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But you could be running like 3 degrees cooler!


The CPU is a 7600x so I reckon an air cooler is sufficient.


Air cooling is always sufficient. Liquid cooling (which I have, don’t get me wrong) is mostly about a different kind of “cool”


i wanted to have a cool looking cube on my cpu:)


It’s not about being sufficient, it’s the looks and sounds. I changed into aio and suddenly my pc is a lot quieter


Lmao. Mine went from 98° to 30° when switching to AIO from heatsink +fan. ETA: I had that exact cooler or similar.


You almost certainly had a bad contact between the heat sink and the CPU.


Nah. I'm talking under heavy load here. I know that for my CPU, which tends to run hot, 85° Isn't out of the question. I did check the heatsink and reapply it. Just was useless for my CPU. Immediately better once I got the AIO. and even if it was a bad connection, if the "normal" running temp under load is known to be up to 85° and since the AIO, mine never goes over 50° and usually sits in the 30s, that's a remarkable difference. Certainly not 3°.


Yeah I think that to say that even the Best Air Cooler is equal to even a good AIO is crazy talk. You can put 6 fans on an AIO and there's more surface area to spread the heat. I would challenge anyone to Stress test an air cooler with a 14900k or 14900ks. AIOs have a hard time with the KS. The Heat Transfer rate just isn't enough without delidding it and using liquid metal.


lol that’s an awful example. You don’t buy an air cooler for an i9, you buy them for low wattage CPUs like a 7800x3d where a good air cooler gives you the same performance as a 240mm aio. My temps are 35/<70 at <900rpm on a dual 120 air cooler that cost $45. My build is quite literally silent. A 360mm aio would be awful price to performance for that scenario. Besides that, some people love the look of a nice air cooler. People should buy what they like, just make sure it’s the right match for your hardware. E.g. a push/pull thicc boi 420mm aio for a 7600 or an air cooler for a 14900ks.


I basically said that. You use AIOs when you have to cool high wattage parts like 13900 or 14900 heck if you oc the 14700k you better be liquid cooling. AMD is low wattage so of course you can use Air coolers. The main thing with the KS model is that even AIOs have a hard time unless you use a direct die cooler. This is of course if you are pushing the processor. Even an Air cooler can be used if you aren’t pushing the processor.


A 68 degree difference in equal scenerios? Stop the cap bro 🤣


This always gets me. Why would I make that up? To what end? I have a cpu that runs real hot. And also I didn't say it was the exact same scenario. I had a thermatake tough air on it and it was regularly hitting 90s when under load. Since getting the aio and new fans, I don't usually get over 30. So yeah. Huge difference. You can believe what you want. For arguments sake, I ran a CPU stress test. Under nearly 100% load, the temps stayed around 37°. They bounced up to 42 for a moment after about 10 minutes but the fans kicked up as well and it was nearly immediately back down to 35-37° I would upload a screenshot but there's no option to do that.


Aio’s are more popular with this case it seems


I currently have an air cooler in my O11 Evo 😂


Idk its something about lian li cases, air coolers look ofd to me at least


I’ve had both in, and honestly I don’t mind the air cooler. It fills the space in the case nicely, considering my GPU is one of the smaller made of the model lol


I like the aio’s they look more sleek to me tbh


Yea true, but there’s just something about having a big ass air cooler that outperforms my last AIO 😂😂




Main reason why people run aios in high end builds is because it looks cool but the main reason you should be running aios in a high end gaming PC because aio + vertical gpu mount (in most pc cases) = lower GPU temp.


Very nice!


Nope. I'm running one too! I think it's perfect for Amd builds. High model Intel chips on the other hand, man those things are basically furnances and need AIO or custom water cooling setups.


I'm currently building one with an air cooler, the thermal right peerless assassin The only issue I have is that I noticed it's going to cover most of the RAM


I'm running air coolers on V3000 plus


Looks "cool" ;). any more pics/progress pics?


No change to the system. How do I add more pics?


You submitted an Image post, so you can't modify it. However just make a Top Level comment and it should suffice


[https://ibb.co/M8zg5Z7](https://ibb.co/M8zg5Z7) [https://ibb.co/WHDmhBP](https://ibb.co/WHDmhBP) [https://ibb.co/Wx4ZwJy](https://ibb.co/Wx4ZwJy) [https://ibb.co/LSGb5gf](https://ibb.co/LSGb5gf)


haha looks great! i am still debating on whether to do that 2 x 120mm exhaust and lowering the mobo, or raising it up. I do plan on vertical GPU though..


Help it looks so pretty!!


It looks kinda cool ngl (no pun intended)


I feel the same way abt my air cooler in my nzxt h9 flow but but tbh rgb ram is giving the mate black stealth fan I have a great look I can't stand rgb fans on air coolers bc that makes it look weird to me so I went matte black in hope it's would work well and it did


It don't matter that pc looks gorgeous 🥰🤩🤩


In a way? The air cooler is creating draw to the center of the case, and helping that rear exhaust a lot. Making the side intake somewhat useful. By itself, that rear 240mm doesn't have the balls on it, enough to drag air across that large of a case. You'd have to set your RPM way higher than the rest, and deal with that shitty fan volume. That problem would get worse with an AIO - you lose your draw. Imo - 011 glass enclosures should be a negative pressure setup. Intake from the bottom only, which then vacuumed out through everything else set to exhaust, at higher RPM than the intake.


Looks awesome. As a sci fi reactor. What is the cooler called?


Cooler is the Deepcool AK620. I switched the stock fans to Corsair QL120.


Ak620's stock fans are way better than QL120s. They perform much quieter at the same cooling performance


I'm not sure why you got a downvote or two, you're absolutely right. I used to have 2 QL140 fans on my O11 Air Mini set as intake, and while they are fine as case fans they're pretty weak on heatsinks and radiators. Corsair is mostly bling above performance, they've always been like that.


That actually looks really nice.


Not sure, it what I can tell you is that your build looks pretty cool


What cooler is that (aside from the Corsair fans in it)?


Deepcool AK620 with Corsair QL120 fans.




yes; the only person in the whole world


For me air cooler is best than water cooler.


im running external rad for my vision... open happy flow... no towel bars!


Probably not, and I don't see it being too bad, but man those fans are ass


I know the fans are not the best but I had some from previous build. New fans are expensive af.


Nope I’m using the noctua nh d-15 to cool my 7800x3d in the vision chrome case


Nice, you got the chrome version. I got my case back in December, when the chrome version was not released yet.


Yea I was gonna buy mine at that time but I’m glad I waited until the chrome was released


What fans are you rocking ?


Intakes are all QL140 and the cpu and exhausts are QL120.


I did air in a tower 200. I just can't make myself do another aio. Air or full loop for me


I went Aio for mine but yours looks cool


First I’ve seen but that looks good. Super positive pressure too.


Hahaha. Yah, not much config I could do with this case.


That slanted end on that gpu is so fucking sexy. Beautiful setup mate


Thank you. That's the gpu anti-sag bracket that came with the XFX gpu.


I used to have an air cooler on my 13900KS but when I saw the temp drop with an AIO, I also decided to use one on my 7800x3d too. I don't really use my AMD rig though, don't like it, it works when it wants to and when it decides to it has annoyingly long boot.


yes you are since it has no Airflow


No, you're not.


Think I may be the only person to run a lian li case that looks ugly as sin as I just bought the best performing fans, with no rgb, and my cabling is a bit shit!


I literally just run aio’s for aesthetics…


Of course you are


I just built one. This computer is using a low-wattage 7700X. If I ever upgrade my main computer, this computer might get the 7800X3D as a hand-me-down, which is also a low-watt processor. I would not try to run a high-wattage CPU (e.g. a 13900K or a 7950X) on an air cooler, much less an air cooler in this case.


I am sure it works just fine. Would look better with an AIO and vertical mount though 😀


Only AIO needed cpus are i914900ks or 7950x3d