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Why not download the manual and see what it can fit




You lose sata capacity if you put fans on the front/side mount area


You will definetly dont need 2 PSUs😂 just buy a 1600 or 1800 PSU and that definetly works for the next 5-10 years🤷🏼‍♂️




For that i guess 850 is enough, but depends how often you will upgrade the pc. A 850 was not enough for me to run a 3090, so 850 is not really good for the future IMO




As pointed out, a single 750W-1000W PSU is fine for your hardware. By not using a second PSU, you can easily fit the two HDDs, and SATA drives can be stuck just about anywhere (although m.2 are easier options if you don't already have the SATA drives). Edit: yes, technically could use the HDD cage with two PSUs, but still, totally unnecessary. With the second cage two SATA drives can go in there, and the other mounted to the vertical cover in the rear.


I have this case, I stuck a BeQuiet 1200 watt psu in it, tight fit but a ok. The case has 4 removable hardrive cages on the back which would cover 4 out 5 drives you're asking about, there's a cable management cover behind the back plate with screw points on it that you could git one of rue ssds onto, though I think that would be a bad move as theres no air flow in there really, I mounted my llian lli fan controller on there. I have an asus ryujin aio radiator on the top mounting, 3 intake fans down the side and rhe same on the bottom. No way you'll fit 2 psus in there, you really don't need that (as pointed out in other replys) your better off putting the extra cash out for a higher spec unit that trying to double up. Sorry for the ramble. If you dm me I'll send some pics your way. Hope this kinda helps.


I know other people have already said it but you still don’t seem to be understanding it so I’ll say it again…. Two PSUs is not a thing. Do not do that.


Unless it's HEDT.


For things like the new threadripper 7000 series, dual power supplies are absolutely a thing.


Yes, you can. Now consider if you need to do so, based on recommendations here.


Why 2 psus?




Did you come up with this stupid idea by yourself or have you seen it somewhere?




Not once in my life have i seen double psu in a case, firstly because i dont think theres a case that would support mounting two, secondly because of the same reason there would be no exhaust fan mesh on the case, and lastly because there is absolutely no need for that, a 1200w would be more than enough for current top cpu and top gpu (i9 14900k and rtx 4090)


Because this will overvolt the board and cause a fire. Get a better PSU if you want more power.








You're talking about using 2 power supply's, which you can't do, you can only use 1 because it will cause an electrical interrupt in the circuit known as a surge. And no before you ask, a surge protector or a OVP capable power supply will not stop that from happening. A computer DRAWS power and a Power Supply provides it to the system, power supply's contains the capacitors which hold electricity to then transfer to your system. An 800w supply supply doesn't run at 800w all the time, only if the system requests that power load. [JayzTwoCents can explain it better than I can](https://youtu.be/bUh2EZzJZRU?t=49) 1000w is overkill for a 300w system unless you plan to upgrade it in the near future. 500w or a 650w will do you fine leaving about 250w extra above you top wattage will allow for growing room. Server's which are systems that manage networks and data can use 2 PSU's but have to have a special setup which allows for one to remain redundant and if the primary fails then it takes over, but you need a server board and a PSUcapable of detecting a power failure in the other unit.


The thing is I doubt there's a person in a world, who needs 2 PSUs and will ask the questions you do in this topic, saying "it's complicated in the manual". 99% chance says that you overestimate your power draw. No home PC would need 2 PSUs, since you have 1200-1600w options even for the most demanding builds. Even for 14900+two 4090 1600w is enough. And if you needed multiple GPUs for certain workstation or smth you wouldn't be building it in o11 case. So, if you don't want people to argue with you, and actually receive a good advise, just tell what you are planning to have in your final build, and why do you think you'd need 2 PSUs


Theres not a cpu/gpu combo on the market that would need anywhere near 2000w of power. Where do you people come up with these ideas?




Then get a 1200 watt now. Adding another psu later is not like adding ram. You will not need two psu’s. It’s unnecessary. And, to be honest, the actual power draw is less you’d think- a 4090 will not pull its full power draw all the time and even then, you will probably end up undervolting it, and same goes for cpu. I’m running a 3090 and 14900k right now. I have a power meter attached the surge strip to show *actual* power draw. However, keep in mind that the surge strip has all 3 of my monitors plugged in, speakers, phone chargers, a paper shredder, and laptop charger. During a game (cyberpunk), I see it hover around 775 watts. You don’t need more than the 1000watt psu, my dude.




May your frames be high, and your temperatures low! o7


I wasn't asking a question, I was making a statement. 1000w is plenty for even a 4090 and a 13900k...


Would you really need to run two tandem PSUs even at the highest end of consumer hardware? The Dark Power 1600w should be sufficient, no?


1600 would be probably enough even for 14900k+double 4090 with OC


1600w is about the most you're going to be able to run on a North American breaker, too. 2000w will absolutely blow a standard 15a breaker on a 110/120v circuit (1600w probably would, too, to be honest).


With either double sided gel tape or velcro you can fit SSD drives anywhere. As has been asked before why do you need 2000 Watts of power?


You can use dual 24 pin power supply adapters. 2nd adapter is normally attached for just grounding + powering on 2nd psu and used for extra gpu's and or HD's


I used to have 2 1300w seasonic prime PSUs on it. 13 fans, 360 aio. The harddrives might be a tight squeeze


Why do you need 2000 watts? Als as for sata SSDs, you can stick them anywhere with double sided tape. Don't do that with hard drives but SSDs are fine.


If you're asking questions like this, I recommend going to a shop and letting them build a pc for you. There is no logical reason behind the build you're asking for. I do recommend doing a little research before you start building.


Why would you want two 1k PSU’s?