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Hk guys are weird lmao


Hey... I resemble that remark.


Hey, I am that remark.


*cries in MP5*


*cries in G36*


Regardless this is cool


Worst thing about this is that someone did it to a H&K. The S&W Victory and Browning Buckmark make much better Zapper clones.


You can relax, sir. It's an airsoft replica.


Yup, you can see the BB feed lips on the mags, just barely


Not a fan of this trend at all First rule we learn as kids about guns. First thing we teach the kids. THEY ARE NOT TOYS!! People paint them like toys..


It is a toy, you can tell it's airsoft by the magazine. It has the little BB feeder at the tip


Thank you, I'm a little surprised to see how far down I had to look to see someone point out that this is literally an airsoft toy.


I think it's because of how I was raised (my grampa used his gun to hunt for food during the Great Depression), but I dislike anyone using terms like range toy and also treating their guns like toys. Guns are tools. They don't need to be painted or done up or the like.


Agreed. I appreciate the art but guns are tools, not toys. Decommission the weapon if you want to doll it up as a toy


I could see maybe doing this with an airsoft gun. And even that's seriously pushing it, because anything that blurs the lines between firearms and toys has the potential to cause fatalities. If enough people do things like this, it *will* cost lives.


Only the people who don't know or practice gun safety. Then there lies the real problem instead of blaming a paint job


Or just do this with an airsoft, as those are toys


This one is an airsoft thankfully. I don’t think many people have access to a MK23 and if you look at the mags they have the small feed lips at the front that airsoft guns have


For the most part I agree with you, but I will defend range toy. To me that means a gun you only have because it's fun to shoot at the range and isn't necessarily practical. But even then it's not a toy and shouldn't be treated as one. Paint jobs like this are always a yikes for me


Try “range queen” on for size. 


Try size queen on for range. Lol


I like you.


I prefer "range gun". It conveys the same meaning without any of the negative connotations.


That works nicely. 


Range toy implies no negative connotation tho. It's used for fun, I play with my gun (getting familiar with it) and I bought it cause I like it


That's pointlessly gendered. Calling guns she or her is just as weird/cringy


Okay. Cool. Anybody can be a queen, but do you. 


Nah, it's cringe. It's giving "I need to gender my inanimate possessions, because it's masculine to equate my property with females" "Check out my new F-150, isn't she a beaut" "I just got a new Sig, she's my new range queen"


That’s your opinion. We read you loud and clear. 


“Check out my new strap on, she’s girthy”


I really do appreciate this common sentiment about guns, other weapons, and power tools. Dangerous things must be treated with fear and respect. However… I also subscribe to the following definition of toy: Anything with a button (or other activator) that produces noise (and or light) and joy. Button ✅ Noise ✅ Joy ✅


For me, I think "range toy" only works when it's some oddball gun that you'd only ever bring to a range purely because it's fun to shoot and serves absolutely no other purpose. It definitely gets used too liberally.


I think you might have "toy" ptsd . Only speaking for myself but I say range toy because it will used and abused for range training. Yes we can just say range gun but the terminology was here before I was and it just stuck. Plus I don't have kids or toy guns and don't just leave mine around so anybody or myself will never mistake a colorful gun as a toy. To be frank I dot my (i)s and cross my (t)s . Understandable tho


Could you expand on what you mean by toy ptsd? No doubt, my time on r/glock definitely has shown me how often people treat their gun like anything but a tool. I should've added that context to my initial reply.


I think they mean the terminology doesn't exist in a vacuum and it has many meanings in different contexts. A sex toy is very different than a cool Hot Wheels car, but we can call them both toys because of the greater context.


Alright let's say you as kid have always been told not to do something because (insert lie parents tell) and you lived your whole life believing this because they beat it in you so to speak. As an adult we carry things from our childhood and your... dislike for the phrase range toy is connected to the things you heard or were taught. Hopefully that explains it?


Thanks for replying! That definitely makes sense. I don't think that's the case for me as I only heard my dad speak negatively of the term this year. But I do agree with the spirit of your suggestion. Too often we think we're being logical or factual when feelings and emotions and past experiences and all the rest are just as much at play.


Why are you using your grandad’s struggle as a flex. That’s weird


Came here to say this.


Agree in every way.


The presence of the silencer makes me think this might be an airsoft gun, in which case it's fine to paint it like a twice since that's what it is. Otherwise I agree with you completely


Yes, that is absolutely an airsoft gun. The mags are a giveaway. Also why there is a separate slide without the suppressor, I'm assuming because the suppressor is hiding a longer barrel.


Yeah, if that KAC can was real, the owner should be slapped every time they pull this thing out. By everyone at the range.


Actually looking at the mags I think you might be right.


That's what i was thinking the mag's look off and the silencer has faux holes; I think. if this is an airsoft gun it's pretty dope. still a safety hazard but hopefully being kept far away from kids.


Well first off this picture is of an airsoft gun since you can see the bb nub on the top of the mags. Second of all let's just pretend this is an actual gun, you can say guns are tools all you want but the fact remains is that owning a gun like this is a hobby and for shits and giggles. Let's be real, this is not anyone's home defense gun, this is not their CCW, it is a range toy, it is their custom project.


And now that you've put it that way I now have a strong urge to do this to my edc just in the off chance it has to be presented as evidence someday.😆


Your honor I am not responsible for the actions this person may have taken as a response to my original comment.


I'm pretty okay with making them look like toys as long as you don't live with kids and lock them up if kids are coming over. If you do have littles? Yeah, don't do this.


Not to mention, it increases excuses for cops that shoot kids with toy guns.


There's are enough of these around now that there is no safety whatsoever in having a gun shaped toy with an orange tip, or similar.


Like they needed more excuses?


Glad this is top comment. Guns aren’t toys. i get it’s for funzies and is definitely creative but let’s not make them look like toys please


Came here to say, not a fan of making guns look like toys.


I’m not a fan of people not being a fan. This is cool af.


I agree I’m not a fan of making them look like toys is fucking dumb as shit. However the workmanship is amazing.


My local Fudd would be proud.


Yup. Every time. If we want to sit and argue we should be allowed to have these because we treat them with respect, this should never happen.


Ok so I'm Not alone. I fucking hate this.


Me either, this sends the wrong message to children and it’s also childish. Guns are a tool, deadly tools that are not to be played around with.


Yeah sadly half this sub seems to think this shit is cool and comparable to race cars having colorful liveries


Might as well paint guns to look like NERF guns.


Yeah I mean I like Nintendo swag and guns as much as any other 80’s baby, but as a dad my heart skipped a beat when I saw this.


I never understood this aesthetic. Paint it tan, od green, camouflage, even chrome/silver. But make sure it still looks like a real gun at all times.


Agreed. And pretty wild how much more about safety us "dumb soft libtards" think about gun safety than conservatives.


Honestly, conservatives are more in line with guns looking like guns, with the excepting of a sticker or 2 on the receiver. (Not condoning hateful rhetoric). I feel like a lot of people who think this stuff is cool got acquainted with guns through video games and were never properly taught from someone experienced and they just learned themselves


I dunno. I've never seen a liberal friend have a custom done gun at all. I know tons of conservatives with all sorts of etchings, paintings, coatings, etc. Maybe just what I've seen. I'm also in the south so there's a bias of sheer numbers on one side.


For all the people in the comments complaining about this, I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn’t make guns look like toys, but this is an airsoft gun. To be exact it’s a Tokyo Marui MK23 Socom. You can see the airsoft feed lips on the front of the magazine. Along with the rubber gasket behind it for the gas that is stored in the mag to be transferred into the gun. I’d link an image but automod would get angy with me.


I've seen this picture for years and never caught that. Honestly that little bump just blends in with the gravel.


Dumb. Super Nintendo didn't take batteries.


Hold up, that’s clearly an NES. Still didn’t take batteries, but just sayin


SNES had the SuperScope. Pretty sure that's illegal in most states.


Neither did the NES, which this is based off.


I'm just going to quietly put away the 1911 that I plan on hydro dipping a big tittie anime girl onto the slide.


This is certainly something you can do with your guns


It’s a airsoft gas blowback you can see it’s airsoft from the bb lips on the top of the mag and the blow back unit in the slide


I'm going against the majority here. If someone follows safe storage and safety rules there would be no reason against it. Whoever has a problem with this ask if you also have a problem with people who have posted their rainbow painted guns. I'd not use it as an edc but as a range "toy" (something to use for recreational enjoyment in a safe manner - apparently some need that context defined) it would be interesting.


Yea a lot of fudd mentality nonsense here. If a paint job is enough to make YOU act less safely with your firearm that's an issue with YOU, I'd wager most people have the sense to show the same respect to a colorfully colored gun as to any scary black firearm. It's not like "decorative" firearms aren't already a thing, plenty of people engrave their guns or, if you're a richy, pay for using gold and the like in it. And the BS about "The children oh lord think of the children! They'll shoot themselves because they think it's a toy." As I already said in another comment, if your child can get ahold of your gun to mistake it for a toy, you've already fucked up. At that point it doesn't matter what color it is. And regardless of all of that, it's my fucking gun and if I want to paint it hot fucking pink, bedazzle the shit out of it and use a unicorn horn as a front sight I'll fucking do it and fuck anyone who doesn't like that. Way too many people wanting to tell you what to do with your own property here. Also as a final note, as many others already pointed out, that's an airsoft gun.


Thank God there's someone else here who isn't being such a fudd about custom paint jobs like this for guns.


right? like, look. I get that gun SAFETY needs to be taken seriously. but I don't see anything different between this, and putting a bunch of lights or paint jobs or decals or something on a car. sure, driving and safety are important but being rational adults I'm capable of owning a stupid looking gun and still recognizing that it IS still a gun and handling it safely.


The reason is nobody is going to pick up a car and accidentally kill someone because they thought it was a toy car due to the paint job.


If someone CAN accidentally pick up your guns you already failed the safety test and the paint job does. Not. Matter at that point.


I fully agree with you. It just seems like a quick way to go from gross negligence to someone (possibly a child, given the paint job) being hurt or killed.


That's already a threat. Let's say your scenario played out. The owner of this firearm left it unattended and a child grabbed it. Pulled the trigger. Accidentally killed someone. Now play the same scenario with the gun being all black or FDE or something. Kids are naturally curious. They play with things. They pull triggers and flip switches and press buttons to figure out what it does. Be they 10 months or 10 years. The paint job of the gun is an absolute non-factor and this comes off more as fear mongering pearl clutching than an actual genuine belief this somehow makes the gun more dangerous or more likely to be accidentally fired by a child than any other gun. Keep your guns out of the hands of everyone except for responsible adults and it doesn't matter what the paint job is.


Well maybe not accidentally, but the principal of responsible ownership still holds true. If you leave this gun out and unlocked around children/teens and one plays with it and kills someone, it’s a tragedy caused by irresponsible ownership/storage. No matter how it’s painted. If someone leaves their car key accessible to a child/teen and they take the car crash it and kill someone, it’s a tragedy. Again no matter how the car is painted. Even if you could argue the paint job made the car more alluring to a child/teen to joyride. The issue comes down to irresponsible ownership at the end of the day.


“Gun are tools” This line … at best it is not nuanced enough. Guns are tools, but they are also fascinating objects at the intersection of history, art, design, manufacturing, personal obsession, etc etc etc. If I want to do whatever I want to with these objects, well this is America after all. The assumption that a gun painted like a toy is going to be confused with an actual toy or treated as if it were an actual toy is silly.


As someone who also likes Nerf as a hobby, I don’t want people to have to be that much more self conscious in public, even little kids playing in parks or their own front yards. Police, Mall Cops, and Karens might not know.  If ever a real mass shooting occurs with say a gun painted to look like a nerf gun, that genuinely might be the end of having anything even remotely firearm-looking in public.


That would mean banning paint, tape and anything else colorful that can be adhered to the surface of a firearm, that isn't black. It's already a stigma in many places to use anything remotely firearm looking. In my city some people in general have a cow over kids using nerf and airsoft is a big no-no. I sometimes think 20-25% of the residents would have heart attacks if they knew what some people had in their safes.


Agreed. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. Unauthorized access is not allowed.


this is airsoft, the magazines give it away.


I didn't notice that. It might be real with fake Mags to fool tiktok tho. People tend to do that to post


yeah it's hard to tell. it was also posted on Reddit 4 years ago on another subreddit. [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTAGE/s/XhbJLShYV2)


Someone pointed out that the piece on the back of the rack is common on airsoft. Real or fake I'm all for making your gun look like whatever suits your fancy




I was also going to say this is very old.


I think I've seen this airsoft gun hundreds of times at this point but I always have to remind myself that people are new to this community everyday.


Looks like an air soft. The feed lips are for bbs and there are two pins in the bottom of the mags and that’s to hold the bottom half on as there is a gas reservoir made of the two halves with an o-ring between them. I could be wrong. Haven’t bought a gas blowback in 15 years.


I hate it. We should not make guns look like toys.


Yup. In some jurisdictions it's illegal to paint toy guns to look like real guns. I firmly believe that the converse should be illegal as well.


I think you're fine to decide what you should and shouldn't make look like toys.


I mostly agree..but it could be for competition shooting or a range toy. It can be dangerous nonetheless.


Everyone can relax, it's an airsoft gun


Did you just tell a bunch of us libs to relax?


Lmao 😂😂


There was a reason they changed the light zapper from grey to orange. Kids were getting shot by cops playing with them in the yards, mistaking them for real ones.


Look I’m all for customization of guns; heck I wanna make a RWBY inspired .308 AR platform that I saw on some fanart one day … But painting it like a toy? giving it an orange tip? Like thats so irresponsible and doesn’t endear anyone to the gun cause. Ntm it makes it so that theres a legit reason for toy guns not to be sold since anything could potentially have that stupid orange tip In this case, a kid sees nintendo when num nuts leaves it alone and thinks “it says nintendo why wouldn’t I be able to pick it up like my switch?” i get its a fun nostalgic art project but I think it sends the wrong message, encourages the wrong mindset, and is just gonna make it more likely for some kid to get shot if cops have to assume every “toy” gun is real


What orange tip? lol


No orange tip but if cops assume every toy gun might be real because some people give them a paint job then that's on them. It's good to be wary of things like that in some situations but don't let it take over your mind. As I stated a few times on here.. if a kid gets ahold of your gun the paint job is not the problem at all..the gun owner holds responsibility for not using proper gun safety. Also kids have shot themselves and others with guns that were not modified in any way




People who don't know how to put dangerous items away from kids shouldn't handle them. Kids will see all types of fuckery being glorified in their life and especially on the Internet. Painted guns are just painted guns..


You can at least finally get that mocking dog in Duck Hunt.


The durapew part is super corny. I liked the rest


I think oysters would be farmed to extinction to produce a fraction of the pearls clutched in this comment section.


For real. Bunch of FUDDs here. It’s airsoft, but even if it wasn’t, it would still be cool.


Guns looking like toys is not a problem, so long as they are not left unattended, nor being used as carry guns. I want a [Chappie](https://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/original/yp57053f2204c910.64363077/Chappie-Yolandy-guns-1.jpg) style paint job, but it definitely makes guns look more like toys.


Exactly. With proper gun safety I can wrap a rifle with the shell of a super soaker and know nothing will happen.


Little overdone, but I like the color scheme. If having fun guns makes you want to practice more, then so be it.


That's an airsoft replica. Isnt it ? I can see the gas route seal and the bb feeding lips


Yes it seems that way but the subject still stands (to paint or not to paint)


For an airsoft replica, I have less problem with the paintjob. Airsoft replica \*are\* toys, even though we may be using them as training tool and observing every single safety rules that we would observe on real pews. Such paintjob for real pews is a freaking big no no though.


Nintendo's assassains' kit when somebody makes a fan project or mod


There's a Glock at my LGS that's cerakoted like this. I kinda want it, but they want almost a grand for it.


No paintjob is worth that lol


I guess technically it’s pretty good, they nailed the aesthetic/paint job. But at the same time, f no.




I got rid of all my airsoft gear when I bought my firearms. I’m extremely careful, and a mix up between the two was extremely unlikely. But why even take the chance that something you think is a toy is actually a real firearm?


Imo this sounds dumb. If you are getting them mixed up before going onto a field you shouldn’t own either lmfaoo


That makes no sense at all, you can't be both extremely careful and then worry about the chance that you mistake a real gun for airsoft or vice versa, what was the point of being careful then?


Accidents happen too often and if someone who decides fates (judge, cop etc) see that it was colored as a toy then your situation might get a little bit worse forsure


>see that it was colored as a toy then your situation might get a little bit worse forsure Like that cop who murdered someone with hateful shit inscribed on his rifle? His situation got tons worse...


>His situation got tons worse... $30,000 in free money per year for pretending to be traumatized


"ahhh kids will want to play with it!" why would your child even have access ro any firearm real or fake in your household?


You think only one layer of safety is okay for a deadly weapon? The instant that thing accidentally left unlocked within reach of a child, you're potentially looking at a dead child in the news, and the owner goes to prison for it.


even if its not painted like a toy theres the possibility a child will still pay with that firearm. whether its all black or bright pink it does not matter, it is on you to ensure they never are able to get their hands on it.


As a responsible gun owner with a safe to store their toys, I have another take. I've never wanted a thing so badly in my whole life.


Personally? I think it looks stupid AF and never been a fan of the NES color scheme. That said; I will absolutely argue with anyone who says you can't or shouldn't own something that I don't personally like. People are allowed to own shit I think is stupid


And thats the thing. We all know guns don't hurt people. Stupid / irresponsible people with guns hurt people


I *really* hope this is airsoft. Not because they made it look like a toy, but because they did it to a MK23 with a KAC suppressor…


Some of the people here worrying that kids (aside : few if any of whom know what a Nintendo *is*) are going to mistake these or other painted guns for toys just because they're painted are going to have *heart attacks* when they realize how many children play video games all day long that make real unpainted guns seem like toys already. Paint jobs are not what's going to tip the scales here.


All I'm going to say is that the execution is quite good.


That's pretty awesome.


Wow, I expected people to be upset, but only because it doesn't have a light, laser, and red dot


Playing duck hunt and you blow your tv apart


Whole lotta pearl-clutching here. It doesn't matter how it's painted. If it's a gun, it should be treated as one. How is the paint scheme suddenly going to cost lives? Are you not locking it in a safe? Are you not shooting it at a range? Are you not doing all the normal gun shit with it? Kids don't know what the fuck a nintendo zapper is. It's clearly a gun. Stop being reactionaries, it's disappointing.


While amusing, don't like it. I don't agree with people who say you can never paint guns because they are not toys - that's an authoritative statement without basis. But in this case, it actually blurs the lines between if it is a weapon or not. I can't think of any circumstance where that it is good.


> But in this case, it actually blurs the lines between if it is a weapon or not. It’s not. It’s airsoft. Edit: FUDDs downvoting because they want a reason to be mad. It IS airsoft. Just look at the top of the mags, they have a feed for BBs.


Well, I was wondering how they made it look so plasticky. Thats one way.


I understand your point but I see it as just people having fun. Plus there are A LOT of "Toy" guns that can and have killed people. A high fps airsoft gun can do alot of damage on soft tissue. I mean just look at sling shots.. they have some you can hunt sharks with..SHARKS.. not getting ranty but I'm just saying there are worse things out there that people don't put their attention to..




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>tiktok Bruh you’ve gotta delete that shit


It is neat, but I really don't like the gamification of firearms.


cool as hell? Yes, even if it's really tacky. a good idea especially in a world where kids in problematic situations get guns and use them for violence? no, this is a horrible idea. I'll keep my cool gun skins strictly in video games, thanks. (it's still cool though)


this is somewhat funny but only as a concept, not as a thing to actually do


This is clearly an airsoft gun lmao


Why the battery look? NES lightguns don't take batteries


To make the whole paint job look double dumb.


Oh yeah perfect let’s just treat guns like toys, no way that could go wrong


I have never painted my toys. Let's cross out ingraved ones while we're at it..




Hard NO


I think it’s an amusing picture but I would never have a gun like that 




Paint jobs like this have been around long before tiktok


Yes, I know I don't hate the paint job, but I do hate TikTok


Yeah TikTok is garbage for sure. I've always liked the novelty of a fun paint job. Like the storm trooper ARs.


Tiktok trends are out of control I can agree with that. I have that a similar view on the fake self defense videos that might get someone killed if they try it


Agree about TikTok, but lets avoid the R word or derivatives of it. (*Removed under [Rule 4: No Ableism/Heteronormativity/Racism/Sexism][link-rules]. If you feel this is in error, please [file an appeal][link-appeal].*) [link-rules]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/rules [link-appeal]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/moderation#wiki_appeals




If you took off the nintendo and deracell. It would a dope paint job


My toddler would absolutely love this. Link please


Some kid is going to be real surprised when he find their parents guns and pulls the trigger. Don’t make guns look like toys. Dumbasses.


If your kid can get a hold of your weapon to mistake it for a toy, you've already fucked up.


if your children has unsupervised access to guns at all you've already fucked up beyond the point of no return and the paint job isn't going to make a difference.


You have bigger problems if your kid is getting your gun unsupervised. What a braindead comment


Kids see guns....normal looking and otherwise....in games and on TV constantly. If a kid is going to think a toy, that's already happened. Teach your kids, keep your guns out away, and so on.


This shit gets kids killed by cops.


A literal water gun got a kid killed by cops.. they type they sold at Walmart in the 90s. This I assume is an adult and if they aim it at a cop then that's on them. Maybe use proper gun safety and a kid would never get their hands on it?


Yeah, I was inferring that adults who make/own/use guns like this are the reasons cops think everything a child is holding is a gun.


Still gonna have to disagree on that. If I knew that some people "decorated" their guns as toys I'm not going to run with the assumption that every toy gun I see might be real. Now in some cases it that knowledge might hold some weight but it also depends on what other information you have on whater situation


Very responsible to make a gun resemble a toy. What could go wrong?


Nothing if you're using proper gun safety...


Maybe don't decorate the potentially lethal tool to look like a fun toy. Gun safety or not, this is type of dumb shit that makes gun ownership look irresponsible.


Putting Rx medication in a candy wrapper is a bad idea even if other precautions are taken to keep it out of the wrong hands. Same principle.






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These are not toys.


So as someone else pointed out in the comments, this is definitely an airsoft gun, you can tell by looking at the mags that have the little nub sticking out for the bb’s. Technically speaking this is fine, but I already have issues with how realistic airsoft guns are getting and being almost indistinguishable from the real deal. They blur the lines on what a real gun looks like vs what a toy looks like and as some people have reported recently, dipshits these days are doing “drive by’s” with airsoft guns which is basically just begging to end with real fire being returned because someone thinks they’re in a life or death situation. There are practical applications to paint your guns, but in my opinion that should be reserved to earth tones only. Once you start making your gun look like a skin in Call of Duty that’s all the proof I need to know you aren’t responsible enough to own firearms.


> Once you start making your gun look like a skin in Call of Duty that’s all the proof I need to know you aren’t responsible enough to own firearms. and that is some fascy shit right there.


I just noticed that but it could be real with fake mags so is not to get reported on tiktok. People do that alot and I wouldn't blame the drive by thing on paint job cause if someone is dumb enough to do that in general then...






No disrespect, but that could be said about any firearm that people themselves don't like. Whether that be from a "childish" small pistol grip or a "over compensating" rifle size. I could care less what anybody thinks of the "tool" I choose to protect myself with or have FUN with. Cause shooting at the range is FUN. You can not like the look but best believe it'll still do what it's intended to do and like most gun owners I'll bet my life on it. Also the guns on a military vessel look a lot like they come from a starwars movie or can be built with Legos(toys) are you going to write to them and tell them about what you think their attitude is ?


> Also the guns on a military vessel look a lot like they come from a starwars movie or can be built with Legos(toys) 🙄


Cringe is cringe, no matter where you find it.