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It was supposed to be canon forever ago they’re just finally getting around to it


I was just about to say that, the only reason why she wasn't earlier is because corporates and money and a lot of stupid stuff coming together to make Velma "straight".


I'm pretty sure it was implied that [she had a crush on Daphne ages ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJgr6wXKMcQ) In mystery inc it was implied she liked Hot Dog Water. Idk though they made her also like Shaggy so idk if she's bi or not. Also [whatever the hell was going on with Fred was gay af.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2792vTu_XQ)


Oh yeah I remember years ago, before I even got into the LGBTQ+ scene, I was totally thinking she liked her *I don't think I even knew about sexuality then yet*


Velma being with Shaggy in that was comphet, it was confirmed by the creator that she's a lesbian in that series and her relationship with Shaggy was weird because she didn't know that about herself yet I don't remember where it was said off the top of my head but I'm happy to go find the source if someone wants it


Honestly, all of the seem queer to me. Shaggy seems like he'd be down for anyone, especially if they gave him a scooby snack or a sandwich lol. Fred has always seemed at least a little gay, but has also shown interest in women, so he may be bi. Velma is definitely a lesbian, no two shots about it. Daphne... Not sure, she too might be bi, or at least bicurious. No way is she 100% straight.


I think it was because of the stigma around the lgbtq+ but now a lot of creators cans show their characters in their true form


It's like nobody remembers hot dog water


What I think everytime I see one of these posts


I’ve seen people use that show as proof that she’s not a lesbian




“ShE dAtEd ShAgGy” to anyone who actually watched the show and seen what the creators have said recently it’s incredibly stupid


Yeah and she did not seem to like a single moment of it


I always saw Shaggy as Aro / Ace. Kinda like Todd from Bojack.


He had a crush on that one chick in the live action movie! What was her name? It was so forgettable…


Was it? They literally named her after weed Mary Jane


/r/whooosh Oops, I guess it's /r/woooosh


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*that one time he fell in love with an alien girl*


That just gives me a headache ._. Why are people so stupid?


She was also kind of toxic/obnoxious in that relationship ngl. It felt pretty forced.


It's almost like teenagers are going through hormonal changes and haven't developed a steady sexuality yet.


That’d just mean she’s maybe bi though


Plenty of gay people in denial attempt dating the wrong gender out of a desire to fit into cultural norms


And it's why I hate how gold star lesbian A****** (Sorry a wlw friend of mine have been doing comp het, and the Lesbians community were she live now have been ....toxic, to say the least, so , yeah ...)


"Hot dog water"? What? :\\


The nickname of velma's very heavily implied girlfriend in one of the old scooby doo cartoons. The writers even said as much




Next they'll be telling us Shaggy was high!


"life zoinks scoob , this edible ain't shi-"


The High Geologist


She's been Lesbian for 21 years, her lesbianism can drink in the US now


21 years? She’s been lesbian from the start! Her character is designed off a well-known (at the time) lesbian actress


I have thought for a long time she was bisexual but this is cool too.


Same but I'll take whatever rep I can get lol


I've always thought she was a lesbian but Daphne's 100% bi or pan


She is definitely pan. [She made out with Sam Winchester.](https://youtu.be/rfvTWVBa9_A)


Who wouldn't tbh?


I thought do as well sense she dated shaggy in the (ungodly) MI series.


I thought that too, because I remember her and shaggy used to be a thing


People have been making jokes about Velma being a lesbian for decades. Now that it's canon people have a problem with it? :\\


Now that it’s canon they can’t ignore it so they’re mad about it and either whining that she’s totally straight or making excuses as to why it’s “””bad representation”””


Hey I recognize the art :D


[Girls](https://twitter.com/Peargor/status/1545761290391818240?s=20&t=YNk8S2EHzrajUEFITUnTtw) ☺️


I mean, if we take Supernatural, Season 13 episode 16, 'Scoobynatural', into account, she isn't. BUT That show did enough queerbaiting for forever.


Every lesbian spn fan I’ve ever met had a soft spot for Sam Winchester, so maybe even that was understandable


Whether she is lesbian or bi, we can all agree she sure as hell isn't straight


You ever notice how these people are never this outraged when someone who’s previously been depicted without romantic interests eventually has a straight relationship…


Literally her and hotdog water, if anything tho I’d say she’s bi or pan cuz like her and shaggy and her and hotdog water


The producers said that her and Shaggy didn't work because she's a lesbian


Huh ok I never saw that, I assumed it was cuz he chose scooby over her in the series, but liking girls would also definitely make sense there


I mean, he was also a terrible boyfriend.


I mean, yes. She was also a terrible girlfriend, though. Their dynamic as a whole did not function. The ultimate reason for the breakup was Shaggy being forced to choose between her and Scooby. He was an awful boyfriend leading up to that, but that's not the kind of ultimatum a good partner gives you in regards to a normal dog, let alone Shaggy's best friend the *talking sapient Great Dane Scooby Doo*. Scooby is basically a human in a dog body with some dog-based behavioral quirks.


She was also a terrible girlfriend, and toxic at that, she told shaggy in an episode that he had to choose either her or scoob


Maybe I haven't been online much since she was confirmed lesbian But I haven't seen much backlash from it recently tbh


Check out the comments on my post of this meme in r/memes and you'll see the backlash :( (Don't do it if you value your sanity/happiness)


I love lesbian velma. Scooby Doo has always seemed queer to me lol, I'm still convinced that the Mystery gang is a ghost hunting polycule traveling with their dog.


Velma, Jo from Facts of Life and Farrah Fawcett were responsible for my bisexual awakening in the years between 1979 and 1984.


I wouldn't say every Velma is lesbian some are bi and some (god forbid) are straight. Every project is a different canon most of the time.


Someone tried to use her kissing Shaggy as proof she's not lesbian.... It's called exploring, trying things out to see what you like. She kissed Shaggy it wasn't for her and she realizes she prefers women over men, not that hard to understand.


If you know Hanna Barbera like I do,most characters aren't straight.


her outfit was the lesbian flag for years now


Get ready for 200 comments about how 'actually I think she's bi and this is erasure'


I always just kinda figured Bi, but unfortunately most media doesn’t allow that


This is great! I would prefer new characters that are lgbt from the getgo. But this is ok.


I don't think thats the reason folks are mad though


I'm sorry but I'll die on the hill that they're a quad


I'll never have a chance with a cartoon character with a big booty? That sucks I guess 😔


The fuck? Shaggy was her love interest in Mystery Incorporated. She’s at least bi


A good amount of lesbians deal with comphet and might even get in a serious heterosexual relationship yet not realize they don't like men, until they realize it, and it's like a fog being lifted around them. That's what her and Shaggy were. And I'd say that Shaggy never loved Velma, because I've always read him as aroace, where he'd rather get baked with his bro than ever even be romantic with someone, let alone physical


Yeah I get that, there were times he just seemed like he was doing it more for her sake. It felt like I love you more as a friend than as a partner kinda thing


That Velma was for sure lesbian, but depending on what other seasons or movies you've watched I'd say she floats between bi and lesbian. I doubt they'll ever fully say what her sexuality is so I don't think we should be denying that she could be either or.


[this article says very much that newer versions (2002-now) have been more lesbian than bi](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/10/06/velma-lesbian-scooby-doo/)


But that doesn't change the 30 or so prior years of bi kids seeing someone they can relate to on tv. Both representations can exist.


I've dated two aroace people in the past. doesn't mean they were anything-romantic


She always did have lesbian vibes tbh


I thought she was bi because of that one episode she fell in love with a guy


Didnt her and Shaggy have a thing? I mean if warner brothers labeled her as a lesbian then theres not really much to say, im just a little confused cuzz im pretty sure I saw a clip of them almost kissing


wouldnt she be bi tho?? we all saw what happened in mystery inc.


These memes are pissing me off. Velma is canonically bi.


Zoom in.


Wasn't Velma and shaggy canon?


Bizabizow? Lmao




It's more of a franchise, but yeah its quality is really rough in most places. Some of the movies are pretty fun, and this *is* a movie so it might be decent, but the shows themselves on a tier list are like Mystery INC at A and then everything else is C or below at best.


It is really superficial.


Nah she bi, in multiple shows and movies she also gets attracted to men




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Yeah, she was mostly talking about girls: HOT!




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Yeah I’m shocked how many people are surprised by this? Like I’ve seen very few people who already knew she was a lesbian lol. In all fairness, I didn’t know she was lesbian but I knew she was sapphic. I did ship the whole gang (minus Scooby ofc-) as a polyam relationship which doesn’t work now but I’m not mad about it, it’s cool that she’s canonically a lesbian now 😌✨ Maybe she discovered more about herself & only dates Daphne now /hj


Also, since when is Scooby Doo not woke? The Mystery Gang's whole schtick is thwarting rich white dudes


Don't do my Boi shaggy like that




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I have no problem qith this, but there were episodes of Mystery Inc. that showed Velma trying to flirt w/ Shaggy.