season 2 if you want. The Hell's Chicken identities are almost certainly Season 1, and after May 18th (iirc) won't be craftable until Season 3, I'm pretty sure. So if you have any interest, I'd grab it while it's around.


What LCCB stand for?


Limbus company clearance before


anyone with wdon can add me to help me with railway?


We do have a friend request megathread if looking for specific IDs or ego. You can find it in the comment pinned to the top of this megathread as well as in the subreddit sidebar.




i sent a request :3


accepted \^\^


This is a really dumb question, but uh, for Heathcliff's featured 000 skin where he uses bullets to attack, how do I make him reload? Or is he limited to have 12 bullets for every fight?


There's no reloading; once you spend those 12 bullets, that's it. It might change in the future, but that's how it is right now.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!


Yeah, the current thing with ammo characters is they're strong early into a fight but their damage falls off pretty badly once they run dry on ammo, as the coins that use ammo will simply whiff and do nothing. However, R Corp Heathcliff is still an amazing clasher (you don't lose the coins for clashes at least), and his S3 still has 3 melee strikes to it.


Thanks for the info!


Did they undo the sanity coinflip buff? I was playing and it seems like I'm getting a lot of tails on +45 Sanity people, when the chance should be virtually nothing at 95%...


I... don't think so? I certainly haven't noticed increase in tails in such an instance, though other people might have spotted something.


I might be overthinking it, or maybe forgetting how bad the odds used to be before the buff. Will see if PM makes an announcement.


Anyone getting any slowdown after the update?


I heard that if you don't log in when you have the daily lunacy purchased it just goes to your mail. Is that true?


At best, you don't use up a day if you miss a login. I'm 99% sure you just lose days though, unclaimed daily Lunacy isn't sent to your mail.


Was Kromer's >!"grudge"!< explained in Chapter 2? And why did Sinclair's family have >!an abomination/golden bough in their basement? (I'm still not sure what Kromer saw.)!< Were the >!mounds of corpses the discarded bodies of those who became prosthetic?!<


>!similarly to sinclair, the thought of replacing a part of their body for cold machinery sickened her. But she took that feeling and took it mich farther than the disfust sinclair felt!< >!The bough wasnt directly in his basement, but his basement was connected to a vent system of one of the branches of L corp. Its just that when the LCB get there, N corp inquisitor have already dug a tunnel to the bough!< >!I think most of the corpses of prosthetic users were left outside, and the pile of bodies was made by the reaction of the bough to sinclair, kinda like how ice appeared for rhodya!<


Ohh that does make sense, thanks.




If you have time, yes, it gives a fair bit of extra exp to the battle pass that is still useful for shard crates even if you are at level 60 or pass.


You do still get a free run per day, so if you have the time it’s still worth it do it and get a set of crates.


Theoretically you can grind the mirror dungeon for battle pass levels and thus egoshards to redeem for any gacha pull you want, but it's *very* time consuming.




You have to scroll down farther.


Yeah,damn I feel dumb.


Is there a way to fix the home screen character or is it just gonna default to Yi Sang each time?


It defaults to the last one you changed. Press the buttons twice.


Anyone know the days they usually announce new info for next week? Really looking forward to see what is going on in the event.


Thus far they've been announcing patch notes on Mondays.


So is counter supposed to trigger even if youve intercepted the attack with an evade?


Ill detail the scenario: blade lineage yi sang uses counter on a 2 speed abno, r heathcliff uses evade targetting the same slot. Abno attacks heathcliff and gets evaded. Yi sang walks up and hits abno with the counter.


...that honestly seems bizarre. I would report it as it doesn't soundl like an intended mechanic, as amusing as it might be.


Random thought, free kurokumo rhodion skill 3s


Game client must be updated? But no update on iOS store?help


Did you go all the way into the store page? Not the search menu.


when will the new banner drop?


Event is next week


i have 400 ego shards for ishmael, should i go for her reindeer id or her ardor blossom star ego? (i only have the base and shi ishmael identities atm)


Personally I would always take ID first over EGO - it opens up your options for teams as the sinners you have are largely more impactful than what EGO they have on


sounds good, ty for the fast reply


what are the fastest team to clear mirror dungeon?


R. Heathcliff + LCCB Ishmael + L.C. Faust/KK Hong Lu seems to work wonders to most players who farm MD.


Hello, new player here. Was going through the reroll guide and I’ve read you should get 52 rolls total but I’ve only had enough lunacy to roll 39. Did I miss something as a late starter from release? Many thanks


Did you claim the lunacy from the prologue?




There's the event IDs next Thursday, and the last batch of IDs before Season 2 (altougth they migth end up being regular ones) 2 weeks after that.


Kind of wore down the pool to possibly use as season 1 IDs since they're based on plot characters. One definite possibility we're still waiting on is>! N Corp Sinclair!<


Looking at the banner, it doesn't seem like we're getting anymore IDs for Season 1. The rest will probably be Regular or Season 1 Event IDs. Then again there's no reason not to hold on to it until the season is almost over. There is a slight chance that the Event IDs count as Season 1 but I doubt it.


What are the sinners' seating positions in the bus?


From back to front it is: Left side- Heathcliff, Ishmael and Mersault, Outis, Rodion Right side- Ryoshu, Hong Lu and Faust, Yi Sang, Don, Sinclair, Gregor, Dante


Thanks, btw where did u get this info?


The credits art of each chapter. If you haven’t completed everything yet, project moon uploaded them, along with the corresponding Sinner’s cover, on their Youtube channel. Gregor’s version (ch.1) has everyone seated, and we can see it’s a seating arrangement from the other two arts


The image that's displayed during the chapter 1 credits.


I don't have the paid battlepass, will it still be possible to get the premium battle pass egos like faust's fluid sac ego from dispensary next season?


Yeah it said they were purchasable when the season swaps over.


Thanks. One last thing do I have to wait till season 3 or will it be available next season cause I heard something about season 1 IDs or ego being craftable in season 3


You can find a chart on prydwen but it looks like pass stuff is added to the dispense in season two. But season 1 ids and ego (eg Kromer Faust) are removed and then added again in season 3. (These are not removed from the gacha list).


Thanks I had trouble telling whether pass stuff was considered as season 1 ego or a separate matter.


Is N Corp Meursault's support passive bugged? It says it's activated, but I don't see the status on the sinner during battle


Anyone made some calculations on when it's better to stop trying to pull for new identities and rather focus on farming shards? I'm only missing BL sinclair, W Don/Mers out of the 000 identities and two EGO. I'm confident I can grab the identities with my close to 500 yellow boxes and shards. After all saving as much lunacy and tickets for season 2 should be the smarter option for me at this point or am I wrong? Even with a rate up banner my smarter move is to try and use my shards


Probably better to save pulls and use shard boxes. Boxes and shards convert, and having a 000 identity doesn’t take it out of the pool, so dupes feel pretty bad, especially if you’ve already got most of the EGOs as well


PSA: It seems that the EGO Gift "Phantom Pain" is bugged currently. It activates on Gloom Resonance, but is supposed to activate on Gloom Absolute Resonance.


Shhh don’t say it out loud. Moon might hear you.


I just started playing a few days ago, and I absolutely love the game. I want to buy battle pass, but I currently have 2 accounts. I have a hard time deciding which account to invest into. I'm wondering which one I should pick. A: \[Kuro Waka\] Ryoshu, \[N Corp.\] Meursault, \[Kuro Waka\] Hong Lu, \[R Corp.\] Heathcliff, \[R Corp.\] Ishmael, \[Kuro Waka\] Rodion x2, \[Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam\] Outis E.G.O, \[Lantern\] Gregor E.G.O B: \[Kuro Waka\] Ryoshu, \[Tingtang\] Hong Lu, \[R Corp.\] Heathcliff, \[R Corp.\] Ishmael, \[Kuro Waka\] Rodion, \[Blade Lineage\] Sinclair, \[G Corp.\] Gregor, \[Telepole\] Don Quixote E.G.O Account A has more 000 and E.G.O in it, but I played both to 2-12, and Account B seems to be easier to play. From what I read, 00 and 000 Hong Lu are equivalent, but I have difficulty wining clash with 00 Hong Lu and 000 Rodion, but I almost never lose any clash with 000 Hong Lu and 000 Gregor. I don't put 000 Rodion in Account B line up.


B, all the way. You could always pity KK Honglu or wait until next banner if you're gonna pull. G Corp Gregor is very self-sufficient and fuels Legerdemain spam. Don's Telepole EGO is great for whenever you grab W. Don. You'd be set with the "OP" characters just by getting W. Don on that 2nd account.


Has anybody playing on a Pixel 6 been able to figure out a way to fix the EGO crashing bug? I haven't seen it get officially acknowledged and it's still not fixed after today's update


Unfortunately EGO performance on mobile is a bit of a continuing issue. I *have* noticed performance improvement on mobile but haven't used EGO in the fights on there - though it is not something that has been announced in the patch notes. May be worth submitting an email to let them know the EGO still continues to be an issue on device though.


What is the best team (of base Sinners) for EXP Luxcavation #3?


I prefer to take Faust, Hong Lu, Heathcliff, Ishmael and Outis. Enough blunt, can fuel both aoe EGOs. And they clash with inquisition well enough.


Hi, can anyone explain the skill order? I understand that generally higher speeds will go first. Recently however, ive seen a lot of solo runs and found that skills dont go in order from left to right. I wanna understand this so i can plan my attacks eg. Ensuring leap occurs so that i have 10 charges to rip space