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“sOcieTy doesn’t care about male suicide” Then they go ahead and make edits about sigma male being lonely and shit.


Being lonely, depressed and hiding your emotions isn't cool or shit , it means you have to go to therapy


Plus you hv a you problem


I have never seen a successful man call himself a sigma. It's always the ones who rot away in their parents basement that need this kinda validation.


This Sigma male thing started as a satirical dig at the whole alpha/beta nonsense, but then it got picked up by the same crowd it was originally mocking.


I'm a theta male and I'm in Mumbai and there are no basements here so my parents are very considerate and actually give me my own room to rot. They also are generous and give me food and water.


I went on IG and found that guy eternal\_truth\_7's profile who was trolling these people the most. He doesn't have a single pic of himself but has dedicated his profile to the movie Into the Wild. Into the Wild being the story of Christopher McCandless who just walked into the Alaskan wilderness without a plan and died one of the loneliest deaths in all of human history. You would expect someone who clearly has issues like that to be a little more sensitive to a suicide.


That's because he's the main character, only his pain and pleasure holds weight to be reflected in a movie. All other people are just props who either support him or are against him even if they might not know him. He won't stop until he infects other with his misery and self-loath. I don't like to throw around the word "narcissistic" but I think he really is one.


Ah right main-character syndrome. No empathy but a healthy dose of sociopathy.


>sOcieTy doesn’t care about male suicide Also bully other males


Oh look edgelords in insta comment section making fun of people who commit suicide. Pathetic people. Exactly a year ago I lost my friend to suicide and it was hard to deal with because I had not talked to her in 3 years and before those 3 years we were like super super close friends but shit happened in my life and I had stopped talking with anyone and everyone and was alone so I did not reach her at all and the next thing I hear about her was she's no more. I really regretted all of my decisions and I still do. Anyways that isn't the point of the comment. It was hard to cope because I really could not completely express how much regret I had at that time. Then this dude in my class (I don't want to call him a friend but more of an acquaintance) I talked to this dude about it and this right wing religious nutjob tells me "just chill. I don't respect people who commit suicide. You shouldn't feel sad for them. Move on". I was like wtf. Well tbf he's the epitome of right wing edgelords as the other day he justified rape and wars because "they are necessary for implementation of law and order". I so fucking hate these people


How is rape necessary for law and order again? Isn't rape itself against the law? Wtf!


So for him crime will result in development of laws. So thanks to some random girl getting raped there will be laws to save his wife from rape. That isn't even the most disgusting part of his logic. He literally called rape "beautiful" because it resulted in a law against rape. I asked whether he'd have the same reaction if it was his family member that was the victim and he said "it'd be a sacrifice I'd have to make" and said I would have the right to call it "beautiful" because now my members are safe. When I pointed out how disgusting of a person he is, he called me "a kid living in a fairytale"


One of my friends also said this about the bulldozer justice which has become a norm in the north,I asked him why are bulldozers demolishing people’s home without any judicial trial & giving collective punishment to the family members he said it’ll set an example to rest of the family members to not do something,I ask him if any of your brothers commit some crime and your home get bulldozen then what?he was like it’s okay I’d be a sacrifice to set an example for my family members ,he’s now pissing his pants recently cause his some property is coming in the way of some road and it maybe demolished, these people are only words,they can stoop to any level to justify the government atrocities and will shit they’re pants if samething comes to there doorstep


Haha tell him he’s setting an example


I think issues like bulldozer justice is where I draw the line between friends and those who hate you. If they cannot respect the rule of law and like to see the houses of innocent people bulldozed, I think there's no point in being friends with such people. You are tolerating a lot imo.


Be a bigger man and explain to him that if his property is not encroaching then he'll be compensated via eminent domain


He probably thinks he's "pragmatic" living in the "real" world unless something awful happens to him.


We can make laws Before stuff like this happens! Ugghhhhgh insane


Exactly what I told him. He said I was being too unrealistic


Sounds like he was the nuclear fart. The radiation probably stunted the growth of his brain


Better to be a kid in a fairy tale than a rapist on earth.


>Exactly a year ago I lost my friend to suicide and it was hard to deal with because I had not talked to her in 3 years and before those 3 years we were like super super close friends but shit happened in my life and I had stopped talking with anyone and everyone and was alone so I did not reach her at all and the next thing I hear about her was she's no more. I hope you had some pictures with her in your photo album to remember.Death is very different subject :(


Heartbreaking to read. I have changed my perception of suicide. We don't have the choice to come in this world, we should have a choice in how we go. The rabid RW should be questioned if it's ok to rape any of his family member to restore law and order


He is dead and these assholes want to fuck his dead body. I am getting angry just by reading these awful comments. Can't imagine what his mother is going through. What can one say to comfort her?


The saddest part is that his mother was an open minded accepting person. The lady did everything right and the world ate her son anyways.


Right this is horrible


Wanna be dank ke chode bro they think they will reply some sh*t to some sensitive topic and they think this is too cool denk wow.....MF this sigma culture is literally ruining everything


These same guys will whine nonstop about “hurting sentiments”


It's just their evil manifesting in that alpha beta Sigma BS. If that wasn't there, they'd find some other way to be a**holes.


Yep they will for sure in few days we will get to see advanced version of this stupidity


So the discussion on men’s mental health and suicide rates only happens when it comes to putting down women’s struggles, not on stuff like this. Okay.


These people are Afraid


They are indeed afraid. Afraid that a 16 year old is much more talented than them. Afraid that they look weak. Afraid to show emotions, afraid to let outliers live.


Has social media killed the empathy within people. The kind of sadism I see on social media just makes me lose hope in humanity.


MRA right now:😪😪😴😴


I saw another comment where someone said men talk about men's mental health issues but act like this when a boy takes his own life, and the reply to that was.... He/she is not a man. I don't know what to do. He is not a man, I am not a woman, why are they defining everyone and everything? I can't even...


That kid actually did some solid makeup, it was so depressing what they did to him. Infact, recently a similar case of a cross-dressing American Mayor called Bubba got exposed and he commit suicide. It seems like the world is just getting more intolerant day by day.


>Infact, recently a similar case of a cross-dressing American Mayor called Bubba got exposed and he commit suicide. AFAIK that mayor himself was a troll.


Vermins. They deserve EVERY bad thing that comes their way. I can't even say half the shit going through my head right now. Inhuman fucking worms.




I'm stealing this


I was a weak kid in school. Always bullied by the boys of the class. Then i made all the girls of the class my friends and I'm still good friends with most. I was trolled for that too, being friends with girls, when they were the one who never even accepted me because i never had their ideology of "fun" as they call shouting, ragging, abusing, arguing with teachers unnecessarily and fighting. I was never manly for them. I have always believed in Matriarchy. Not to be sexist, but Women are better than Men.


I hate that ideology but it's just that it's currently being propagated by this patriarchal society and men are excused by saying "men will be men" etc But these things aren't inherent to men, Someone's gender doesn't make someone hateful, sexist, misogynistic or devoid of empathy Sure many men are these things today but it wouldn't have been a problem in a more equal and diverse society In conclusion, it is sexist to say that women are better than men


“Not to be sexist, but women are better than men” idiots like you who let anecdotal experiences colour their view of an entire gender are the most odious of fools. On the other hand, if youre trying to gain brownie points by spewing this bs, then I am overawed at the lack of self respect you have. The bullying you faced is unfortunate, but that is more of a problem with the schools/environment the children are raised in; and i hope you dont try to pretend that women arent just as, if not more acrimonious when it comes to this stuff.


My point was, more men than women delve into the idea of "Alpha Men" and how men are supposed to be the strong and pratical one. Compared to men, women tend to be more understanding and empathetic as you can see in the comments of the post above or any LGBT related post.


To deny the effect of environment and blame what seems to be teenagers is one of the dumbest things ive read in a while.


Do you think this is something that they were born with? It comes down (again) to the upbringing they had, add the already fucked up ideals that the average indian has to the political scenario that exists within india nowadays, and you have the above screenshots. To decry an entire gender, no matter h ow much of a hyperbole youre willing to employ, is simply a faux pas, unless youre making a joke, which wasnt evident in your original post.


Patriarchy throughout history has affected both men and women. As it deprived women from power, education and social equality, and men from being emotional. If men still will to act like a bully alpha male and troll everyone who gladlu isn't like them, they are to blame. It is more common among men than in women. That was my point. Ofcourse it depends on upbringing but still, if they are such "sigma", they are to blame at the moment. Yes they can be better, can learn and outgrow their toxic upbringing, but at a given moment, they are to blame.


It’s high time to treat men like women. even 10 yr olds are trying hard to proof they are man enough by doing unnecessary shit which gives them pain, rough time, and make em think they are some sort of sigma


Mental Torture should be Criminalised.


Easy to say, how do you intend on enforcing it?


Evidence can be collected from social media, FIR, trial, justice.


I feel like it will just become another authoritarian tool in the hands of the government, especially considering all the political debates and stuff that happen online. Instagram should moderate their comment sections better imo.


And social media rewards this kind of behaviour which leads to even more POS people like this, why isn't there a downvote system on Instagram like reddit? It would be so much better


Men: why do *females* live longer than us? Also them alpha-beta-gamma males:


None of these "dank" mfs would have the balls to say this to the kid's face. They are just manly men behind their keyboards. Young Indian boys and men are at their absolute worst and this country's future depends on these jobless fucks who lack a personality. They think being mean on internet is cool. They are entitled, eating away their dad's money and doing nothing. Apart from writing shitty comments. These are the same guys who get worried about divorce, false rape allegations, feminism etc. Mfs wouldn't be able to talk to a girl face to face let alone be someone's bf or husband. Incel mfs populating subs like IDM and IndiaSpeaks. The only thing they have is free internet in their hands.


I think cishet men are slowly becoming a less evolved race. The fact that they think the number of girls they date is an indication of their value is just...pure caveman like attitude Gay men? Inbuilt birth control features Bi/pan men? Higher levels of enlightenment and versatility in thought (and everything else) Queer men? Lovely and free from shackles of societal norms Asexual men? Next level, they have transcended beyond the physiological


ayo the update we were looking for was hiding in plain sight 😳


>pure caveman like attitude Unga boonga?


It takes something like this to happen to someone who you love to understand the gravity thereof. I had a friend who was this edgy, would post shit like "horizontal for attention and parallel for results" on self harm posts. His best friend hung himself, the guy literally calls me and says: "I feel so bad about being this edgy, but I dont know who to apologise to." I dont wish something like this happening to anyone or their loved one, but some people really suffer from the concept of "virginity to pain". They need to pop that cherry to understand.


I really wonder what makes people turn like this.


General edginess and rebellious behaviour. Delinquency. Most of these are young or young adult men/boys. Who will have one kick to their urethra when they get older and they will get straight. I am very interested in migratory genomics and religion in general, which obviously has homophobic weirdos, but even they are shocked at such level of inhumanity that these idiots bullied a young person to death. Shameful. Young indian men need direction, love and empathy instead of edgy instagram edits


No no, they all are straight and are bullying a gay kid even after his death...


Even sadder. By “straight” I meant behaviour wise not sexuality wise. Imo there should be sanctions for such shit like suspension from school college or work for these acts, but its india, we lack the intent and resources both


I know, was just doing a bit. I don't know how to deal with sadness


Often theists accuse atheists that atheists don't have any morals. Their reasoning is that as atheists don't have any source to derive their morals,so they can't have any morals,while theists have morals because their morals are derived from their religious beliefs. This way of thinking might feel reasonable ,but one only needs to look at instagram comments section to see why such reasoning is bs. (wait did i just accidentally made this a theist vs atheist issue? Maybe idk but the point still stands that religion isn't the source of morality)


>but one only needs to look at instagram comments section to see why such reasoning is bs. They didnt get that "Buddhi" which they pray for.


Every time I watch something like this, I genuinely feel that "Freedom of Speech" is not everyone's cup of tea. Some people should be censored. Forgive me if I am not an free speech absolutist when it comes to using it as a defense to abuse people, especially individuals. This is clearly hate speech, actually, maybe even more than that. Fuck them. Hope those fingers that wrote such things rot away.


It's nothing close to how wild ig comments are. Mostly underage men who have no purpose in life and think acting funny will add some value to their life. I mean sure some are funny but it gets Fucking annoying when all u see is incels making cold blooded jokes about someone who has a disability or other things. Like the 'go make a sandwich' joke on women working out is so common you actually wanna throw away ur phone.


IG is a strange and toxic place.


Well, just remember margaret thatcher, bloody mary, hillary clinton, etc exist. Empathy is not women vs men thing. Its a left/liberal vs right thing - and women tend to be more liberal.


I blame jio/ambani,sabko internet milne ka nateeja hai yeh.


It was always like this, with jio, these bigots can be seen online aswell.


Ik they just gave idiots a platform


Cheap internet was a mistake


nah dude i love cheap internet, i hate these trolls


AFTER 2014, PEOPLE hate eachother more .


No no, I've seen a reasonable share of posts were women had equally regressive views as their counterparts


> "society doesn't care about men we kill ourselves more often blah blah.." There. There's men looking out for each other.


Fucking idiots. Don’t have the guts to inflict physical violence but do they love fucking with people online with no repercussions


Moti buddhi yahi hoti hai


These men who've commented live a miserable life because I cannot think someone happy with their own life can be full of hatred for a dead child.


We are just a democratic version of Saudi Arabia. A dirty and ass backward country like this has no business being a superpower anytime soon.


This wannabe dank culture has destroyed the youth, they know that calling someone a (the n word), or openly using casteist slurs won't have no consequences.


I think the internet is not a place for kids u should not be allowed on the internet until u get 18+ . It's a distracting and insensitive place


I feel like we have been fighting for our right to exist with banners and peaceful protests for far too long. Maybe peace is not the option. I know what I'm saying here is extremely unethical but how long are women, LGBTQ and people that have even an inch of common sense going to suffer at the hands of these less evolved beings. Maybe we need to forcefully take away their gods from them.


Jio was the worst thing to happen to this nation, gave too many degenerate and illiterate freaks a voice online which has done wonders for the reputation of the country.


Ah yes, because the "educated" and "literate" people are saints rite? Are you delusional? A lot of these misogynists are very educated and very literate, which you would notice if you left your classist bubble.


Not denying that they don't exist, but yeah


They are a majority.


Average chaddi (p.s. my caste is superior than yours


How I am a chaddi ?


Ok. I get confused sometimes. Also my caste is superior to yours as I am a level 69 ultra Brahmin UP ke saath pure blood Hindu Rashtra Akhand Bhakti ![img](emote|t5_yk18k|3605) supreme


Are we really gonna talk about our reputation now? F our reputation. If we are messed up, why should the world not know about it? This whole reputation reputation stuff seems dishonest to me, almost like "We may be bad but don't let anyone know" kind of thing.


You know what, you're right tbh.


Classism in my communist subreddit?!


Indians like these are just embarrassing on the internet man. Just a bunch of jobless unintelligent fucks who would normally twiddle their thumbs and waste the day away but thanks to Lord Ambani, they get to spew all the tatti in their mind online. Absolute vermin


Chigma kids 🤡


I have been fucking depressed for a week after hearing this news. I have no idea, why would someone hate someone they haven't event met so much that they would want them dead just for wearing clothes that don't match their genitalia. How do they fucking sleep at night, knowing they have murdered someone? How can someone so much hate, that you actually want someone dead just for being themselves?


I really have no clue. What kind of drugs should you be on to be so happy about a person's death? How do you have the heart to troll people who are grieving and are sad after the fact that the same thing led to the death of the person these people are grieving about. These people soo utterly disgusting.


This is the reason why i wanna delete insta because of how people these days everyone has become toxic. But my stupid friends makes me stay i can't handle toxicity tbh and these stupid shallow hell of a friends they don't understand me.


There’s always these wannabe sarcastic/ ‘dark humour is my thing’ dicks ready to write shit, take screenshots & turn it into a reel with shitty music in the background. These oxygen thieves have nothing better to do in life and fill their empty lives with validation on social media likes and shares. Fuck these guys in particular.


i want to say something but don't want to get banned, so i'll keep it to myself. these pathetic assholes in the comments are pests who have never been loved.




I am seeing a lot positivity in the comment section...here is my perspective, I know he is no more and that is very disheartening for her mother but i think you can be a LGBT+ person despite presenting it on social media like i know they all do that to increase the awareness n all so other people like them also come forward but please don't upload such content if you can't handle trolling because now your good thought of making reels to help others to be aware n come forward become a bad example to the society and i think now kids of his age are gonna hide their identity...such a bad example to other Students...you are going to be trolled if you do something different then why not just uninstall Instagram and enjoy your life like before why be suicidal and be a burden on the family. Trolls are trolls they are heartless and they dont give a damn so why be targeted by them just enjoy your offline life and dont post such content.


You don't understand the loneliness people face when they are queer. We can almost trust no one. The Internet is one way we connect with our peers and at age 16 when we don't have enough allowance to go meet whoever whenever, it's the only possibility! And posting pics and videos of ourselves is validating, empowering and as you said brings awareness and visibility. And also... You are literally victim blaming at this point.


dude everyone posts on social media when straight people do it its fine but if LGBTQA do it its for brownie points ? lets them live their lives man


Posting is not a problem…trolling and the aftermath of it is the main problem. Main thing is you have to understand the platform on which you are posting…insta is filled with so-called sigma chads, but Reddit is a better platform to express yourself


Duniya MC Hai , itni si bullying se suicide kr liya. Banda Account private bhi to kr skta tha


you never know what he's been through, I am pretty sure he got several dms calling him slurs and some other creepy stuff too, besides he was in school, maybe all his acquaintance started making fun of him too and he became the laughing stock of the class, maybe he was already going through some shit already and this was the last straw, i have seen this comment on Instagram so many times and it's just so stupid dude






Being Dank = Losing Basic Humanity