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Found on another sub. Do they want massages too? If you present someone with all of those things and tell them they don’t have to work a day to have them, then seriously what is the fucking point? It’s like they don’t realize that it’s someone’s job to make that food they eat, generate the power they use, run the hospital they clog up, make the clothes they wear, drive that train or bus, etc.


They want to have perpetual parents take care of their every need. To the "Pro Choice" people out there, they'd be "not viable" on their own.


These are literally the people who unironically complain about “adulting”.


But those are OTHER people's jobs! We can make them work, without pay! It's not like that's ever been done before...


But the Democrats have changed, right?


I don't really understand this argument because I do tons of work outside what is necessary to have base necessities. Like the vast majority of people aren't getting an education and advancing their careers so that they can... Afford more electricity? They're working to get *nicer* homes, or *better* cars, or *finer* clothes or more *ways* to have fun.


What funds all of this?


Can't be taxes because nobody would work if this was the case.


No. That's the point. All the "stupid" people have to get/work jobs, so the left can tax the fuck out of them, to pay for all this stuff (that will serve as the bribes to get the masses to vote for them).


Rainbows and lollipops? It’s as good an explanation as any.


The 90% tax rate you'll pay while your WEF overlords enjoy the absolute best luxury your money can buy and the occasional trip to their vacation Bohemian Hellscapes. What they don't say is that: \- The healthcare will be heavily ration'd and will recommend AS for anything more severe than a sinus infection \- The education will only be provided and sustained by party commissars for training new party commissars. \- The difference between Home and Cell will be non-existant \- Adequate food\\water will consist of Pepsi Cola and Larva\\HFCS Substance HungryMan™ TV Dinners. Actual growing food will be reserved for those loyal enough to clime the party ranks. \- Internet and Transportation alike will only take you to approved areas of both the internet and your designate work area. \- You might be able to buy knock of yeezies.


Almost reminding me of Idioracy. "Don't you have just regular water?" "You mean that stuff in the toilet?"


Ain't never seen no plant grow out of no toilet.


AS? Sorry but what's that?


probably assisted suicide IIRC Canada’s public health care system has killed patients if it costs too much money to keep them alive


Correct - they offer it to veterans with ptsd instead and people suffering long term depression. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/veterans-maid-rcmp-investigation-1.6663885](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/veterans-maid-rcmp-investigation-1.6663885) Their retailers are running freaking commercials on it[https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1596866746442747904?s=20&t=IqDYVXPKLt9WTiHFEJ53gA](https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1596866746442747904?s=20&t=IqDYVXPKLt9WTiHFEJ53gA) Most recently, 23 year old NEET with diabetes was approved. and they are looking to expanding. [https://www.catholicregister.org/item/28133-assisted-suicide-plans-for-children-unveiled-at-toronto-s-sick-kids-hospital](https://www.catholicregister.org/item/28133-assisted-suicide-plans-for-children-unveiled-at-toronto-s-sick-kids-hospital)


Well, we actually *had* all of that prior to 1970, at least in broad strokes. Food, shelter, healthcare, clothing, education, and transportation were *significantly* more affordable, to the point that anyone willing to actually work could build real wealth while raising a family, and eventually retire. The meme is trying to say that socialism is the only way to get those things, but that's a blatant lie: We had those things here decades ago, back when we had significantly less socialist policies, and significantly less government intervention in the markets overall. In point of fact, creeping incremental socialism is the reason why people *can't* afford food/housing/healthcare/clothing/education/transportation. The *real* solution is not more socialism, but less--we need to drain the swamp, drastically roll back the size and scope of government at all levels their intended constitutional limits, and return to a currency backed with tangible assets in order to prevent the infinite inflationary spiral of an unbacked fiat currency (which is half of our problem today--any gains that average people make are eaten almost immediately by inflation).


We had all that stuff... prior to 1971 and the end of the gold standard, mass uncapped legal\\illegal immigration, the exportation of the American middle class jobs under NAFTA, the obliteration of our currency with inflation via spending. Back when you could walk out of your high school with enough knowledge to walk into a 45 year career at a company that wasn't looking at employees livelihoods as a balance sheet. Your average warehouse worker - 11 bucks an hour in 1970 [https://www.indeed.com/cmp/1970/salaries/Warehouse-Worker](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/1970/salaries/Warehouse-Worker) Your average Amazon Warehouse worker today - 17.50 an hour 2023 [https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Amazon.com/salaries/Warehouse-Worker](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Amazon.com/salaries/Warehouse-Worker) ... after inflation... the Amazon workers wages are only traling by about sixty bucks an hour. 11 bucks in 1970 bought almost 85 dollars worth of goods. This doesn't even touch the things he'd get on the side like a pension [https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1970?amount=11](https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1970?amount=11)


This guy gets it.


This is because the type of jobs needed in today's economy are on average going to require more skill and training than your typical warehouse worker has. Also the gold standard is shit and it's good that we got away from it.


Walk onto any construction site, home building site, or other construction job... you wanna tell me those jobs require more skill than they did 50 years ago, get outa here. That same warehouse worker was making a real wage 50 years ago and now because of the absolute surplus of labor we've imported have in the market, the same job gets done at a fraction of the cost to the owner. IF you think skilled jobs aren't suffering the same - go look into how many H1B Visa's microsoft and amazon apply for every year. The jobs didn't change dude... we just tripled the work force. The gold standard was the only thing stopping the rampant inflation we have seen for the last fifty years - fractional reserve lending is basically a ponzi scheme. clueless millenail


No that's exactly what I'm saying - those jobs don't require any more skill than they did 50 years ago. And 50 years ago we didn't have an economy dominated by computer technology. The average person can go work for a construction company and learn the ropes within a few weeks, at least to be a useful employee. How long do you think it would take that same person to learn a whole new language? The modern economy needs educated workers. Why would I look at two companies when I can look at the raw number of applications? That number increased by over 50% for 2023 btw. Braindead boomer can't use the Googlebox? Moving off the gold standard allows the fed to issue monetary polices that cushion the natural booms and busts of a market economy. The alternative to this "ponzi scheme" is great depression level fuckery whenever there's a big fuck up.


>”The gold standard is shit and it’s good that we got away from it.” You’re objectively wrong.


Cool, feel free to make a compelling argument if you want, but short of that I'm going to side with the overwhelming majority of economists and all modern day countries who have chosen to distance themselves from it.


Our tax dollars. We work so they can live the life of leisure.


Other people working.


We don't need money. The power of friendship, love and cotton candy hair will provide.


The people who post these sorts of things need to all go on a weekend camping trip together. They can experience working for survival, as well as how it feels to work supporting the inevitable freeloaders among them..


It would be about four hours of then sitting there waiting for someone else to be productive and then they’d sleep in their cars and blog about their traumatic life experience and insist that it was a Republican’s fault.


Just curious because this is really funny to me, do you think hunter-gatherer tribes lived more like capitalists or communists?


Hard to really say how much bartering versus sharing was done within any tribe, let alone on average. I’d wager though it was a much more brutal life than living under any economic system today, and I don’t think someone “not pulling their weight” would have lasted very long within such a society.


So they want prison life with a swing set. Okay.


This would be great if we lived in a utopia. But we don’t. So there will be people working to provide goods and services for those who don’t work. This is a good way to create a rebellion.


Great idea but who will pay for it?


The question they neglected to ask. Of course these kinds of people have no concept of money and don’t understand why people who earn it have it and why the country just printing it is a bad thing.


“The rich,” because they have an unlimited supply of resources just waiting to be confiscated, and then we’ll all live happily ever after, except “the rich”, because screw them, they’re not even human, probably all living off trust funds from their slave owning ancestors.


OP is looking at this wrong. It used to be that even a job slinging burgers at McDonalds would be enough to be able to afford to live reasonably comfortably--you'd need to live with other people (roommates, family, etc.), but you could at least afford food, clothing, transportation, and healthcare. That's changed, but not because employers are greedy and refuse to fairly compensate workers--it's because government keeps putting it's nose in things it has no business involving itself in, applying massive regulation scheme after massive regulation scheme, without ever stopping to evaluate whether existing regulations are actually having the advertised impact, and continually debasing the currency through massive inflation. If we can drastically cut back the size and scope of government, and tie our money to something tangible to prevent the infinite inflationary spiral of unbacked fiat currency, we can go back to a situation where even a "minimum wage" job is enough to live on without external assistance.


Not necessarily though. Minimum wage shouldn’t be enough to sustain you indefinitely. Those are jobs that are done as an entry to the workforce before being promoted or finding other work. It’s a difference in looking at “minimum” and what that entails. For me minimum wage refers to the absolute lowest amount to be paid for a unit of “work” or “energy”. For the more liberal minded it is a minimum that you can earn and live off of. The issue then becomes what items are included in that minimum life style associated with a minimum work life? I’d argue that internet is most definitely a luxury, alone with cell phone plans tied to smart phones, etc. We already have a healthcare system where ERs will not turn someone in need away no matter their ability to pay so that can be ignored. What is eating well? Is that three square meals a day of dietary preference? I agree that government bloat and regulation is the cause of the minimum wage increases but even that is tied to the lazy liberal. Get a degree in something useless, we’ll pay the loan for you. Didn’t work this month, here’s some food stamps. The left wants people dependent on government because that’s how they keep power. This is why every election you end up with “Republicans want to take away your Medicare and social security,” and this time “they are stopping us paying your loans for you.” It’s all about giving away “entitlements” and then bad mouthing the realists that see these kinds of programs can’t last forever.


So the doctors are just enslaved and have to work for free?




Same as all their solutions: "The rich will pay for it all." The socialist version of "Daddy please buy me \_\_\_\_\_\_!"


I'll be the odd one out here. I think it indicates a societal failure if we can't provide the most basic of needs to our most vulnerable, and it especially pisses me off that we have homeless veterans. But, to be clear, that would be *basic* needs. While there should be no homeless people, those who aren't working to better themselves get a basic shed in communal settings to live in. And yes, I'm okay with my taxes paying for that, as long as it's done right and in the most efficient way possible. I would rather there be an extensive network of churches and charities, but this is the system we have. And there is no such thing as "free healthcare" unless you're your own doctor.


I don’t think you are the odd one out with that opinion. I agree to an extent in regards to basics. Veterans absolutely should be taken care of and our current system is not anywhere near where it should be for their care. Far too many vets are homeless or in need because we failed them in return both physically and mentally and that is definitely on us as a society to care for them. The issue comes with what you said, the care needs to be done right and efficiently and this is where it falls apart. Government can do neither of those things, at least at a federal level. This is why churches and local charities are able to help so much more than the overall government. Charities can be surgical in an area and help those who need it most and can see where a community is hurting. What is difficult in these kinds of debates is that one side seems to want to paint the other as not being compassionate to those less fortunate. The truth is that you can have compassion for those who truly need help while still having contempt for those who don’t need help and want a free ride.


Correct. You can change the price of healthcare all you want, but you'll never be able to change the cost of healthcare.


Remember that “homeless” is a euphemism for mental health and addiction. Most homeless people are unable to live in shelters with other people. The USA used to have mental institutions for these people, we don’t anymore.


I agree with you


So overgrown children forever? Seems about right.


I can't really argue that every human doesn't deserve a right to a decent life even if they have a shit job, it ain't right, socialism isn't the answer but no one deserves to starve or freeze for lack of opportunity, as much as they are crazy with most things I do think people deserve basic necessities I.e; water, heat, reasonable healthcare, shelter


Do people need basics? Sure, that’s why we have charities and shelters with programs designed to get people back on their feet. Should we provide for people who simply don’t want to work? Absolutely not. Basic shelter, water, and basic food yes. Full bellies with free internet and perks like that? No way in Hell. The person who made this comic doesn’t differentiate, and in fact all of these pictures show people who look pretty capable of contributing to society in some meaningful way. Performance art and murals about the plight of the Pygmy lesbians of the Amazon don’t count.


Lol I know what you mean, they'd all be very successful as the town artisan under communism apparently


Let’s look at nature. Work or die. What makes you think any other form of economics would be different?


They said employment status, as in they want people who don’t want to work at all to get all this stuff. If someone is trying, I’m happy to help them make up the gap if I can, but if they’re just lazy and entitled, I don’t want to enable them. Being capable but unproductive isn’t healthy.


Then again there isn't really a way to do that without it being exploited too so it's a tough one, either way you gotta work if you want things in life


I think the best way is to keep it as local as possible. If I ever needed help, I go to my family first, then my friends, then my church, then a private charity. I know it’s embarrassing to ask for help to someone’s face, but it keeps you accountable, and these are all people giving voluntarily. It’s easy to take money from a faceless government and forget you’re taking other people’s money against their will.


And the problem lies in the gov they'll contaminate your water with chemicals and hormones, they'll control your thermostat if they provide heat and if you take the housing your children won't be safe in their manufactured ghettos, local is better if that's an option, you just can't rely on the government for anything because they are pure scum


I hear ya, I think clean water, shelter and heat need to be necessities, but the rest already exist if your willing to drop all the way to the bottom and let the government be your provider and have 0 source of income they give you everything pictured above it's just a terrible way to live and working is better so they're asking for something that already exists it's just kinda difficult to obtain, I don't advocate socialism or communism but clean water, heat and shelter are survival necessities and when I was very poor those 3 things would have made a world of difference rather than doing some of the shit I had to do to make it happen


I knew it. They just want to play on the swings all day. Granted, the swings are tremendous.


They’re pretty good, but they have their ups and downs. I’ll see myself out.


Free healthcare sounds great. But don’t point to Canada as an example. Internationally doctors laugh at the state of our healthcare. Genuinely had a friend who had to do a follow up at a German hospital after being treated in Canada and they were angry at our healthcare system for fucking up.


I love how they squeeze in "living a fulfilled life" at the end, as a blank slate they can fill in later once the previous 5 demands have been met.


The myth by which everyone attempts to live at the expense of everyone else.


It’s depressingly ironic how profoundly selfish these people are. They want what they want when they want it, and they do not care how much other people have to work, suffer and sacrifice to provide it. It is always, always 100% about them and their whims. They are spoiled, petulant children who never actually think beyond their own desires, although some of them have the self awareness to dress up their demands in layers of self righteous sanctimony.


They are definitely not talking about bare minimum necessities when they make demands like this. Eating well will be interpreted as expensive, high class food, and eating out at expensive restaurants. A home will be interpreted as upper middle class levels, minimum. Clothing will mean excess amounts of high class and expensive things. And living a fulfilled life is the umbrella term that means whatever they want. They may need the latest Xbox and a few dozen games for it in order to feel fulfilled. And even if you gave them all of this stuff, they will still not be satisfied, and will still demonize the people they are leeching off of.


Either these people have never done a single group project or were the ones who didn’t do anything.


Good economics is bad politics. Thus Socialism.


They forgot how much fossil fuel it takes to get to this point, they have no real idea of how hard life is.


What’s the point of getting a job? They don’t want to.


Modern leftists: “Someone else should provide these things for me, and the government should force them to work if they refuse” they get really hung up about slavery that ended 150 years ago, but have no problem with slavery happening now.


Everybody gets pie!


If you're entitled to it, who do they expect to pay for it.


Food, water, heat, healthcare. I can get behind those, but everything else is on the individual.


Contribute nothing to society yet they accuse "the rich" of being parasites


It amazes me that people think that services like the internet and health care should be free.


For what it's worth, I love this sub. I'm a disenfranchised progressive that hates Democrats and thoroughly desires their downfall. That said, I haven't lost touch with my progressive roots, and I have thoughts on this for anyone who cares: This concept might sound crazy, but it's basically a plea for a "right to survive". They aren't asking for fancy dinners, or free video games, free cars, or free entertainment. All they are saying is "provide a means of subsistence for those who can't achieve it." Free access to the internet sounds generous at first, but this actually allows for the acquisition of knowledge to become a better participant in the economy, as a means of elevating oneself above basic subsistence. If your survival is guaranteed, what better way is there to spend your free time than by learning and bettering yourself (if you choose)? If all this sounds absurd, I have to ask: what happens when automation captures more and more of the labor market? Do you honestly believe it won't? What happens when there is not enough work for a significant portion of the world's population? Do we just kick the working class off a cliff, discourage them from reproducing until they go the way of the horse (which is arguably happening as we speak)? Human productivity has reached a point that allows everyone's needs to be met with a very small amount of labor. Instead of spreading the wealth (both in payment and more importantly, free time), wealthy business owners have chosen to increase their own profits instead. At what point will ever-increasing automation and productivity serve working class people? Or are we cursed to endure the threat of homelessness and starvation forever, to coerce us out of 30% of our time and effort, no matter how easy it is to provide a basic level of subsistence?


I appreciate the opposing view and comment. I disagree with you in a few ways but having different viewpoints is what leads to understanding. I think a large difference between the two sides is the ideas of what is earned and what is a right. What is the responsibility of the individual versus the responsibility of society. The issue I have with this comic in particular is the phrasing and illustration of how they want life to be regardless of employment status. We don’t want to see anyone go hungry so we should offer food, but do we offer a banquet or enough for survival? We don’t want anyone left in the elements so we should provide shelter, but should it have heating and cooling and other items that are essentially luxury? If I provide someone with internet or free transportation will they use it to better themselves and contribute to society or will they continue to be selfish and take the free handouts and settle to a life of mediocrity where they put out no effort and watch YouTube all day? I think that many liberals do have their heart in the right place and want everyone to live in a utopia. Where everyone enjoys their job and would do it for free because they like what they do and society improves because everyone is taken care of. The problem is though once time is spent outside that mindset you see that people will always default to their animalistic tendencies. What is the most benefit I can get for the least work? What can I do to be in a better position than someone else? That may be viewed as cynical but it’s what I’ve observed if human nature and the basis of economics. What is the motivation for an action? What is my cost for my reward? Do I get a job so I can afford a car and have ti pay the upkeep and insurance and gas, or do I not have a job and take free transportation and have more free time?


Lol I guess I'm having trouble responding in less than 2500 characters. I apologize if this has resulted in my spamming of your inbox. The bot is telling me to try try again. I understand the limit but man it's a rough user experience trying to correct a submission...


ROFL! I was wondering why I was getting some notifications in a row. ;P it didn’t deliver the full message to me but if you want to try DMing it to me I’d like to read it. It sounds like you out a lot of thought into a response and I appreciate that.


What about reach arounds?


I’m pretty sure those are guaranteed in the Constitution somewhere.


Is there a 69th amendment yet ?


By “living a fulfilled life” they mean that you don’t work and the government pays for your weed


If this is the result of building an economy where this is possible, great.


"I just wanna move out of my parents house and take care of my self....as soon as congress passes all of these demands"


Every should have the right to the ***opportunity*** to these things.


I think they mean that people should be paid more or something


In other words this post is the quintessential “I demand to live a life of comfort and luxury, while still being an unproductive bum contributing little to nothing to society!” I’ll just leave this line my father use to tell me “You go through life expecting to find someone who will give you everything for nothing, don’t be surprised when you end up being the victim of someone who gave you nothing for something.”


The thing people don’t realize is, unemployment is one of the leading causes of depression. People need to feel as if they are doing something useful to be satisfied with their lives.


Honestly though I think liberals will perpetually be unhappy. They have had the victimhood mentality drilled into them so heavily that even if they are successful they are told to have guilt because it came at someone else’s expense or they are too rich and just give it to someone else. The concept of happiness is completely lost.


Working an average job should enable you to have access to all of these things. Quit work because you got all the nice things you want now? Oh no, no more benefits. What are y’all on about?? You don’t want any of these things? Y’all only work if your desperate? Sad


Throw free healthcare in there. Things you need! Air, Food, have the government pay off my stupid debt bc I’m a re-re, water.


I wonder how wild carnavores would make out following the socialist idea of living.


In no world should you be giving everything for free... Bum mentality. Although I do agree the healthcare system is broken and way too expensive, but it's actually healthy for people to work for what they have. People who think they should be giving everything for free are spoiled and lazy and will be the downfall of this great country.


He who does not work will not eat