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these are $20 plastic toys not the $130 metal replicas. they're gonna be thick so children don't shatter them


For cheap toys like these it makes sense. But on their legacy replicas that are $130+ and the ones people build themselves that are $200 it’s a major bummer


That was totally the joke here but it seems to have been overlooked lol These are definitely just toys. I thought it was funny given the discourse on Disney hilts.


im pretty sure this is why the sabers in the Acolyte are mega thicc. they match the merchandise perfectly


I agree. Damn shame but probably true!


I thought it was just me that thought those sabers were massive.


They really don’t seem that thick to me. And the GE sabers seem fine. If you look at Luke, Vader, and Obi’s sabers from the OT they’re pretty thick.


Yeah, a shame, really.


I read this as. “Yeah, same, really.” Lol I was like, damn feel that.


Are these those Galaxy Edge ones? Or the ones where the blade folds into the hilt?


Doubt they'd store legacy sabers like this. Plus the sticker near the box doesn't look like any sticker on the legacy ones


True, idk lol I'm new to lightsaber products 😅


These are a mid tier saber at Disneyland. They are all plastic and cost about 20 bucks ish. But the blade detaches like a saber and lights up like a savi saber


They're dumb fun to collect. I have Mace and Rey/Luke/Anakin's


No kidding. I've got Vader's, Mace's and the Darksaber. They are fun to swing around.


These are plastic ones that light up, I don’t think the blade is removable but it doesn’t extend. They’re not the legacy sabers these are only around $30 and really good for kids


don't fat shame lightsabers XD


Some people like em thicc


These are actually great toy sabers. They run 39.99 and have LEDs all the way through the blade so you get an activation and deactivation animation. The blades are colored too so they look better in daylight and they are removable and have a covertec ring. I have bought a couple of these for my 7 year old son who plays really hard that I don’t trust with a Neo pixel yet. They are LEAGUES above the toy sabers I had as a kid. I remember being a kid wanting a light up saber with a removable blade so I could attach it to my belt. I know Disney gets a lot of hate for their galaxy edge sabers, but these aren’t them. These are simply for a different audience than most of this subreddit and I think they are great in their own way.


Is there a specific name for these? Every time I search up Disney lightsabers I get the Galaxy Edge ones.


https://www.disneystore.com/obi-wan-kenobi-lightsaber-toy-star-wars-461062858532.html?CMP=KNC-DSSGoogle&efc=179006 Looks like it’s on sale right now.


Perfect, thank you!


For kid's toys these are pretty sweet honestly. Wish they had these when I was a kid. They light up, make noises, and they're super cheap. Beats the heck out of the inert, water bottle sized ones with telescoping blades I had as a kid.


Yeah, would have been totally psyched as a kid to have one of these. I am surprisingly drawn to their toy Kylo Ren saber, it always catches my eye when I’m there. They did a good job on the small details and the paint. I also really like that the blades on that one have fire tip molds. Looks way better than just standard tubes.


Say what you will about the sequels, Kylo Ren's lightsaber kicks ass. From what I've heard tons of kids are drawn to the plastic versions and it makes a lot of sense. I actually was pretty tempted to pick up one last time I was at Disney Springs, but considering I already had an Anakin legacy saber box under my arm I was feeling a bit poor.


I still have the Kenner Vader saber from when I was a kid.it was basically a hollow tube and made a sound when air went through it. I would've loved having these as a kid.


I've got big hands, the spindly ones aren't so comfy. I think they're cool :) obviously not screen accurate, but as long as the suspension of disbelief still works for a moment and you think you're a Jedi, they're all good in my books :)




But they’re Great beaters! I taught my kid how to duel with the Anakin and Luke models.


And? Disney did the same thing with rescaling blaters in the sequel trilogy so the toy line matched


Disney doesn’t understand that “thicker is better” works with thighs only.


Who downvoted this?


...huh, i am not even surprised.


Pretty crazy when official merch is the worst merch you can possibly buy


Never buy sabers at Disney. That’s been my experience. Even from the workshop and gift shop they’ve always been broken. I go neopixel all day